
| {Full Name} |Urh'otrr'kur
| {Age} |53
| {Species} || {Gender} |Male
| {Force Sensitive/Alignment} |No
| {Appearance} |Standing at 5’6”, somewhat the standard for Tuskens and most humanoid sentients, Urh’otrr’kur possesses a somewhat lithe form underneath his traditional Tusken robes. He wears the usual Tusken mask with inbuilt filter and moisture trap, as well as fine sand whale skin gloves colored to a bright, almost iridescent white. The Tusken Chieftain also wears a pair of heavy boots pulled up to just below the knee, another abnormality which serves to set him apart from the others of his people. A number of red-colored clothes are wrapped about his twin bandoliers, as well as a more Coreworlds style leather belt.
| {Equipment and Personal Belongings} |Personal- Modified Cycler Rifle
Built with two improved, new magnetic pulse accelerators instead of the usual scavenged one, as well as utilizing a digital scope with a built-in rangefinder, Urh’otrr’kur’s chosen weapon is far superior to any singular cycler rifle used among Tuskens. It shoots far more accurately compared even to contemporary blasters, able to strike human-sized targets out to 1.4 kilometers on a good day, though when fired at standard ranges is able to punch through most personal armor and soft cover. In addition to this, he tends to use explosive rounds which predictably do a hefty amount of damage. The rifle is adorned with a beaded trigger guard while the buttstock is wrapped in faded aquamarine cloth whose patterns have long since been lost to age. - Chieftain’s Gaderffii
- DL-6H heavy blaster pistol
- Translation Droid / Commlink, handheld
- Modified BARC speeder
Stripped of many of the armored plates as well as the rear-mounted laser cannons, Urh’otrr’kur’s pride and joy has been reconstructed for speed and altitude. With repulsorlifts tuned with little regard to safety by the smugglers who sold the speeder and a turbine which looks suspiciously similar to one taken off of larger landspeeders, it can maintain a high speed at altitudes of 300 meters while the speeder is unladen. The rear plating has been rebuilt to allow for a forward-facing passenger, with a horizontal bar for them to grasp or attach a harness onto, though is more commonly used for saddlebags modified from their use on Banthas. Lastly, the BARC has been painted instead in a light tan, with diagonal orange markings just aft of the pilot.
Tusken Clans | {Physical Abilities} |True Tusken Skill
A practiced hunter and warrior, Urh’otrr’kur is well used to fighting both at long range and in the face of his foes. His marksmanship is not at all lacking at such ranges, despite his use of less advanced weaponry, with the Chieftain able to intuitively tell the drop of his shots of the effects of wind upon them simply due to his long practices at such tasks. He is also quite capable at tracking whatever prey he might be hunting, knowing the usual manners of the desert and how such creatures disturb them.
Practiced Negotiations
Due to his long experience with trading against the smugglers, bringing together various Tusken clans before the events of the Confederacy landing on Tatooine, and indeed bringing the Tuskens from the Outer Rim and into Mandalorian space, Urh’otrr’kur is well used to building compromises between various groups. He knows what truly matters, what can be discarded, and what has to be prevented and can work relatively effectively to ensure that a combination of all three which best favors the Tusken will be the combination the other side agrees to.
| {Limitations} |Aversions
Though their reach throughout the galaxy was heavily limited prior to the most recent exodus, the Tusken is well known for being the boogeyman of Tatooine, the haunters in the desert, and more crudely as simply “The Sand People”. Such preconceptions harm any negotiations or peaceful actions heavily, generally impeding Urh’otrr’kur is his dealings with the general public whether it be simple travel or getting information on specific issues. He is, in short, the outsider.
A Bantha is one thing, a speeder another, and a starship a whole new world to which Urh’otrr’kur is immediately and suddenly not prepared to deal with. He can understand and work, intuitively, in navigating a two dimensional plane on his speeder bike, but the addition of a third dimension as well as all of the technology involved is not something which the Tusken can quite handle just yet. As such, he uses a piloting droid in all his dealings.
| {Personality} |Somber, controlling, and generally isolated from the vaster ongoing issues of the people, Urh’otrr’kur is exceptionally aware of his duties and how his actions affect the general perceptions of his people. As a result, he is self repressive in most emotions out among the people, dealing with Mandalorian and Jedi officials, and has more significant outbursts while home on Null, where he can act as a Tusken Chieftain is traditionally expected to act. As diplomatic as he needs to be, he does understand that some issues require speaking, others require blades, and that a good leader knows which is which. Generally speaking, Urh’otrr’kur gives far more than he takes and, in most issues, will attempt to benefit his people far more than himself.
| {Place of Origin} |Jundland Wastes, Tatooine
| {Background} |Born in the Jundland Wastes, Urh’otrr’kur led a particularly normal life for one among the dunes. He would, like any other, have his coming to age ritual at the proper age of fifteen. Unlike others who would find a dewback or desert hulak wraid, Urh’otrr’kur would venture out far into the Dune Sea with the express intent to hunt down a Tibidon sand whale. Such would prove difficult, as he was inexperienced at the particulars of that prey, and would take many tries as the particular sand whale was slippery, alert, and so hard to catch. In the end, he would be forced to wait still, motionless for days for the sand whale to finally decide it was safe enough to rise to the surface for feeding. When it finally rose, he sprinted after it, throwing an explosive charge and, while not killing the beast, succeeding in incapacitating it. The ritual would thereafter last for several days, the Tusken slowly stripping it of long cuts of meat with the sand whale still being alive. On returning, Urh’otrr’kur would be declared an adult and, after two days, take part in a marriage ceremony with another member of his clan, R’Vin.
