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4 mos ago
Current Thanks for threatening my hope for disability pay, guys. God what a shitahow of a time.
6 mos ago
Man, when we gettin tables for these posts. I want to microsoft sheets on these folks.
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6 mos ago
My milkshake brings all the boys to the yard, they have stolen my milkshake, I have called the authorities.
10 mos ago
I have 99 problems and they're all trying to fight me please send help.
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1 yr ago
Don't be a part of the problem, be the whole problem.


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Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Commercial District
Mentions: @VitaVitaAR @PKMNB0Y

"Did you know?! Did you know?! Did you know that Tyrunt already has sufficient bite force to tear through a car, even at this juvenile stage?! Also, the muted colors are theorized to help young Tyrunts better blend into the surroundings to avoid danger and, for older Tyrunts, ambushing their prey! Ah, and did you know it's likely that Tyrauntrum in the wild was a social predator?! And did you know-"

Well, not everyone was able to keep themselves calm on everything. Isla watched with some amusement at the girl gushing over her Pokemon, throwing out facts here and there like there was nothing else in the world that could matter. Angling herself just a bit away from the girl as she went on left and right about every point, trying to keep Dancing a little further away from her rambling, she listened to all the different pieces of information. Of course…there seemed to be something to be said for where she…Sophie? Yes, that was her name. There seemed to be something to be said for where she'd gotten her information, that she seemed to think the little guy could bite right through a car even as small as he was.

Looking over to him, which she was practically presenting to the world with enthusiasm, Isla could barely stifle a giggle. The Tyrunt was already preening and posing, aware that he was being praised by the new trainer, and the smug energy was almost palpable. Wheezing out a breath, she smiled at the whole of the scene as a hand snuck up to Dancing, idly petting his fluffy collar. It seemed that she wasn't the only one so skeptical, though, as a guy…Richard, that was his name, spoke up.

"You're sure fired up about this, huh? Can't say I don't understand, though. I assume that your gushing means that your partner's a Tyrunt, then? Might be a good idea to get some empirical evidence if you're so gung-ho about your new friend. Wouldn't recommend trying to actually tear through someone's car, though. No way the professor's going to bail you out for something like that."

"That being said, though, I think I'll hold off on diving into the field for a bit. Need to shove what I have here into storage and pick up some supplies before heading out. If anyone else wants to tag along, though, I wouldn't mind the company."

Well…maybe running out of the city immediately wasn't the best idea. A quick mental inventory of everything she had in the duffel said it wasn't entirely enough to live out on the road for a bit, even if she wanted to run off and out from the streets so soon. Besides, maybe there was something to be found in the city. After all, there were Pokemon there and, just as important, there were probably some other researchers. After all, Camphor couldn't be the only one. Maybe…well, something like the Sevii caves people. Archeologists? Maybe? She snorted at the thought. It would be interesting to look into, even if it wasn't exactly why she was there. Clarissa spoke up, then.

"I intend to look for some urban Pokemon in the meantime myself, though later I have to...go to the contest after someone at the Airport forced me to take a ticket to it. Likely I will have to stay the night and leave the city tomorrow with that in mind, but if anyone wishes to 'group up' still despite this I am willing to do so."

Contests. Crowds. People. Isla struggled to not flinch at the thought, the noise, the movements. There would just be too many, all in one place, all cheering and yelling. No, she suppressed that flinch. Instead she found herself frowning, replying quietly, "I…would rather not go to the Contests. Sorry."

She considered it all for a moment, before finally saying to Richard, "Well…alright, that's fine I suppose."

Leaving the lab, soon enough she felt the crowds closing in. It wasn't as bad as before, not as many and not as loud, but it was still there. People talking behind, all around, smells and noises over everything that seemed to yell here, there. The skyscrapers loomed over them, stark light and shadow. It was all a lot, all a lot, and she felt the need to put headphones on to shut it all out. Following after Richard, her hand keeping on reaching up and around to scratch at Dancing's fur collar, she tried to keep her mind off of all the crowds. Street food smells wafted out through the way, steam and shrimp with a dozen other smells, and briefly Isla considered getting some snack to eat but…no, no. She only had so much to spend, for now, and surely there had to be better things to spend on. Something to buy in a pack, at least. Isla huffed out at the thought.

