Avatar of The Savant


Recent Statuses

20 days ago
Current Valentine's day doesn't have to be sexual attraction and romance. It's about love. Spend it with friends or family members that you love, if you can.
27 days ago
Because psychology is a degree about research. All research degrees require at least upper level statistics so you as an individual is capable of analyzing such data and numerical information.
29 days ago
7 years in the 9th. Known my SO for 9 years, been with them for almost 7, and married for roughly 2.5 years. Woot woot!
1 mo ago
When you are in your mid-20s and your wisdom teeth decide to start coming in. What the absolute fuckery is this?
1 mo ago
I love the bio and beautiful artwork, @ Andre Valias


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

The countries

This will continue to update

The Archipelago Universe is a diverse, expansive, and complex setting that is similar to the depths of our world out of writing. From the miniscule components to the most established figures — there is freedom to write as you please in this setting. Remember that actions do have consequences. One has to agree for their character to die or be overruled by world owner discretion.

Archipelago is a world of a western and eastern continent, three major islands, and eleven smaller land masses completely surrounded by water. These regions have similarities and differences depending on which ones you choose to write in and visit.

Aspects of our world apply to this one, to an extent, but the same functions tend to apply except there is magic in this universe along with manifestations. The human race in this universe has subclasses based on magic. An average human contains at least some level of magic even if they are not able to use it. Education, bloodlines, years of experience, and many other options can broaden a character’s magical abilities beyond the imagination.

Pure bloodlines which are referred to as the “Pure ones” are families that have been in rule or power of a country or territory for generations. These individuals tend to be stronger in magic than others unless their bloodline was not a magic-user one. They tend to have specific abilities that cannot be found outside of the family tree.

Individuals or families that have recently come into power, less than five generations, are referred to as “Refreshers” since their territory is under newer rule or currently going through a change in power. They do not have the foundational magic that the pure ones have and they do not have specific abilities to only their family tree.

A manifestation is the literal manifestation of an individual's soul that you and others can interact with. The manifestation appears in the form of any kind of animal and is able to verbally communicate by words. They do not hold any magical abilities in the sense of spellcasting or so on. If someone’s manifestation dies, the individual dies, and it is extremely frowned upon to physically interact with someone else’s manifestation.

If someone goes around killing people, especially by manifestation, they are considered to be committing the worst crime imaginable. The majority of countries are all in agreement with eradicating individuals who harmfully touch others' manifestations or kill people in this way.

The countries that do not put these individuals to death are: The Duchy of Mavesland, Sagria, the Saberia Territories, and Weil.

The countries that put people to death for such a crime even in times of self-defense are: The Mardesia Empire and Baland.

Note: Manifestations appear quickly after birth or take up to the age of eight years old. Individuals that do not have their soul physically manifestate are extremely rare and they are considered dangerous. There are plenty of taboo views and superstitions around these individuals.

Magic subclasses

These are currently being worked on.

The foundation of this setting is to bring a complex and deep experience to each and every writer that is immersed into this universe. It will be formatted to a “sandbox” type of setting where people are given leeway. There are consequences. Characters can die in this setting by the character owner’s approval or world owner discretion. In the sense of any world with populations and structured communities, there are rules, and actions against those rules can have consequences.

Understanding the magic concept of this world is quite simple, in reference, do your best to keep a connection to realism. Answer all the what-ifs about the ability you are trying to introduce into this world. Every character sheet has to have the magical abilities that can be used by the character. A character sheet can always be updated because characters can learn more or advance through the magic they already know — grasping new abilities into their rosters. Each new ability to be added to the roster needs to be approved by a world owner.

What is encouraged? Socialization and connection is highly encouraged for this setting, inside and outside of character, so a character can be properly immersed. This is not a requirement, characters can be fully written with barely any communication outside of the universe’s setting — the more prominent you want to be. The more active you might need to be out of character.

Do not be shy about asking anyone to make a character that is a part of something! Are you interested in having a sibling or cousin to the family in control of the kingdom? Ask about it. If two individuals cannot agree on something, the world owner(s) will always be there to help. Are you not looking for a major role but want to interact? See if someone wants to “double up” with you and someone can write the human and the other can write the human’s manifestation. The possibilities can be endless on flexibility.

