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Okay, I finally got my post up, and sorry for the wait.
Roland Corrin

"No," Roland said with a dead serious face, betraying his personal reasons for not wanting to be a royal guard. "There is not another reason, and I am sure that the queen has enough protection as it is. Plus, her personal strength, of course."

"Since you are done with me, I will get my brother from whatever he is doing, and so you two can talk about these body snatchers." Body snatchers? Roland thought, "That is bad though this is the first time of me hearing of this. I need to talk to Nathan about this once he is done here."

Roland taking one last sip of tea. "It should not take long to get Nathan, and enjoy yourself while I get him." Roland got up from his seat and departed to get Nathan. Hopefully, that went well, he thought as he went to get Nathan. I probably should have been more formal with him, but things still seem fine. Well, it is Nathan's turn now and time to see what this body snatcher business is once Nathan is done with Vulluin and we talk about it. Unless there are more surprises tonight.
I will get a post up either today or tomorrow.
Very Late, but the idea does tickle my interest.

Kinda want to try a power ranger rp and one not set in Angel Grove so you have my interest despite there not being a green ranger role.
I am still interested, just need to think of what to be.
Roland Corrin

Roland took a moment to think and took a long sip from his teacup, emptying it. Wishing it was ale. "Well, I can say that I appreciate the gifts and I bet my brother will too. I will talk to my brother about the missed taxes and not attending the recent gala." Roland poured himself and cup of tea and took another sip.

"Though about joining the queen's royal guard..." Roland took a deep breath and put on a sorry face. "Like what I said the first time I was offered to join the queen's royal guard. I, with a heavy heart, have to say no. I just have not been the same since failing in my duties, and I do not want that failure to affect my ability to guard the queen despite the praise from you and the queen. I just do not want to fail again and I am sorry that you came this way for a no."
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