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Unrelated to the ice cream currently held in her mouth, Ana felt a chill run down her back as the Russian man requested that the child did not touch him again. The statement was cold and devoid of emotion, something she had come to know as a serious warning. She glanced over at the red headed girl, feeling a wave of anxiety for the girls safety in that moment. The jovial nature of her aura dissipated as she thought about what she could do if the attack dog of a man tried to put his hands on the girl. A pink spoon to the eye? A kick in the groin? Definitely. She could buy them enough time to run if she had to.

A sense of relief followed as the girl stepped away from the man, seemingly obeying the request and no longer wanting to test the boundaries. Ana's grip on her tiny pink spoon loosened as her eyes moved back to the Russian man, watching as he began to wipe down his jacket. 'OCD?' She pondered, taking another bite of her ice cream and wondering if that was the true cause of his outburst and not just the fact that he wanted to beat up unruly children.

Ana raised a brow as the redhead made a complete 180 and instead of throwing more insults, she chose instead to flirt. Ana smiled, deciding not to respond, and simply watched the headstrong girl walk off into the crowd and nearly crash face first into another woman. Slowly Ana brought her eyes back to the Russian man, an amused smile on her lips once more. "I'm almost certain that girl has a concussion or something." She chuckled, only half joking. The girl was definitely odd to say the least, but then again, so was this man. Sanctuary was turning out to be a hub for odd people, herself included. "I should probably go check her for a head injury." She continued, getting another chuckle out of herself.

Deciding she was done with her ice cream, half eaten, Ana tossed it into a near by trash can. "I'm Ana, by the way." She turned toward the Russian man again, unsure if she should reach out her hand for a handshake. He clearly had an issue with touching people and she was sure she had already offended him with her offer of ice cream, so she decided against it. "What's your name?"

Reya's face lit up with a smile as Talie announced that she had won the little game and secured her prized amethyst geode, only briefly taking her mind off of Zack and the closeness in which he watched her. "Yay!" She exclaimed, feeling proud that her father's teachings had been valuable in some respect. Her excitement over the crystal, however, was short lived.

“Wow, see I told you you were good at everything~!”

Reya felt a jolt of electricity fire throughout her entire body as Zack's hand slid across her waist and pulled her in closer. She held her previous smile, completely frozen, but her face gradually colored itself the same shade as a ripe strawberry. Talie's request for ice cream went unnoticed by Reya; besides her scrambled thoughts, Reya could only hear the sound of her own heart trying to jump out of her chest. 'What is he doing?! Is he drunk?? He has to be. What?! What is going on. We've never been this close! AHHHH. Where is Stella?!'

Reya began to nervously giggle as Zack offered to bring ice cream back for Talie. "Yes! Ice Cream!" She confirmed, still feeling the lingering tingle of her nervous system alerting her to exactly where Zack's hand hung on to her hips. She laughed louder, awkwardly, as Zack pointed out how red her face was. "HaahhhaAHHAHAH" She side stepped out of Zack's arms and quickly spun herself around to face the rest of the crowd instead of Talie and Zack - a futile attempt to hide the redness of her face. "It's so hot out here. Are you guys hot? It's super hot. We should get ice cream, yeah. Like, right now." She began to walk away towards the nearest ice cream stand, not waiting for anyone's answer. 'What are YOU doing?! It's hot out here???? REALLY?' She cringed at herself. She was making a fool out of herself and she knew it. Reya was rarely so unhinged, but Zack's forwardness had been the last thing she expected and it had completely knocked her off balance.

"Oh." Reya paused in her step and blinked a few times as she came face to face with exactly who Zack was on the hunt for. Emily had been looking back and speaking to two blonde people whom Reya had never seen and in doing so had nearly run right into Reya's face. "Hey, Em." She greeted, feeling uncomfortable as she knew Emily would notice the tomato color of her skin as well. She turned back towards where she had left Zack and Talie, only a few feet away. "Zack!" She called, waving him over and then pointing directly at Emily. She knew she was most likely about to be on Emily's shit list, but... Reya had to make the sacrifice for the "greater good". It was either address what Reya's problem was with Zack over ice cream with him or throw Emily under the bus as soon as possible to distract him from the situation ever happening. Sorry, Emily. A sacrifice had to be made.

