I might attempt to make a dungeon crawler RP world... we will see how ambitious I am.
6 days ago
@Sp00ki I'm having a wonderful day. I got approved to the apartment I applied for!!
7 days ago
I can tell you. I cried more with the sock in the round style then the DPNs but I have also been considered weird for having a WAY easier time with DPNs than circular ones.
7 days ago
@ ICanBeAnyone; making socks is an adventure for sure. No pattern is the same even if it is similar. Always totally different. Nothing is simple but it's a great experience and so fulfilling when done
7 days ago
I love mind numbing T.V. or background noise while knitting. It's the best.
I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.
The northern region consists of tundra, taiga, temperate deciduous forest, temperate rainforest, and grasslands. The central region consists of temperate deciduous forests, grasslands, and savanna. The southern region consists of hot desert, cold desert, savanna, grassland, and tropical seasonal forest.
The northern border is shared with coastlines, Algia, Narsainesia, and the Grand Duchy of Gond. The eastern border is shared with Algia. The southern borders are shared with Boskirk and the Kaszalia Empire. The western borders are shared with the coastline and the Mardesia Empire.
The capital of Erdonia is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The north region consists of taiga, temperate deciduous forests, temperate rain forests, savanna, grasslands, and tropical seasonal forests. The central region has savanna, tropical seasonal forests, hot deserts, and tropical rainforests. The southern region has savannas, tropical seasonal forests, and tropical rainforests.
The northern and eastern borders are all coastline. The southern borders are shared with Trabia, the Saberia Territories, and Boskirk. The western borders are shared with the Kiszalia Empire and Erdonia.
The capital of Algia is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The western region consists of hot deserts, cold deserts, grasslands, tropical seasonal forests, and tropical rain forests. The eastern region consists of grasslands, savannas, cold deserts, and hot deserts.
The northern borders are shared with Erdonia. The eastern borders are shared with Algia. The southern and western borders are shared with coastlines, Boskirk, and the Grand Duchy of Mavesland.
The capital of the Kizsalia Empire is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The northeastern region is made up of savannas and grasslands. All other regions are made up of temperate deciduous forests, temperate rainforests, and wetlands.
The northern border is shared with the Kaszalia Empire. The eastern border is shared with Sagria. All other borders are coastlines.
The capital of the Grand Duchy of Mavesland is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The northern regions of Boskirk consist of hot deserts, savannas, grasslands, tropical seasonal forests, and temperate deciduous forests. The southern regions of Boskirk consist of grasslands, temperate deciduous forests, temperate rainforests, wetlands, and taiga.
The northern borders are shared with Erdonia and Algia. The eastern borders are shared with the northern Saberia territory and Sagria. The southern borders are all coastline. The western borders are shared with the Grand Duchy of Mavesland.
Sagria mainly consists of taiga with tundra in the southeast of the lands. The northern region has temperate rainforests and temperate deciduous forests.
The northern and southern borders are all coastlines. The eastern border is shared with the Saberia Territories. The western border is shared with Boskirk.
The capital of Sagria is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
Livalia is made up of tundra and glaciers.
All borders are coastline except the northern border which is shared with the Saberia Territories.
The capital of Livalia is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
Jeqari is the eastern continent in the Archipelago and consists of nine territories ruled by countries.
Obertalia is a small country with the northern regions consisting mainly of tundra and the southern regions consisting mainly of taiga.
All borders are shared with the country of Weil except one northern border that is all coastline.
The capital of Obertalia is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The northern-eastern areas consist of glaciers, tundra, taiga, temperate deciduous forests, grasslands, and temperate rainforests. The southern-western areas consist of grasslands, temperate rainforests, savannas, and tropical seasonal forests.
Northern and eastern borders mainly consist of coastlines with a small share of the border with Obertalia. The southern border is shared with Baland. The western border is shared with coastlines and the Algia territory.
The capital of Weil is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
Wolden is a small country that is a mixture of grasslands, savannas, temperate rainforests, temperate deciduous forests, and tropical seasonal forests.
All borders are surrounded by Baland, it is an enclave.
The capital of Wolden is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The western region of Baland consists of mainly grasslands, savannas, tropical seasonal forests, and hot deserts with a little bit of deciduous forests and tropical rain forests. The eastern region of the country has temperate deciduous forests, wetlands, tropical rainforests, tropical seasonal forests, along with temperate rainforests, hot deserts, and savannas.
It has an internal border that surrounds the country of Wolden. The northern borders are shared with Weil. The eastern border is shared with coastlines, Kunmaa, and Forski. The southern and western borders are shared with Trabia.
