Avatar of The Muse


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“I’m so sorry, um… I wasn’t expecting to see someone here… I thought they were gone for good…I guess, not everyone here in Sanctuary is a good person… Some people just bring back bad memories…”

Ana furrowed her brows and frowned as the girl spoke. She knew a thing or two about people bringing up bad memories that you wished you could forget. Her blue eyed gaze shifted past the taller girl, eyeing the couple that had seemingly triggered something. Was it the man that brought the bad memories or the woman? Probably the man, if she had to guess. Always the men… Ana narrowed her eyes, glaring daggers in the man’s direction even though she did not even know his name. Giving this sweet girl such a reaction was well enough reason not to like him, at least to Ana.

As Lily introduced herself, Ana brought her attention back and softened her facial expression. "It’s so nice to meet you, Lily. There’s no need for apologies, I’m all ears!" She smiled and looked at the books gathered in her arms that Lily had gifted to her, which made sense now that she knew Lily was a librarian. Although, the giant bottle of alcohol was still puzzling. "I’m excited to read what you’ve picked out for me! I bet you know all the best reads."

“...Um… But yeah, I should… probably be anywhere but here. I might just go home… I’ve seen Zack, Em, and Kayleigh play before.”

Ana looked up again towards the couple, taking note of Lily’s distaste for a certain person named Kayleigh. So was it the woman of the couple then? Ana studied the two, trying to discern who the “bad guy” was. She watched their movements toward one another while Lily spoke about the band that was supposed to go on stage soon. Unfortunately there was not much to see, other than noticing that the man took a step away from the red-headed girl, which was not the type of body language you’d see in a couple who were madly in love. There were definitely missing puzzle pieces for Ana to fully understand the situation and why it had affected Lily in such a visceral way.

“...So you know, it’s okay if you want to go… I’ll go home, and then I’ll drink myself to sleep and pretend tonight didn’t happen.”

Ana shook her head and turned her gaze on Lily again, "No way! I can’t let you do that."

“Umm… Maybe I can help you take those books to your car first? Maybe we could… get a drink together too?”

"Yes! Absolutely." Ana didn’t hesitate with her answer and smiled brightly towards Lily. "I don’t much like crowds anyway. They give me anxiety!" She chuckled as she said it in a nonchalant sort of way, though she was telling the truth. Once upon a time Ana had been quite the extrovert and enjoyed being around others, but after the lifestyle she had with her ex… crowds just made her want to run the other direction.

"My car’s this way." Ana tilted her head in the direction opposite of where the couple stood, luckily. As they walked away from the crowd, Ana stopped at a trash can to toss out the contents of glass from the alcohol-soaked basket and tried to shake off what liquid she could. "Fireball, huh? Interesting choice." She laughed, examining the basket to make sure she had rid it of all the glass. "I’m definitely getting you a fireball shot later."

As they arrived to Ana’s car parked on the street, she opened up the SUV’s trunk and placed the basket down inside. Across the back window of the SUV read “SANCTUARY RENTALS” in big white stickered letters. "Still haven’t got a car yet, so I’m using a rental." She noted, closing the trunk and walking over to the passenger side, gently placing the books down on the seat. "That means I won’t mind if this whole thing smells like Fireball by the time I come back." She laughed, closing the door and locking the doors. "Alright. Let’s find a drink!"

Walking back towards where all the vendors were lined up, Ana’s eyes scanned the crowd. As they walked past the auction stage, which was now in the beginning stages of being taken down, Ana spotted her other new “friend” sitting at a table by himself. "Moxi!" She exclaimed, grinning. She glanced over to Lily, "Just a sec. That’s the guy who won the date with me. I wanna thank him."

Practically skipping, Ana made her way towards Moxi with Lily in tow. "Thanks for bidding on me, that was so nice!” She held her smile as she met eyes with him, wondering what his intention was by bidding on her at all. Just to be nice? Or more? She had to admit, it was nice to feel wanted again. Even if he was just being nice. "Although…" She scrunched her face and looked up towards the night sky, pretending like she was in deep thought for a brief moment. "I suppose it’s the least you could do after beating me in corn hole like that." She giggled and returned her gaze to him. "Care to buy two girls a drink too?" She gestured over to the auburn-haired girl beside her. "This is my friend Lily. We’re dying for a drink!" She pouted her bottom lip, looking at him now with puppy-dog eyes.

