Avatar of Tortoise


Recent Statuses

23 days ago
Current When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
3 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

Most Recent Posts

@Tortoise I can dial down my pop if that's what you wish for all of us.

Oh, absolutely not. I'd much rather give one dude (dudette? I dunno) permission to increase their pop than tell like 3 other people to decrease. And there's no reason it can't be billions.
My, oh my, I do believe I'm interested in this. Being stuck as a colony with no outside connections for a long-ass time gives me an idea for an orbital mining colony.

Yo, datadogie. Will the colony be automated by an AI named Cake?

On another note, will there be a Discord server for this RP?

Probably not. I'm not a big fan of chatrooms or social media, or whatever Discord counts as They kind of just stress me out.

Some of y'all can always make one if you want, but I probably won't be very active in it. Maybe down the line I'll appoint a Co-Gm to manage that stuff xD

They'll have cool uniforms tho

Removed that slash for you. Cool uniforms is obviously the most important part. You may take our lives, but you can never take our better fashion sense.

Edit: also aiming for them to have the highest pop count so far at around 6 billion. Y'know, to compensate for their inferior ways.

And speaking of population: I'm officially giving @Timemaster permission to increase his population as desired, since that little 80 million was decided way back before I realized that everybody was going to go for the billions

Throwing my hat into the ring for this since I came up with a very interesting idea (to me at least).

Expect a sheet for the Midnight Technocracy soon.

Expectations activated. Do not disappoint me.
RP hasn't even started yet and y'all are already forming alliances and rivalries I love it.

@an abomunist
Love how concrete your ideas are. Looking forward to seeing how it's going to look completed.

A Federal Republic sounds like the closest thing to Earth governments' today that we've seen so far. I wonder if they'll be weirded out by all the theocracies and robo-governments we've got coming in


Unfortunately I don't have time to set up a nation before Monday. But I'll definitely try to give it a go!

No worries. Given that only one NS is fully approved so far, you'll probably have time. But even if we start without you, I'll still allow joining after the game has begun- we'll just say that your Gateway only now became active.

Tagging everyone who expressed interest:

@Sigma@rezay@Timemaster@Irredeemable@an abomunist
Through the Gateways

(Don't worry, your ships don't have to look that lame)

Earth is gone. It passed away with a whimper, not a bang, in the throes of war, famine and pestilence. Whatever is left of that all mess can hardly sustain life.

But it did give us one last gift before the end. A desperate government, equipped with technology that still outstrips anything seen in the galaxy today, threw the last of its resources into the making of the Gateways. Massive artificial wormholes, each one set to lead to a different location. Colonists were sent haphazardly through them. Humanity was scattered across the entire Milky Way: separated from eachother, lost, but determined to survive.

And now, three hundred years later, we're starting to find one another.

General Idea

For me, the most interesting part about NRP has always been the interactions between different cultures. How does the warmonger react to the pacifists? What happens when a group of religious faithful meet a society of militant atheists?

That's what I want to focus on in this RP. We'll each be taking on the role of a different Colony established by Earth about three-hundred years ago. We were sent through artificial wormholes to our current homes, but after the fall of Earth, the wormholes generators ceased to function, leaving each Colony completely cut off from the rest of Humanity.

Now think about how your Colony might have evolved during this time. Did they land on a harsh world, and had to use genetic engineering to survive? Are they ruled over by a ruthless dictator? Do they even speak the same language anymore? I want this to be heavily culture-focused, so your imagination is the limit.

Now, for reasons unknown, the Gateways have started to function again. All at once. For the first time in three centuries, our poor little Colonies will be sending their ships across the Gateways and finding one another. And personally, I think it could be pretty fun to RP these early 'first contact' interactions. Seeing how our different people respond to one another. And as the RP goes on, I'm not opposed to anything; war, trade, diplomacy, or whatever else.

Tech Guidelines

I don't want to limit anyone too much. But for the sake of simplicity and keeping everyone's Colony at roughly the same level, I think it might help to have a few guidelines.

1. FTL other than the Gateways does not currently exist.
The reasoning here is just so that our Colonies have not spread too far beyond their own star sytems, putting everyone on the same footing and preventing anyone from starting the game with a massive galaxy-spanning empire already in place.

2. Every Gateway can lead to every other Gateway.
The Gateways are designed to uplink with ships, allowing them to choose their destination. This means that every Colony can get to every other Colony, so that none of us are prevented from interacting with one another because we're not close enough together on a map

3. Since the fall of Earth, the technology to create more Gateways has been lost.
Similar reasoning as the first one. This is just to prevent anyone from already having spread too far from where they started.

4. One may only communicate through the Gateways with Colonies one has already met.
This is to encourage meeting other nations by visiting them, rather than only talking through the Gateway. For more explanation of the rule, and the reasoning behind it, you could visit the FAQ.

On Joining and Leaving:

If someone wants to join after the game has already begun, I've decided I'll just say that the Gateway leading to their colony has only now opened. Likewise, if someone leaves or goes MIA, we can say the their colony's Gateway just shut down as mysteriously as it had reactivated. In this way, the NRP should be able to accept new players whenever, and survive losses without grinding to a halt.


