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??? - ???

He'd though isekai was a pretty mainstream word by now, guess not, then again, that was a plane, guy could be Swedish or something, that's probably not his original accent, random japanese loanwords probably aren't in english second language classes. Huh, wonder if there's some translation magic going on actually, they probably don't speak English here.

"I was trying to be helpful, our situations fits that definition perfectly, we even have a suspiciously gamelike lnterface, which is almost as common as the base idea these days, sure it's fiction, but so are elves, and magic." He points to his ears and staff with those last two points, then continues "Oh and if you're not familiar with the genre, then 'Dungeons' are a common feature ripped right from rpgs alongside the status interface, basically big structures full of hostile monsters and sometimes valuable loot, their existences don't always make a lot of sense narratively, but give the main characters an excuse to fight things, I bring this up because if we're in one, then something is probably going to attack us eventually."

"Oh and I want to check a suspicion, so let me know if you understand this." He then proceeds to say "I don't speak much Spanish" in poorly accented Spanish.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin

??? - ???

And that's the last of them awake, that makes four, a good sized party, it seems planes are just big flying trucks, he looks aroudn and thinks before saying anything.
It's interesting to see what everyone started with, he's got his wizard robes (complete with unnecessary belts and stylish cape) and an odd looking wooden stick which is presumably what passes for a basic Staff, one person has a rather impressive suit of face hiding full plate for level 1 (sure, this could just be one of those odd settings where appearances are meaningless and it's all about arbitrary numbers and item levels, but there's no inventory on his interface or stats for his gear), another with some slightly lighter plate and then there's the guy who looks like a peasant.
Gear to suit our expected builds perhaps, he's got Mag as his best stat and a spellcasting skill, maybe the armoured guys (actually faceless' voice was pretty high pitched, so no jumping to conclusions, could be anyone under there) took high defensive stats, or maybe even defence comes from armour and they got scammed out of their starting stats for something you can buy? What stats could lead to being a peasant with a knife though, 2s across the board, maybe he's going for some sort of sneaky stabby build and those clothes count as urban camouflage. Armoured guys can be the meatshields if this is a dungeon.

Oh he should probably say something.
He shakes the water off his head and gives a confident smile to the group, they don't seem to be taking their get out of death free card nearly as well as he is, but that's no reason not to stay positive, he'll answer the late sleeper first, "Pretty sure that plane crash Isekai-ed us, remember assigning those stats while you napped? Sure beats dieing horribly, doesn't it. We're either in a surprisingly pleasant fantasy cave or a dungeon, if those are part of this world. I'm Vrelenor and I decided to become a mage." He freezes a bit of the moisture in the air at the tip of his staff to punctuate the statement.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin

??? - ???

Vrelenor had been dreaming about using his awesome ice magic to slay monsters and impress the locals (who were of course all attractive, clean and in awe, no dirt covered peasants in his fantasy world), when he was rudely awoken, cold water soaking into his hair, which is certainly longer than it used to be.

The first thing he did, before responding to the shouty half-elf, was try to check his status, the window popped up, there's his new name (so much more unique than the old one, he'd known two other guys with the same name in college), his stats, assigned as chosen, no inventory is a bit disappointing, he really doesn't want to have actually carry things, too much like hard work, and at last, his race. Elf is definitely an upgrade, sure he doesn't have the details, but almost every generic fantasy setting he's read, watched or played had elves as just better than humans, thank you Tolkien, that explains the hair too.

He stands up and looks around as he talks to the shouty man "Ugh, was the water really necessary, there's no towels in this cave."
He takes in the cave, the glowing fungus providing surprisingly good lighting. While he'd have preferred a proper welcoming comittee of locals, with an actual explanation and maybe a cute priestess of whichever deity required heroes so awesome they had to fetch them from another universe, this place is actually pretty cool, though he hopes it's not a dungeon.

He considers trying to dry his hair with ice magic, but that'd probably just make him cold.

@Crusader Lord @Expendable @Crimson Paladin
Here we go!

One character sheet coming up!

Very interested, been reading quite a few isekai/litrpg type stories lately.

Going to make my guy a mage because magic is cool.
Anything going on here?
Was hardly going to just keep walking Iveus thinks to himself at the soldier's cry, a massacre like this is not something you just ignore, and this road wasn't meant to be particularly dangerous. It all makes sense when the soldier mentions the twisted song, the Maestro's minions are active already, he'd known it was only a matter of time of course, he wouldn't have The Tome if it wasn't.

"Don't you worry about Koi, I'll handle it." He doubts the poor fellow actually heard, but no harm in offering a little hope. Iveus right hand goes to the large belt pouch with the Tome within, pulling it out even as he starts walking down the road to Koi and a brisk walk.

Koi won't fall like these soldiers did, because he'll be there.

I think I finally have my character!

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