A swing of his anchor took the head of another ghoul.
The moment the head went flying he let the momentum continue until the anchor touched the platform, he remembered how easy Arthur could swing the thing and couldn't help but feel envy. He wasn't tired yet but there was a weariness on his muscles that came from the effort, the spars against Zell had helped him figure out a baseline for his physical condition and there was a slight amount of fear inside him that the siege would continue after he reached his limit. Casting his Light Beam to attack the Corpse Dropper hadn't helped but he knew that the longer it kept in the air the enemy would have an advantage.
As he rested he took a moment to assess the situation.
His first priority was his party members, the closest to him was Adam who was on a platform similar to him, with his eyes closed. The beam attack earlier had been a show and a half and if he was to guess the man was likely using his plant control to do something, he trusted him enough to know he was doing his best, around him were some militia forming a protective circle around him. Next were Zell and Kass, they were easy to identify, each commanding their own squad and defending from the enemy directly, the urge to cast a Blessing grew within him but he held it back, not yet. With some difficulty, he spotted Fenna and Maz next, the Archer units were given favorable positions to rain hell, and by the looks of it that was exactly what they were doing.
He couldn't see Clive or Alison, which worried him more than he was willing to admit.
As much as he wanted he couldn't let that distract him, a single tower had been dismantled, with the ram halted it meant the ground troops would have to escalate to the towers to invade, which was bad seeing how they were doing just that.
The situation was bad, yes, but not unsalvagable yet.
With the Coprse Dropper down they could get some metaphorical air to breathe, as long as it was dead.
"You and you" He signaled to a militia soldier and a light mage "Make sure the Corpse Dropper is dead, if it isn't inform the closest ally, if you think you both can take it do so" He could see the hesitation in their eyes, but he knew the right words to move them, no matter how despicable they made him feel "Valheim is counting on you"
The moment the words registered both straightened up, hesitation and determination in their gazes before both of them moved towards the fallen enemy after giving a nod.
He watched them go before turning his attention towards the messenger cowering near a wall, he was... uncomfortably young, looking like he belonged in a school rather than in an ongoing siege, it was clear that he would rather be anywhere else. When he had been assigned to the platform during the planning he didn't comment, as much as he detested the idea with the communications down there was a necessity to be fulfilled by manpower. But that was then and this was now.
"Boy!" The young teen looked towards him despite the general chaos "Go towards Clarissa Shields and wait for her to send you back with news, run!"
The boy didn't wait for a second before scurrying along, taking with him some of the worry filling his heart, one less thing to take into account.
"Light and Dark Domain, switch to supporting the defenders, don't let them get overwhelmed! Earth and water, delay the other towers as much as possible, Air and Fire work with the Archers!"
As long as nothing went wrong.