The capital of Baland is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The northern region of Trabia consists of tropical seasonal forests, savannas, hot deserts, and tropical rainforests. The southern regions of the country consist of temperate deciduous forests, temperate rainforests, and wetlands.
The northern borders are shared with Weil and Baland. The eastern borders are shared with Forski. The southern borders are made up of mainly coastlines and a shared border with the Kaiga Empire. The western borders are all coastline with a little bit shared with Algia’s borders.
The capital of Trabia is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The upper northern region of this country consists of temperate rainforests and temperate deciduous forests. The area below consists of taiga and the area below that is tundra.
All borders are coastlines except for the northern border is shared with Trabia.
The capital of the Kaiga Empire is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
Kunmaa is a mixture of wetlands, tropical rainforests, and temperate rainforests.
The northern border consists of coastlines. The eastern border is shared with Oupinmaa. The southern border is shared with Forski. The western border is shared with Baland.
The capital of Kunmaa is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The majority of the region consists of a mixture of tropical rainforests and wetlands. The south-western part of the country is made up of tropical rainforests, wetlands, temperate deciduous forests, temperate rainforests, and savannas.
All northern and eastern borders are made up of coastlines. The southern border is shared with Forski. The western border is shared with Kunmaa.
The capital of Oupimaa is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The northern regions are heavily mixed wetlands, tropical rainforests, tropical seasonal forests, and temperate rainforests. The southern region is a fine mix of wetlands, temperate deciduous forests, temperate rainforests, and a little bit of taiga.
All the borders except the northern borders are coastlines. The northern borders are shared with Oupinmaa, Kunmaa, Baland, and Trabia.
The capital of Forski is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
The United Kingdom of Beria
The United Kingdom of Beria is the only island country. All other islands are run by main continent countries and will not be listed here.
The northern regions consist of temperate rainforests, temperate deciduous forests, and taiga. The southern regions consist of taiga, tundra, and glaciers.
This island is an island country. All of its borders are coastlines.
The capital of the United Kingdom of Beria is:
Ruling Family TBC/TBD
Religion TBD
Culture TBD
Exports TBD
Current Status Friendly
Allies TBD
Enemies TBD
Sloka, capital of the Saberia Territories to Soutford, capital of Boskirk is a 748-mile road called "Soutford road".
446 miles down Soutford road from Sloka is the capital of Sagria, Momarmoes.
Soutford to Fertir is 388 miles on "Southford road".
299 miles from Soutford is the entrance to Bothers Route.
Entrance from Bothers Route, 55 miles down Bothers Route, leads to the capital of the Grand Duchy of Mavesland, Bothers.
Fertir to the y in the road in the country of the Grand Duchy of Gond is 733 miles on "Bortintean route" and at the end of this road in the Y is the town of Bortinte.
Name Redacted — Soviet Union 2775 Overall Physical Profile Soviet Union 2775 was an individual turned into a Genesis Project at the age of thirty-three years old when he was considered to be in “Peak” physical condition. His body structure resembles that of “super soldiers” and stands at six foot nine inches and weighs roughly two-hundred and sixty-five pounds. He has broad shoulders that blend into a smaller waist. The man is a human mountain when it comes to overall muscle and strength.
SU 2775 might appear in his early thirties but his actual age is closer to one-hundred and twenty years old. He sports long brunette hair that is textured, deep blue-ish gray eyes, and is caucasian on the darker side of the scale — tans easy and stays darker during cold months.
There are a ton of prominent marks on SU 2775’s body, he is littered with scars with two prominent gunshot wounds — one on his upper left shoulder and the other on the lower inner part of his right thigh. He has slash scars, ground cut wounds, prominent ones, being on his right waist area, right upper arm, his neck, and the mid-left part of his back.
His brand can be found starting in the middle of his shoulders and running down his spine. His brand reads “СУ 2775 Альфа 1933”
There is another tattoo on his left inside wrist, right below his palm that reads “CCCR – V – 1908” Immune or susceptible Immune.
Role/Occupation Before the Fall — Soviet Union Genesis project super soldier. After the Fall — Deserter.
Skills Expert/mastery
Military Survival Skills — Survival, Evasion, Resistance, & Escape. Hand-to-hand combat — Systema, Aikido, & street fighting.
Long-range and short range sharpshooting, specifically sniper-grade firearms. Anything can be a weapon style of combat — SU 2775 will kill you with your own T-shirt if he has to. Weapons cleaning. Handyman — being out in the field caused him to learn how to fix things.