Interactions: Lily @Viciousmarrow & Moxi @Zora

You're the best, thank you so much!! :)

@LegendBegins Thank you!! Sorry for so many haha I appreciate it though!

“To Beautiful ladies, They should be lucky we chose to date them.”

Reya grinned as her newest friend made a toast to the women and took down a shot of vodka like a pro. Talie knew how to have a good time! “Damn right!” She agreed, giggling. Reya almost began to regret not taking Talie up on her offer for another drink, but she felt obligated to make sure Stella was alright. Always the “mom” of her friend groups, Reya fell into the role with ease. It had always been difficult for her to let go in the same way that other people seemed to be able to.

Reya paused as she waited for Stella to find her thoughts, noticing her best friend's attention being taken away by something else. She glanced over in the direction Stella had been looking, finding Levi and Kitty making a scene with one another. ‘Are they dating now?’ She thought, watching as Levi held Kitty in his arms.

As Stella returned to the moment and bestowed a bracelet upon Reya’s wrist, she inspected it and wondered what the seemingly random gift was for. It was a cute and dainty piece of jewelry with a small orb of some sort tied in the middle, but she couldn’t quite tell what the orb was exactly; Stella would definitely have to explain later. For now, she smiled as Stella pulled her in. “You didn’t have to get me anything! I love it, though. Thank you!”

“Let’s go listen to some good music and maybe get some… chicken and waffles? I’m STARVING.”

She looked towards the band's stage as Stella brought up music and food, pondering on if she was actually hungry after all the funnel cake she had consumed earlier in the day. “You definitely need some food in you.” Reya joked, referring to Stella’s inebriated state as she felt her friend sway to-and-fro as she held onto Reya’s arm.

“Waffles sound great too, with maple syrup and chocolate.”

Clearly, Reya had two inebriated individuals to take care of. “Are you sure you guys didn’t smoke weed? You’ve got the munchies!” She laughed and shook her head, “Let’s grab something real quick and then head over. I want a good spot near the stage!” She wouldn't say why she wanted to be close to the stage, but Stella knew. Reya wanted to be there for the eye candy - the music was secondary in the priority list.

"So Lovely Ladies, Let's find music, food and Reya, someone to cuddle and keep her warm more than a teddy bear."

“Wha?!” Reya let out a playful gasp in surprise, her mouth agape with the small upturn of a smile on her lips. What was Talie up to?! “I’m just fine, thank yoouuu.” She stuck out her tongue at Talie and laughed.

"Or other toys."

Reya raised her brows as Talie winked, her smile forming into a smirk. Talie was spicy when she was drunk! ‘Is she hot or am I just…’ Her mind trailed off, unable to find an excuse. The wink, her voice, the flirtatious way she spoke… it was hard to ignore! “I think you’re the one who needs someone to keep her warm.” She teased, “Shall we find the sheriff for you after this?” She laughed and began walking with both Stella and Talie towards the nearest chicken and waffles food truck.

As the trio reached the front of the line for the food vendor, Reya broke out her wallet. “Order whatever you guys like, it’s on me!” She smiled and gave her card to the food vendor, stepping aside for the two ladies to order their food.


Reya looked over to her left as she heard someone yelling nearby, her eyes finding Bee Thompson - someone she knew only as an acquaintance who frequented the tavern often. She didn’t know Bee very well, but she had always been pleasant at the tavern - funny even. She usually came in on a mission to cure the munchies, which was amusing for Reya at least. Down on the ground, Reya eyed the man who Bee seemed to be yelling at. Brad! One of the men she had seen up for auction earlier. He looked vaguely familiar when she had seen him, but she couldn’t put together where she had known him from before. He certainly was handsome, though, and even Reya had thought about bidding on him.

