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He answered the question as they moved.

"Yes and no, it would depend on what is most cost-effective, keeping the barrier to offer protection for the city or using the extra firepower. If the big brass decides to keep the barrier it will hold for a while but I doubt the enemy doesn't have something prepared in advance to break through, remember this was a siege, which means time is in their favor, not ours, and if they got half the preparations I think they did then they likely waited this long because it was easier" And knowing the paranoid old man he probably had anticipated that the wait would make them fight all the harder "

Their arrival at the guardhouse was quick and perhaps they still had some luck left as the guildmaster was fit to see them right away.

Once pleasantries were exchanged Adam beat him to the punch and spoke first.
“Unfortunately, I messed up, and I'm sorry for that. First, I never mentioned to anyone that the enemy can see Source Mail messages and interfere with communications. And second, I overlooked that fact when sending my letter, so now the Witch Queen knows we knew when they were going to attack. Frankly, they probably have a new plan now. Again, I apologize for the mistake.”

He wasn't very good at it.

Once more he was reminded about this particular habit of his friend and not for the first time he felt some faint irritation, it was... frustrating to hear Adam talk like that sometimes. He was a good man and an even better friend but this was one of his traits that needed sometimes got out of control.

But that was okay, this was one of the very few things he could help with.

Giving Adam a few pats on the back he signaled to him he wanted to speak, then took a step forward "I am afraid that the Witch Queen has access to Hacking, I am unaware if she does it herself or if she has a specialist to do it" He gave a few shakes of the head then resumed "Back when we received the message we found it to have been tempered by her, even now I don't think my party knows about 'Hacking', I only know because special circumstances regarding a Blessing from Lathop"

Use the 'we' to signify the whole party, making it clear Adam wasn't alone, explaining they were ignorant but leaving enough rope to involve him.

"At the time we were extremely distraught by the contents and I think we subconsciously pushed the matter aside, the aforementioned Blessing had certain consequences to my physique which resulted in a pathological fear of the Witch Queen" He gestured towards Adam "It wasn't until my teammate here realized he had been using the guild services to send a message that he made the connection that if She could temper with our message, she may be spying on all of Valhaim's"

Involve them, it was their service that was tampered with, also elevate Adam's contribution, he was the one to discover it. He wasn't good at politics, not really, but even he wasn't blind enough to ignore how valuable they were to the whole city during the attack, with all the contributions they had made it was unlikely they would be punished, if he was a betting man he would say the matter would be swept under the rug. Still, it was better late than never, he doubted Adam was the only person using the service during these last days, and sure he may be the only Druid to do so, but there was no telling what other secrets were leaked.

After some further questioning, they were released and back to the Mended Drum.

Mac news was something that he would have welcomed any other day, but in this one in particular he was just silently waiting for one last kick in the nuts to end the day.

It was just one of those.

However, before he went to sleep he made sure to impart some last words to Adam.

"Hey Adam, Tree-Man, look, this may have been a fuckup but it was a collective fuckup, any of us should have reported the entire thing the moment we found out about it, hell I doubt you are the only one who send messages, there are a lot of Adventurers around and I bet a couple of them have friends and family outside" He took a couple seconds to think the right words "Look what I am saying is don't beat yourself too much over it m'kay? I know you are your harshest critic and truthfully thoughts like that will just make you suffer for nothing. Better focus in what is to come"

He gave the man a couple pats on the shoulder before biding him goodnight and then retreating to his room.

What a shitday.

In Regalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@Teyao I demand a bromance-valry between the Regalias of Fire and Water

I have done part 1 and 2 of my post. Hope to have part 3 done tonight, then it should be posted after that most likely.

On a random side note, Teyao, I have never had a good experience that started with the words "Hello Miss" ! I might have had Nia in character get the ick if greeted that way. 😃

If that was something down the line if ours ever met, if you wanted to lean into it or avoid.

That would be extremly funny, though it was my intention for the words to be slighly weird, he just thought about creating a mess for no other reason that because it would be glorius conflict and is restraining himself.
In Regalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

[Location] ?, ?
[Time] ?, ??:?? ??
[Interactions] @?

He was rewarded with an expression of ecstasy as his sword pierced through his follower's core. The man kept a serene smile as the bell tolled, his face a mask of content bliss, shining rivulets of light sprouting from his eye sockets as liquid streams of crimson flare escaped his wound. The warmth of the blaze spread over his hands, almost searing, and for a fleeting second, it was as if he could feel the man's heartbeat in his grip, pulsing, slowing, then stopping.


