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22 days ago
Current When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
3 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

Most Recent Posts

And of course, since the military extras were extra, I just focused on the important bits before filling out the hiders. Now I can do the fun part and add a ton of neat pictures and small bits of lore :D

Yeet. You do seem to find a lot of concept art

One thing that is weirding me out is the phrase, though, is the quote "unlike most insectoid species, the Aldzir are not a hive-minded race," in your description of the Aldzir. Has the URC run into enough insectoid species which are hiveminds that you can be sure that's the standard?

Also, I might recommend cleaning up the empty hiders in your military section.

But, those are both pretty small nitpicks. You can go ahead and move Columbia over to the Characters tab. Can't wait to see her in the game.
@an abomunist
Still here, broski?

Still planning anything?

Other than a short description of the Urkani, and a detailing of the Yulzan war, I'd say your sheet is about complete!
I'm surprised no one tried making something communist

I'm a little relieved, tbh. Almost anytime I see a communist theme in an RP, it's almost always word-for-word the same idea and the same RPing. I feel like as soon as I get the application, I'll already know everything about the nation and how it'll be played.
I like it so far. Slightly cyberpunk.

Now we just need a communist nation that you and Sigma can cold war with for the rest of the RP
Oligarch Andrei trying very hard to start our first diplomatic incident
(Addressing: @Irredeemable)

Andrei is a little bit drunk, and not very happy.

The Gateway Listening Post is supposed to be an easy job, okay? You've got a big, beautiful space station, which is a rare sight in the ECU these days. Then you've got a bunch of scientists who know their careers depend on you, so they won't talk back, and plus you've got as many holographic servants as you could wish for. You've got a whole schedule of off-hours. And you can get drunk.

That last one wasn't in the official description of the position, but being on Oligarch of thirty-five, Andrei assumes it's implied. Or maybe all the wine implied it to him. He can't remember, his head's a little fuzzy right now. He only got this job because he paid some scientist woman to publish all her research in his name. That was years ago, but it's still paying off. The Noocracy thinks he's a "preeminent scholar in Gateway Theory," whatever that is. So they stuck him here.

And then, you know, they invite a bunch of aliens onboard. Because that makes sense.

When he comes into the room (only a few minutes late!) he can't remember where he is for a second. The... Royal Court? Yeah, yeah, that's it. An old Holo-Program. His grandad probably loved it. He tries working his way across the marble floors without tipping over.

"Incredible," a voice was saying, speaking to one of the scientist guys who run this station. "Our early experiments into holographic technology have yet to yield anywhere near as an impressive result."

Yeah, that's right, you alien weirdos, he thinks, give credit where credit is due. But then Andrei's eyes finally focus in, and he nearly jumps backwards.

"It is very good to see you-" the horror keeps going without taking notice- "as we talk, your ship in Sol has been talking to our own vessel. I am Epsilon-Bouchet, this is Gamma-Nine, and this is Beta-Bernas-Lee, from the Zeta system."

Those aren't names. Andrei doesn't know what they are, but they definitely aren't names. Just like those aren't faces, with all the blinking lights and the metal strips and the... the weirdness. He doesn't know what to say. There hasn't been a real diplomat in the ECU for centuries. Just, you know, people who are nice at parties and stuff! How could he be ready for this?

The scientist, a non-Oligarch who's name Andrei never bothered to remember, because he is a non-Oligarch, catches Andrei's eye- which is currently glossy, red and twice as big as it is meant to be- and realizes he will need to take care of this situation.

"Well, we are so gratified you like it," the scientist begins with a forced smile. The cyborgs are not so disconcerting to him as they might be to others. "Our researches have been engrossed in holographic simulations, such as the one before you, for upwards of-" but he does not get to finish his explanation.

"In the name of Earth," Andrei is slurring, leaning against a wall just a little bit, "what are you?"


(Addressing: @Raylah)

“This is Guardian Blackwood," a hologram reads out. "From the Undefeated nation to the Earth Cultural Union vessel. We are happy to see representatives of another surviving colony. We currently have the representatives of the Zeta system on board of..." the holographic man struggles to read out this term, which is not in his Full Dictionary of All Valid and True Earth Tongues,"...The Revenant. Perhaps you would like to send your delegation to join us?”

Unlike a certain other Oligarch countless lightyears away, Student Abadi is not drunk. A little drained? Probably, since she just saw Earth, the manifestation of her people's hopes and dreams, looking like a lump of clay that's been kicked around in the dust for too long. But not drunk.