‘That’s not important right now!’ Reya stopped herself, pulling her gaze away from Brad and turning her attention back to Talie and Stella. That was what was important! Girls night, like Talie said. Reya was letting her mind wander too much after her incident with Zack earlier in the day, and then Talie made her feel some type of way, and now Brad?! What was wrong with her? She needed to get laid, apparently… ‘Stoooopp!!’

Reya forced her brain to cease it’s annoying thinking and approached Talie and Stella as they retrieved their food. “All set?”

Interactions: Stella @LovelyComplex & Talie @PrinceAlexus

Ana smiled to herself as she hopped down off the stage, thrilled with the outcome of the auction. So many people in town had been nice and bid on her despite her being new to town and a complete stranger! It was heartwarming. She had originally signed up for the auction thinking it would be a good way to meet new people and find some new friends for her new life. However, her plan quickly changed when the Russian man, Moxi, began to compete for a date with her. He wasn’t exactly a stranger anymore, but it seemed like she had made a new friend after all. They had shared a couple drinks together over a few games of cornhole earlier in the day and she was flattered that he hadn’t gotten sick of her yet. Even if he was just doing it for charity, it was sweet. He interested her and she supposed she must’ve interested him, too.

Looking around, Ana tried to spot the blonde man in the crowd so that she could thank him, but was interrupted as another woman called out and approached her. “Are you… Ana Rork? The teachers at the academy have just been talking all about this new pretty blonde woman, and I just had to come and welcome you to our town!”

‘Teachers?’ Ana thought, wondering how any teachers had heard of her at all. She hadn’t been to any schools. ‘Oh. The cashier… ’ She remembered a grocery store cashier who had mentioned that she was a fourth grade teacher working part time for the grocery store while school was out for the summer. People weren’t kidding about news traveling fast in small towns!

“This is for you, by the way!”

"Oh, wow!" Ana’s blue eyes grew wide and sparkled as she looked at the beautiful basket of assorted items that was offered to her. Purposefully, Ana did not correct the woman on the incorrect last name that she had. It was better that way. "You did all this for me? You really didn’t have to, but wow! I’m so honored, thank you so much!"

Seeing the woman's attention snap away, Ana followed her gaze to find another couple being playful with each other near the stage. Ana smiled, thinking the scene was rather cute until she heard the crash of glass against the ground. Ana jumped and turned her attention back to the taller woman, finding the basket on the ground and the woman in what appeared to be shock.

"Oh, no. Are you okay?" Ana asked, looking her over to see if any of the shattered glass had injured her. Noticing liquid leaking out from the broken bottle of Fireball, Ana immediately went into action and picked up the books from the basket to try and save them. With the books gathered in one arm, Ana picked up the large pieces of glass and gathered them into the alcohol soaked basket, hoping to save anyone at the festival from stepping on glass. "There we go." She looked back up at the woman and saw the tears trailing down her cheeks. Ana frowned and stood, picking up the basket holding the broken glass. "It’s okay, the rest of the basket is saved!" She forced a smile, hoping to lighten the mood. Was the woman upset about the basket or… Ana turned her head to look at the couple again, watching the man set down the girl who she assumed to be his girlfriend.

Ana turned her attention back to the gift giver, "You want to get out of here?" She wasn’t exactly sure what the situation was, but clearly this stranger was upset and Ana was happy to provide a distraction if that’s what she needed. "Since you know my name, what’s yours?"

Interactions: @Viciousmarrow
>"There was something odd about the bookcase."
@LegendBegins Thank you so much!!

‘What am I doing…’ Levi thought as the auction came to an end, his heart racing with nerves. Perhaps it was just the beer talking, but seeing Kitty in person after so long had triggered immediate guilt and shame. In the past he might have run the other direction and avoided her at all costs, but he was a changed man. Or, at least he was trying to be. That’s what he had told himself when he arrived back in Sanctuary, anyway. It was time to take responsibility for his actions. He was tired of running. Despite not apologizing yet to Stella and Tommy, he’d thought about apologizing to everyone for years, including Kitty. He’d never been able to find the words, but what better time than now? He’d always been the type to go “all or nothing”, so why not throw himself into the fire by buying a date with the women he felt so much discomfort around? He needed to apologize to her and the rest of the group he had driven a wedge in between before leaving for college, no matter how uncomfortable.

