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"So this is it, huh Nathan?" Lily cocked her head to the left as she stared down a very long main road which appeared to lead right through the middle of town. About 10 minutes ago a taxi driver had dropped her off at the beginning of the road into town, per her request. The driver had asked her if she was positive she wanted to be dropped off in the middle of nowhere while it was pouring rain, but she insisted and he obliged her before turning back around to make the one hour drive back to the airport from which she had came from. She stood there in silence, holding her curious gaze with one medium sized rolling suitcase in hand, her mind racing as she listened to the rain pitter patter against the hood of her sweater. Breaking the stillness in the air, a car flew by, ignoring the 25 mile per hour speed limit sign as the road led into town. Not long after, the familiar sound of a police siren began and an officer pulled out from behind a billboard sign in pursuit of the disobedient driver.


She began to make her way down the sidewalk, in no real hurry to get out of the rain although her clothing would soon become soaked through. She took in the sights, although there didn't seem to be much to see. The weather was awful, which didn't provide much of a view to the surrounding environment due to the low clouds and fog creeping in. The roads were poorly taken care of, many of the buildings looked decrepit, and any people she saw looked at her as if she was some creature immerging from the swamp. So far, her impulsive decision to come here wasn't feeling so smart.


"Cosy Bear Cafe!" Lily picked up her pace as she set her eyes on a little cafe with some adorable little bear signs on the outside. She burst through the door, a little bell chime ringing as she entered. "Oh my GOD. Finally." She exclaimed, uncaring of who could hear or see her. Her clothing was completely soaked, along with her suitcase. She laughed at herself and breathed out a sigh of relief. "Ahh... so warm in here." Lily then began to peel her hoodie off of her body, revealing only a black tank top underneath; clearly, she was new here. Setting her wet hoodie atop her suitcase, she walked over to an empty table along the window line and sighed in contentment as she sat down. "Walking for half an hour can really take it outta ya..." She spoke to herself, resting into the back of her seat.

At the table in front of her, a blue haired woman sat with a laptop and a sketch book. Curious, Lily leaned toward the table and tried to get a look at what the girl was drawing. Her eyes grew wide as she looked it over, "WOW! You drew that? It's beautiful!" She exclaimed, loud enough to get her attention and likely everyone else in the restaurant along with her. "Are you an artist?"

Interactions: @Rodiak

Reya's eyes darted to the kitchen door as Ruben walked in, his greeting immediately snapping her out of her thoughts about her father. She gently smiled as she watched his eyes glue to the dripping ceiling, unable to look away. "Hey Rue." She took her eyes off him and looked up at the ceiling again, sitting in the comfortable silence as they both thought about what to do about the issue.

"I am so sorry! The big oven stopped working last night and we can't- ... Leaking again? We have a guy we can let you use."

Reya let out a small laugh, recognizing that chipper voice immediately. "I know, I know..." She muttered, feeling a ping of guilt for forgetting to get it fixed immediately. She had so much else to worry about when her father had passed though; it must've easily slipped her memory due to the dry season they had before winter arrived.

Hearing Rueben's nearly silent offer to fix the roof, she smiled and shook her head. "No, it's okay... I'll take you up on that offer, Emma, when the weather clears."

Just as Emma offered up breakfast pastries, Reya's stomached grumbled right on cue. "Oh, I've love one! I skipped breakfast this morning..." Reya grinned and swiped up one of the scones and began digging in. "These are delicious, Emma. As always!" As she picked apart pieces of the scone to eat, her mind unavoidably wandered back to her father. He had a love for sweet baked treats and so Emma had quickly become one of his favorite people to come around the tavern. No matter the mood he was in, she could always cheer up his day when she came in offering a treat or two.

As she devoured her breakfast, Reya listened to Rueben and Emma chat with each other. Her brow raised as Rueben offered Emma a genuine compliment. "Does Rueben have a little crush?" She thought, a little smirk appearing on her lips as she ate her scone and tried not to make direct eye contact with them.

