Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
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9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Now you all have seemed to begin to settle, of course the question would lead to what you are going to do next. Where would you go? obviously you wouldn't be able to progress much if you just settled down in the location you were dropped down at. So of course the ascending skyward dragon would of loved to get a view of the map. That was to be expected after all. So heres what you see

Following the stream to the point it connects to the river you'd noticed that you would be closer to the shoreline then to the mountains. The trip to the shore would take at least a full days travel tops, but a trip to the mountains would be almost double that. You would also notice that the mountain range seemed to curl into a semi-circle obscuring what was behind it unless you soared even higher.

There would also be a village about a good 3 hour walk from your location. You could barely make out a large bonfire at the centre of the village and strange tribal markings. So the question was, where did you go now?


Native Also

Tier Zero skill is denied. Knowing meta knowledge Out of Character is too much.

@1Charak2 Cool. So Mike Version 3.0 then. Changes include the following:

-Kept the nails
-Loss the smell
-Loss the craftsmanship and replaces with temporary sense enhancement
-Changed the Tier Zero skill into something more random and surprising. If it's to much of a hassle, I can contribute if needed. It'll be more of you saying when it'll hatch and maybe into what.

I like this Accepted!

Thats better Yeah.
I feel like that wouldn't be a logical weakness though as a potent sense of smell would still be useful for all manners of things. If you would like to be specific, I say given his size, giving him a nerf to his speed (due to his weight) would be fair.


I still don't see any 'distinct' weakness to the gorilla.


Much better! Accepted

Sorry we are full as of current. (The others that were here before you had spots reserved)


Righty, Sheets fine but there are three points of contention

- The Tier Zero, Due to the fact it *gurantees* the truth out of someone. It can lead to issues with PC and NPC interactions.
- Wild One: Going Primal is not exactly a weakness, and can be seen as another bonus given that it only activates in highly stressful situations and a wild animal is much more difficult to 'read' then a smart one.
- Agility: Given his other bits in his kit, Allowing him to move with any sort of 'increased' mobility would push his skills over the edge in terms of power.

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