Avatar of Three Steps Far


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1 day ago
Current Lately I've been bouncing between having no motivation at all and having all the motivation at once.
2 days ago
Apologies, friends! I may not be able to post today, but I'll answer you all by tomorrow for sure!
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13 days ago
I've been playing Final Fantasy 16 lately, and oh my word. The game gets better with every hour.
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17 days ago
My power is finally back on! UNLIMITED *POWAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!!!*
19 days ago
Still no power here. :C Fortunately I have clean water, so I’m doing alright!


Hello hello! I'm a long-time roleplayer (nearly 20 years of it!) who's ever searching for the next grand tale! I enjoy long-term plays that involve plenty of world building and character development, and I enjoy partners who can both play and build alongside me as equals. Few things excite me quite like pouring my passion into a project and having it matched by others, all coming together to form something truly amazing! My longest campaign was four full years, and it was a glorious tale! Perhaps you and I can form the next grand epic!

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While the reactions of the various people around her were far from pleasant - Cameron's overbearing cheer excluded - Melody certainly couldn't fault them for their present unhappiness. Having just been plucked from her home and quite literally dropped into the middle of nowhere, she felt somewhat irritated herself at the situation. ...Come to think of it, how was her home? It was almost time for dinner; surely her family would be worried when she didn't appear for it! While her parents and siblings alike were often apart for business and other matters, they were at least somewhat close. They'd surely worry over her sudden disappearance!

No, no, calm down, Melody, she mentally chided herself. I must remain calm! If there is a way INTO this place, then surely there is a way OUT of it, as well! All she had to do was find the way out, and everything would be right again! Though, given another look around, finding her way to anything would likely be an ordeal. She'd never seen this place before, and even with the... colorful explanations given by the others, she was still quite lost regarding the overall situation.

A group of people suddenly appearing in another world, apparently chosen by holy beings to fulfill some world-saving purpose? She'd watched and read many a tale such as that. Perhaps that should be how she approached this one! "In other words... we are in what might be referred to as an 'isekai', yes?" she inquired of the group. It wasn't a perfect explanation, of course, but having a name to put to the situation made it at least easier to wrap her head around. ...Still, the very idea that she'd been yanked into another world by celestial beings left her head quite fuzzy. To think such things could even happen...! Perhaps she was dreaming? ...No, that was unlikely; her stomach and chest were aching from her impromptu landing. This was... really happening?!

Shaking the thoughts from her head for the moment, lest she be quickly overwhelmed by them, Melody instead faced the group and gave a formal, clearly practiced curtsey. "I am Melody, the youngest daughter of the Herzal family. Our strange circumstances aside, it's most pleasant to meet you all!" Would any of them recognize her family name? She knew there were plenty of people who did, and even she understood that not all of those who approached her in friendship did so with kind intentions. In a way, that made the gruff and grumbly introductions of the others feel more genuine, which brought an amused smile to her face.

A smile that was sadly quick to vanish as another, smaller portal suddenly appeared above her head and rather rudely spat out a pair of glasses at her head! The glasses smacked her firmly on the brow, causing a comical "Gwah!" to escape her lips! Well, if she'd had any doubts about the aches of her torso, the new pain in her forehead certainly dispelled them! Rubbing at the ache in question with one hand, she bent down and lifted the odd glasses with her other, rising and inspecting them with a curious gaze. "Are these... glasses?" They certainly looked well made, but Melody had never had a need for such things.

Though it was at that point she realized that everyone else had some manner of eyewear as well! How curious... She recalled that in many an isekai plot, the "hero" often received some manner of boon that allowed them an advantage in their efforts. Perhaps these were similar? Though she failed to see how glasses could affect much advantage... Still, what harm in finding out? With a shrug, she carefully slipped them over her eyes. "...Curious. My vision doesn't seem to be- AH!" Rather suddenly, the names of those around her began to appear, one by one, above their heads! Looking around, nothing else seemed to be different, at least for now, but sure enough, whenever someone moved or shifted positions, their name followed them. She removed the glasses, and the names disappeared from view. She donned them once more, and sure enough, the names reappeared. "How strange! Everyone, I can see your names above your heads! Is this a common feature of eyewear such as this?" Her parents both wore glasses out in public. Was this how they always managed to remember people's names so easily?

