It took some time for Ven to reach the Overlook, and by the time he got there. It looked like he was late as some of the others were already there. Ven only sighed at the sight and turned off his disguise, and appeared in his tattooed green self. "I guess I took longer to get here than I thought." Ven felt awkward since he reminded people of the meeting in the first place, but he turned out to be late to it. Maybe they should help Io with that teleportation system that the Overlook has. "Well, since everyone is here, we can start."
Brushing off his awkwardness and the group moved to the command room of the Overlook. Which had a while concealed on the outside, the command room had a commanding view of the valley and Greyvale can be seen via large screens that showed outside that was on the wall. The command room, which reflected the main style of the Overlook, was a mix of high-tech and earthy styles, where steel and stone mixed. Which, along with the various panels and a main computer near the screens and hooked up to them. There was a table in the middle of the room that had showed a holographic Grayvale. It was then that the Overlook's AI, Io, appeared in her blue human holographic form with medium-length hair above them and greeted the rangers.
"Hello, rangers, and I see it is time for another meeting," saying it in a friendly tone.
"How are you doing Io? Still the same old same old?" Ven asked as he entered the room.
"I am doing fine, Ven, and as always, nothing has changed. But thanks for asking," Io responded calmly. "As always, I am monitoring Greyvale, and so far, there is no sign of Velcon forces yet, so you may proceed, and I will inform you if there is any change."
"Good Io," sounding pleased, and Ven walked over to the table in the middle of the room and took his spot at it. Taking position near one of the heads of the table. He waited for the rest to take their places and start this meeting. "So, how about we review what we know?" Ven proposed to the group.