First Aid knowledge including giving stitches. Foreign Languages [all known languages] — Russian [native], English, French, Spanish, and Mandarin. Knowledge of how to build and disarm bombs.
Small talk Communicating casually/civilian-wise.
Psychological Strengths
Trainable by rewarded reinforcement Strong-willed Loving something/someone in the ways he can [he’ll burn the world for that person or not. Depends on what they want] Sarcastic — has a sense of humor Great listener [tends to choose not to] Quick thinking Problem solving Critical Thinker Calm Patient
Need for stimulation Manipulative Obsessive Parasitic personality traits No filter Possessive Emotionally detached Self-occupied Poor behavioral controls Impulsive Lack of empathy, remorse, and sympathy
Chronic Pain & Illnesses
Pseudo seizures Drug-resistant epilepsy Constantly in low-grade nerve pain from being a Genesis Project Senses “glitch out” is a symptom of being apart of the Genesis Project
In 1908, the USSR was gathering unnamed children off from the streets for experimental government projects. After being captured off the streets, he was marked by the government at the time by an inner wrist tattoo. This was the beginning of his journey. At the age of eight years old, he would be starting his training to become a super soldier for the government of the time.
Throughout the years, they rigorously trained him and other children to be their “perfect” human soldiers. They did pre-testing and other experiments on each individual in his unit. Constantly being trained and experimented on was killing his psyche — it was killing everyones. They became test subjects and numbers without being anything more.
Before the Genesis Project started on him, USSR V was forced into WW1 at the age of fourteen years old. By this time, he was a trained fighter and up to par with lower specialized units in the military.
In 1933, right before WW2 began, Project Genesis was started on him. It was started on his whole group of comrades. This was a mass murder in the basic sense. Every single individual was pronounced dead and pushed into a body pile to be dealt with. USSR V woke up in the pile of dead bodies in extreme pain and a sense of overwhelming loss. It felt like he was in an internal void and that he was nothing at the same time. Peaceful to a point and horrifying at the same time.
Once he was pronounced alive after being considered dead for so long, he was marked as SU 2775. This was when the neurological issues and his ability to connect to the neurolinks and other neuro-abilities that project Genesis supplied to him was faulty — they caused him seizures, he had lack of control in connecting and disconnecting from it, and so on. The increased super soldier abilities were at par and where the government wanted them but the neurological damage that he suffered and will continue to suffer through might never find a cure.
They forced him into WW2 and other wars after that. Top secret missions and more. He was a working dog for them. This was his life up until the fall.
Once the fall happened, realization set in, and he was able to take control of himself. No one in his testing facility escaped alive. SU 2775 went on a murderous and revengeful rampage on every single living soul in the buildings he had been contained in for years. He was free.
Roman Egorova
Name Roman Egorova Alias/es Roma or Romi by his family. Gender Male Age 17 Physical Description
Roman is not done growing or filling out into his adult body. He is a lengthy and semi-muscular individual when it comes down to it. During the years before the fall of society, he played sports, and was active which helped him after the fall of society — lean natural muscles for his age. He has paler skin which might be enhanced from his constant hiding from the undead. He is a dark brunette with curly to wavy hair. His eyes are a husky blue with gray in them. Roman stands about 6’0 at the moment and weighs roughly 150 pounds.
The young man has no tattoos or missing limbs. He does have a few scars from over the years, but they were not very distinctive. The most distinctive scar that he has hides under and along his jawline.
Family All the family that he knew he had, his parents, along with his siblings have passed for one or another reason during or after the fall of society. He is the last one of his immediate family. Virus status susceptible Role/occupation before and after the Fall
Before the Fall of society, Roman was an honors student, and someone that had a bright life ahead of him. His parents were Russian foreigners that obtained citizenship when he was around seven years old. His father was a medical doctor and his mother was a doctor in wildlife biology and marine sciences. He was already taking pre-college courses to follow in their footsteps.
After the Fall of society, his only mission was to help keep his family alive and make sure they all got to point B from point A, safely. He feels like he failed his parents along with his siblings because they all perished. He is currently wandering without hope.
> CPR > Top 5 student on his swim and cross country team (good stamina) > Basic to intermediate medical knowledge > Leadership > Critical thinking > Problem-solving > Primary and secondary education in general education and biological sciences. > Skinning, tanning, and butchering wildlife/game.
Weapon proficiencies
> Hunting rifle, grew up with his father hunting. > Hunting knife, knows how to skin animals, tan hides, and properly butcher them.