Following this, he would again lead a fairly typical life as the galaxy descended into the Clone Wars. Such galactic incidents rarely touched the Jundland, with the young Tusken slowly rising the ranks as a capable hunter and in time an able leader. He would prove his mettle at several of the podracer tracks, his aim true enough to down not one but three craft over the course of several months. Such accuracy would even lead to difficulties as race sponsors would place a bounty on his head, something which less experienced hunters jumped on quickly enough to give him even more practice. In the end, after killing four bounty hunters over several months, one bounty hunter was smart enough to simply find another’s gaffi stick and present it as Urh’otrr’kur’s. Such would end the hunt though, to his clan, it seemed almost as though he had driven them off himself with his fighting spirit. Such would only serve to further his reputation among the Tusken.
Despite such incidents, as a trader to some Urh’otrr’kur would prove to be fairly successful. While trading with the Jawas was a rare thing indeed, to the point that it was unheard of to most, trading with some of the less reputable elements of Tatooine society was more common. He would gain rangefinders, better magnetic accelerators for his cycler rifle, and in time even a working knowledge of Basic with the sole issue that he could not speak the tongue whatsoever. The Tusken’s understanding of the language and indeed the cultures would only grow in time, something kept from many of the others as they viewed any interactions at all with the outsiders as being against the view of the culture itself.
These interactions, and indeed the success of the clan against many other competing groups within its locality, would soon give issues. Coming into conflict with several smuggling groups who were moving arms from Hutt factories to CIS-supported insurgents due to the clan's tendency to attack such meetings, stockpiles, and occupy many of the caves which had been marked for storage in dead drops, it would soon grow into outright attacks. The clan's settlement would be struck suddenly by one of the light transports of the smugglers who quickly landed, offloading dozens of troops. The Tuskens quickly retaliated, the transport damaged when Urh'otrr'kur threw one of the smugglers up high enough to be caught in the vessel's engine intakes, being sucked in and evaporated. While the smugglers would by and large be killed, with only a few running out into the Jundland, the chieftain would be killed along with large numbers of the clan. As one of the most distinguished left, Urh’otrr’kur would be declared chieftain.
As chieftain, he would succeed in continuing to grow his clan and their power, strengthening ties with many other nearby clans and largely following in the footsteps of his predecessor. While never going into other lands to fight tooth and nail, they defended their own territories with a fierce sense of independence. All that while, Urh’otrr’kur continued to trade with the more enterprising, respectful smugglers, mainly working to acquire a number of sensors, detectors, and tracking gear to ensure his clan's success compared to many others.
Then came Knightfall, an event which touched every corner of the galaxy to include Tatooine, though none there knew it as such. Confederate landing craft came, dispensing a garrison to hold the planet against the very likely issue of insurgents in the cities. Soon enough every pirate and smuggler had fled Mos Eisley, fearing for possible retribution if they had any connection at all to the failed arms smuggling into Republic territories, and the Tuskens had their fair share of shooting at such trespassers to their lands. Following the pirates and smugglers into the Dune Sea and Jundland, however, were those same Confederate droids. Urh’otrr’kur’s Storyteller would scream on and on of the ages past, the times long held in reverence with the expulsion of the Builders, and urged them on to destroy these newcomers who so acted like their forebears, and the chieftain of course relented for he was the Storyteller and his word carried great weight among the clans. They would lay ambushes again and again, successful as they could be for the droids sent were early and second generation models intended for rear line uses, successful for the CIS lacked their nominal turbolaser support and their sensor equipment was inadequate for the Dune Sea. As successful as they were, something which earned Urh’otrr’kur even more joy from his people for a brief period, the droids simply retreated into their strongholds. They began to launch out waves upon waves of fliers, Vulture and HMP gunships, hunting down any Tusken parties without discrimination. They had become prey in their own dunes, forced to keep to the Jundland to avoid detection.
It was then that the Tuskens were approached by a number of the exiled smugglers, told that they could throw the Confederates from the planet entirely and, if they did, the smugglers would also leave. They offered up heavier weapons, mortars and surface-to-air missiles which were ancient by the standards of any modern army, as well as the information to use such pieces of equipment to blow holes in the defenses of the droids. The discussion on whether or not to take their help was long. Caution was largely advocated for by Urh’otrr’kur simply on the first viewing of the mortars. They were unlike anything he’d had to fire before, especially in their aiming, and though he was reasonably certain they could find how to aim such by enough trial and error, the chieftain wanted to destroy the bastions as quickly as possible. As a result, the discussion would eventually find them in allegiance to the smugglers and, soon enough, the CIS bastions found their perimeters breached by heavy explosives. Tusken assaults would prove vicious, brief, and decisive while the smugglers attempted to jam all outgoing planetary communications with limited success. In the end, the three bastions would be taken and largely destroyed, one transport and a number of lighter CIS craft captured, and the smugglers attempting to determine how to continue operating on Tatooine while removing the Tuskens they had now so armed.
