Avatar of The Savant


Recent Statuses

1 mo ago
People need to stop caring about politics that much. I won't openly discuss who I wanted/who I voted for (if I voted at all) and the majority of my friends (demos and reps) have defriended me. Idiots.
1 like
2 mos ago
Mhm... you can try @The Raven Calls. You'll have a difficult time.
2 mos ago
We enjoy hiding from most of the world and we enjoy staying in our abyss of darkened comfort.
3 mos ago
I feel your pain @Marlowe
1 like
3 mos ago
You definitely find out who your true family and friends are when you are stressed out and feel like you are drowning. Approximately ~ 60 more years to go. *sigh* I'm disappointed.


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

I updated the skills/talents to Journeyman or lower.

@HylianRose My Knight's CS is up for review!

For the benefit of everyone, I wish to reiterate that he's an optional PC, only to be made official if there's a need for us to double up. If there's not, then Millie will be my (only) PC.

Alpheus is gonna fu*k with this man so hard. Hopefully, the blind boy never figures out his dislike for wasps. smirks
Hm, thinking it over, I actually probably don't have the time to do this RP after all. Dangerous thing to be juggling so much when I need to be job hunting instead.

Good luck with it though, y'all!

Good luck with your job hunting!
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Can't accidentally enchant him with her eyes because he can't see them. Gxhhchb LOL

Millie trying to enchant him. Failing.
Alfi: What are you doing?
Millie: Nothing! DO YOUR HOMEWORK!!!
Teacher: Millie you can't enchant him, he's blind.
Millie looking horrified: And he's my partner for the rest of the year!?!?!?
Nuclear meltdown begins.
The teachers just end up partnering Millie with Alfi because he can't see and he can totally ZONE anyone out.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

I'll add a note to the CS section about that tomorrow. Thanks for being understanding!

I'm flexible and easy going, usually, and I never mind fixing wrongs.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Home for the day so I likely won't look at this in depth until tomorrow but wanted to let you know as it my immediate concern. The skills are mostly expert or master, which I absolutely expect from a 4th year or teacher, but not something I expect from a 1st year. I would say he can have max skills at journey but no higher currently. Unless there are extenuating circumstances. A character who is already a master or expert at something has no where to improve. I'd consider looking at that again.

I do like the talent, but I'll look at that in more depth tomorrow and might have more feedback at that point.

@Crusader Lord

Glad to have you!

I understand and I'll update the level of the skills/talents, that is no bother. I'll have them all capped at journeyman or lower.
I believe that I have filled out everything.

Updated all to Journeyman or lower levels.
It'd be funny if all Gods were just powerful mages from an era where knowledge about magic was easier to safeguard and keep secret.

That idea would be hilarious but a very realistic situation that could happen.
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