Avatar of themadhatter420


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10 yrs ago
Current Welcome to Wonderland! Its just down the nearest Rabbit Hole! Come on down and visit.
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10 yrs ago
Brand new to the site...still an amazing role-player :) dont be afraid to give me a chance.
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I am a weird person and can be a bit random at times but don't let that scare you away from role-playing with me. I find myself to be very creative as far as coming up with different story lines and creating new posts :) PM me if you ever want to rp and I can come up with something.

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Thank you I appreciate it. some one new just joined to I want to give them a chance. I am also planning out schedules for everyone but I have a feeling it will end up being the same for everyone until we get more people.

Breath of Life nodded. "Trust me... the people I have in mind can get here faster than we will." He said as he picked her up over his shoulder in a fireman carry. With his impressive Feline Agility, he was able to sprint from the woods into the clearing heading straight for the Adventures Haven bursting his way into the tavern and placing her on the ground letting out a light pant. "Mom, Flickering Fire...we need backup, the orcs are working the god-forsaken goblins." He said as a female tabaxi and another male tabaxi approached them.

"What happened and how many did you see?" Aryail asked the elven female curious to see what she saw knowing Breath of Life needed a moment to catch his breath.
@Sky Blue

You never fixed your image please choose a different link or image

Okay that works I will make sure to tag you in the post once we are back at the wagon.

hold off on another post until the others can get their first one in please, thank you :) I will be making the post for each teacher shortly and reply to @Eviledd1984 as well.
@Little Bird
Accepted feel free to jump in.

THE FIRST POST IS UP EVERYONE~! everyone should post once before posting again please and thank you. Once we have the first posts I will plan out the schedule of classes.
Today is the first day of the first semester and all the new students have arrived. Dr. Andre sat in his office finishing some paperwork at a record-breaking pace. His super intelligence made documents like child's play to him. He had found a whole new set of students to join and he needed to finally introduce himself to them. He had recruited a few of them but not all. He left his office and headed to the front of the school where all the students were waiting for the start of the new day.

"Welcome to The School of Special Skills and Talents! I am Dr Andre Saunders, principal and founder of the school. Everyone here has one ability or another and all of you will learn to control and use your abilities for the rest of your life. Some of you may even one day become teachers here if you want. This will always be the best place for you to be able to learn and see things you could only imagine. One by one please come up to me and I can give you your schedule for this first term." He said as he stood near the front door wondering which student would come up to him first.

~~~ *** ~~~~

Persephone stood in the crowd of students feeling her shyness getting the better of her suddenly. She was normally a very determined person but seeing all the other students and knowing each of them had their own abilities made her nervous. She was worried people would judge her for being able to control fire, everyone seemed to fear her when they found out. She was anything but a bad person. She waited in line to meet with the principal making sure to be at the very end.

Welcome to The School of Special Skills and Talents

@Sky Blue

If you can please change the appearance to a viewable link. Hard to see what you look like currently
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