Avatar of The Savant


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Current Happy New Years ~
4 days ago
Happy New Years Eve everyone ~
2 mos ago
People need to stop caring about politics that much. I won't openly discuss who I wanted/who I voted for (if I voted at all) and the majority of my friends (demos and reps) have defriended me. Idiots.
1 like
2 mos ago
Mhm... you can try @The Raven Calls. You'll have a difficult time.
2 mos ago
We enjoy hiding from most of the world and we enjoy staying in our abyss of darkened comfort.


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

Everyone and everything was beginning to set up and the festival was slowly but surely coming together. He was not surprised that the area was already bustling with activity. It kind of reminded him of his days on the university grounds. When events were happening, everyone was going out and about. When they weren’t, it sometimes reminded you of a ghost town.

It was odd to see more stands this year compared to last year, a weird realization that the town was slowly getting bigger annually. The main thing he was looking forward to was seeing all of the carefree individuals who were going to enjoy today. Hearing a feminine voice in the distance that he could not place, she sounded like she was trying to help everyone with setup, and so on. Not really paying attention because he had known his location and stall type.

Taking a few steps back as he began to rub the back of his neck, “Aah should have forced one of the other officers to help meh out,'' Mumbling to himself before he got back to what he was doing. Unloading the trailer.

Thomas didn’t realize that someone else was in the vicinity and hearing the voice caused him to jump slightly and the two fold out tables that he had in his hands landed on his one foot. “Cracker snaps 'n pop rocks,” Was the words he used instead of saying what he wanted to from the weight slamming down on his foot.

With the items still on his foot since he couldn’t process or deal with that at this exact second, he had a friendly smile nonetheless, “That's meh, the chief,” His voice cracked in a sense as he pulled his foot out from under the weight of the tables and completely ignored the fact that the tables fell on his foot in the first place as he walked over to the woman. “Aah really appreciate the offer but aah reckon aah've this,” Glancing over his shoulder at the tables that fell on his foot only a moment before looking back at the woman and smiling slightly more awkwardly. Maybe a little embarrassment lingered in his expression. Definitely a little goofy looking.

Aah don't reckon that aah know your name, miss?” A part of him was feeling dumb because he felt like he should know who she is. He thought her voice sounded familiar but not at the same time. Maybe he heard it on the radio or T.V. or just around town somewhere? Gosh. He couldn’t guess it if he tried.

Location Festival - Police Department Booth
Time Morning
Mood Foot slightly aches but is excited for the festival
Interaction(s) @QueenBea

5 AM

The faint light that was coming through the bay windows of the penthouse on top of the nightclub Euphoria could be seen in the early mornings. The faint smoke of a cigarette would slowly rise into the air and continuously be puffed in sporadic ways as a man relaxed in one of the expensive and nicely cushioned deck chairs. Relaxed in a position that he could fall asleep in while staring up at the morning stars and awaiting the sunrise.

Typically, Moxi could be seen on the balcony of his penthouse in the early hours and the late hours of the day. Usually with a cigarette and a short drink in his hand, but he was not drinking this morning. The man only allowed himself to drink during the nighttime.

8 AM

By the time eight in the morning rolled around, the man found himself in the same spot he was in at five in the morning. He watched the sunrise and finished his cigarette hours ago, but he decided to relax in the deck chairs before he had to get up and make himself breakfast. Deciding to finally stand up and go inside, Moxi found himself in the kitchen quickly as he looked through the fridge. Deciding. Deciding. Deciding. Cook or not to cook? That was the real question.

The man decided that he was not going to cook for himself today and already being dressed, the man decided to leave the building as a whole and walk his way to the downtown area of Sanctuary where he would find the many shops that were opening up around this time. It seemed to be busier than usual and he remembered, “I forrrgot festival is today…” mumbling to himself as he made it into one of the shops. It was a small cafe and there were a few people, but he didn’t spend much time acknowledging anyone. Walking up to the register and offering a friendly smile, “I vill orrrder number seven on everrrything bagel and I vill have tea vith thrrree sugarrrs. Larrrge,” Moxi at least left his penthouse today, but he didn’t know if he would join in at the festival or not. Going over to the area where most people waited, he stood as he waited for his name and order to be called out.

Location One of the Cafe in Sanctuary, he doesn't know which one
Time 8 in the morning
Mood Tired and internally preoccupied

Ever since he became chief of police and sheriff, Thomas Fischer has made it his goal to build better community relationships between the people of Sanctuary and the local police department. Making it his mission to always include something from the police department in local events and festivals around the year. A part of him truly did believe that building better relationships helped improve the jobs of the officers. The officers could do their job in protecting and helping the community and the community could put their trust in them on a formal and informal foundation.

Maybe this was influenced by his youth days in Sanctuary when his house was broken into and his mother was taken away from him too young. He felt like the officers did not do much to ease or improve the situation that the Fischers were placed in. In his teen years, he always heard the adults talk badly about the police department and maybe that’s when the fire sparked. He wanted to make Sanctuary a safer and better place. He wanted to be known for improving the force and so on. That was exactly what he has been doing since getting on the force and he is proud that he was voted into the sheriff and chief position years ago.