He turned around, smoky, whispered words called to him from somewhere distant and yet so close. They tugged at his senses, pulling him down and down as a hail of death tore through the night. The sound was sharp and vicious, each projectile cutting through the night with a high-pitched whine, furious as their intention to end him was wasted in a barely passable attempt, in response his sword swung in a smooth arc, his will was made manifest, and a barrier of fire was erected. The heat hugged the air, sealing him from the world in a flaming embrace, obscuring his form and fooling each cruel projectile's trajectory to mere fingers away from himself. Then he charged through it.

The flames clung to him, a second skin that felt fitting, flickering, and growing with every step. He moved forward, but the world around him blurred, shapes melting into a colorful mess, the ground beneath his feet dissolving into nothingness as the faceless figures looked at him as mere shadows, hollow eyes pleading, begging to be released from their dark shackles. The whispered words grew louder, but not clearer, twisting through the smoke like tendrils of thought. He couldn’t grasp them, but he didn’t need to. The fire knew. The fire always knew. It moved through him, and he through it, every breath feeding the flickering mass, every beat of his heart reverberating in the flames around him.

It took an eternity and a second to reach them, his body a remnant of a fragment and his sword a living blaze, he was burning, he was living, he was where he was supposed to be, he would grant them-

[Location] Landow, Estren
[Time] Sunday, 04:00 AM
[Interactions] @N/A

Consciousness returned slowly, almost painfully so for one accustomed to early mornings like him.

It may have been a mistake to drink so much last(?) night but after he had managed to obtain a pass for a renowned liquor store it would have been such a shame to squander it, what with that friendly fellow with the deep pockets who kept throwing them around. Plus the old man always said that knowing when to rest and relax was another form of discipline.

Stretching he looked at the bench that served as his impromptu bed, from what he could remember from the night before he had been out partying with someone, the same kind patron that sponsored his way to drunkness and recklessness. However, it appeared that at some point he had decided it was a good idea to wander alone through a park before sleep caught up to him. Quietly he checked his belongings. Sword, wallet, and everything valuable was still on his person, besides the bench rested his pack with his extra clothes and necessities. The only thing missing was that alluring and expensive bottle of Spieran Fire Wine he distinctly remembered but maybe that was a good thing.

After making sure everything was where he had left it and he hadn't been mugged in his sleep he decided to head to the ritual proceedings, the Festival of Lights had been the whole reason he came to this little city in the first place. The old man rarely spoke about his past, it had been only once that he had managed to get him drunk enough to recall one of his visits to the Festival and as he was near the area he decided it was a good enough excuse to wander in.

He wondered what destiny would show him here.

[Location] Landow, Estren
[Time] Sunday, 06:00 AM
[Interactions] @Mirandae

There was a hunger stirring inside of his chest, a roaring beast that became restless at the sight of the two known Regalia, like him they could access powers others dreamed off, like him they had caught the Gaze of something far beyond them, unlike him they had decided to attend the Festival and the following ceremony without hiding their identities.

Laura Genevieve - Regalia of Gaia

Aethalos Vephariel - Regalia of Leviathan

The flame inside his heart was dancing with joy at the prospect of pitting his strength against them, would he win? Would he lose? Would he die? All acceptable outcomes for a clash of such proportions. Briefly, he allowed himself a second of indulgence, the idea of going straight to one of them and asking for a duel. Then he suffocated the flame inside his heart until only embers remained, temperance flashed through his mind, he was not some unruly beast that acted on any desire without considering the consequences. For starters, if he asked for a duel there was no guarantee that it would be granted and even if it were, all he would accomplish would be to shed his anonymity which would put a damper on his pilgrimage.


Maybe one day he would clash against them but only if the opportunity presented itself.

Having reached a satisfying conclusion he let out a sigh, he had known there would be other Regalia here but he had been blind to his own excitement, an oversight to correct next time if nothing more. However his decision left him with a question, should he approach them? Never before had he met a Regalia so for all he knew this could be a lifetime opportunity.

Tentatively he made his way to the shrine of Gaia, no other reason than it being the first in line, then before long he was within distance of the other Regalia.

"Hello Miss, may I bother you for a chat?"

He listened as Adam explained the situation.

A pit formed in his stomach as Adam explained in detail his situation.