Psychological Weaknesses and Strengths Weaknesses
> Chronic Nightmares from horrendous memories of his family dying and the things he had experienced after the Fall of society. > Tremble/shaking from psychological issues, gets worse when he’s feeling pressured, anxiety, or heightened emotions in general. > Sensitive, cares too much about others.
> Strong-willed > Strong-minded > Balanced way of thinking or fairness in decision making > Communicating his emotions > Listening to others
Chronic pains/illnesses None that he knows of. Background
Roman spent the first seven years of his life in Russia with his immediate and extended family. At this time, he had two older siblings, a younger sibling, and his parents as his family. His parents ended up obtaining citizenship in America where they moved to Boston, Massachusetts where both of his parents could start work.
They only lived in Boston, Massachusetts for roughly a year before moving to Seattle, Washington.
It wasn’t a very long time until they moved again, Seattle, Washington to Atlanta, Georgia.
Atlanta, Georgia to Colorado Springs, Colorado.
Colorado Springs, Colorado to San Antonio, Texas.
Over roughly six years, they moved constantly, until about eight months before the Fall of society, they were planning to establish themselves in Portland, Oregon. Everything seemed wonderful except for what was going on in the world — tension was high, school was a medical field experimental prison setup, and distancing from everyone was normal. Most of his classes were online, so he didn’t attend physical school for the most part which sucked in his mind — being the social kid he was. They still had outdoor sports so he was big into swimming and cross country.
Everything turned into chaos when the Fall of Society hit in 2020, Roman was only thirteen years old. During the initial fall, the family lost their mother and their youngest sibling. Emotions were high and loneliness was rampant in the sense of loss — a single father with six children.
Over the past four years during the fall, Roman continued to watch his siblings get sick, pass on to the next life for one or another reason, or become infected with the virus. By the end of it, it was Roman and his older brother. They had no clue what to do and his older brother gave up, practically, and stopped trying as hard.
Sadly, only a week ago, he got to watch his last family member turn to the virus. He feels like it is all his fault because if he was being more careful, they wouldn’t have been in the situation that they found themselves in, and his brother would still be here today or at least he believes that. Survivors' guilt.
Name Redacted — Soviet Union 2775 Overall Physical Profile Soviet Union 2775 was an individual turned into a Genesis Project at the age of thirty-three years old when he was considered to be in “Peak” physical condition. His body structure resembles that of “super soldiers” and stands at six foot seven inches and weighs roughly two-hundred and sixty-five pounds. He has broad shoulders that blend into a smaller waist. The man is a human mountain when it comes to overall muscle and strength.
SU 2775 might appear in his early thirties but his actual age is closer to one-hundred and twenty years old. He sports long brunette hair that is textured, deep blue-ish gray eyes, and is caucasian on the darker side of the scale — tans easy and stays darker during cold months.
There are a ton of prominent marks on SU 2775’s body, he is littered with scars with two prominent gunshot wounds — one on his upper left shoulder and the other on the lower inner part of his right thigh. He has slash scars, ground cut wounds, prominent ones, being on his right waist area, right upper arm, his neck, and the mid-left part of his back.
His brand can be found starting in the middle of his shoulders and running down his spine. His brand reads “СУ 2775 Альфа 1933”
There is another tattoo on his left inside wrist, right below his palm that reads “CCCR – V – 1908” Immune or susceptible Immune.
Role/Occupation Before the Fall — Soviet Union Genesis project super soldier. After the Fall — Deserter.
Skills Expert/mastery
Military Survival Skills — Survival, Evasion, Resistance, & Escape. Hand-to-hand combat — Systema, Aikido, & street fighting.
Long-range and short range sharpshooting, specifically sniper-grade firearms. Anything can be a weapon style of combat — SU 2775 will kill you with your own T-shirt if he has to. Weapons cleaning. Handyman — being out in the field caused him to learn how to fix things.
First Aid knowledge including giving stitches. Foreign Languages [all known languages] — Russian [native], English, French, Spanish, and Mandarin. Knowledge of how to build and disarm bombs.
Small talk Communicating casually/civilian-wise.
Psychological Strengths
Trainable by rewarded reinforcement Strong-willed Loving something/someone in the ways he can [he’ll burn the world for that person or not. Depends on what they want] Sarcastic — has a sense of humor Great listener [tends to choose not to] Quick thinking Problem solving Critical Thinker Calm Patient
Need for stimulation Manipulative Obsessive Parasitic personality traits No filter Possessive Emotionally detached Self-occupied Poor behavioral controls Impulsive Lack of empathy, remorse, and sympathy
Chronic Pain & Illnesses
Pseudo seizures Drug-resistant epilepsy Constantly in low-grade nerve pain from being a Genesis Project Senses “glitch out” is a symptom of being apart of the Genesis Project
In 1908, the USSR was gathering unnamed children off from the streets for experimental government projects. After being captured off the streets, he was marked by the government at the time by an inner wrist tattoo. This was the beginning of his journey. At the age of eight years old, he would be starting his training to become a super soldier for the government of the time.
