Avatar of Three Steps Far


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1 day ago
Current Lately I've been bouncing between having no motivation at all and having all the motivation at once.
3 days ago
Apologies, friends! I may not be able to post today, but I'll answer you all by tomorrow for sure!
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13 days ago
I've been playing Final Fantasy 16 lately, and oh my word. The game gets better with every hour.
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18 days ago
My power is finally back on! UNLIMITED *POWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!*
19 days ago
Still no power here. :C Fortunately I have clean water, so I’m doing alright!


Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!

Most Recent Posts

Pokemon Academy - Alola's Next Generation

Fifteen years after the events surrounding the mysterious Ultra Beasts and Necrozma, the islands of Alola have once again become a place of peaceful paradise to people and Pokemon alike. Sun and surf entice and delight as nature and beauty abound, and the people feel a deep sense of gratitude to the island's protectors and Kahunas alike. The humble Trainer's School, after it was revealed that the first-ever Champion trained there, saw great acclaim and success in the years following those events, and today stands as the proud Pokemon Academy! Within its halls, young Trainers and their Pokemon learn to battle, live, and grow alongside one another. Many of the school's alumni have gone on to become gym leaders, veteran trainers, and even famous coordinators after their years of study here! And it is the continued hope of the academy's headmaster, Marshall Kentrick, that the next class will be even greater!

But not all is well under the Alolan skies. Sightings of the Tapu, the guardians of Alola, have grown fewer and further between. Wild Pokemon grow restless and agitated, as though fearful of a coming storm. What could these grim tidings mean? What fate awaits Alola and those who dwell upon her? And who is the mysterious figure that's been sighted across the islands? This year, the students face much greater trials...


Welcome to the Pokemon Academy! Students will be moving into the dormitories located on campus, and each day they'll take part in classes meant to test them, encourage their growth, and deepen the understanding between trainers and their partners! And of course, there are mysterious happenings to investigate that could change the entire fate of Alola! Or at the very least, make it quite hard to study for your next exam!

This RP is going to be by Application. Those who wish to join should submit their character sheet in the appropriate tab. Please note that not everyone who applies will be chosen to join; I can only DM for so many people at once! Nevertheless, I hope this will be an enjoyable roleplay for everyone involved!
@Gliding Snake

Is there anyway I could get an idea for what details you want on the CS?

I've already fleshed out most of the basics, but the full extent of Pokemon details you'd want is a part of what I'm not certain on.

I'll be including that in the official post!
Good enough for me! I'll have the official channel up by tomorrow night! Looking forward to playing with you all!
Is there any way I can play a character whose pokemon dislike battles? I haven't played such a character in a while and I'm eager to do so.

There is entirely a way you can play such a character!

Interested pending the combat system. Sounds like it'd really drag out battles, or conversely, make tactics arbitrary on account of how dice tend to swing.

@Asura respectfully disagree since the PTA update that took notes from PTU. Both are pretty good though, but personally I prefer PTA though Snake has already said we'll just use dice for streamlining.

I might be willing to adjust combat to a different system if it proves to be effective. I'll take a look and see what options are what.

To all: I'm glad to see interest forming! A few more people and I'll post the official!
:o I didn't know there was a tabletop Pokemon game! That's interesting. But no, the intent was really just to simplify what has - in my experience - brought so many good Pokemon RPs to a stand-still because it takes so long and kills the pacing.
The islands of Alola are filled with the opportunity for adventure and excitement, and I thought it might be fun to take advantage by hosting a Pokemon Academy RP! Since this is an Interest Check, I've decided to keep to the essentials. Here's what I envision:

>I'm thinking a group of six to eight players, two of whom can opt to be instructors at the academy if they so choose!

>In the interest of saving us all a LOT of trouble with calculations and such, battles will be decided with a very simple combat system. Declaring an attack, one player will roll a d20. 1 is a critical miss, 2-10 is a miss, 11-19 is a hit, and 20 is a critical hit. Stat moves can increase or decrease odds of hitting or the amount of damage done (example: If your Pokemon uses Sand Attack or Double Team, the opponent will suffer a penalty to their attack roll.) HP will be a base of 10 per evolution, and each move will deal a base 1d4 of damage. Critical hits and super effectives will each double the damage done, and not very effectives will halve it. Certain super moves like Hyper Beam, Explosion, and Z-Moves will have their own unique damage dice to reflect their power; these will be discussed as necessary.

>I myself will be playing as the Headmaster of the academy and taking a DM role. My goal is to offer an enjoyable and immersive Pokemon experience that allows players to enjoy the world without becoming bogged down in details and pre-ordained plots. There *will* be a plot and certain events that transpire, but it will be up to the players to decide how to react. "Choice and Consequence" is my number one theme as a DM; you will have significant freedom to choose your own actions, and those actions will lead to reactions from the world around you.

>There will be NO mature content in this roleplay. Students will each be between the ages of 10-17, so sexual content is forbidden. I would also like to avoid blood and gore; this is Pokemon, not Dark Souls.

>Students will be allowed to choose teams of three Pokemon from any region. No legendary Pokemon, of course, and a maximum of one starter Pokemon per student. Each Pokemon will be in its first evolution form.

>Professors will be allowed to choose teams of up to five Pokemon from any region. The same limits apply to professors as students. However, professors may have fully evolved Pokemon on their team if they wish.


A bit about me: I do work full-time, so I likely won't be able to respond too often outside of weekends. I will try to make at least one post a day, and if I plan to be absent for a period, I'll be certain to let the players know. I very much enjoy the Alola region, both the games and the anime, and I would love to be able to share in the joys of it as we celebrate the coming release of a whole new region! If this is something you think you'd be interested in, leave a note in here! Once we get some people gathered, I'll make the RP official and we'll get started on creating characters.
You just made the magic version of a friggin Perception Filter didn't you?

...Well, um, yes... but not intentionally. XD
Posted my character! Please do let me know what you think.

Name: Meredith Alettin
Age: 19

One spell: Sight Trick - This rather simple spell forms a unique barrier around the caster. While it does not make them invisible, it can cause the minds of others to simply overlook the caster; they can see the caster, but they fail to truly notice them. It does not cloak sounds and smells, and those who are alert can usually see through it.

Subjects: Demonology, Ward/Barrier Magic, Summoning

Biography: Growing up, Meredith was always an odd child. Her family lived close enough to the wilds that monsters were a fairly common occurrence for her town, though none were ever threatening enough to do more than injure a careless guard or two. However, for reasons even she can't quite pick out, Meredith found them fascinating. She would often sneak out to search for new and exciting monsters near her home, sometimes befriending younger ones and - more often than not - requiring rescue from the more dangerous ones. Still, her excitement never waivered, and eventually, her constant attention to monsters provided her some impressive insights into their ways. When she was finally old enough, she applied to Arzel to study their Demonology courses, and was very happy to show her few monster friends her acceptance letter.
According to her, they licked her face, then ate the paper.

Items: She keeps an assortment of tools on her person, the most obvious being her journal. The pages are full of notes and sketches (usually doodles, as she's no artist) of monsters and their habits. She also carries a few smaller books for leisure reading, a compass, a small bag of snacks, and - for reasons no one really understands - a single left sock.
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