"Okay, shit, wait let me think, fuck, wait, give me a second"

It was... bad(?), okay it was bad, potentially catastrophic? it was a complicated situation at least. Leaking information during a situation like this was a terrible fucking idea, but maybe the enemy would think it was a deliberate attempt? Not a chance. It was fucking Saladin, there were rumors the guy slept in his closet while a double slept in his bed with an eye open.


If the enemy knew they knew then the timetable was fucking accelerated into the stratosphere. Forget 10 days they could be plotting to attack right now!

There were also other concerns.

How could he protect Adam from possible inside retaliation? Logically he should go with a slap on the wrist, anyone important knew he punched above his weight class and that would be invaluable once the barriers fell but what about the fill and rank? He needed to shift the blame but how? He needed to attack the problem from the beginning, what was the origin of the problem - Adam sent a message, okay that was the origin but not the root of it, the root was - that the Witch Queen was aware of his party messages.

His eyes narrowed.

Was the Witch aware of all messages or just those of his party?

There was an angle there, he casted his attention back to when they opened the message.

Fear was not an emotion Zigmund Mugba-Zarack was familiar with but in HER prescence? He was terrified.

He needed to distract himself, Lucy!, he should- no, he was panicking, acting foolishly, yes this was uncommon but Hacking was a known practice, of course SHE would have access to it and if she had caught on their existence it was rational to guess that she would try to do something about it.

Just in case better keep it under wraps at the moment.

Walking towards Lucy he spoke loudly "Thank you, the message was not what we expected and it raised some questions but is good to at least have a lead" giving her a nod he moved on.
One big idiot

He paled.

Did-did anyone tell her about it? He tried to remember but he drew a blank, she must know about it, she had been in the room with them, just a few steps away, besides! She had seen how shaken they were, surely...


Oh no.

The panic from Adam was making his own worse. He needed to calm down, HE NEEDED TO CALM DOWN!

"Okay, okay" He took a deep breath "First off, stop thinking about running to the enemy that is just plain stupid, it's your panic speaking. Second, second" He needed a moment, just a moment "Adam, did we ever tell Lucy that the Witch Queen was interfering with communications?"

He looked at the man in front of him and his heart crumbled at the sight.

"We need to go. Now"
I was abou to post but I just realized something, I will likely post tomorrow once I got some feedback
In Regalia 5 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In Regalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Posted, also, James is straight up not having a good day

Listening to Adam talk was relaxing.

He was second on the list he decided. First was Mackenzie, she had been bumped to first place after Fenna was demoted to the bottom of the list, only above himself and Zell and that wasn't a good thing! Then there was Adam and following him was Kass.

What was the list?

Least troublesome party members, of course.

After Fenna decided it was a good idea to take a dunk in a wellspring -well okay, he knew she didn't do it on purpose but his near heart attack was still the same, she deserved to be on the bottom three besides him, and Zell, it was a miracle she wasn't immediately reduced to ashes and he hoped, nay, prayed she didn't do something like that ever again.

But back to the point he listened as Adam recounted his last escapades. It was nice hearing one of his friends was having a positive effect on Valheim, regardless of the dreaded cause behind it. It was also good to once more be reminded that his party had one more ace in the hole, he had read about some of the classes during his stay at the institute and from what he had read their Druid was way about weight class for what he should be capable of.

So in conclusion this was a very pleasant time he was spending with one of his friends, just one afternoon talking about their recent endeavors, no heart-to-heart talk about their ambitions, no revelations about one's psyche, and no life-threatening quest emerging.

He really needed this.

“...so after mastering that plant, I went here. Oh, I forgot to mention! My friend, the one I sent the letter to, recommended the book where I learned about it. Glee is great, I'm glad I was able to mail him. I even-”

Suddenly, the look on Adam's face did a 180, turning from a pleasant demeanor to abject horror.

”Oh, no.”


He watched in real-time as Adam's face fell into a mix of emotions, none of them positive and a ball formed in his stomach.

Thoughts about relaxation were discarded in favor of concern and wariness. Suddenly his senses sharpened, and vigilance raised his head while keeping Adam in sight, Valhaim was supposed to be safe but if Adam was reacting like this...

"What it is Adam?"

If Adam was reacting like this it meant that shit was bad.

In Regalia 6 mos ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I am locking in to Ifrit, I got a cool idea for a Regalia of that type
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