"Vhy do you kome if it is overrrvhelming?"

Anastasia was immediately taken aback by the mans thick Russian accent. Such an accent was the last thing she expected to hear in this podunk town. What was a man like himself doing here, exactly? He stuck out like a sore thumb, which is exactly the opposite of what she was trying to do. She pondered on his question for a moment, "I don't know." She simply stated, smiling back at him. Although the answer was simple, it felt nerve wracking to give such a succinct and unjustified answer. In the past she had felt the need to explain her answers for nearly everything. Everything had to be rock solid, no room for argument. "I don't know" wasn't a thing, but it was now, and it felt freeing. She was allowed not to have an answer for everything, she told herself.

Ana shrugged as he turned down her offer of ice cream, thinking it was his loss. She took another bite of her ice cream and looked ahead to the individuals who were playing corn hole. She had played before, but she was no good at it. Aim was not exactly in her wheelhouse, but she still had fun with it.

Ana's attention quickly shifted as she noticed a small redheaded woman slink her way behind the Russian man. Ana glanced over at the blonde man, wondering if this was a person he knew. The way the redheaded girl was acting was odd to say the least.

“Hey. Udders. Can you get lost? The cows are getting milked over there. Also the ice cream innuendo is super obvious and really weird. Please stop and get some help.” Ana's mouth dropped open at the sudden berating from the girl, truly shocked. She glanced down at her chest; were her "assets" really that noticeable in this dress?! So much for blending in.

She looked back up at the girl, then to the Russian, then back to the girl before she burst out in delightful laughter. It had been a very long time since someone had been as bold as that to speak to Ana in such a way. It was actually refreshing to have someone around who wasn't afraid that they would get whacked the moment they misstepped around her should her husband get wind of it.

"I like you." She giggled, pointing at the redheaded girl with her tiny pink spoon, completely unfazed by her comments. Ana had heard much worse. Her eyes moved to the Russian man again who was practically being crawled upon by the girl now. "You two know each other?" She questioned, assuming they must from the way they touched. Ana began to wonder if there was something sinister going on with this man - the redheaded girl looked very young in comparison to him.

Reya quietly followed the USGS woman back into the crowd of people, looking the stranger up and down. She had never seen this girl in town before, but she was dressed a lot nicer than how Reya imagined a person working in geology would dress. Not only that, but the man at the booth had been sharply dressed as well. For some reason Reya had assumed that people working with dirt and rocks all day would dress more... boring. Then again, it was festival day. Maybe the geologists were just the most fashionable of the government branches.

Reya's speculation was interrupted as the brunette began speaking, mentioning that they had not expected to get any customers today. "Oh, I check out what you guys have every year. Can't beat a good rock." Reya laughed as they reached the booth, taking note that the woman's name was Talie. "My name is Reya, or Rey. It's nice to meet you, Talie. I run the Fox Hole just down the way." Reya looked down the street, pointing the direction of the tavern. "Come by for a drink sometime. I can put together a mean Old Fashion." She smiled and returned her gaze to the layout of rocks and crystals. "Or whatever else you like, really."

Her attention was then pulled toward the box filled with a variety of gold toned rocks. She raised a brow, inspecting it. "Why not." She decided to play along, picking up one of the rocks to investigate further. Then another which had a brighter sheen to it. She stared at the two for a moment, rubbing her thumb over top to see if the feel of them stood out to her. Truly, she had not idea what she was doing, but she decided to go with gut instinct on it. "I think-" Reya paused as she caught someone waving at her from the corner of her eye. She looked up to find the notorious Zachary Snypes headed directly for her. Oh god.

As the red-headed man leaned up against the booth, Reya's mind completely forgot all about the two golden rocks she held in her hands. Her glossed lips turned up into a smirk as Zack apologized for nearly running her over. "I'll try to find it in my heart to forgive you." She said playfully, being a little braver than she typically was around men. As Zack introduced himself to Talie, Reya could feel her heart flutter at the flash of his brilliant smile. Removing her gaze from him before she made a fool of herself, Reya suddenly remembered that her hands were full with rocks. She set down one of the rocks in front of Talie which had a brighter golden appearance and placed the other duller rock back into the box. Based on what she remembered from gold panning with her father when she was little - real gold shined brighter than fools gold did, no matter the lighting circumstances.

