Avatar of TheMushroomLord


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4 mos ago
Current Replace my bones with rats. I must writhe.
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4 mos ago
You either die a hero or live and do something else.
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5 mos ago
All fish dream of the stars.
6 mos ago
You cannot fathom my desire to install additional hinges in my bones.
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6 mos ago
People are always saying that murder is bad, but you know who never gets asked? The victims. I have no idea whether murder is okay or not, but I certainly know who we should be asking about it.


I am me... I hope.

Most Recent Posts

Goblin Aya

"All I need is my fists, at least for right now. I know there must be ways to make my punch stronger but until then I fight with what I was born with"

Huh? Talking to Argos was almost painful for Aya and it certainly wasn’t helping to alleviate her worries. What did he mean by fighting with what he was born with? He did realise he’d been born with a brain as well as his fists right or for that matter that the whole point of having hands in the first place was for manipulating tools?! Also when was the until then that he was referring too? She was trying to present him with that opportunity right now!

Aya had been partway through formulating a second attempt at convincing Argos not to throw their lives away when her sisters approached them and berated Argos for dragging Aya off. It seemed like sister Kir really liked bonking people on the head and while Aya couldn’t exactly say that she hadn’t wanted to do the same when her explanations had fallen flat and been met with a dumb response, it seemed that the bonking hadn’t exactly solved much, given only moments later both siblings in questions were headed the opposite directions in a huff.

How had things fallen apart so quickly? On the one hand, regardless of how her species had made it thus far Aya wanted to be one of the goblins on the surviving side of the equation and to achieve that goal following her sisters was the obvious choice, Lexie had summed things up pretty well with her earlier comment, but at the same time if Aya was right about goblin survivability and her brother had only gotten lucky thus far, wouldn’t it be her fault if she went and let him kill himself? Aya’s already sharp breaths became even shallower as she tried to grapple with the idea. Surely letting someone die would be no different from outright killing them if she didn’t at least try to stop it right?

“You guys shouldn’t be arguing about this! Our best chance at survival is to band together and pool our resources,” Aya maintained her usual smile as she spoke but her voice had become a little wobbly and she could feel herself shaking. After trying and failing to calm herself with some deep breaths Aya moved to face Argos, “Er- brother, I’m going to go with my sisters because I’m afraid of dying and I think that’s my best chance, but I really think you should come with us if you can… If you want to use what you were born with or whatever that’s fine but as far as I can tell the biggest advantages we were born with are our numbers and intelligence rather than our physical strength…” Aya trailed off, unsure of how to continue before simply running back over to her sisters, she doubted she’d gotten through to her brother, but what else could she do?

“I doubt we’ll be able to find anything immediately outside our home, at least not that hasn’t already been hunted or scared away, but should we look for something to make the net with first?” She asked, looking around to see if she could spot anything and trying her hardest to distract herself from the previous. “Vines or something?”

@Jangel13@Crusader Lord@SilverPaw

I'm having an interesting week. Yesterday I had to go into town with my bike despite it being extremely slippery. On the way back one of my backwheels probably hit a ramp of frozen snow. I got set flying, mostly okay just a skinned knee, as far as I can tell but the steeringwheel couldn't properly turn to the right, Still made it back safely as I only had about 100 meters to go. After the company in charge of repairing my bike was informed I hear that this Thursday my home got the vaccine administrated on site and by an actual doctor. Today woke up feeling sore all over and looking forward to feeling the same way this thursday but the bike is fixed, someone came this morning and apparently something was bent so it hit the lock, 10 minute job. So all in all could be worse could be better

Anyway have a short post

Sounds like one hell of a week.
@Jangel13@Crusader Lord Oh no, three days old and you’re already going to kill each other. Aya will watch from the sidelines and strike down the victor. :P

I’ll get working on a post in an hour or so.

@eviledd1984 For a quick rundown of what’s happened before game start as far as I understand it
1) We all died in our past life.
2) We spent two days practically immobile as juvenile goblins before growing to full size. In this time we were fed and sheltered.