The festival was a big deal and he allowed the individuals with families to have the day off or be on call, so they could enjoy the annual festival. The others would be participating at the police department stand that he had planned for this festival.
Making sure the trailer was appropriately hooked up to the back of his truck, Thomas was trying to get everything ready first thing in the morning. Waking up at 5 AM like usual and getting a light breakfast at home or at one of the local restaurants or cafes, he has been at the department since roughly 6:30 in the morning. Knowing the festival did not start till 2 in the afternoon, the man wanted to make sure everything was up and ready around noon.

Around eight this morning, he went around the area of the festival and placed roadblocks, slow zone signs, and children at play signs to make sure the area was safe. It would at least help lower incidents that could possibly happen. Continuously loading materials into the back of his truck and onto the trailer, he sighed while placing his hands on his hips and stretching back slightly. Looking up into the sky.

Aah caint believe aah'm sore today…” Thomas must have slept wrong or something. His shoulder was bothering him or maybe it was the fact that he wasn’t requesting any help while loading heavy things into his truck alone. The items were not that heavy… at least he would say they weren’t. Currently, he had a few fold-out tables and chairs packed in, the dunk tank, and a few K9 training items for something he had in mind.

A few of the officers were excited about the dunk tank idea and wanted to participate right away. They got their leader, Thomas Fischer, to even agree to be in the dunk tank for at least thirty minutes during the festival. This part of their booth was going to be free along with the K9 canine game that he would be setting up for children. The dunk tank was for smiles and laughs. The K9 game would allow kids to win stickers themed around the local police department, candy, and ice cream coupons for the local ice cream joint. A part of him was already regretting his agreement to be in the dunk tank. “Maybe aah could tell 'em that aah forgot mah swim trunks,” Joking to himself as he knew that was not going to work at all. They would throw him into the tank fully suited up if they would have to. He had to keep his word at this point.

Beginning to crank down the ratchet as he tightened everything to secure it onto the trailer. His plan was to get everything set up and ready to go by noon so they could begin filling the tank around then, setting up the food stand part, and everything else. Getting into his truck, he was at the festival location or at least where the booth would be within fifteen to twenty minutes.

Stepping out of his truck, the vehicle was turned off at this point, and he began to untighten everything and start at it. Other than the two games that they were having for free, the police department's booth was going to have meals for $5. This would give the option of a burger or hot dog with the choice of chips and a various amount of options for drinks. All the drinks were children friendly. Bottles of water, juice boxes, and a variety of canned pop.

As he began to put the dunk tank together, the man realized this was going to be more difficult alone but not impossible to do. It caused his shoulder to ache a little more than he wanted it to, but he was working through it.

Location Festival Location, specifically the police department booth section
Time Almost 9 AM
Mood Content

Watching as his work was unraveled by the fae with polar opposite eyes, his brows furrowed, and an electric sensation shot through his body. Was he mad? Upset maybe. A tinge of anxiety might be attempting to overthrow his system but something boiled in his chest and he didn’t know how to process whatever emotions he was feeling at the second and his whole system seemed to shut down. Staring at her, blankly. Did he want to say anything at all? He felt like he couldn’t say anything and he knew that they were all trying to escape but why did she have to ruin his work?

Standing up was about the only thing his body could do as he stared at the unraveled work. His eyes glanced down at the ground for only a second with a defeated sigh. ”Now pick it up.” Kristo’s eyes sharpened at the smaller individual and he shook his head and rolled his eyes. The male was going to respond though the guard cut him off.

"I don't know what is happening here but you penitents need to learn how to behave!" A sword was being pointed at them and Kristo did not seem to react towards the weapon being pointed. He might be a fool, very much so though he was also very used to weapons being pointed his way.

Watching as Mhin removed the guard from the material plane, he sighed. He really did not want to attempt to fight a guard with a sword because he knew he would lose in such a battle. Dress like a guard, that was what he needed to do. The guard did have nice pants. “I would have rather one of you punched me,” Kristo finally spoke up from him mentally shut down. Never knitting around these guys was something he was going to keep in the back of his mind.

Quickly, Kristo switched out the rags of prison wear for the clothing of the guard and he stretched and moved around slightly to see how well everything fit. They were about perfect so he wouldn’t complain. Picking up the guard's sword and twirling it in his hand and catching it perfectly. “I’m not great with weapons but I think this can come in handy,” Sheathing the metal into the rightful place on the belt.

Kristo looked down at the guard and sighed, crouching down, and closing the man's eyes in a sign of respect. The adventure was fun. The death part was something he never enjoyed.