Reya looked up to Zack once again as he complimented her for being good at "everything" and then proceeded to compliment the way the two women looked. Brain go brrr....

Reya felt the heat immediately rise into her cheeks and any confidence she previously had to talk to him melted away. She laughed nervously and looked away, back to the rocks, in an attempt to avoid him seeing the pink in her cheeks. He was going to lay on the compliments and wanted their help?! She wasn't sure she'd be good at finding anything, but her heart wanted her to take the opportunity. "I can help." She replied, following her hearts desire for once instead. What was the harm? Except for embarrassing herself.... The logical side of her brain was always such a bummer.

Taking in a quiet deep breath to calm her flustered nervous system, Reya tapped the shiny golden rock in front of Talie and looked up to meet eyes with Talie - intentionally avoiding eye contact with Zack at this point. "I think the real gold is this one." She glanced over at the amethyst crystal geode that she had set her eyes on previously. "Do I win?" She smiled, looking back to Talie for confirmation. If she didn't win, she'd have to tell Zack that he owed her this crystal geode once they found his little sister. No way she would be that hard to spot, the Snypes siblings were never hard to find in a crowd. If not for their red hair, the loud voices would give them away every time.

With pleasure, Levi took a sparkling golden star sticker from one of the nearby officers and stuck it to the left side of his hoodie; proudly displaying his impressive victory against the dunk tank. Unfortunately this meant that he had to move aside for others to give it a shot, but he was happy enough to have won on the first try. He hadn't lost his athletic prowess yet! The only thing that seemed to sour the experience was Tommy himself. Levi hadn't missed Tommy's expressionless face when the two met eyes with each other. Similar to Phoenix, there was no heartfelt welcome home. This had stung even worse than the cold shoulder that Nixie had given him. The pain of it did assist in the power and strategic aim behind his softball throw, however.

"Hmph." Levi blew air through his nose in a half scoff, half inaudible laugh, as Tommy returned from the water and commented on not believing Levi would return to town. 'I should've stayed in California.' He thought, intrusively. Did he actually believe that? He wasn't sure. As Levi moved aside for the next person to take front and center stage, his brows raised at the comment of Levi being too cool for his friends after leaving. "Me?" He walked over to the side of the dunk tank, closer to Thomas but still separated by a metal fencing that kept people from getting too close to the tank. "I could say the same for you." He retorted before he was able to shut his mouth. For a millisecond it crossed Levi's mind to reenter the line for the dunk tank so he could sink Thomas into the water again. Normally Levi had a better hold on the words that left his mouth and didn't let emotion control him, but after two big ego hits it was hard not to let the sass out. He had fully expected a warm welcome from his friends and was met with coldness. 'Selfish.' His brain said again. Damned intrusive thoughts!

Collecting his emotion once more, Levi shoved it away and let a faint smile return to his face. Even though he had expected more from Thomas and Phoenix, that didn't mean they weren't still friends.... right? He wasn't the type to dwell on it, so he forced the doubt out of his mind for the time being. Grabbing his beer, Levi looked over at the next person in line - a small girl about the age of eleven who waited with giddy excitement. He took a sip and then looked back to Thomas, "When you're done protecting the citizens, let's grab a bite or something and catch up." He took a step back from the fence to leave, "Missed you, man." He looked back at the line up of people, not wanting to keep Thomas from his work for too much longer. "See you around, Batman."

Reentering the crowd, Levi found a nearby picnic table to post up and enjoy the rest of his beer while he people watched. Most of the town seemed to be out, as usual. He looked around to see if he could find any other faces he knew that he could talk with - surely there was SOMEONE who was happy he was back in town right? He took a larger gulp of his beer this time. Why was he so desperate to be wanted all the time? He needed another beer...

"Thank you, very much." Anastasia took a small cup from a man in a food truck labeled "Rockie's Ice Cream Parlor" and placed a five dollar bill into the tip jar. Inside the cup was an overflowing amount of chocolate chip cookie dough ice cream with two little pink spoons pressed into the top of the dessert. "Looks so good!" She complimented the food trucks handiwork, grinning despite knowing she would never be able to finish such a large amount of ice cream all to herself. Still, this had been one of the first enjoyable things she had experienced in weeks. Ice cream was her weakness.

