Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Aww, but darling you must understand that for this to be obligating there must first be a concession of trust from the employer in order to show that they are willing to meet the necessary payment of their employee. Thus in order for this work to be done for you, I need you to sign this legal documentation showing that you'll pay me what is outlined in the document

Proceeds to slam down the largest pile of papers the world has ever seen


Well I assume the friendship will probably be simultaneously manipulative of eachother and yet at the same time they'd likely be doing it out of the concern for the others wellbeing.

*What strange tales this will weave*

Ah ah, sign this one instead.

Come now, I cannot do business with you until you sign this form right here...~

*places obvious Geis paper on table*

((I have a strange feeling they will get along))

Friendship? There is a contract for that. Just sign here~
soon to be replaced

Suddenly magical lawyers.

@1Charak2: I'd like to point out that this isn't a Grail War so there's not really an issue as it's arranged anyway.

Additionally, um...

I think the main thrust here is that most of your ideas were acceptable? I don't know why you're trying to argue that they'd be too overpowered? ^^;

This is what 7am brain with no sleep does to you. Sorry I'll stop yammering now and work on a sheet.

@Raineh Daze

I just feel that the notion of this came off on the wrong foot. I was never saying Dantes was stronger then Gil, Although he technically could do some damage to Gilgamesh while Gil is charging up Ea, I do not think that a Gilgamesh going serious would have any issue with the count, even if serious gilgamesh is a rarity.. I was saying Dantes is scary because of how 'hit and run' the NP can be used as. Time stops like what this NP is capable of doing with, due to its space-time breaking levels of speed. Effectively render fights against the count to always be escort missions where one failed defense results in an immediate lost except the enemy has speed haxs and you are lagging.

This was the Issue with Dantes, not his servant v servant capablities, but playing him as an assassin. With speed like that, you don't need sneaking.

SO TLDR: to avoid using Dantes as quite possibly the strongest Hit and Run user this side of Achilles, I wanted to add the capacity that dantes can lower his speed for an increase duration to his NP, which reveals his true name not that it is an issue since the moment he uses his weapon it does that anyway.

With the increased duration of a sustain speed boost making him fast, but not unreactionably fast, Count can burn mana for speed, making healthy fast paced servant fights, which brings up his sustain a bit, while still making him a glass cannon (since hes burning mana for both attacks and movement) without resorting to the logical conclusion of murdering the servants mana supply in a manner that anyone without a reality deafying NP would have difficults defending against.

@Raineh Daze

The first bit about Dante's viewing himself is pulled solely from tidbits about his lore presented in the extra content and the game content. Showing that his true name is indeed Edmond Dantes, yet hes having a crisis of consious because he has the memories that Edmond Dantes had a happy ending. Yet here he is, stuck in as a demon of revenge perpetually, without his mistress.

Many of this stuff I'm pulling for him comes from his Bond information you get in FGO, which apparently your wiki isn't showing.

Moving on from that. I have not once said that the activation of his NP would not reveal his true name. Merely I am expressing the fact that the potential exists for him to hold back how fast he is going (since the NP doesn't actually force him to move at all, rather its an expression of him breaking free of the prisons of body, time and space), likewise. His NP does not appear to have a cooldown or rest period required between activations beyond mana. So really your not really showing why Dantes couldn't activate it, stop activating it and activate it again in order to achieve short but efficient bursts of movement. Afterall, it doesn't appear to be an NP like Excalibur where he has to go all in at once, The Attack at the end afterall isn't actually part of the NP, merely what he decides to do as an attack during the NP.

So what I am saying is, is that Dante's speed Hax, has alot of flexiblity.

So moving back to what I said, What is stopping him bar mana supply (and nto even that due to avenger class skills) from spamming his NP a little bit in order to move with quick bursts, (this of course doesn't mean hes agile in fisticuffs, it just means he can cover alot of ground)

@Raineh Daze
(moving on from talking about subjective brokenness)

He is Edmond Dantes, as the grail summons the servant in its prime of life. (In this case the count), The main reason for his refusal of being Edmond Dantes and the fact that even though he has memories of the ending to dantes story, is that oblivion correction forces him to remember all the pain and suffering he had inflicted upon him, leading him to perpetually be stuck in his revenge state of mind, That is afterall a caveat of the avenger class in that they cannot forget, That and well his mistress isn't alive to prevent his murderous compulsion

Source 1: His True Name is indeed Edmond Dantes, but he perceives himself as a different person from the "Edmond Dantes" who was a seaman from Marseille. The reason being that "Edmond Dantes" abandoned his evil nature at the end of the gruesome revenge tragedy in Paris... but I, who manifested as a Servant, continue to be the "image of a nemesis". In that case, I am not Edmond - or so he says <- This is eternally due to the nature of his class container.
Source 2: My beloved mistress (Haydee) is nowhere in this world, so this body shall remain a demon of vengeance for all eternity--

Source 3: Memory Correction is a Class Skill of the Avenger class. People are creatures that forget many things, but an Avenger never forgets. The critical effect of Avengers who attack from beyond one's memory is strengthened.

Dantes has been shown in the EoR trailer for Shinjuku to use his NP as a means of movement without appearing to even break a sweat doing so however it does seem he is not even close to using his top speed (since even if we factor in servant speeds, the speed dante is moving is nto even close to the speed of light aka his top speed with the NP), other then this, it hasn't actually been shown if Dantes can use his NP as a means of travelling, as his NP generally shows him using it to launch a multi directional attack, which is so fast it is akin to a time stop.

However the way it functions appears that the NP is flexible in its speed and therefore its duration, Obviously Dantes going all out could simultaneously only defeat 100 people maximum with 1 NP activation however, that only appears if he is going all out speed of light. Not really factoring in the fact it appears he can use the NP in a diluted fashion for bursts of speed.


Dante's Luck is actually extreme on both ends of the spectrum. It is extremely good and extremely bad, and thus falls under unquantifiable. There is a reason people compare Dantes to Nagito besides of course the artist.

To call dante's extreme luck in his lore.

Extremely good luck -> Meeting the Old man
Extremely bad luck -> The reason why he even met the old man in the first place.

Course this is noticably worse then always having good luck, but not as bad as always having bad luck.


Trying not to be a nuisance though so if need be I can shush about dantes since most of this is hypotheticals anyway..

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