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I will get a post out either tomorrow or Monday.
Interested, and nice to see a Dragon Age rp again.
Star Wars: Rangers of the New Republic

1. Expected to follow standard site rules
2. No godmodding or powergaming or etc...
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4. A max of one character
5. Minimum of one paragraph


I am somewhat interested in this.
Roland Corrin

Roland took a long look at Vulluin and took a sip of tea before he spoke. "Well, I am surprised that the queen has offered her condolences now, two years after the death of my sister." Roland, trying to conceal his anger. Maybe Nathan should be here, he thought, and he calmed himself down. Though, why offer a condolence now? He wondered. "But I suppose a condolence now is better than never, and I take it the items your servants have are a part of the condolence?" He motioned to them.

Roland took another sip of tea. "For my brother's actions, I cannot speak for him on why he has not been paying taxes lately and not attending the latest gala. But I can talk to him about it since it pains the queen so much." Like she deserves it, he thought bitterly.

"Though the offer to join the royal guard." Roland took a deep breath and stared Vulluin dead in the eye. "I did not expect a second offer to join, and I have to ask this. Why would the queen want someone who failed to protect their monarch? I mean, he is dead, and I am alive when it should be the reverse. So I am not quite sure if the queen deserves a failed royal guard."
Actually, make that Friday I will get a post out.
Possibly late but, I am interested in the rp if you are still accepting people and are willing to have me.
New post is up! :D

@Theyra I did some extrapolating with this one, let me know if it's on par or needs editing. :)

It is fine, though maybe Nathan's has been not attending or paying taxes recently rather then for a while if that works with you and I need to think what Roland's reply will be.
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