Making her way over to a nearby bench underneath the shade of a pine tree, Ana tucked her blue dress neatly underneath her bottom and slowly began to chip away at her ice cream while she observed the rest of the festival from her quiet little corner. The atmosphere outside felt so nice, not at all humid like she was used to, and the people entering the festival seemed genuinely happy. Kids were laughing, parents were smiling, birds were singing, the sun was shining. Not much to complain about, it seemed. Still, her mind liked to wander back to Chicago. It was hard not to dwell, but she tried her best to redirect her thoughts elsewhere.

Ana's blue eyes quickly darted to her right as she heard the sudden eruption of screaming cut through the air, disturbing the peace. Her body tensed as her heart beat faster and she froze in search of the source of anger. Soon she found two red-headed individuals who appeared to be siblings, one of them was berating the other until the small girl took off and the brother chased after her. Ana let out the breath she had been holding on to and forcefully relaxed her body. 'It's nothing... relax.' She thought, focusing her eyes down on her ice cream as she took another bite.

Taken out of her own thoughts, Ana breathed in deep as she smelt a familiar aroma approach. A cigar. She looked up from her ice cream to find a man had decided to post up nearby one of the building alleyways, only a foot or two away from her bench. He wasn't currently smoking, but the smell followed him. She looked him over, noting his suit and the quiet demeanor. Handsome, too. She knew the type of man he was all too well. The smell of the cigar that lingered on his clothing was conflicting. It felt like home and yet it reminded her of the terrible times she had too. Old habits died hard...

Against her own rationality, Ana addressed him. "Are you looking for a quiet spot away from the crowd too?" She laughed a bit and offered him a warm smile, her golden blonde hair lightly flowing in the breeze as it passed through the trees. She looked back towards the crowd which seemed to grow larger by the minute. "It's a little over whelming." She paused and looked to her ice cream, still with one extra spoon sitting on top. "Want some?" She reached out to offer the cup of the ice cream to the stranger, pointing to the untouched spoon with her own spoon. "They must have assumed I was sharing with somebody. This is way too much!"

Reya hummed to herself as she walked from the tavern straight to the festival grounds, enjoying the fresh air and the warmth of sun on her skin. Luckily for her the tavern wasn't too far away from the heart of town, only a fifteen minute walk at most, and walking seemed like a better option than fighting over parking spots. Having planned ahead, Reya had brought her own change of clothing with her to the tavern so she could shower and get ready right there! Since the tavern was typically never at full capacity, Reya kept one room reserved for her own personal use just in case she needed to store anything or for special occasions such as today. This had come in handy more than a few times! For the festival she had decided to go with a simple outfit; high waisted short-shorts and an off the shoulder white shirt coupled with her favorite silver hoop earrings.

She had only one plan in mind for the festival - Martha's funnel cake! It was a necessity. Mandatory, in fact. If anything else grabbed her attention along the way then so be it, but she wasn't planning on anything else in particular. In truth, she was not sure how long she planned to stay at the festival. It felt wrong to go without her father, even though the past few years it felt pretty lonely even with him there. This was different, though, knowing he truly wasn't around any longer. The funnel cake would be as much for her as it was for her fathers memory.

Upon arriving at the festival, Reya passed by the dunk tank just as the local sheriff was sent into the water. She laughed along with the crowd, her eyes eventually finding the familiar face of the culprit responsible for the dunking - Levi Brooks. 'Of course.' She thought, unsurprised that he was the one to hit the mark. Levi had been one of the top players on the local baseball team and in turn that made him well known to the rest of the high school girls, much to his delight. She smiled and shook her head at the memory of how he flirted with her more than a few times at various high school parties they had come across each other at - usually at his parents house while they were out traveling the world somewhere. Levi took joy in making her blush, which he accomplished often. It had been some time since she had heard from him, but she made a mental note to stop in on the Cozy Bear to say hello when she was able.

Moving further down the street, Reya made a beeline for the exact spot where Martha's Bakery had a food truck set up every single year for their famous funnel cakes. Except....

Reya's walk slowed and her light brown eyes widened in horror as she arrived at the spot which was missing the key food truck. A whole line of food trucks around the street, and right in the middle was a gaping hole. A place where obviously a food truck was supposed to be, but it was nowhere to be found. Reya quickly surveyed the other food trucks lined up along the street. 'There's no way...' She thought, the jovial nature of her attitude for the day dissipating. She frowned when she was unable to find the food truck and began to wonder, outloud, what was going on. "Where the heck is the funnel cake?!"