Throughout the years, they rigorously trained him and other children to be their “perfect” human soldiers. They did pre-testing and other experiments on each individual in his unit. Constantly being trained and experimented on was killing his psyche — it was killing everyones. They became test subjects and numbers without being anything more.
Before the Genesis Project started on him, USSR V was forced into WW1 at the age of fourteen years old. By this time, he was a trained fighter and up to par with lower specialized units in the military.
In 1933, right before WW2 began, Project Genesis was started on him. It was started on his whole group of comrades. This was a mass murder in the basic sense. Every single individual was pronounced dead and pushed into a body pile to be dealt with. USSR V woke up in the pile of dead bodies in extreme pain and a sense of overwhelming loss. It felt like he was in an internal void and that he was nothing at the same time. Peaceful to a point and horrifying at the same time.
Once he was pronounced alive after being considered dead for so long, he was marked as SU 2775. This was when the neurological issues and his ability to connect to the neurolinks and other neuro-abilities that project Genesis supplied to him was faulty — they caused him seizures, he had lack of control in connecting and disconnecting from it, and so on. The increased super soldier abilities were at par and where the government wanted them but the neurological damage that he suffered and will continue to suffer through might never find a cure.
They forced him into WW2 and other wars after that. Top secret missions and more. He was a working dog for them. This was his life up until the fall.
Once the fall happened, realization set in, and he was able to take control of himself. No one in his testing facility escaped alive. SU 2775 went on a murderous and revengeful rampage on every single living soul in the buildings he had been contained in for years. He was free.
Full name self explanatory. Visual reference can be posted anywhere in the biography. If you are using a visual reference, please use one of the "realistic" formats. No anime, cartoon, or the like. Real face-claims can be acceptable but are discouraged. You do not need a visual reference. Physical descriptions are welcomed!
Full Name Unlike the full name above, this should include middle names if applicable. Pronunciation this is purely optional. Title This includes what they are referred to more formally. Lady or Lord? Mister or Misses? And so on. Nicknames Optional. Sex self explanatory. Sexual orientation optional. Age Physical description with or without a visual description. This is still needed. Put details in here that are not obvious in the visual references such as height, weight, tattoos, scars, etcetera. State of health explains the person's current/general state of living. This is required though you can fill this out as a list, a few words, or however. It depends on how in-depth you want to fill this section out for your character. Explain internal and external health status. Ethnicity Is your character a regular human or are they a magic subclass/racial? For example, Druidic Weilon-Trabian (what country your parents are from). Birth Kingdom This is the kingdom your character was born and raised in. You can put more than "___country___" into this if you wish. Did your character move around? Maybe they were born in Erdonia but moved to The Grand Duchy of Mavesland at eight and then moved to The United Kingdom of Beria at twelve. Religious perspective None? Something? Too much? Marital Status are they married or taken? Occupation Your character could be anything from a child slave or soldier to an educational elder wizard. If you are applying to be a ruler of a country. You will have to fill out more below than a regular application. Country state the country that they are in control of. Bloodline This is where you explain if your character's family is considered a pure one or a refresher. Include a family tree here. If the bloodline was a magic-based one or not. Pure bloodlines do not have to be in control of countries, though they are much rarer outside of the wealthier classes of society. Magic This pertains to pure ones more than anything. If your family is pure, they have a magic trait that no one else can have unless they are genetically related. This magical ability cannot be taught. Overall Skills This can be a general "My character has the basic knowledge of a twenty-year-old for this setting" to multiple paragraphs of explanation or a bullet list. At least include how proficient they are if the abilities are out of the general knowledge pool. Abilities Be as detailed and informative about their magical abilities as you possibly can. Detailed information of bloodline magic This is for individuals who are considered "pure ones" and not others. Manifestation who is manifestation? Include a name, gender, and animal type. Physical descriptions are encouraged, but visual descriptions are even more encouraged for manifestations. Backstory Add as much or as little to the backstory as you please. If you are filling out a character application for someone who is or family is in control of a country. You will be encouraged to add way more detail compared to other character sheets.
I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.
<div style="white-space:pre-wrap;"><font color="#808080">I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing. </font></div>