Which is why she's immediately concerned.

The Undefeated, she thinks. Guardian. Revenant. She considers words a source of special pride for herself, and these are making her nervous. Who call themselves Undefeated? Warmongers, she decides. And people trying to cover up for a defeat.

She turns to the two men in the room with her. Sympathetically, one is still crying about Earth. The other one, less sympathetically but far more wisely, is running scans of the two ships in front of them. And he doesn't need to be asked to interpret them:

"Revenant. Looks like a pretty massive ship: lots of room, tough exterior." But then he smirks. He's been an engineer for ten years.
"Well, Mr. Roberts?" Abadi prompts him.
"Well, ma'am, I'd still have to call it a little thrown together. I'd bet anything those big weapon-y looking bits weren't on there until five minutes ago. Like sticking cannons on a wagon." Then he remembers how most Oligarchs like Abadi think, and suddenly adds: "Oh, oh, but we still shouldn't try to take it on or anything. Compared to them, we're, uh..."
She sighs. "I get the idea. What about the other one? The... Zeta ones?"

Roberts looks at the console in front of him, smashes a few buttons, and stares seriously at some flashing holo-readouts. At last, he concludes: "I have no clue."
One of Abadi's eyebrows goes up. "Is that your professional opinion?"
A few more buttons get smashed. Then: "Yep. Yeah, they're hard to read. Pretty advanced looking. No idea if they have weapons or not." He shoots her a thumbs up. "So, good luck, diplomat!"
Abadi decides she hates engineers.

A short message is bounced back to the so-called Revenant. "Expect a delegation of... two. We shall board with you shortly."

Following the procedure observed by the other vessel, it is only a few moments before the shuttle pilot is able to dock with with the Undefeated ship. (It would have been faster, if he hadn't needed to dry his eyes first.)

"Nice to finally meet you," Student Abadi tells the Undefeated who are there to greet her. She is dressed in her most formal Old Earth clothing: a black, gown-like abaya, a jeweled necklace in a Victorian English style, and an authentic American baseball cap. She looks over her hosts, and decides that despite the Military aesthetic, they look reassuringly normal as well. "Are the Zeta individuals near by, may I ask?"
(Addressing: @Raylah and @Irredeemable)

The dawn breaks slow, because it has all the time in the world. There's no rush here. Already, birds are chirping their sing-songs, and the brook is bubbling along beneath. The ground is soft beneath her feet; it smells like pine. There's only one place in the universe this perfect. It's another beautiful morning on Earth.

But then a tear runs down her cheek, because it is a lie. She has seen Earth, today, and it doesn't have an ounce of beauty left.

At her command, the Holographic Suite flickers off. The birds disappear, not even leaving the echo of a chirp. Without all those tricks of light and sensation, the Suite is a small, dead room, painfully white. It is occupied only by two people: the human woman named Jamila Abadi, and a smiling hologram who has no name.

"Ms. Abadi!" the holographic man says, in the friendly tone all programs use, "I do so hope you enjoyed the show?"

She wipes the tear from her eye, feeling self-conscious even though she knows the man in front of her isn't real- that he's only made of light. "Of course," she says.

"Wonderful!" he cheers. "Shall I help you select another program? A new holo-film was just released today, from the makers of-"

"Suite: Mute."

He stops talking. But does stay smiling, very incapable of being offended. She leaves him there, grinning cheerfully in the general direction of the door. He'll probably stay that way all night.

After all, Student Abadi, daughter of the Oligarchy and soon to be initiated into it, newly-assigned diplomat and first ECU citizen to see Earth in three centuries, has bigger matters to attend to. There are two other ships here. One is broadcasting a (slightly annoying) message on repeat, and the other is trying to talk to it. Hopefully, Abadi thinks, to tell it to shut that broadcast off.

Her thoughts are being unkind right now. It's only been five minutes since her ship was ordered through the Gateway, four minutes since she looked upon Earth, and three minutes since, overwhelmed with emotion, she excused herself to the Holographic Suite. She left the other two crew-members of this little shuttle to stay at helm, themselves torn between watching the foreign ships and watching the sad story that is humanity's old home. She can't help but notice that one of them is crying, too.

Why are you still here? she wants to ask those ships. You can see that Earth is gone. It's over. Why are you here? But she knows the answer.