"I know, right? I didn't hear about them going out of business or anything..." Another patron chimed in who had overheard her as he sat on a nearby picnic table, clearly waiting to see if the funnel cake would make an appearance. Reya scrunched up her face in a pout and folded her arms. This day was ruined! "Well that's just great..." She muttered to herself, standing there for a moment looking longingly at the empty space. What was she supposed to do now?

Sighing heavily, she shook off the disappointment and decided she would see if anything else caught her eye while she was here. Fortunately something did rather quickly at a nearby booth only a few stalls away from where Martha's food truck should have been. Glinting in the sunlight was one of the most beautiful amethyst crystal geodes she had ever seen! Reya approached the stall to browse the rest of the selection laid out on the table, making note that it was part of the local USGS team. She had seen their stalls every year as well and would sometimes purchase crystals or other pretty rocks they had for sale, but this amethyst was the most stunning one she had come across. The man at the booth she didn't recognize, but he smiled and waved at her while holding a cell phone to his ear. "Is this for sale?" She pointed at the crystal. The man looked down and then looked back up at her with a nervous expression on his face.

"Uhm, well..." His eyes darted past Reya and looked across the street, then back to the crystal, then to Reya. "I don't really... uhm... I don't really know." Reya furrowed her brows, wondering what he meant by that. The man quickly looked at his phone and redialed something, putting the phone back to his ear and looking past Reya once more. Turning, she followed his line of sight. Directly across from them was the dunk tank and a gathering group of people. She looked back to the stranger, "Is everything all right?"

The man sighed in an exasperated fashion and set his phone down hard on the table. "I'm sorry, I'm not supposed to be running this thing. It's..." He looked past her once more and pointed towards the gathering group of people. "It's my partner. She's over there, but she isn't picking up her phone! And I can't leave this stall." Reya followed his pointed finger again, looking at everyone in the group to see if she could identify another USGS employee. "She's the brown haired girl there, in the blue floral dress. You see her? If you could.. just... let her know, maybe? We'll sell the crystal to you at a discount!" Reya smiled at the mention of a discount. Sold!

Making her way back to the dunk tank, Reya was nearly run over by two red-headed maniacs chasing each other through the crowd of people. She barely made it out of the way as they sprinted in front of her, causing Reya to stumble backwards a few steps in order to make it out of their path alive. "What the hell?" Reya paused, watching the man chase the girl out in front until she realized who she was looking at. The Snypes siblings. Of course. Another notorious pair in town. Although Reya did not know the younger sister Emily very well, she did know all about Zachary. They had never been very close, but they often had the same classes together in high school. She'd never actually admitted it out loud, but Reya once had a massive crush on Zack in high school. She recalled the time that her father had discovered that Reya had written Zack's name with hearts all over her journal along with her own name paired his last name; Reya Snypes. Her father was not happy, especially because he had heard that Zack was the type to skip school and slack off at times. It was wildly embarrassing when her father sat her down and told her that was not the type of man she should be looking for and explained to her the type of man she needed instead. Not to mention her twin sister teasing her for the crush years later.

Moving on and throwing that memory back into the recesses of her brain, Reya ignored the two siblings and got back on track with her mission - get the discounted crystal! "Excuse me, miss?" Reya called out to the brunette whom she had never met before, dressed in the blue floral dress that the man had pointed out to her. "Do you work for the Geological Survey team? I think your partner is trying to get ahold of you?" She questioned, pointing across the street to the man at the booth who waved back in desperation.

Mentions:@Viciousmarrow, and Levi of course
@LovelyComplex Ahhhh please do!! We can have the gang back together haha

"I know Ma, I knoooooowww..." Levi turned away from the disappointed face of his mother as she stood with her arms crossed in the entryway hall. She didn't have to say it, Levi could tell from the look on her face that she was wondering how he still had stacks of boxes to unpack that were taking up room in his new house. He sighed, walking into the kitchen to grab the little bag of medication he had picked up on his way home for his father. It wasn't like he was being lazy, it had been so busy at the Cozy Bear! And he had already unpacked so much...