While Kitty wasn’t exactly innocent in what had occurred between them all those years ago, he still felt the need to say something. Their “spark” had been brief all those years back, but he still felt guilt after sleeping with her and basically disappearing immediately afterwards. It wasn’t very gentlemanly of him. He knew it couldn’t have been easy for her after he left either; the friend group likely would’ve turned on her and that didn’t even include what everyone in town would’ve said behind her back. In all honesty, Kitty was the easiest apology he could start with. The most uncomfortable conversation he could imagine was with his old flame Lily Barker. He’d gone over that scenario countless times in his mind and it never came out right. His heart twisted thinking about it.

Suddenly, as Kitty’s eyes met his, Levi realized he had been staring at her the entire time his mind had been spiraling. As she registered his stare, he lifted one of his hands in greeting and gave her a half smile. His gaze shifted over to Brad then, his smile morphing into a small smirk. Seeing Brad up there on stage had been hilarious. People had been so invested in bidding for him, though! All the ladies wanted to be treated like a queen from a guy like him. Ironic that it was Kitty who ultimately won the bid. He wasn’t sure if Brad would be very interested in a date with Kitty, but the guy needed to get out there regardless!

“Oh shit.” Levi’s eyes widened as Kitty began sprinting towards him from the stage. He quickly put the beer he had been drinking down on the stage to free up his hands. “Kitty, stop! You’re gonna hurt your-.”

“LEVIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!” With zero fear in her heart, Kitty sprang from the stage directly at him.

“Jesus!” Levi caught Kitty in the air and brought her in towards his chest as he stumbled back a few steps. Strangely, he appreciated her full trust in his ability to catch her. It was lucky for her that he hadn’t had too many beers earlier, otherwise they’d have both been on the ground by now.

“You’re insane.” He teased and couldn’t help but laugh, admiring her carefree nature. Feeling her hands wrap around him, he could suddenly feel his heart pounding in his chest again. This time he wasn’t sure if it was from the nerves, the adrenaline, or did she still have that effect on his biological reactions?

“So a date, huh? I hope you have something fun planned! It’s been so long since we got together. I’m excited. I love surprises!”

Levi could feel his cheeks flush as she mentioned the last time they were together. Typically he was the one making others blush, it was odd the other way around. “Mmhm…” He only managed to get out, feeling at a loss for words. What the hell had he done to himself?

Hearing the shattering of glass nearby, Levi broke his attention on Kitty and searched for the source of the sound. Finding the last person he would’ve wanted to see in this moment, he saw Lily Barker staring at him in shock. His heart suddenly felt like it had jumped up into his throat and stopped beating all together. Time slowed as he stared back at her, frozen and speechless.

Feeling Kitty move in his arms, Levi snapped his gaze back to her. “Uh…” In rapid fashion he set Kitty down onto the ground and took a small step away from her to put some distance between them. “Uhm…” He nervously glanced back towards Lily’s direction, seeing another blonde woman helping her pick up the things that were dropped. He looked back at Kitty again, trying his hardest to keep his heart from having a panic attack. Why did Lily have to be here now?! Out of all the times she could’ve ran into him, it was now? This had to be some sort of sick joke.

“Y-Yes.. I, uh.. I was, uh…” He couldn’t help but look in Lily’s direction again for a brief second, then returned back to Kitty. “I was hoping we could, uh… catch up.” He cleared his throat and picked up the beer from the stage with a shaky hand and took a swig. He was going to need more of these in a few minutes. He’d completely lost all of his nerve stuck in between these two women. Everything in his body was telling him to run, but he forced himself to stay in the moment. “I’ll, uh… I’ll plan something fun for us.”

So badly he wanted to end the conversation and go to Lily, but how could he leave Kitty? That wasn’t a good start for an apology. And did Lily even want him to approach her? He highly doubted it…

“Aren’t you supposed to be on stage soon?” He inquired, noticing the flow of people going from one stage to another, and seeking out an exit from this current situation.

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