Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
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Draw 2 Cards
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When your bored but don't really know why.
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That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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I always win the coin flip... always...



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Latin District
Changing back into her most dazzling outfit.
Da Vinci prepares for combat!

@SSW @Danchou @Sunglass

Oh how she lamented such a beautiful and serene night being ruined so soon. Ah, she had just changed into a suitable outfit befitting her grace and now she'd have to well, She'd have to show her true colours as it were and as the drab browns turn to brilliant blue reds and golds. Colours that truly accented her perfected form, and truly matched her own brilliance. Ah it was an aesthetic that she could most certainly enjoy. Her Gauntlet and staff primed in her hand. With her master attempting diplomacy, da Vinci would have seconds of prep-time

Natural-Born Genius: EX -> Disengage : A

She would be loading on that skill as a precaution after all what on earth would she do if she couldn't get out of this mess! Such a poor show would truly be un-her indeed. Though, she had to admit she wasn't expecting a Saber of some description to be her opponent so early. Didn't they normally resist magecraft. That would be annoying.

"So, Sabre. Hows the night air. Is it better then what you were used to?" Caster said, making light of the scenario as she glanced at him, her mind whirring with strategy. She was not going to impede her masters attempts at diplomacy. So her movements were slow, and noticeable, she was not planning any form of attack. At the same time however she was appearing to not give the enemy any clean openings to reach her master. That brilliant smile clean on her face, calm, composed and above all else, magnificent.

Latin District (Heading towards the Arc de Triomphe)
'Marguerite' goes forth again

Marguerite smiled as her hand was taken, being lead through the streets of paris, she didn't want to be too rude and overtake her master. Instead taken the time the walk too to study her surroundings, embracing the architecture of the world. At the same time she was scouting for enemy servants. This is what she was supposed to do after all as was her job as her students teacher.

Still, she couldn't help but smile happily. To be living again was certainly a benefit. To be living again in france was most certainly a bonus and a bonus that she was happy to use to her own benefit. Perhaps if after they had won... or at least made it through the war together, She could ask her master if they could visit the louvre in less stressful conditions. "Miss, do you think the night tonight is quite serene." Marguerite said enjoying the night breeze. Remaining close in a protective manner to her companion as they entered the Latin district, heading towards the Arc.

The Core
Operation Chase
Vs. Combatant: Assassin

Eiffel Tower, Core District

@BlueHelix@GreenGoat : Observers (@Sunglass / @The World[ )

The combat seemed to be heating up, and Agria still knew that too much distance from her servant would be the death of her as she kept her distance set close enough to be defended, and so as the two servants locked arms in that dance of combat that most if not all servants should be so intimate with, Yes it was interesting most certainly to see them outsmart each other in each dance as talking the unspoken language of combat.

Of course that didn't mean that Agria was completely memorised by the dance. She was already beginning to draw her familiars back to the core in order to scout for other masters or servants. A small thought nagging at the back of her temples that there was no way this fight in such a 'public' spot would go unnoticed by the other masters.

In fact she could feel as if eyes were observing her from a distance, a new arrival was studying the frey. Of course she could only give a glance, as she noticed the bearded gentleman just standing there Menacingly under the lamplight. Servant most definitively,

Indeed this confirmed it. Other servants were most definitively being drawn to this commotion. and thus she had her senses honed on her immediate vicinity. Her primary concern was not allowing herself to be slain so early. Death wasn't a worry. But failure most certainly was. Though her chances of survival were looking grim if there was even a fraction of a chance that the enemy assassin was 'friends' with this newcomers. She hoped Yoshitsune knew of grim possibility also.

Discreet Workshop -> Latin District
'Marguerite' goes forth


"Marguerite?" The Painter would say a finger planted on her chin as if contemplating such a name to herself, It seemed extremely out of place for her current self. But at the same time, any name she came up with would probably allude too much to her true nature but alas, a codename would work for now and she felt no need to change what her master had given her. "That'll do just fine master." 'Marguerite' said with a brilliant smile. As she nodded in confirmation of her pretend identity.

"Oh? A theatre, you wish to see a performance?" She said smiling as if an old friend hanging out. Of course Da Vinci had not only picked up on the intention but also on what her master was intending to do. Of course scouting the city was only appropriate for the first night of warfare, but knowing this Da Vinci wanted to pick a place that wouldn't be difficult to survey from.

"Perhaps instead we should visit the 'Arc de Triomphe' as not only is it a suitable land mark to survey the city from, but it is a landmark that can function well as a surveying point." She said softly, arms crossed as if thinking something to herself. "That would be the latin district would it not?" She said answering her masters question with the location that Da Vinci thought would be best to scout out.