"Levi, It's been two months. What is all this? Do you need help?"

Levi returned to the entryway with the little white bag and handed it to her. "No, no, no, no, no." He quickly answered, "It's fine, Ma. I'll get it done." His mom raised a brow at him as she tucked the bag of medicine away into her purse, clearly not buying it. Levi laughed then, "I will! I swear, next time you see the place. Tip top shape. It'll be spotless." He grinned back at her, feeling almost like a kid again as she shook her head and cracked the faintest smile.

"Mmmhm, I'm sure... Thanks for picking these up. I'll see you later, have fun at the festival... but not too much fun. You've got to work bright and early, remember."

Levi fought the urge to roll his eyes at her. It was as if she had forgotten Levi had been taking care of himself and handling his job just fine on his own in California. He was a grown man! Just because he didn't clean up at the speed she would have liked didn't mean he was irresponsible! Going from almost never seeing your parents to seeing them every day was going to be.... interesting.

"Oh, hey," Levi's mom paused as she opened the door to leave, "How come you didn't tell anybody I was coming back to town? I saw Nixie at the cafe and she had no idea."

His mother furrowed her brows at him and held a playful smile of her own this time, "Levi, am I supposed to take care of your friendships for you too? How come you didn't tell them? That's your job, kid." She laughed a bit before heading out through the front door. "See you tomorrow!" She waved at him as she got into her white Subaru Outback.

Levi thought on what she said as he headed upstairs to shower and change out of his work clothes. He knew she was right, he shouldn't have relied on his mom to tell everyone he was returning. He had just been so busy... it was easy to forget! Plus, who really cared that he was back in town except for his parents? That was evident in the welcoming he received from Phoenix. He hadn't had much communication with anyone here in years, so he didn't blame her, but that didn't mean it didn't sting.

When Levi was finished showering he looked through his closet and wondered what sort of outfit he should wear. He wasn't exactly the "flashy" type, so being the casual guy he was, he threw on some jeans, a white tee, and a light hoodie. Despite it being summer, Sanctuary could get frigid at night due to being so high up in the mountains. Not to mention that the heat here was nothing in comparison to a California summer, the light hoodie wouldn't phase him at all in this weather. Returning downstairs, Levi grabbed his motorcycle helmet and headed out back towards the festival.

Parking around back of the cafe again, Levi dropped his helmet off inside the kitchen once more and then walked himself over to where the main action was happening for the festival. He walked aimlessly for some time as he browsed all of the booths, games, and food trucks that were set up. Walking around the festival felt nostalgic to Levi, despite the missing group of friends that he normally ran around with during high school. It felt good and odd to be back at the same time. Sanctuary was a beautiful place, but at times he questioned whether or not he had made the right choice for his future. Unsure of what exactly his plan was today, besides his possible sunset ferris wheel ride, Levi decided he needed a drink and ordered a Dos Equis amber ale from one of the food trucks. Just as they were handing the drink to him, Levi noticed a familiar face sitting on top of a dunk tank.

"No fuckin' way." He said under his breath, staring in amusement and disbelief as he rushed himself to be the next person in line to try their hand at the dunk tank. "HA!" Levi dramatically laughed out loud as he got closer, a big smile on his face. Thomas Fischer! His old best friend, now sheriff, sitting atop the tank. Levi watched as Thomas talked to a child who was unable to hit the target, his friend not yet noticing him. He took a sip of his beer before he stepped up as the next in line, setting down his beer in exchange for a softball. Tossing the softball up and down in his hand, he patiently waited for Thomas' full attention. The softball was bigger than he was use to, but he was confident he could still get the job done. Unluckily for Thomas, Levi had played baseball in both high school and college. A pitcher, no less.

Finally, as Thomas turned his head to look at the next person in line, Levi's smile lit up even more with glee. He was absolutely giddy! "Hey there, old friend." The playfully evil tone was evident in his voice and his facial expression. "Remember me?" He tossed the ball up and down into his palm in a menacing fashion, enjoying every second of it. "It's been a WHILE!" With the last emphasized word, Levi skillfully chucked the softball as hard as he could towards the target. The softball clanged loudly against the metal target - BULLSEYE! Thomas was sent into the water immediately and Levi erupted with child-like laughter, along with some of the rest of the gathering crowd.

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