Slowly, Melody's eyes opened, taking in the sight around her. Confusions swept through her like a storm; this was most certainly not her manor! Her family owned a few marble statues, yes, but this looked more like a marble room! The floor, the walls, even the ceiling...! And her eyes were still somewhat dazzled from... She shook her head. Calm down, Melody. Think. She was often like this; sudden surprises tended to throw her for a mental loop! So she focused on breathing, just as her teacher had taught her, and let the memories come back to her.

As the confusion faded, clarity gradually returned. She remembered finishing her lessons for the day, then spending some time playing the piano. So far, a perfectly ordinary day. One of the maids had informed her that dinner would soon be ready, so Melody had returned to her room to change into something more comfortable. Ah, and that's when it happened! She could recall the little PING of her computer alerting her to a new message. She always liked to stay on top of any such messages, so she checked it immediately. It didn't seem to have a sender... or perhaps the address was simply cloaked? She'd clicked on it anyway.

The Digital World Needs Your Help!

Evil is afoot in the Digital World. Rival armies vie for control of the land, and heroes are needed to save the innocent! You've been chosen to protect those who can't protect themselves. What say you?

I want to help!

For several moments, Melody sat staring. Was this some sort of advertisement? Was someone asking for help? Armies and heroes were quite a way's off from her idea of reality. Finally, it dawned on her: this must have been for a game of some sort! By clicking the link, she would surely be taken to the mysterious game's homepage and invited to make an account. Well, I HAVE been looking for a new experience lately... Melody very rarely played video games, so this would certainly be something new for her! "Oh, why not?" she asked her computer, smiling as she clicked the link. Then, she recalled her screen becoming very fuzzy, and just as she feared she'd stumbled onto a virus, the computer - no, the entire ROOM - had gone so brightly white!

...And now she was here. Well, that explains... um... nothing, actually. Her mind was clear and sharp again, but that sharpness did little to explain how she'd come to be in this empty marble room. She looked around, trying to find some sign of life or a potential exit... but there was nothing as far as her eye could see. "...Have I been kidnapped?" she wondered aloud. What sort of kidnapper could move her to such a place as this without her feeling any sort of sensation?

That was when a curious sound reached her ears, and a small creature rather suddenly popped into being! "Wha- What are you doing here?!" it asked her, eyes wide and tiny claw pointing.

"I have no idea!" she answered back, hands on her hips in both shock and minor indignation. "I was quite comfortably in my room when I suddenly found myself here! I should think you would know more of this situation than I would... um..." It was only then that she realized the creature she was talking to was, in fact, a creature. And quite unlike any she'd ever seen before!

"Well of course I know about it!" the creature answered. "We're the ones who pulled you all here!"

Melody tilted her head. "'You all?'" By her eyes, she and the creature were quite alone.

The creature ignored her. "Gah, what are they doing up there that we'd have a latecomer of all things? You missed everything!" it snapped, as though it were somehow Melody's fault. Before she could protest such a thing, however, the creature let out a deep sigh. "Uuuuugh... Fine. Okay human, here's the short version: evil is stirring, there's bad things happening, and you guys need to stop it. Good? Good!"

"Now wait a-"

"Good luck!" The creature wriggled and twirled about in the air, and rather suddenly, the room around Melody - and the creature itself - disappeared! She felt a rush of wind all around her... and soon realized it was because she was falling! With a scream, she had just enough time to notice the other humans gathered below before WHAM! A young man with blonde hair had come running up to the group just in time to break Melody's fall. Granted, it hadn't been a very dangerous fall... but it was still an unpleasant landing.

"Owww...!" Slightly dizzy from the sheer rapid speed of everything that was happening, she pushed herself up into a sitting position, only to realize she was still seated atop the young man! "Oh!" She quickly threw herself off of him, leaping to her feet and quickly brushing her dress off. "I'm so very sorry for that! I... Well, I actually have no idea what's going on." She looked around the collective people, intending to ask them for information, but the looks on their faces suggested they might be in the very same clueless boat as she.

It's then that she realized that she was in the middle of a forest, surrounded by trees and without a single other being in sight. Looking around, she couldn't see a building, a road, or even another human! ...Er, beyond those immediately around her, of course. "May I ask where we are? And... how exactly we came to be here?" Did anyone even know? She certainly didn't!

@Cleveraptor Let me know what you think!
I'll have my character sheets posted later today! I look forward to joining you all!
Very much so!
Alas! But fair enough. Best of luck to you all!
Any chance this is still recruiting?
Another bump for these!
Alakabump! It's been a while, but now I have some free space for more RPs!
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