The Core
Operation Chase
Vs. Combatant: Assassin

Eiffel Tower, Core District


Had she been so careless to as to attract the attention of a servant so early? Or perhaps maybe this is what she was looking for, that was the thought that was within her mind within the fractions of seconds she had. No fear of death as the blade came hurtling towards her. No remorse, no life flashing before her eyes. No panicked heartbeat, alarming was her ability to face death as if it was just another factor of life.

The secondary flash of silver would result in the bargaining of precious few moments that she used to take a few steps forward towards her servant, distance from them would be the killer as if she went too far away she'd be unable to be defended. The Smoke similarly rendering distance the killer, as separation would make it over for her quickly. Thus standing as she did, She hoped Yoshitsune knew of a manner to get out of this ambush with them both in one peace.

If they could force assassin to retreat, this would be beneficial. If they could put Assassin down for good. This would be the most beneficial. She certainly felt the next assault, but she knew that turning her head would take to long, and movement was impossible. She was just too slow. Thus, She had to rely on her servants speed to make it through this night.

Discreet Workshop, Residential District
To walk once more amongst parisians, da Vinci takes to the stage!


Stretching as she finished getting changed. da Vinci patted down her clothing, She had thought it best in her preparations that she wore less 'flamboyant' clothing, the bright colours of her regular attire would certainly stick out like a sour thumb on the night streets. Still, even her drab clothing had that manner of class befitting the renowned inventor. She certainly looked like an aristocratic member of french society. That is after all what she intended.

Ah, and just in time too, her master calling for her certainly would expedite her progress as she donned the hat on-top of her flawless strands of brown hair. Ah yes. She was most certainly ready to begin scouting paris at her masters side. A flawless smile encroached on her face as she turned around opening the door to greet her master. "I believe I am now ready master." da Vinci said, standing with a hand on hip, beaming that smile of confidence and reassurance she had seemingly mastered. "Shall we begin?" Her words were simple, fair and eloquent in tone. Such was the benefits of redesigning ones own body to be perfect.

She was quite lucky to have earned such a reasonable master, She would of been beside herself if she had been forced to work with one of the more 'distasteful' fellows. She hoped that tonight would be profitable for the both of them. It would be a disservice to her character if she failed to protect the only person that mattered to her currently as a servant. da Vinci was not the type to accept failure. No no~

The Core
Operation Chase

En-Route to the Effiel Tower, scouting out the enemy


Paris, city of love, city of lights and to the heiress of the Schluss linage. It was a battlefield. A battlefield with too many civilians indeed. Too many children for her taste but such was the battlefield that the mages above her station had chosen. Indeed if it was her war she'd have removed the need to worry for civilians entirely.

But it wasn't her war. She was merely another piece on the chessboard, Though knowing her she was just a pawn to be sacrificed in another players gambit. Such was the position she best fitted. Although she needed to know more about her opposition first to truly judge her position on the board. She has already sent out a vanguard of small rodents and birds to act as her eyes and ears across multiple districts. Though, her most powerful familiar had been instructed to keep close to her but remain out of direct sight, though within a distance that reaching their masters side shouldn't take long enough that Agria was defenseless.

The first rule of war is to seek out allies. Granted, if she could do so with an immense haste then her chances of winning will drastically increase as she can pool her supplies with her ally. If she can secure 2-3 allied magus, then that too will drastically improve her odds. Though she was never one to hope for such optimistic outcomes.

Thinking about what had even got her into this mess in the first place. Agria didn't so much as flinch to the thought of what had lead her to this circumstance that may result in her untimely death. A death that needed meaning before it could be given. Fear not the reaper, instead fear that you will not be remembered.. Yes that was what she was taught.

"Ushi, keep your eyes open, we don't want to get ambushed on the first night." The order was quick, audible. Simple. No words wasted. The way it was to be said. She didn't want to get too buddy buddy with her servant on the first night. Let bonding occur the next morning if they even survive...

For now though, she was looking for an encounter. It payed to be aggressive in finding the enemy early on. So you can adjust your stratagems for later encounters. Survival however was always a top concern. As much as she wanted to die. Agria couldn't die just yet...

Thus. She was going to live.

I am just having an issue with getting into the character of my servants and writing for them.

Otherwise I have been around! mostly keeping alive.


I believe for now I'm going to have to dip out!

Though if there is ever a desperate need for another recruit I might be able to come back in the future. Since this is still interesting to me.

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