None of us have anything save for what we’ve gotten ourselves on this first day of activity. Come to think of it, I’m not entirely sure we even have clothes at this point.
Goblin Aya

One of the older goblins had pointed out to Aya the value of adding weights to her net when she built it. Of course she was already planning something along these lines, probably owing to the burst of information she’d received earlier, but now that she properly thought about it she realised she wasn’t sure where the proper balance lied. The heavier the weights were the harder the net would be to escape, and that would be important, especially considering the unknown strength of their prey, but at the same time, if they went too heavy then they wouldn’t be able to throw the net effectively in the first place. For that matter what was the optimal distribution of the weights?

Aya didn’t have time to draw a conclusion, for from seemingly out of nowhere one of her brothers appeared, shoved a pelt and horn into her hands, said something about thinking not being able to fill her stomach and began dragging her away from her sisters and out of the church. Was this brother an idiot? How did he expect her to survive without thinking? Wait, had he actually haunted a horned rabbit already? Did that mean the wildlife was weaker than she’d imagined or had this brother just gotten lucky? Well considering the number of siblings she had, Aya guessed it made sense that if they all flung themselves into danger at least a few might come out unscathed. Wait. Was that how goblins survived as a species? It suddenly made sense why they aged so quickly and somehow it was because of an even worse fate!

Aya didn’t particularly want to become another statistic in the presumably astronomical goblin death toll, but her brother did have a point on one thing, she would need to act eventually and as things were relying on this brother might just be her best chance at survival for the time being. Maybe she could even save his life while she was at it. Putting on her best attempt at charisma, which is to say adopting a grin befitting a slasher villain, Aya began trying to convince Argos not to throw them both headfirst at death, "Er- brother… I agree that thinking won't feed me, but I still think planning is important… think of it as hitting a horned bunny, if you’re strong you can whack it harder but if you’re smart you can use a tool or something and whack it better?" Aya didn’t know why she presented that last part as a question, "Brother killed a rabbit, so you’re probably strong, but you could also fight smart, and then you could hit harder and better. The best of both worlds."

Hopefully, that had been convincing enough, but that still left the problem of actually proposing and selling this goblin on a plan that wouldn’t see them both impaled, splattered, disembowelled or having suffered any number of other grizzly deaths by the end of the day. "I think I might be able to help you with the hitting better part," that was a lie, Aya wasn’t particularly smart by her own reckoning and she certainly didn’t think her ideas would be the game-changer she was trying to make them out as, "How about for now we don’t plan too hard and instead just look for something to hunt. If we find something that looks like it isn’t any stronger than a horned rabbit we can devise a plan to ambush it otherwise we can try making a trap for whatever we find?" That was a terrible, terrible plan and Aya could feel a tightness in her chest as her panic began to rise. There was so much that could go wrong and Aya was pretty sure she’d just suggested something that had a good chance of getting one or both of them killed, but given the circumstances, the speed things were moving at and the fact the goblins had clearly slotted into an evolutionary niche that same them dying in troves, she couldn’t think of anything else to do.

@Jangel13@Crusader Lord@SilverPaw

@Eviledd1984 Hurray for smart goblins. If you read the first few IC posts that should probably give you a good idea.
@Jangel13 Apologies for not posting yesterday was uncharacteristically tired. Looking over what I've got now, shouldn't be more than half an hour off.
I'll laugh when you get swarmed by ants.
I'm not exactly sure what that's supposed to do but I feel like I have to take it now.

Pretty sure it's the skill that designates you as bait.
@Eviledd1984 Apologies if I sounded annoyed in my comment or anything. It was my mistake if I did.

I’m actually really glad to see another goblin go all out down the brains route and this way I can totally picture an eccentric goblin cobbling together rudimentary laboratory gear from nature.

Damn, I was planning on having Aya test out the system by doing maths in her head, but it looks like that's already your thing. Then again Aya won't be doing anything complicated maths, so it probably wouldn't be stepping on your toes. Also, just in case you didn't realise the goblins are currently three days old and for the most part have only really just reached the age where they can be active, so having already managed to scar and tattoo himself as well as acquire that getup is probably a bit far fetched. Not my call though.

@Jangel13 I'll get a reply up in a bit.
@brwntwn Skills are done.
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