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Resurgence: First Class

The world was a different place 350 years ago. Eynia was celebrating a time of peace, and its nations were basking in it. Trade was prospering along with the lifeblood of Eynia, magic. Magic was a major part of life in Eynia and had become intertwined with technological advancement. As inventive minds had discovered how to channel magic into a power source, technology advanced at a fast rate soon after the discovery. Airships were a common sight, powered mechanical suits used for hard labor, and even automobiles were being introduced to the public. More marvels were created, and creativity was the only limit. The future of Eynia was looking bright and then, in an instant in the ancient land of Qaeris did the unthinkable happen.

No one living knows what caused it, but a unthinkable amount of magical energy was suddenly unleashed from deep in Qaeris, and the world violently reacted to the magical surge. The land shifted and turned as magic forced it to contort. The weather became violent as magical storms started to ravage the planet. Ranging from powerful lightning strikes that destroyed steel to magical meteor like being launched from the sky. Living beings tied to magic, like magi and spirits, were burning out in doves as they could not handle the huge amount of magic being unleashed on their souls. The upheaval died out over a span of a few days, and had taken magic with it. Any technology that was left was useless, and spirits had disappeared as well. The survivors called the event the Cataclysm and learned how to survive in this new world.

350 years later on the continent of Anoris, magic was unexpectedly returning at a slow pace. The Creunians of the Albion Isle were the first to realize this and, using what pre-cataclysm knowledge they had and the help of a returning spirit. They used this to train mages to be used in the liberation of their homeland. After Creunia was liberated, there was a dispute between those who thought that magic should be kept in Elari Pact hands and others who thought that magic should be shared with everyone. In the end, those under Glyn Parcel left Creunia and Albion Isle behind and established a mage academy on the mainland.

created an academy and have spent five years training anyone with magical talent. Not as an eagerness to help train others to use magic.

1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
3. No OP characters
4. A max of two characters
5. Minimum of one paragraphs


This rp is a partial reboot of a rp I made of the same name. This time things are set in the fantasy world of Eynia and will be set mainly in continent of Anoris and in the southern lands of Vaesai. The year is A.C. 305. You will be magi that have been trained at the Ireasmia Academy in the nation of Creunia and have been sent to the mainland to help deal with the Arattai threat and to investigate them. Currently everyone will start in the frontier city of Crilas in the nation of Braidor.

As you will see, not all nations on the map have information about them. I am letting people make up lore for the other nations and add on to what I already have. Plus, I am willing to let players make a magic class. That will be under greater scrutiny and it must be accessible to others. Enchanted weapons are a option to start with but, are very rare to have. You must have a good reason to have one at the start of the rp and the weapon can not be op.


Magic Types

Important Locations

Yes, your previous idea would still work. It just means the Wizard Queen will be more suspicious of you, but won't do anything against you... yet.

Any sect created by the late King would have to go into hiding, as the Wizard Queen would have dismantled or grandfathered any sects into her own design. So I think you'd either report to the Wizard Queen, or keep your origins secret. I think reporting to the Wizard Queen isn't terrible, as it allows you closer access to act as a spy, if you so wish to.

An orc mage would absolutely fly. Do my suggestions still work for the character you're imagining?

Yes your suggestions still work for me, I might just go with the surviving royal guard, only that he was severely wounded during the conflict, and after he healed, he chose not to join the queen's royal guard but still has friends in the guard and court, and has since retired to his family's estate and thinking of ways to end the queen's rule and avenge the king. Maybe making a spy network.

Unless I think of something else.
I forgot to mention, I meant to play as a rebel, and would my previous ideas still work? Or at least maybe a character possible from the former king's court or maybe a magical sect or organization that was allowed to take up residence in the region thanks to the king. However, if I do that, then the leader would be an orc mage and I am not sure if that would fly.
Interested, and how does a leader of a knightly order with ties to the region work? Or maybe a surviving member of the former King's royal guard?
Thanks and I will get a cs up sometime this week.
Late to the party but, interested if there is still room for one more?
Isaac bin Kamaal

Location: Twin Seasons
Skills: N/A

"Good, Jeffery and I will be there to help in a moment." Hopefully, people buy into the seafood today he thought. As he watched Kali go over the write the specials. Yeah, there is a risk to doing only seafood with the specials, and maybe it could cost him. But it would not be the end of the restaurant, and he can always give the food away to maybe a local food charity. Give the homeless something to eat besides what they would normally get. Though time will tell if this is a good decision or not.

When Isaac heard the small ring at the door, he had a smile on his face. The first customers of the day, and they looked like a couple around his age. It sounded like they were talking about the bug going around the city. "Hmmm, I wonder how long this bug will be in the city?" Knowing no one can answer that right now and just a thought. So he simply went into the to start helping get things ready.
Intan "Bomoh" Araki

Trust is a big thing in being a Shadowrunner, and while Bomoh knows none of these people. He is getting good vibes from them and it seems that some of them know each other, which is a good sign that working together will not be a problem or at least for right now. " It is nice to see us getting along, and nothing like one job I had where it was... well, I'd rather not talk about that one. Still, nice to have a team that clicks," showing a soft smile. Bomoh hopes things will be fine, but he knows things can change fast for the worse and he feels like this job may take a while.

The Mr.Johnson seeing how there are no more questions, spoke up. "As there are no more questions, we should be arriving at the Lisbon Portela Airport in an hour, and once we land, there is one last thing I need to say." Mr.Johnson sent one last bit of data to everyone's commlinks, with a name and a picture of their appearance. "This is Chercheur, a last-minute hire. He is a human mage, and he is waiting for you at the airport near the exit you all will be sent to and after you meet him. I suggest heading to the São Domingos de Benfica district first and tracking down the girl. The client is paying you well for this, and once again, try not to harm the girl, and everyone will be happy." Finishing it with an odd half smile and he went back to his seat near the cockpit.

An Hour Later
Lisbon Portela Airport

The plane would land at the busy airport and stop near one of the terminals with the sun still up in the sky. Now, the disembarking shadowrunners will be headed by a bus to the airport's backdoor, sort of speak, a place well out of sight for and perfect for shadowrunners. An entrance in the northern part of the airport which drops them off at the local street in a less crowded area near the airport.

While the luxury of the jet was welcoming, this would change once entering the bus for its genericness. For despite the efforts of the corporation that runs the airport, Lisbon Portela Airport has lost what luxurious nature it has in the past. Still, it is a safe place and not as bad as other major airports in Europe.

Waiting for them near the backdoor would be their last team member, Chercheur. A human mage and, from there, the rest of the city is open to them and where their target was last seen in. The time is only an hour past noon, so there is plenty of daylight left in the day to begin their investigation. Still, once they have picked up Chercheur, the mission will start, and their tracking of Abigail Tower will begin. But, what they do to achieve this is solely on them.
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