Avatar of Timemaster


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Happy birthday me!
3 yrs ago
That moment when you try connecting the mouse in the usb port and then being confused as to why you can't move the cursor with the USB cable....


Also known as : Ashevelendar/Ashevelen/AsheTheReborn

Best compliment so far from @Tortoise

On the brilliant roleplay : Through The Gateways

Playing as the Goddess of Trade in Divinus 7

Playing as the Goddess of Shadowy-Trades in Divinus 7

Thank you!

Most Recent Posts

@Rune_Alchemist Newcomes have to stick together :) We can meet up with her. You know, stumble across and decide to hunt as a team...for a while at least.
@Steel Legion Actually, in all honesty, I didn't get the hint 😅 just though that it would work. Hey, great minds think alike.

Gonna have a post up tomorrow
@Zeroth Just realised, you're here too!
@Steel Legion Hey, you want Carmina to join you in the hunt? Y'know, late commers should stick together :)
@Zeroth Feel free to still answer the question 😋

And wooo! I actually got it right. I'll go for "Sing" as her skill. Her surname is Wordsmith after all and Carmina means Bard in Latin. Am I correct to assume that with time, she can evolve her ability or gain different bard-like abilities? For example, if she starts eating songbirds, will she gain a more beautiful voice that can do other stuff?

Edit 1: Skill has been added to the sheet. Correct to assume she can be moved over?

Edit 2: How can I start? Leaving kinda at the same time as the others. Maybe Carmina spent time away from the main group to...test her new skill? She could've found a secluded place near the village and sang?

@Zeroth There she is. Carmina Midsworth (her last name is an anagram, because why not?) is reporting for duty.

@Zeroth Hi Zeroth :)

Thank you for the ping! Is there anything I should know before starting to work on CS?
@Cyrania@Fetzen@Sol Grim@Samara

Ashe took a step back as the hologram appeared and her hand instinctively dropped to her sheath before realising what happened. She listened closely to fake-Gwyn and took a few mental notes.

"New friend" - Cicero and Gwyn seemed to know each other for a long time which probably means that either the entry in the book was an old one or Gwyn and Cicero just "clicked" and they didn't actually know each other for a long time.

Upon hearing about the regicide that Cicero apparently committed, Ashe let out a string of swears that would've made a sailor blush.

"This is bullshit. We've been travelling with a massive target on our backs. A fuckin' king's assassin. Even if Cicero didn't actually do it, it's irrelevant in the eyes of those who matter. Fake-Gwyn, if you've got any memory of your own, please remind me to stab real-Gwyn if we see her again. Now-" stopped Ashe as Dal asked his amusing question before Ashe turned to him, looking very annoyed.

"You son of a courtesan! You knew they're being hunted down for killing a king and didn't say ANYTHING! You're lucky you're going to be useful otherwise I'd kill you where you stand! " shouted Ashe in a burst of anger but before continuing, she noticed the caravan approaching.

"Fuck. That's the last thing we need now. Reinforcements. Everyone, weapons at the ready. Just in case they're friends with our "benefactors''. Don't attack them if they're nice. " said Ashe, her tone slightly calmer as she took her sword out and stepped forward but before she took two steps, she turned around towards Dal and pointed her sword towards him.

"We ain't done here.".
@13org That's so strange, same here.
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