A glance of movement above, and Isla looked up. Black shapes of Starly and Murkrow flying above, before splitting off to the distance while darting between the buildings. Her eyes followed after them, watching…where was that off to? A free hand rummaged about a pocket as Isla extracted her phone, tapping a few times to bring up a city map. Residential and…Industrial? That couldn't be healthy for the Murkrow. Why would they live there, in the city, instead of the forests? Isla filed that bit of information away in the back of her mind.

King Storage. Well there it was for Richard to get into, though Isla didn't follow him whether he did or didn't enter. She barely paid attention to the store sign, even, instead looking down the street at the museum in the distance.

Oooooh. That might be good to visit. Isla looked over to Sophie, smiling slightly, "Want to go?"

Isla Gill

Location: Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s Lab
Mentions: N/A

Listening to Frieda as she went over the various functions of the special type of Pokédex, Isla briefly caught herself nodding before remembering the weight on her shoulder. He hadn’t even been there for ten minutes and already it just felt…normal. Natural. It just was. Snorting to herself on that, it seemed that Dancing wouldn’t really be woken up by much at all. Heck, he hadn’t been when the professor felt the need to yell them back in, of all things. Well that’d be good. She focused back on the assistant, all the different things that ‘dex seemed to be able to do. Weather, map, phone, scanning Pokémon at a distance, that was…well, that last one was good. Isla had already gotten her hands on a map and she was reasonably sure her phone could give weather already, and the new Pokédex didn’t have all of her favorite music, but it was better than nothing.

Of course, then she went over the other uses. A virtual assistant…what would that do, exactly? What would she expect it to do? Maybe…offer advice? Maybe detect hiding Pokémon? And it was a “Level 1 Research ID”...somehow that didn’t sound like it would work for anything outside of the labs. Mireth and the Mexatus Institute, though, those were locations to remember. Maybe when she finally got over there, those researchers would have more information on whatever…particular things were there. Isla wasn’t exactly sure about that, either. Surely they did some of their own research, though, and didn’t also just send-off kids to catch Pokémon for study. Surely.

Getting one of the Pokédexes handed to her, she felt it heft down just the tiniest bit. It was lighter than she expected, for how thick it altogether was, but the item definitely wasn’t like one of her family’s drawing pads back home. It was maybe the size of…someone else’s palm, not Isla’s, green and black in a contrast that somehow slightly evoked the imagery of forests and their shadows. She watched some of the others click theirs on before doing the same and a little avatar appeared on the screen…a tiny, tiny little Professor Camphor with funny proportions. It read-off a bit of information on Eevee, as well as a more personal comment at the end, and that seemed pretty standard between all of the other people. Soon after, she was handed even more Pokéballs and some Potions, Professor Camphor already saying that they were free to go and offloading whatever remaining work she had on Frieda before being led by that same Frieda into the reception area. Nice.

Following her into the reception area, one hand absentmindedly petting at the fringes of hair on her still-slumbering little Eevee, Isla looked around for just a moment. A tension seemed to be there before she decided to, finally, break it. After all…she really, really did want to get out and into the wild, or rather as wild as one could find just outside. “So who else will be going out of the city?”

“Hello, my name is Londo I will be the head medical officer on the USS Tucker, what position were you assigned on the Tucker? I am quite excited to be assigned to a Federation starship.”

Looking over at the…humanoid, as he couldn’t quite say if he was human or not, the Pakled gave the best summation of a smile as one could manage. “Ocano, acting Archaeology and Anthropology Officer. Pleasure to meet you.” Taking a deep breath in while adjusting his uniform, he considered…well, Londo. Seemed to be alright, sure, though they were all acting in one position or another. Acting XOs, Chief Engineers, Science Officers, acting because not one of them had yet to actually graduate Starfleet Academy. This was that final step and their uniforms showed it, strange as they all were. He snorted out at that thought, that some of them were getting it into their heads that they were actually in the positions, officially and all.