"I'm going to go check on our guests." Reya decided to leave them on their own, just in case Rueben did actually want to do a little flirting for once. That, and the fact that she hadn't checked on the couple of people out at the tables in ten or fifteen minutes. "Thank you again, Emma. I'll call you about that roof guy you have." With that, she headed out of the kitchen and shoved the last piece of scone in her mouth.

@Hawlin Oh no! That's awful, I'm sorry. Thanks for letting me know though. I hope it works itself out soon!

Did you want me to go ahead and reserve that Dive Bar for your character you were thinking of? Or do you want to stick with the diner idea still? I just wanted to check since I was holding off on naming the dive bar until then haha
@OddApproved Haha thank you! and no worries at all, I just wanted to make sure you guys didn't get too far ahead while Reya is just silently watching them awkwardly or something hahah!

I'll work on her post now, and then the two new additions.

Also, for everyone, you guys don't need to post the day in every one of your posts, unless you skip ahead or behind (flash backs or something). Just fyi, its not necessary unless you really really want to haha I just did that to give everyone a reference to go off of.
I just added two more characters to my character post! Levi & Lily will be making an entrance soon :)

@Artemis Arts@OddApproved Please wait for Reya to get a word in for a sec. Lol! I'll have her post up soon.

"Here you are, sir." Reya smiled as she poured coffee into a mug and set it down gently onto a wooden table, "Would you like sugar with that?" Her blue eyes looked up at the portly man sitting at the table, who looked back at her with a playful smirk from under his greying mustache.

"You're plenty sugar enough, doll, thank ya."

She forced a convincing laugh, "You just holler if you need anything, then."

Quickly she turned and took the coffee pot back to the kitchen, glad to escape further conversation with the truck driver who had spent the night in the tavern to get some shut eye before he headed out on the road again. Unfortunately, truckers were always hit or miss for her. Either they wanted to talk to you for hours on end, and slip in inappropriate comments along the way, or they didn't want to speak to you at all. She usually preferred the latter, although she remained grateful for all of their business. Awkward conversation was a small price to pay for the stability of her income.

plink.. plink.. plink..

"Ohh... Shit! Reya set down the coffee pot onto one of the kitchen counters and rushed to a cabinet which held a large soup pot. As soon as she pulled it out she ran to the middle of the kitchen where water was slowly dripping in from the ceiling, setting the pot underneath so that the water would collect there instead of on the old wooden floors. "Damn it..." She muttered to herself, eyes glued to the ceiling where the water was coming from.

Her father had been meaning to fix that leak in the roof for at least three years now. He never did get around to it. It annoyed Reya every year, and yet here she was having the same problem a year after the tavern had become solely hers. A year to the day, exactly.

Reya's gaze slowly turned toward the window, seeing that the rain was coming down in full force. She walked over to the window and sighed, staring outside and suddenly feeling a heaviness in her heart. One year ago today, on the Winter Solstice, her father had made the final decision to exit this life. He left her with everything, even this leaky roof. For a brief moment she wondered if perhaps she should take it as a sign from her father in the after life, telling her to get it taken care of before the weather got worse.

A weak smile began to appear on her lips as she watched the rain come down, puddling up on the ground outside around the tavern. Her father had always despised the rain, especially if it rained during winter. He loved winter, the snow, and the cold. Rain while it should be snowing was blasphemy in his eyes! The fact that it was raining on the winter solstice today would have sent him into an angry rant as he glared at the hole in the roof that he kept putting off fixing. No doubt the snow would arrive soon - the temperature had already dipped into the low 40s. But today, her dad would have been as irritable as ever.

Reya shook her head, "I'll get that fixed soon." She whispered to herself, turning to look up at the leaking roof again. "Ruben certainly won't be happy about this..." She smiled again, imagining the look on his face when he walked in for his shift today to see yet another year with rain water dripping into his beloved kitchen.

Mentions: @OddApproved

Hi everyone! We are still waiting on a few more people to submit their characters, but I'll probably get my first post up soon to get us started. Feel free to begin posting afterwards!

I'm excited to see where we take the story :)

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