What is being sought out character-wise for this roleplay? Anything. Anyone. Any level of writer is welcome to join and put their two cents into the world. Remember to be true to your abilities — this only comes into play if you want a more prominent role such as being a part of a family in control or a character that might cause events to uproar. All of this is discussable and debatable.

When you are making a character, you technically have to make two — your human character and their manifestation [lifeforce] that is an animal. As stated above, two writers can share these to have more diverse interaction, if desired.

What is allowed for this role-play when it comes to characters? Almost anything. There are limits that are known and undiscovered. We recommend that you write a character in the way you enjoy. They do not have to be prominent in the world to interact and do things. Characters who are recently born to the age of six-years-old are highly encouraged to be NPCs/side characters, not main ones. Remember that children are children. They will not have the same abilities, proficiencies, or communication skills as adults.

World Owner @The Savant — Assistant World Owner @Vixere
@SkeankySnack @The Savant [@PrinceAlexius]

I'm giving everyone I'm currently role-playing with a heads up that my posts may become somewhat erratic for the near future due to personal shit. I'm still bopping around and will do my best to post as I find time and precious motivation.

I will begin working on my next post here once I've finished doing the rounds of keeping everyone in the loop.

Sorry for any inconvenience & Thanks for understanding!

DO not worry about it! We understand that out of roleplay life takes priority. I hope everything starts going better for you and calming down!

The one thing that was highly recurring in his life was rejection. He was familiar with it from birth to now. Being a part of a large family had daily little rejections in it. Being a son of a merchant and practicing the family skills and business since he was barely double digits had a paramount of rejection in it. Having a mischievous, charismatic, and desire for intimacy or the desire to feel wanted and needed even for a night — that always had an equation for rejection. Rejection, no matter what it was, could always be disheartening though he realized as a young child that it was an occurrence no one could escape from; not even the kings and queens of the world.

A gentle frown appeared on his face, it was subtle, I always have too much on my mind, he thought while her words swirled in his mind. It caused his body to feel a little colder and ache slightly. If that was a requirement, to have little on your mind, Sunni knew he would never succeed in whatever this was. “I understand,” Was something that came out without much thought to it. Did she have to keep emphasizing? Maybe he didn’t make it clear that he understood what was between the lines?

Her words seemed to make his presence a little brighter though his body language still seemed defensive. As if he wasn’t getting his hopes up at all. Is she not rejecting me? He was starting to feel confused about this whole interaction. No, do not think like that. Her prior words were rejections. Elara is just being nice. The man reminded himself as his amber eyes glanced over to read her facial expression.

Then she brought up work again and he nodded in understanding — I wouldn’t want to neglect my duties. Sunni found himself thinking for a moment, because he didn’t know how to respond to her words. Not at first. “Let’s focus on what needs to be done for Dawnhaven then,” Was that the right thing to say? He had no clue. She seemed more into her work than not which he understood. “It’s not like it’ll build itself or anything,” His tone was playful and he was trying to joke. A faint smile appeared on his expression.

Sunni was allowing his mind to run wild as they walked and nothing was said between them. There were so many things on his mind, constantly, and so many things to do that it felt like a never ending void. A dark abyss that he was falling into forever and ever. In his mind, there was always going to be work and something new to do. That solidified his acceptance to Elara being nice. She would always be busy as well. They would never have any time for each other and it was quite selfish of him to be having a crush on someone that he didn’t know along with everything that needed to be done. He couldn’t probably focus his energy towards someone while trying to do everything he’s been doing or trying to support his best friend and his marriage. His thoughts continued to get darker and he hated himself for that.

The man shrugged his shoulders at her words, “That’s what happens in a community. You look out for each other,” He was trying to downplay his own actions to that of being general courtesy. Something that was nice and nothing more. In his mind, it was nothing more than something that should happen. With everything going on in Dawnhaven and blight born being accepted left and right, plus the being in the middle of nowhere along with the beasts of the world — looking out for each other was the least that someone else could do.