Of course, it wouldn’t be right to say such things out loud and so Ocano instead offered up in return, “It should be an interesting cruise. I’ve never been aboard a Federation vessel.”

He noted, same as Xad had, that another fellow had arrived…a Vulcan, if he could tell species apart. She wore a smile, though, something that struck Ocano as different. He’d known a few of their type from the various classes, as some of the teachers were Vulcans on loan from their various science departments, and such were rare to offer up any emotion at all with the exception of disdain, annoyance, and the wonders of a stare. Maybe some chemical compound affected her to actually…have emotion in such an outward way? A medicine of some type? Ocano couldn’t recall any which had that effect, though. Odd, odd.

Of course, Londo approached and gave a greeting to the Vulcan, though Ocano couldn’t help but give a chuckle at the word choices. Miss almost sounded as though he were talking to someone outside of Starfleet, someone who wasn’t their same rank and who had instead been placed on a pedestal high above all others. He let a smile touch his face at that imagery, poorly constructed as it was. A brief thought came and went to also introduce, though…no, no, he chose against that. It would be rude to interrupt the pair, especially when Londo had decided to begin the conversation in Vulcan, doubtless to which the Vulcan would respond in kind, and Ocano was woefully unprepared to assault that language by the act of speaking in it.
Isla Gill

Mentions: @Pyromania99 Location: Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s Lab

"My, my. Isla was it? Trying to make good friends with the Eevee before you use the Pokeball?"

The little Eevee in question went stock-still at the sound of Camila’s voice, eyes looking up at her with only the tiniest of head motions as Isla paused, withdrawing the hand with food for a moment. Eyes darted from the newcomer to the feeding girl and back again, calculating and calculating if there was some sort of problem, if the newcomer wasn’t kind, so on and so forth. Isla pursed her lips, scratching between his ears again as she adjusted her posture, whispering in sing-song little tones, “It’s okay, it’s okay.”

As he began to relax again, finally, she moved out her hand to keep feeding the Eevee. Looking a bit over her shoulder as her hands were preoccupied, Isla paused, thinking on what exactly she wanted to say. Was it right to say what she thought so bluntly? What would Camila even think of her for rejecting a Pokeball so quickly when it seemed to be so expected? Would she think Isla had some sort of high horse, that she thought herself better than all the other trainers for not using such a common, simply accepted tool of the trade? Well…maybe. Maybe not. Isla sighed at it all, blowing the air out from her nose as the Eevee finally got to the last little pieces of jerky in the palm of her hand.

“I’m not too sure I’ll use one. Feels wrong to do that to…a partner, like what the professor was saying.” A thought suddenly occurred to Isla on the whole problem. Oh, yeah. “You um…don’t want that Pokeball back, do you?”
Isla Gill

Mentions: N/A Location: Byjerlfal City, Camphor’s Lab

"Heya! You guys in the same boat as our lot, huh? We get to be guinea pigs! For money!"

"I suppose we're apt to be coworkers—er, co-assistants?—from here on out. Name's Richard Evans; it's a pleasure to meet you."

"Aster! You can't just litter like that!"

"A pleasure to meet you as well, Richard. I'm Clarissa Ryte."

"Guinea pigs, seriously. Did you even bother reading about the job you were applying for or did you blindly sign up without even bothering to do any research?"

Isla suddenly felt extremely small and, in comparison to everything around her, very, very out of water. Some of them were making their own introductions, loud and friendly as can be, one was having trouble with her Aipom, and the guy from before who had a moment seemed to also be having another, though this time it was disgust from a high horse. She’d seen that sort of behavior before, from trainers at the tower who’d felt like they couldn’t lose, wouldn’t lose, to a “lesser trainer”. Well, that went pretty well until one of the older people stepped down from wherever they stayed and while Isla had never had the desire to watch one of those battles she had watched the aftermath. Those ones either stuck around to try and regain something, being a little quieter about it, or slunk off-island on the next Seagallop. It seemed this one hadn’t yet had the experience. She blew a breath out of her nose at the thought.