Nation Sheet below.

Feel free to add new sections or change around NS formatting as needed.

Also, as per our own Irredeemable, here's the Discord link!: discord.gg/ZKcvNr2T4K


1.) No godmodding, or controlling other player's characters/Colonies
A basic rule in any RP. You know it, you love it.

2.) Cannot fully conquer other player's Colonies without permission.
You can go to war with another player. But you will need the a-okay from them before I allow you to completely exterminate/assimilate/remove another nation from the game.

3.) If conflicts cannot be decided, the GM will arbitrate.
This goes for IC and OOC conflicts. I always prefer for people to work things out mutually. Ideally, everyone can agree about who wins/loses wars, or who has the upper hand in trade, or so on. But if you can't, I'll step in to try playing judge fairly.

4.) Avoid portraying real-world religions.
This is mostly out of respect and caution. It makes me uncomfortable to see someone trying to play a faith they don't believe in. However, you are free to create a new religion descended from the ones of Earth, as many players have.

5.) When using concept art for your NS/posts, avoid anime pictures.
I'll allow some! But I don't want the RP to feel too anime, so try to keep it light. (This one is less of a rule and more of a guideline.)

6.) Everyone just play nice.


New Players

Welcome! If you've just been accepted into the RP, or if you're just now thinking about making an NS, this is a good place to start. Below is a summary of the major events of the game thus far (wars, alliances, interactions, etc.) and a How To Start segment that should eliminate any confusion about what to do after you've been accepted.

Glad to hear it! I think we have enough interested parties, so I'll be setting up an OOC soon.
Oh nah, I love it. And yeah, I feel you about research. Wikipedia can lead you to some weird places

Hey y'all, one thing I've realized is that we probably need to add populations to our NS. So, I'm going to add a Population field right under Demographics.

For the sake of leaving it mostly up to you, let's say that each colony ship has started with a population ranging anywhere from 100,000 to 1,000,000. So you can decide both how large your Colony began, and measure how much it's grown (or diminished) since then.
@an abomunist@Timemaster

Glad to have some interest. While we wait to see if anyone else wants to join in, I went ahead and drew up a Nation Sheet. I tried to make it brief but broad, and if there's anything else you want to include, feel free to add your own categories or change the formatting or whatevs.

Through the Gateways

(Don't worry, your ships don't have to look that lame)

Earth is gone. It passed away with a whimper, not a bang, in the throes of war, famine and pestilence. Whatever is left of that all mess can hardly sustain life.

But it did give us one last gift before the end. A desperate government, equipped with technology that still outstrips anything seen in the galaxy today, threw the last of its resources into the making of the Gateways. Massive artificial wormholes, each one set to lead to a different location. Colonists were sent haphazardly through them. Humanity was scattered across the entire Milky Way: separated from eachother, lost, but determined to survive.

And now, three hundred years later, we're starting to find one another.

General Idea

For me, the most interesting part about NRP has always been the interactions between different cultures. How does the warmonger react to the pacifists? What happens when a group of religious faithful meet a society of militant atheists?

That's what I want to focus on in this RP. We'll each be taking on the role of a different Colony established by Earth about three-hundred years ago. We were sent through artificial wormholes to our current homes, but after the fall of Earth, the wormholes generators ceased to function, leaving each Colony completely cut off from the rest of Humanity.

Now think about how your Colony might have evolved during this time. Did they land on a harsh world, and had to use genetic engineering to survive? Are they ruled over by a ruthless dictator? Do they even speak the same language anymore? I want this to be heavily culture-focused, so your imagination is the limit.

Now, for reasons unknown, the Gateways have started to function again. All at once. For the first time in three centuries, our poor little Colonies will be sending their ships across the Gateways and finding one another. And personally, I think it could be pretty fun to RP these early 'first contact' interactions. Seeing how our different people respond to one another. And as the RP goes on, I'm not opposed to anything; war, trade, diplomacy, or whatever else.

Tech Guidelines

I don't want to limit anyone too much. But for the sake of simplicity and keeping everyone's Colony at roughly the same level, I think it might help to have a few guidelines.

1. FTL other than the Gateways does not currently exist.
The reasoning here is just so that our Colonies have not spread too far beyond their own star sytems, putting everyone on the same footing and preventing anyone from starting the game with a massive galaxy-spanning empire already in place.

2. Every Gateway can lead to every other Gateway.
The Gateways are designed to uplink with ships, allowing them to choose their destination. This means that every Colony can get to every other Colony, so that none of us are prevented from interacting with one another because we're not close enough together on a map

3. Since the fall of Earth, the technology to create more Gateways has been lost.
Similar reasoning as the first one. This is just to prevent anyone from already having spread too far from where they started.


Nation Sheet below.

I'm looking for about 2-5 other players, but I'm willing to roll with more or less. All aboard?
It does make me feel better to know that I'm not the only one who drives something tied together with strings and hope
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