It was pleasant,” he smiled with his words as they were spoken evenly. The man thought about her other statements and nodded his head in consideration. “There is always time to talk, though you are right. We should focus on the priorities at hand. I’m sorry for distracting you from the princess,” Sunni stated without any negativity but understanding. Understanding that Elara was someone that was proud of her work and priorities. Sunni decided to smile a little more, “I hope you have a good day,” With those words. He left her near the cabin and went towards his own tasks — going to work on that roof alone to at least get it done.

Interactions @Qia Elara

It was interesting that the woman didn’t want him to thank her, it might have been something weird to appreciate, but he did appreciate her kindness. He could tell there were subtle hints that she didn’t really enjoy this whole interaction. That she was only being kind and it seemed almost uncomfortable — he understood. Lunarians and Aurelians have always been at odds and didn’t care for each other. It was supposed to be different in Dawnhaven, right? Everyone was supposed to start getting along and he understood it wouldn’t happen overnight or maybe at all.

Sunni shrugged his shoulders with indifference, since he couldn’t compare his own experiences with Flynn, the sun priests, or any other Aurelian. They all had different experiences, but he didn’t necessarily believe this was important, especially more important than others. He didn’t believe that it was that interesting either. A sigh left his lips as he nodded, “I suppose so,” The smile was reassuring, the opposite of how he was feeling, since he was completely uncertain about this whole situation and how it was going. He couldn’t tell if it was bad or not… “Maybe we will be able to sit down and talk about our cultures, sometime, if you want to,” he gestured with his hands as he spoke.

It’s been a busy time for all of us.

Those words were true and reminded him that he had a list of things to get done. He needed to finish the roof of that house and get everything secured then the interior could be worked on. The thought of his own house getting done crossed his mind. A quick thought about the market building caught on. Everything that he needed to do came to light in his mind.

Sunni went to respond but his lips closed as he noticed her expression. Her expressions were not matching her words at all. She looked as pale as a ghost and it wasn’t in a positive way. At least it wasn’t positive to him. A somewhat serious expression with a saddening smile appeared on his lip as he stood there. Stood there and looked at Elara while he internally considered what he should do about this. “Elara, you do not have to make plans with me if you don’t want to be around me,” His smile seemed to become more genuine and bright while his expression softened. “I will not be offended. I promise. It’s somewhat painful standing here and watching you try while your body language and facial expressions are telling me the opposite of your words,” He chuckled lightly while looking down. His hands sliding into his pockets in a way to distance himself and protect himself.

Looking down at the rocks, he moved some with his foot, “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked you to come on a walk with me. I know we are not supposed to get along. You being Lunarian and everything and I’m Aurelian. This is probably uncomfortable for you and I apologize for that. I’m sorry for last night too,” His eyes rose to look at hers. To examine the facial expressions she was making and what not.

Once Octavia is feeling more up for conversation, I will talk to her about what she wants me to do for winter preparations,” His voice going into work mode compared to anything else. It was more serious and less light hearted. “However, I would enjoy reading or spending time with you. I really would but with how pale you have gotten by saying those words. I feel like you are going to get sick of the ideas of spending time with me,” Sunni laughed at that a bit. He didn’t seem that upset about it.

Looking back at the town, “Come on. I’ll walk you back to the royal cabin to make sure you are in the safer parts of town. I need to get back to working. The houses won’t build themselves,” Sunni gestured for them to follow the path as he began to walk towards it to make their way to the cabin. This time, not requesting that the woman hold his hand, since he felt like that would be rude of him to do so. Elara was already uncomfortable by the looks of it. He was trying to think of everything that he said. What did he say or do wrong? It’s about the rocks isn’t it? Why did she have to ask about the rocks and why can’t I just shut the fuck up at times?” He sighed at those thoughts while his expression kept a light smile, more for show than anything, but he needed to get back to work.

Interactions @Qia Elara

Sunni… you might have fucked up by pointing that out, the man thought to himself as he noticed Elara’s eyes and expressions kept letting guilt and regret peer through her. Staring into her blue eyes, he glanced away at the rocks underneath them and thought a little more as she spoke. He was honestly shocked that she referred to the rocks as beautiful and understood why he would like them. A thought went through his head to remind him that he overstepped in plenty of ways last night — She is being nice.

