Standing outside on the deck of the Fox Hole Tavern, Reya looked up at the sky through the surrounding trees. A mug of hot coffee in her hands, she leaned up against the wooden railing of the deck and admired the fluffy clouds as they floated across the sky ever so slowly.
"And what do you see in that one?" The memory of her fathers voice flashed through her mind along with an image of him when he was younger, pointing up at the sky with joy as he awaited for his twin girls to tell him what they imagined the clouds looked like.
Almost like a pain reflex, Reya blinked her eyes a few times and ripped her gaze away from the sky as if to try and erase the thought. Closing her eyes and taking in a deep breath, she listened to the morning chirps of the birds and the slight breeze as it blew through the trees. The morning felt peaceful on the outside despite the turmoil she felt in her heart. Releasing her breath, she opened her eyes and took a sip of her coffee.
"It's not going to ruin my day..." She thought, reminding herself.
Today marked exactly one year since her father had taken his own life and Reya had already been receiving condolences from the people in town who knew her father well, which was most of the town due to its small size. It was nice, and Reya did appreciate being checked up on, but at times she wished she could just forget. There were so many things she wished she could forget. Damn her memory.
"Miss?"Reya snapped out of her thoughts and stood up straight, turning toward the entrance of the tavern to find one of the guests peaking his head of the door.
"Oh! I'm so sorry. How can I help you?" She moved towards him and entered into the tavern where the bar and kitchen were. The older bearded man moved aside and smiled at her before he took a seat at one of the tables.
"Just a cup of coffee, the strongest ya got!"Reya smiled in return and hurried towards the kitchen, setting her own coffee cup down on the bar.
"Of course! Coming right up." Just around the corner and behind the bar, Reya pushed open the kitchen door and headed for the coffee pot which had already been brewed. Her cook hadn't come in for his shift yet, but she didn't mind him being a bit late. Fortunately for him they weren't exactly the busiest at the moment. Summer was normally her busiest time at the tavern with campground travelers, though it seemed this year had slowed down significantly for families taking time off for wilderness adventures. Luckily, however, she could always rely on semi-truck drivers who needed a place to rest their head for a night, just like the man she was currently pouring coffee for.
Exiting the kitchen, she headed over to the mans table and gently set down the mug in front of him.
"Here you are, sir. Would you like any cream or sugar?""You're plenty sugar enough, doll, thank you."She forced a convincing laugh,
"You just holler if you need anything then."Quickly she turned and grabbed her coffee from the bar and headed into the kitchen, glad to escape further conversation with the truck driver for the time being. Unfortunately, truckers were always hit or miss in for her in terms of personality. Either they wanted to talk to you for hours on end, and slip in inappropriate comments along the way, or they didn't want to speak to you at all. She usually preferred the latter, although she remained grateful for all of their business. Awkward conversation was a small price to pay for the stability of her income.
"REY!!!!"Reya rushed back out of the kitchen, her heart pounding at the urgency of the yelling coming from the bar.
"What?! What is it, what happ-" She stopped mid sentence, the worry in her face instantly halting once she laid eyes on who loud guest in her tavern was.
"Ollie. Haven't I told you to stop yelling in here? What is so important?" She put her hands on her hips to take a stern stance, though a small smile grew on her lips. Before her stood a small child about the age of ten with a freckled face and bright red messy hair. He grinned back at her, finding great joy in their tradition of playful back and forth.
"Here! Mayor told me to hand these out to everyone!" He giggled and shoved a piece of paper into her hands before darting back out of the tavern,
"SEE YOU THERE!!" Reya smiled and shook her head before looking at the poster which was designed in colorful eye grabbing artwork and font styles.
2PM - 10PM
The festival was probably the last place that Reya wanted to be today, but she reminded herself again that she wasn't going to let the past ruin her present. Reya had always really enjoyed the summer festival in town, it was typically one of the biggest events of the year. If only for the delicious food, Reya would force herself to attend at some point. Setting the poster down on the bar, Reya headed back into the kitchen and wondered if she would ever be able to finish her own cup of coffee.