The apparent answer came when they intercepted communications showing that the CIS were mustering forces in a nearby, largely uncharted system with the express intent to scour Tatooine of all life within the Dune Sea. The Confederates had established a planetside refueling depot, docked several cruisers against it, and he soon hatched a plan which would see the entirety of the situation resolved. While such a bombardment by such vessels would prove to be heavily detrimental to one’s health in the following centuries, it wouldn’t be the end of the world in their eyes and, largely, provided for them an incentive to lure the Tuskens away to be killed by the Confederates. They told Urh’otrr’kur of the enemy’s plans and where they were, told him that victory could be secured if they struck there, and lastly told him that the severity of their response showed how close they were to failing. He listened, saw some sense in what they were saying, though soon enough realized that his own force would be incapable of throwing the outworlders off. They had such capabilities to build such warships, with such power, and he had no way to destroy that capability to produce. They would come again and again, until nothing was left on Tatooine but glass.
It was a difficult time convincing them to follow. Ritual after ritual followed to purify and keep pure, argument after argument given. After all, they intended to return one day. The inside of the transport was even coated in Tatooine sand, a thought that they would bring some of the world with them. In the end, many of the reluctant Tuskens were convinced by their Banthas who boarded the transports with only some trepidation. The rest of the clan soon boarded as well, followed thereafter by the women, children, and Massiffs, and soon set off and away into the black sea. Aided by several of the smugglers who had been promised to have substantial debts absolved should they survive the event as well as several translator and protocol droids, the former of these soon found themselves dead as the Tuskens had decided that, once they had learned the ships controls, that they would be far more trouble than they would be worth.
The singular transport set off for independent space, moving through Confederate and then Corellian space with such trepidation and caution, moving through systems adjacent to the hyperlane one at a time, that they only arrived in free space after several months. Such a journey had strained the relations between the various smaller clans, factionalizing them before, as the lack of comprehensive supplies forced a degree of rationing, a degree of cooperation between all. The clan distinctions broke down in time even as they struggled under the strange, unused to conditions. In the end, their arrival into independent space would be far less dignified than Urh’otrr’kur would have otherwise hoped, landing at an otherwise uninhabited world known as Ambria. Another desert world which was somehow less dangerous than Tatooine, Ambria became home for him and his clan, who quickly landed and began to salvage portions of their transport’s interior in order to make shelters, defenses, and other structures.
Despite their attempts, however, eventually the Tuskens grew to struggle on that world. With different creatures to hunt, and even in some areas plants to harvest, that they did not know about, the clan would slowly, painfully learn but, in many ways, would not learn fast enough. Such issues would generally be solved by the seasonal arrival of smugglers, who at times used the world as a dead drop in their mistrust of one-another. Urh’otrr’kur and his clan set-up their sensors aboard the transport for receive-only, a task guided by the steady if outdated hands of the protocol droids they had kept, and began to trade with such smugglers when they arrived. While the first handful of meetings would go noticeably tense, as the smugglers did not have the intuitive Tatooine senses of those Urh’otrr’kur was used to dealing with, it would eventually grow to be a better relation than either group expected. The Tuskens gained a number of sensors, hunting equipment, and cursory information on the creatures of the world in exchange for trading portions of what they hunted back to the smugglers. In addition to this, the clan sold off a number of pieces of information which they had gained from the transport, such as certain patrol patterns and protocols the CIS employed, in exchange for several speeder bikes, parts, and such which were, unbeknownst to the Tuskens, nearing the end of their lifetimes. Nevertheless, the Tuskens began to slowly if not prosper, at the very least get by.
This arrangement wouldn’t last, however, as eventually the smugglers would be attacked during a meeting on Ambria by, of all things, the Corellian Internal Revenue Service, for tax evasion. The Tuskens, however, would continue to keep their anonymity by hiding out in the dunes, far away from the usual sites. Eventually, however, Urh’otrr’kur would become inspired. Disappointed in the clumsiness of his clan in their handling of the supposedly new technologies and equipment, he inquired to the protocol droids on which groups would be so willing to teach. Such would lead him to, eventually and after exhausting multiple options with other materials, droids, and such, the Jedi Enclaves on Mandalore which had been only so recently founded.
Since that meeting, Urh’otrr’kur has spent ample amounts of time on Mandalore, months out of the year, negotiating for teachers and generally attempting to keep the independence of the Tuskens while also gaining the equipment needed to continue their normal activities. The introduction of speeder bikes, however useful, has nonetheless made them have to trade for parts on a semi-regular basis which has given rise to a more traditionalist movement among the Tuskens. Despite this, there are a number of younger hunters who have grown to have a similar mindset to their chieftain, seeing the technology as far more useful than harmful.