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Current Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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Ay, mariposas, don’t you hold on too tight; both of you know It’s your time to go~
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I hate dice. I refuse to elaborate as to why.
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In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
@The Man Emperor

Also the stuff is already in the capsule they had dug it up elsewhere and were going to open it at the field, other than that good post. I like the fourth job line.

Ah, okay.

Can we copy and use that same sheet, dear? That would be awesome. I need to put something like this next to the character sheet this time, so it's easy to find.

@The Man Emperor
Hello, hello! So, I had some thoughts about Trystan in relation to Natalie.
Going off of your character sheet, it seems like Trystan would've gotten the standard bullying treatment from Natalie's circle. She'd probably throw in a couple of comments here and there herself, but surely not as nasty as racial slurs. However, that laxatives stunt would've been fucking hilarious to Natalie. Or, it was, even if she didn't know who caused it, because she likely knew the guy it happened to fairly well, if he was a jock/sports guy. If Trystan ever reveals that it was him, he'll definitely score quite some points with Natalie.

It will probably be revealed later, when they all start talking lol
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Trystan Salazar

act one: way down we go
Ritman High, Football Field
Interacting with @Salsa Verde
Trystan wasn’t that much of a fan of alcoholic drinks, especially when he remembered that one time one of his co-workers had a drunk confession at the bar. He had come along with the rest of them just to make sure no one wondered why he wasn’t around, and then suddenly that other lady editor started babbling about how much she liked their boss. Of course, who wouldn’t like the boss? He wasn’t that stereotypical manager that always felt the need to scream and rage. He was nice…

Trystan shivered. The night felt a bit cold, and he had forgotten to use a thicker jacket. Instead, he had a black sweater, paired with a grey scarf around his neck and halfway up his chin. The thin trench coat reached all the way to his ankles, almost giving Trystan the appearance of a protagonist in the Matrix movies, that is, if only he also had shades.

Either way, Trystan had come here, to join in the reunion and to revisit a piece of memorabilia in a buried time capsule along with the few others that had bothered to attend. For his part, he remembered that he placed a letter in a bottle, filled with lots of appreciative thoughts that would have seemed out of character for someone that seemed so petty and stubborn, especially back at high school. It wasn’t like he was well known for being too friendly.

He pulled out his Android phone, reminding himself that this was a better choice because Apples willfully slows down older iPhones with each successive software update while making them more and more expensive with less and less features. Putting on his reading glassses, he looked at the group chat that Jack made for the event, nodding at the messages that was reading just now.

“Oh, the old field?” Trystan said to himself, aloud, seeing what Meir had just sent. The fact that he had added his own name at the end of the message was funny to see, but at the same time, none of them really had a right to judge the formerly bully target. He was a professor in MIT, one of the most prestigious universities around. It really wasn’t a surprise that the oppressed one would become their best and brightest. Oh, if only he got as high as that level, then maybe Father would actually be proud. Instead he found success in his own way, much to the displeasure of his dad. He wanted him to become a lawyer, but Trystan didn’t want it.

In the end, he got the fourth kind of profession someone in his family could get after doctor, lawyer, and engineer: the disgrace. Not that he cares; he has good money anyway.

As he walked closer, Trystan sent a GIF message in reply to Meir’s latest message, which told them that the front door was locked.

And so he took the side entrance, which he somewhat remembered from his last visit here two five years ago, which was when he came to Delton to show his former bullies how petty he was.

Soon enough, he was there, in the field where they were supposed to meet. Any time now…


In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I'll make an intro post first, and then make a relationship sheet.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
By the way, does the old class have a group chat in Messenger or anywhere else?
I'm guessing something like that was how this reunion was organized to begin with. Also Trystan definitely spams it with memes.
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Here's a relationship chart. If I've misread your character, or forget them, give me a shout and we can fix it together.

I was forgotten XD

I think most characters here would at least recognize Trystan at a glance, as while he wasn't that much of an attention seeker, he is still known as a guy that gossiped about scandals lmao
In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
I have done it.

In OBLIVION 2 yrs ago Forum: Casual Roleplay
Hmm. Interesting. Think I'll apply for this~

Update: App is coming along nicely

Date/Time: November 11th, 2022

Location(s): Redline PRT Headquarters

Thelonious didn't seem to pay the third latecomer much heed, though it wasn'tout of a wilful ignoring or disinterest. He was simply too stuck in listening to what the director was saying about the incoming strike upon the museum, where there were foes to be taken down with the aid of some professionals. For Thelonious, it sounded like an apprenticeship with a few less steps, as it looked like they were teaming up for this one occasion only, and then maybe others along the line if it seemed that he and the other new capes needed some more guidance in their abilities. By the looks of it, though, tthey were all capable in their own right. This girl, a Tinker, was in a mecha made of garbage; he could only shudder to think what she could create with the proper materials.

Either way, being late, he wasn't suited up, just like the guy that had arrived slightly earlier than him. The Vice Director called them away at the end of the briefing, leading the two towards the aptly named Changing Room. Here they were to, as she said, going to change.

But first, conversations.

"Hello," Thelonious waved at Lito, whose name was still unknown to him. The height difference between them was almost hilarious to look at; if the six footer was much older, one might have thought that they were son and father. Alas, it was all just a case of genetics. "I'm, err, Thelonious Kastrati or Constellation, depending on what you prefer. You are...?"

As if to provoke a response, Thelonious began making his namesake. On his right hand, streams of yellow and orange particulate matter began to collect towards a central point, somehow pulled together by a miniature gravitational influence. At first, it looked like a chaotic cloud of gas, every part of it trying to find where each particle was supposed to be. It then began to pull itself together in a stable, spherical form, with a barely audible roar of wind from seemingly nowhere heralding its creation.

Then the main sequence star burst into a total existence, a glimmering sphere of plasma the size of a golf ball. The whole process took about two seconds, and just as quickly, Thelonious dissipated the ball of rich starlight, crushing it in his palm as if it were merely an orb made of straw. One moment it was, and in the next, it was no more.

"So, uh, what can you do?"
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