One of the others, who’d also had his own Pokemon, spoke up at the last comment. What was it…a bat, something from one of the other regions that she couldn’t really place. His long, purple-hue hair made him stick out, though, even when compared with the last speaker who had the same if not slightly shorter. She craned in just a tad, to listen to him.

"Well, I kinda have to agree, we are not guinea pigs. That is not what the job is about, and before that gets talked about more. I am going to say my name is Alexander Nells, and this is Cora. It is nice to meet you all."

The other three introduced themselves, one after another and displaying some of their own qualities. The younger guy seemed alright, friendly enough, the one with the grass-type cat seemed haughty, and the sleeping one was in fact no longer asleep. Hired by Camphor herself…what sort of ‘administrative pressures’ were there for them to worry about and get to the lab early? Isla couldn’t really think of any. Before she could introduce herself to the rest, Prof Camphor seemed to materialize.

I didn’t know they made Professors that short.

Isla snorted in her chair with barely contained laughter before actually listening to what the woman had to say. She rose to her seat, though, almost unthinkingly as Camphor said to come on, that she didn’t have all day, and that her tone definitely suggested such. Following them, somewhat in the back of the group with her duffel once again slung on her back, she strained to listen to the shorter woman. Going to the habitat…all of the partners there…and something to do. She couldn’t help but notice the directions in the hallway. Floor G...who listed floors by letter? Stranger and stranger still. They turned right, Habitats, Simulation Room, Server Room that way. A Simulation Room sounded like it would be the thing done after, almost. A test, maybe? It’d been easy enough to get into the program so far, as far as Isla could tell. Maybe she wanted to see how well they meshed with their partner? Maybe?

They finally came to the Habitat. Where had they found all the space for this, in such an unassuming building? Isla could barely see the city through the high-up glass, though her attention was drawn down and down to the trees and grass below. It seemed like they’d put the whole Viridian Forest down in miniature, at least as she’d read and seen videos about it, right down in a city.

“Welcome to the Habitat. We use it to see how different pokemon adapt to different environments in real time and we have, well, an easy enough time making variations to it if we need to. Helps gather hands-on data the simulator doesn’t quite let us. Now, that aside…there’s something I’d like you all to do here. Those of you that don’t have your partner already…well, they’re in here. Go find them.”

A Pokeball in hand, her fingers closing around the plastic exterior…go find them. Go catch them. Was it just that mechanical? Was it just that simple to catch what the Professor called a partner…Isla hesitated, barely listening to Camphor’s other words. They washed over her, a few touching here and there. Figured you’d all like to catch them properly. Is that what it was? Just a formality, a little dance done and forgotten afterwards? She exhaled out. Stepping out into the habitat, Isla could feel the humidity change just a little as others ran-off here, there for their own partner. Where would hers be…she remembered filling out a little questionnaire on what was ‘wanted’ and really, in all honesty Isla could only somewhat recall the one she’d chosen because it was the most open-to-the-future, vague thing open. Where would he be…she sucked on her lip at the thought, fingers running over the smooth surface of the Pokeball. Well…no, no. She pocketed it in her pants, slinging her duffel bag off. Where was that bag of…ah, there it was. Isla pulled the bag of jerky from her bag, closing it quickly and slinging it over her shoulder yet again.

So where is he…a little walk to the more forested areas, some of the other trainers still in the corner of her eye, and suddenly Isla felt truly in nature. Well, that wasn’t entirely true, she could still see the glass far above, in between all the trees and foliage, but it was as close to being in the middle of a forest as the islander had ever been. Where would he be…ah, she could see a little white shape, just a little ways away under the foliage of a bush, shaped almost…oval. Isla stopped in her tracks, slowly lowering herself into a crouch as she unzipped the bag of jerky. Holding it in her hands at the sound, which didn’t seem to rouse the Eevee in the distance, she let out a small sigh of relief. Well…one hand grasped on the inside for a second, finding a smaller chunk. Was her aim really good enough? She tossed it to find out, some movement under the bush following as the jerky landed just a foot from the shape. Another little shift as a yawn revealed a gaping maw of a mouth amid the shadows, the lil guy slowly trotting out for the jerky.

