Name: Eric Johnson
Known Aliases: Has never used an alias himself, but was dubbed "Suicide Bomber" by the internet after his debut.
Appearance: Currently 19 years old, Eric stands at 171 cm and weighs 56 kg, putting him a little on the smaller side of things. He holds a rather unassuming appearance. Caucasian male, clean-shaven with short brown hair, obviously fit but lean rather than physically imposing. Nothing about him particularly stands one way or the other, the kind of person to blend into the background almost everywhere he goes.
Psyche Profile: Due to his methods as an assassin, especially in his early days, he is most often perceived by the public as being psychotic with a flair for the dramatic. This description couldn't be more wrong. In actuality, Eric is a very logical person, focused on effectiveness and practicality, with his image simply not factoring into his actions.
Above all else an almost pathological obsession with surviving. His entire worldview revolving around survival being the only thing that matters and anything being justifiable to maintain it. Eric makes considerable efforts to avoid his emotions affecting his actions and opinions, though this behaviour is arguably in itself an emotional reaction. He has been noted as not believing in concepts of morality and getting annoyed when topics of right and wrong, good and evil, hero and villain, etc, are brought up.
Background: Born to a pair of small-time superheroes, Eric's early years were surprisingly normal. Unfortunately, for him, his parents managed to get themselves on the wrong side of the wrong people, ultimately leaving Eric an orphan with an unpayable debt to the local mafia.
It didn’t take Eric long to conclude that the world was a shitty place, and the people living in it even more so, to him this was simply a fact. Concepts like hero and villain, right and wrong, didn't matter, instead, all that was important at the end of the day was surviving. Whether that survival was achieved by praying on the weak or sucking up to the strong, the method didn't matter in the end.
And so Eric, too young and lacking the skills to pay off his debts legitimately, and far too weak to take on the mafia, took the best and only option he had and joined the mafia instead. Initially, he was little more than a grunt, mostly working as a drug mule for the mafia, of little importance to the organisation as a whole, once his powers developed however that changed, with Eric eventually ending up as one of the mafia’s go-to guys for any assassinations they wanted done, and a strong candidate for all other high profile crime.
Eric's first job in the limelight was the assassination of a mayoral candidate the mafia didn't approve of, his last, almost poetically, was the same thing, though decidedly less successful resulting in his capture.
Skills, Talents and Learning: Eric has shown great proficiency when it comes to using his power in combat. He favours using thrown weapons, explosives and/or ambushes, all of which he arguments using his power. He is also known for making use of repeated "suicide attacks".
Eric possesses some degree of intelligence, but has never had or outright rejected any opportunities to pick up any professional skills or hobbies and never completed any formal education.
Power(s) and Capabilities: - Chronoloop: Eric can create short term time loops targeting himself or nearby inanimate objects. All energy contained in a loop is reset to its exact location and configuration at set intervals, relative to the gravitational body it was looped on.
The duration and number of loop intervals are set at the moment the loop is created and cannot be changed or cancelled after.
The specifics of what can be affected by Eric's ability are as of yet unclear, but appear to be based on what he views as objects, working on things like a container with or without its contents or a set of clothing, but not on things like part of a wall. Eric has also demonstrated an inability to loop live macroorganisms other than himself.
Should an object loop back into a place that has since been occupied, the less massive of the two objects will harmlessly shunt itself into the nearest available space and continue on as normal. - Chronosense: This ability passively and non-invasively provides Eric with an awareness of two things. Firstly, it gives him a perfectly accurate measure of the amount of time that has passed between any and every two points in time he has perceived.
Secondly, it provides Eric with predictions as to the time it will take for an endpoint to be reached from a starting point for any simple interactions he thinks of or observes. These predictions are by no means precognition however, they simplify events into averages and basic interactions and do not take into account any outside interference or potential variability, making them exponentially more useless the more that chaos applies.
Eric's chronosense seems to function irrespective of his awareness, working even during and after unconsciousness or altered states of awareness. Furthermore, this ability seems to function through and account for any time manipulation.
Power Limits: The minimum time between intervals in Eric's loops has been demonstrated to be rough ~1 second, while the maximum duration of the overall loop has been shown to be ~1 minute. He has only demonstrated the ability to start loops with objects he has touched within the last ~7 seconds and only while said objects are entirely within ~70 cm of him, though he doesn't need to stay within this range afterwards.
Known Vulnerabilities: While his chronosense help him keep track of his loop intervals when looping himself, Eric's memories do not persist between resets, radical changes in environment between intervals have proved effective at disorientating Eric.
Motives: Eric doesn't have any complex motives to doing what he does, to him, surviving has always been the one and only thing that matters and to this end, Eric will do whatever he has to.
Level: TBD
Recommended Containment Procedures: - Special precautions should be taken as Eric cannot be effectively held by most restraints. Restraints made out of living organic materials have proven effective against Eric. Fixed place restraints wherein any single piece he can contact extends past his range and weighs more than he does, have also been shown to work.
- Eric should be prevented from interacting with any inmates whose abilities allow them to produce any form of inorganic projectile or explosive device or whose abilities otherwise result in a physical manifestation Eric can manipulate.
- Standard security procedures for inmate presence should be maintained for an additional two minutes after Eric has left the area.
- When searching for contraband, Eric should be quarantined for two minutes before and after searches are conducted.
Notes: Owing to his use of explosives and a couple of high-profile assassinations, it was initially speculated that Eric's power was to generate and survive explosions, possibly also teleporting through them.