"Hail, foreign ships," she finally broadcasts outwards, picking her best Old American accent. "We are travelers as well, from the..." the irony suddenly makes her tongue go thick, "...Earth Cultural Union. We greet you."


(Addressing: @datadogie)

"Unknown Vessel," the holographic woman in front of him recites, "this is Captain Olivia Lillith of the Zelrio Corporation, the colony of the planet Oria. We welcome you with open arms to our system."

He waits a moment, and then asks "That's the end of the message?"

"Yes," the hologram secretary confirms.

Tanaka nods at once, looking very unsure of himself. Not that it matters either way, because nobody's looking at him. The other two crewmen are staring diligently out into space, taking in the sheer scale of the threat before them. Being loyal ECU citizens, they were raised on holographic horror stories of aliens, abhumans and invaders just the same as anyone. Tanaka alone is too naive to feel the danger. When he looks at the massive, looming ship through his viewscreen, he only senses curiosity. (And, maybe, the slight tingle of nerves that comes with any new responsibility.)

After some thought, he commands his holo-secretary to send back the following message:

"Captain Olivia Lillith of the Zelrio Corporation, of the planet of Oria, I am Oligarch Tanaka, student of our wise Savant James Heralds, and humble explorer in this world..." Growing up as a Student, his teachers only ever praised him for Eloquence. Luckily, this was also the class they had cared most about. "Our people are dedicated to preserving the knowledge and essence of Earth, humanity's long-lost home. But I now believe there are no words in any of its languages to express the joy I feel at this encounter."


(Addressing: @Irredeemable)

If all goes well, they won't even know they're in a Suite.

James Heralds had been surprised to hear that message which was sent to the Gateway Listening Post. So quickly? In the same moment Tanaka leaves, or near to it, the alien ship appears. It left him with the feeling he had participated in some strange exchange.

Within two minutes, he had already run through every scenario his mind could imagine, weighed the odds, and landed at the following conclusions.

1.) Because it has access to the Gateway, the ship is most likely from an Earth colony.
2.) Because it is an Earth colony, they are most likely human.
3.) Because they are human, they can be manipulated.

The rules of manipulation are so well-known to Heralds, after more practice playing at them than most people would get out of their entire lives, that he does not need to call them to mind. He knows instinctively that one will need to get them in a controlled environment, and that one needs to impress them early on. Very early. Really, he would prefer it was done already, but if you want something done right...

'Invite them onboard,' he hammers the message into his steel-gray infopad. 'Take them straight to the Holographic Suite. Have it already set to a very impressive program, visually speaking.' He considers for a moment, and then decides 'the Royal Court scene. If they do not know what a Holo-Suite is, they may believe they are within an actual room in the station.' This will grant the visitors the impression that the ECU constructs lavish and complex areas within even their research outposts, making them seem far wealthier than they are.

'If they recognize it as being artificial, do not act surprised or offended. Convince them, if you can,' for he knows how often other people struggle with this, 'that you never intended deception. That is, that they were meant to know it was a Holographic Suite, and we are only putting our best foot forward.' He debates whether to tell his citizens to make their guests feel stupid for not knowing what a Suite is, but decides that would be too complicated of a maneuver for them.

Without a moment of hesitation, for hesitating means you are lost, the Savant James Heralds sends his message to the Listening Post.
Midnight Tech: Sends a starliner decorated like a gala and staffed with only the most presentable servants

Zetans: Sends several science ships that immediately scan their surroundings, broadcasting a pre-determined message

Chosen: Prepares vials of formula N0042-313-1, keeps the ugly dudes hidden away for good diplomatic presentation.

ECU: Sends a stupid kid in a shuttle
I feel like the Vampire Technocrats is what the Oligarchs wish they were/think they are. I'd love to see some mildly racist Oligarch try to grandstand a Vampire with trivia or knowledge only to get absolutely verbally slammed in response. 100 years of studying and personal research seems more productive than a few decades of partying.

Yeah, the Noocracy is corrupt through and through. Once upon a time the Oligarchs really were legit geniuses, raised out of a society of scientists, but now it's all about social-climbing and keeping the populace docile. Knowing how to manipulate other Oligarchs with your speech, and the populace with the Holographic Suite programs that get made, is now more important to them than any kind of science or research.

Likely course of action: the Oligarchs act diplomatic face-to-face, but behind the scenes they pump out a ton of holo-programs about heroic vampire-slayers and get their people all riled up against the undead just in case
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