Lean down, smell a little, pause…a little ear twitch that seemed smaller than usual. Maybe peppered wasn’t the best? Isla stayed stock-still to find out. Nom. Another sigh of relief at the sight of the little Eevee munching on the jerky. It paused, too, looking up at Isla in her crouched pose. Oop. Maybe that wasn’t the best move. Their eyes met for what seemed like a minute, though of course was far shorter, before she finally made the decision to move just a little. Slowly, carefully, she picked out another piece of jerky from the bag, throwing it again between them. It stared at the jerky again, blowing out from its nose before trotting up.

The little guy barely even stopped to pick up the second piece, continuing to approach as it chewed with the excess poking out. Pausing a foot in front of her, he let his head down again to better finish off the jerky with a paw. Looking back up again, the Eevee yawned a big, wide one. A step…another…he was right there, leaning his head in to smell at the bag. Well…there goes nothing, then. She poured out some into her hand, shaking the bag, careful to not spill any more onto the ground…held it out. Well, he was perfectly fine with that, taking another step forward to better attack the jerky held out. Setting the bag down by her crouched leg…awkward, awkward considering the pose she’d found herself in…Isla reached out her free hand. Maybe? Possibly? Should she?

Oh, heck. She gently started to pat at the space between the ears, then the base of the short little ears, watching as the Eevee paused, let out a puff again from its nose, and continued to eat. Well…better than expected. Altogether better than expected. She just sort of stayed there, shifting her legs to be more comfortable, feeding the small Pokemon and petting at its head as a smile slowly grew on her face.
Standing in ranks, admittedly in the back of the rest simply due to height, Ocano was very much happy with everything that had happened. Every little action, class, day, week, month, every single year had led up to a singular, wonderful moment. It had been a long, long while since he had felt someone be proud of him for that keystone moment, that mark on a life’s path where passing a test just…didn’t seem like enough. He was going to a ship, a Starfleet ship, as an officer…granted, just acting in that role for now, but if things went well, he would be one. Traveling the galaxy, learning of new species, civilizations, people both alive and dead that could teach so much, that sounded like a dream. True, Ocano knew it would never be always like that, but…the little difficulties could be ironed out. The idea of the thing was enough for him.

The man gave his speech, something the Pakled paid a certain amount of attention to. It wasn’t anything he wasn’t expecting before, wasn’t anything particularly new or fascinating, yet still, nevertheless…there was that feeling behind it all. That thought of “I’ve done it” seemed to pervade everything, overpower everything. It was just there, above everything. He listened for the assignments afterwards.

"Ocano... Just Ocano? Sorry, forgive me. Chief anthropologist, USS Tucker. You're on the Duke. It'll be in shuttle bay 2."

He nodded in acknowledgement, not really giving the brisk piping-out that some other Ensigns did, quickly moving on to somehow use up several hours before embarking on the ship. USS Tucker. What sort of vessel would that be? Likely one of the smaller ones of the fleet, he thought, one of the…well, other than the Mirandas, nothing else would likely track. Maybe one of those. He got to his room, small as it was considered he’d had to share the space with two other prospective officers, found his items just as he’d left them all packed up.

Well, where else does one really go? He found a bench, sat down, and just…looked out. Looked at the Academy and the far-off ‘Golden Gate Bridge’. Listened to the trees and birds and all the things he’d never really looked at before, the things he’d been too busy to look at before and enjoy. Ocano just paused, listened, closed his eyes and felt the wind on him.

It was nice.

Finally, though, he found the shuttle bay and, summarily, ‘the Duke’. Walking through the smaller crowds who were all finding their own shuttles, coming to the thing Ocano found one other already there. Londo…something? Xid? Xad? Xad. After he’d made his introductions, which included a salute and a click of the heels of all things that he thought better to comment on, Ocano stepped forward. Despite him not trying to be especially loud, the Pakled nevertheless was.

“Ensign Ocano, reporting.”

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