Avatar of The Red Seelie


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5 yrs ago
Y'know with all the new Isekai concepts coming out, I wonder if there is an isekai concept for "Reincarnated as a Truck that sends people to other worlds"
5 yrs ago
Draw 2 Cards
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8 yrs ago
When your bored but don't really know why.
9 yrs ago
That moment when you have a billion ideas and can't write them all down
1 like
9 yrs ago
I always win the coin flip... always...



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Shame The Curemaster can't cure Society

That's what Heroes do
Its like everyone forgets that the gimmick that is "Huge Revolution" exists. Trueky the greatest rebellion.
All I know is at the end of the day, I want to make a heroic pose while attacking with elemental heroes.

That is all.

Edit: Maybe I'll find out I have a dark backstory as an evil king that completely fucks up the rest of the cast for a bit, and then goes into maximum depresso mode. Or I superpoly myself with the arch villian.

Because Thats how romance works.


Even in a place as forgotten as The Collar, The people need a hero. Who knew the hero on his jerryrigged grannybike-motor engine duel runner combo painted in such bombastic colours, was none other then a mild-mannered textiles worker! It doesn't matter what the hour is! The Sun will rise and lead people to a brighter future!

A hero born out of the need to make children smile, aspiring to make The Collar a better place. Of course he would pledge his aid to the Bulwark Breakers as early as day one. Such villains couldn't be allowed to oppress the weak!

~~important theme~~
Lists of proposed Decks:

Sunriser E-Heros
webboy Cyber Dragons
Amaranthine Fairy/Cyberse
Kaggs Underachievers

These are all the ones that have deffo been given an A ok

A finished list of heroes.

Worry not Young duelists! Your Great Hero Sunriser is here!

*In another few hours the sun will rise*
Speaking of Archetypes, Whats every staking a claim in.

I have chosen Heroes (Specifically E. Heros) For a reason.

If you call me out again, I'll have to duel you on top of a blimp.

No safety railing this time.

I mean you literally had the enforcers telling every single duel gang across satellite that "We are going to be the cops when there are no cops."

So painting a target on yourself isn't a new concept in yugioh.

Mr: "Wears his millenium puzzle in full view of everyone."

Joke Answer. The Backstreet Boys

Actual Answer:

So as we know the canon duel gangs had some pretty boring names

Team Golem
Team Insect
The Ambulators
The Enforcers
Magician's Four

(including the games)
Team Black and Blue, Team Dirty Works, and Team Non-Securities.
(seen here)

The only really cool one is Magician's four and we can't really do that.

So the gang name should reflect our goal of getting into the inner city if anything.

If the inner city is the heart for stance. A gang name like "heartseeker" for instance. Or Mr Heartland, except not the last one.

If the goal itself just relates to the wall then

Elemental Hero Rampart Busters
Bulwark Breakers

Ideas like that /shrug/

A name should be a goal, afterall. Calling ourselfs junkyard dogs is just admitting that we are where we are. Not where we are going. /shrug/

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