Yes, he had to remember that Elara was nice. She was being nice. Nodding his head at those thoughts, he tried to smile to encourage her to do the same, but he was trying his best not to point out the notes of negativity on her face. “Thank you for being kind,” He gave her a little more of a smile.

The redheaded man found himself feeling guiltier and guiltier as he noticed how uncomfortable Elara was looking. She looked guilt-ridden herself. Maybe you should stop talking… Except he found it hard to not talk around Elara since he wanted to share thoughts and things with her. Usually, he was able to play cool around women and had done so for a long time in Aurelia. Going to bars and having fun. One-night stands. Not making an idiot of himself. Showing Flynn how to pick up girls and smooth-talk them. Those years and years of skills withered around Elara. It gave him the same feelings as when the tutors would punish him for speaking out of line, wrong, or using “peasant words” and so on.

I care very much about learning things about you.

Those words sounded honest though he felt like they lingered with other emotions and a slight frown appeared on his lips before it quickly pursed into a thin and straight line. “You…” His culture? What about it? The man couldn’t think of anything distinctive or great about it at the moment. “You would probably learn about Aurelian culture better from the prince or the sun priestess… or something…” The man stated unconfidently. He didn’t believe that he was the best to talk about Aurelian culture, especially with how his father spoke about him.

I’ve expected so much from you, my first born son, and this is how you repay me? By wandering around with lesser individuals? Acting like they are more your family then I or your siblings?

Why can’t you be more like your siblings, they understand their places in society, and you clearly do not understand your place in all of Aurelia!

Staring at Elara when he thought about those statements and many more, he shook his head, since he did not believe one bit that he was good in that category. It was a constant disappointment that he didn’t fit into the societal-cultural lines of Aurelia. His father constantly reminded him of that.

Looking back at the rocks to give himself a break from staring at Elara, he looked at the shore of the lake, and how the water greeted the rocks lovingly with little waves and movements.

Hearing how she was not proficient in the arts, he nodded his head, and he decided to not bring up how he enjoyed painting. That wasn’t something that would pique her interest at all then. Walking over to the shore of the lake, he noticed a rock that he wanted, and it was more turquoise with darker green stripes and white dots. His body movement and the parting of his lips, it seemed like he was going to show her the rock, but he quickly shifted his body and put the rock in his pocket.

Sunni chuckled a little and smiled when she clarified that she was talking about books. Was she making fun of him? Since he clarified way too much especially when he brought up painting? A charming smile that showed his pearly whites could be seen as he continued to walk a little bit and look at rocks. “I’ve always enjoyed reading. It’s somewhat of a good way to escape from reality. I find myself reading scholarly books more than anything. I sometimes enjoy stories. Romance or adventure. Those are fun to read at times. Do you have any favorites?” He wondered as he stood up and looked at her.

I’ve found that I do not have much free time since arriving at Dawnhaven, so I haven’t read that much,” Sunni confessed. There was so much work to be done that he found himself participating in manual labor more than anything.

Interactions @Qia Elara
Jonathan & Joseph


There was no leadership in sight and they assumed they got the day off today. After having a simple and quick breakfast the boys found themselves playing with one of Sunni’s many decks of cards. These ones had star signs decorated on the back, the sun, and the moon plus two decorative backs that resembled the moon and sun goddesses. They were very pretty. With a creak of the door, the youngest boy, Joseph jumped up thinking that their boss had arrived yet he seemed surprised that it wasn’t Sunni’s face coming through that door. “H-hello!” The younger one shouted out louder than he thought he did.

Jonathan was sitting on the stool and his head turned to see who was calling out. A larger woman and the innkeeper were at the front of the market building. “You do not have to be so loud, Joseph,” He corrected his brother before standing up with a semi-charming smile for a middle teen aged boy. “I’m sorry but Mister Emberani is not in at the moment,” He politely informed the ladies who were searching for the older man.

If you want, you can leave a note for him or something, or we could tell him,” Jonathan gestured to Joseph who was on the other side. The younger brother looked confused at first before looking around. Grabbing a writing utensil and some parchment that was on the counter and handing it to his bigger brother.

The older one grabbed the items and handed them to the women. “We will make sure it gets to him too!” Joseph assured them with a smile. Bright and innocent.

Interactions @amorphical Becky & Sya @PrinceAlexus
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