Interactions Multiple
Mentions/Acknowledgements Mhin, Erith, NPC guard
Current State Internally upset - outwardly emotionally shut down
I was able to get Moxi up! He is going to be one that helps cause a little bit of drama.
<Snipped quote by Zora>

That'd be great if you're up to it! I might do the same. I'm in a couple other RPs though so I just want to make sure I can keep up before I make another character haha

I fully understand. I don't feel like this RP will be overbearing from my experiences with character driven RPs, so I think I'll be good! I'll just have to sit down later at my computer and think of exactly what I want in trouble makers per se.
@Steel Legion There could be if you want there to be. It's going to be very player driven so it all depends on what kind of characters you all come up with. I'm not afraid of dark storylines either. Just looking for interesting characters that are fun to write about/with! Haha

I can always make another character or two that are gray-walking or not so good that can stir things up.

Taking his eyes off from his work, he could hear the little jingling and jangling of the individual who was trying to break the lock and get out of the prison cell. It was odd to him. Wasn’t there a plan they should be following? What if the attempt caused a guard to ruin the signals they were all supposed to get. Maybe he missed something in the plan when everyone was speaking? He didn’t know Rizx was supposed to be physically trying to get them out. “I-I…” How did he want to put this? Something about the goblin was unnerving and he didn’t want to step on any toes. Inhaling sharply and clearing his throat, whispering, “A-are you supposed to be doing that?” His voice was light and as friendly and curious sounding as possible. Hoping that he wouldn’t receive a blow of any kind from the creature.

"Impressive!" He heard Maxim, The Bear, say and Kristo seemed to smile and allow his attention to be brought elsewhere.

Thank you! It’s quite fun,” A smile that showed his white pearls for teeth as he began to continue work on the project that he was on. Humming that song he was humming. The Bear was trying to whisper the next words yet Kristo caught them and thought about it. His eyes sharpened while the amber orbs stayed on the individual stitches he was looking at. Whispering back, “Seamster.” The man clearly did not care that the other man referenced a job he could possibly do yet he probably wasn’t the best at sewing. A few times having to sew a patch in but anything else… possibly going very wrong? Who knew! He has never tried. Knitting was the main thing he did in his free time here.

Interactions Rizx @Expendable and Maxim “The Bear” @Riffus Maximus
Mentions/Acknowledgements None
Current State Multiple emotions


To whoever may be reading this, I hope you are having a wonderful day! To introduce myself, you may call me Zora. I have been a part of the guild for a while and have taken more than a few years on hiatus away from the forum and RP in general. I have not done much of it but I am wanting to get back into it. My personal preferences in RP are casual small groups or 1x1s in DMs. I am not against making Discord servers for role-plays, but we can discuss that if we ever get there.
I am a full-time student and I do have a life outside of the internet. I am married. I do have obligations and cannot promise that I will respond every single day. I can however guarantee that I will respond once a week. If I am going to be delayed, I will inform you.

A few things about me
I am over the age of 21
Paragraph Role-player (Casual to Advanced)
I enjoy all different types of genres/themes/etc... and my favorites are realism, romance/drama, and fantasy

What I am looking for
Someone who is going to respond with at least a paragraph
Someone who is at least 18, preferably 21+ because I enjoy adult themes and ERP
{ERP is never the goal I am going for in RP but I do enjoy it when it naturally gets there}

RP Wise
Everything and anything should be discussed. I do not mind if partners want to fade to black and do time skips over romantic scenes. I'm very talkative and get excited about plot ideas and so on. I apologize in advance.

I'm always looking for long-lasting RPs and I desire character growth. My longest group and 1x1 RPs were both multiple years and sadly they are not ongoing anymore. The reason I took a break.

I tend to usually play male characters. If you would like me to play a female, this will be a heavy discussion, and I really have to click with the character. You might be too hopeful for that one.

Characters must be over the age of 18. Side or reference NPCs do not have to be.

Plot and character ideas
(Unless stated otherwise, both characters can play either role)
Fantasy Based
○ DnD-based RP (classes and species), we go on an adventure!
○ Royalty x peasant or knight
○ Mafia boss or international criminal (my character) x your character
○ Slice of life (living in the same apartment and crossing paths)
○ The high life, two prominent figures (fame, wealth, etc...) and their families are trying to get them together. At least one of them is originally disgusted with the other. Thinks they are horrible or have no personality or whatever it may be. Enemies to friends or maybe lovers. Can they outsmart their families without actually falling for each other?
Uncategorized ideas
○ Both of our characters wake up in bedrooms that remind them of their most calm/peaceful times. That might mean your character wakes up in the bedroom they had when they were in high school or middle school or after they moved out of their parent's house for the first time. Odd. The bedrooms have balconies attached and private bathrooms (which might or might not be a detail in the original memory.) Once they leave the room, they find a common space that is very 1920s tea party themed. Every day it changes but keeps the same 1920s theme. Both characters have no memory of how they got here or not and have to work together to figure a way out. There might not be.
I am up to discuss anything as well!

If you are still reading, I appreciate that you gave me your time! I would appreciate it if you DMed me a response. I hope you have a wonderful week!
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