Avatar of The Savant


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20 days ago
Current Valentine's day doesn't have to be sexual attraction and romance. It's about love. Spend it with friends or family members that you love, if you can.
27 days ago
Because psychology is a degree about research. All research degrees require at least upper level statistics so you as an individual is capable of analyzing such data and numerical information.
29 days ago
7 years in the 9th. Known my SO for 9 years, been with them for almost 7, and married for roughly 2.5 years. Woot woot!
1 mo ago
When you are in your mid-20s and your wisdom teeth decide to start coming in. What the absolute fuckery is this?
1 mo ago
I love the bio and beautiful artwork, @ Andre Valias


I suppose that I am a little more social at the moment. Not very much so. I'm getting back into the grooves of my own thing.

Most Recent Posts

Yeah, it'd be interesting to see how he deals with the first person who's able to do psychic damage.

He will definitely be shocked but probably be ecstatic in a very twisted way.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Hence why I phrased it that way hehe. What a chill guy. Emilia later on: Way too chill, very suspicious.

Emilia: Well, I got a decent amount of information from him. We hung out. We played a card game. we had a few shots and we had a little too much fun
Bella: What is that supposed to mean?
Emilia: ... You know.
Bella: ... you didn't...
Emilia: I just walked right into that Skyscraper and asked to talk to Asterion and the lovely receptionist just brought me to him and everything kept leading to another. He's way too relaxed and absolutely suspicious tho.

And Bella burns down his city for that.

All jokes aside, I don't think that'll happen, but I could see him just being absolutely indifferent about someone coming and bothering him. It's not like he can die that *easily* which probably makes him way too comfortable and off guard way more than he should be.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

He can decompress with her :) She's just looking for information for Bella's sake. Fighting him ain't gonna accomplish that.

I mean... We should be careful with our words now. Because you know where my mind goes. Haha.

No, she could totally probably just bother Asterion while he sits there and decompresses with a drink. He is pretty relaxed most of the time. She could always try to go right up to him and ask questions. If she isn't trying to kill him, he isn't going to go out of his way to lift a finger.
Now, Est could do something very funny if they move the Gatling to 93rd and rig Yellow Brick with explosives...

I mean, they could, they definitely could. If everything goes right. It'll be fine. It not. Asterion has a new pet.
It's k, Matthias is happy to inherit Nickel and 93rd. He will wipe his tears with the extra 3.5 Wealth/turn.

I mean, Asterion is having Flint get 93rd for him, and he's going to attempt to take over Yellow Brick.

I want to write the slaughtering and cleansing of the Del Guarde so bad that it's going to make me look like I am not actually right in the head. haha! It'll be a very long and epic post. It'll burn and out of the ashes, it will bloom. If everything goes right.
@The Savant I thought something was fishy! D:

I was wondering if they noticed (or you did) because I purposefully wrote it to hint how much of a maze his tower actually is.

<Snipped quote by The Savant>

They'd make for great parents. One of them has a stronger police-state in their city than actual police-ruled districts, and the other's modus operandi is almost exclusively "how can I brainwash the civilian population to use them for my own means".

This could be a great canon phase for the roleplay but sadly, Asterion wants to die in the end. Matthias would be widowed.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Ha! maybe. Her ability might help to get her out of that particular kind of snag though. We'll see :P

Hopefully she can. Since he's probably not up for saving someone who snuck into his skyscraper and would just watch her on the surveillance system while he drank. She could always accidentally with a low probability (that can definitely happen) where she goes up and and all around and finds herself in the upper floors of the sky scraper where Asterion lives. Or she could probably straight up just bother him, if we are being honest, he'd probably answer most questions, but he does want to decompress tonight.
<Snipped quote by Qia>

Emilia will have so much fun, if she gets into his sky scraper, trying to figure out how to get to what floors. Hahaha. Poor girl might get lost herself and trapped in that maze game of his. False stair wells. False doors.

Floors where you go from floor 5, go up three flights, and end up at floor 6. How does that make sense? Go down another stair well four times and get to floor 7? :P


Did Flint and Vale notice that in the RP? I don't think they did. How disappointing.
<Snipped quote by The Savant>

Well I did mention sending in Emilia in my last post to look into him. So we'll see what comes of that :)

Emilia will have so much fun, if she gets into his sky scraper, trying to figure out how to get to what floors. Hahaha. Poor girl might get lost herself and trapped in that maze game of his. False stair wells. False doors.

Floors where you go from floor 5, go up three flights, and end up at floor 6. How does that make sense? Go down another stair well four times and get to floor 7? :P

How about we negotiate for joint custody of the Gyattling so we can mow down the Roses (gender-inclusive) together?

We could always do that. We gotta love exclusivity. Even better, Asterion and Matthias being an inclusive couple themselves and extremely accepting with having a baby gyattling. What great adoptive parents they would be too.
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