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Recent Statuses

22 days ago
Current When it is time to write, I want to worldbuild. When it is time to worldbuild, I want to collab. When it is time to collab, I want to write. This is the cycle. These are the rules.
3 mos ago
Do not kill the part of you that is cringe. Kill the part that cringes.
1 yr ago
Sad to say I'm currently experiencing Writer's Block. Luckily I learned Writer's Kung Fu and I can chop the block in half with my hands like Bruce Lee
1 yr ago
Why is the sun like bread? It rises in the yeast, and sets in the waist. Haha! Isn't that so cute? Join my RP or more puns will come.
1 yr ago
What's the difference between a Hollywood actor and a piece of driftwood? One is Justin Timberlake. The other is timber, just in a lake. Hahathisiswhati'mdoinginsteadofwriting


Current RP I want you to join: roleplayerguild.com/topics/191461-car…

Hey y'all. I've been at this for about 12 years, and I've played a lot of kinds of RP. I like fantasy and sci-fi the most, just because they give me the most to worldbuild with, but I'm cool with almost anything. I just like writing.

Most Recent Posts

Here. We. Go.

Just to make it clear: the ECU is headed to you first. I had to pick somebody, and you know what, space station people sound pretty cool. We'll see how this works out.

(But anyone else can visit the ECU, of course! Heralds will be there to greet you )
In the depths of space, ancient machines whir to life. A signal has been received, written in a language of code that only the Gateways know, that says: Come back. And they do. From one end of the Galaxy to the other, overlooking worlds of hostile deserts or sunken marshes, they come back. First with a spark, a wavering in space- and then a flash of blinding light and heat, a storm in the void, a celestial crescendo like a sun being born. And then only a steady light. Billions of lifeforms witness it. They wonder for a moment, perhaps, but then they go back to their lives, not knowing that over their heads now sits a portal to countless other worlds.


A new star is in the sky, and only one person can see it.

She's the only one who was looking up when it happened, you see. She does that sometimes. Everybody else here is always looking down: towards the blinding lights of Neo London, to the speakers blasting out ancient music from Earth's glory days, and at the open-air Holograph Suites that beckon anyone who will listen to come inside, come inside and try for a night of fun. Those holo-programs offered range from vaguely historical to wildly fictional, but all have one thing in common: they're about Earth.

Everything here, on this planet called New Hollywood, is about Earth. Isn't that strange?

Only a few hours ago, she had tried telling people, strangers lingering outside the Suites in wait for a turn, that something feels wrong about a culture that never looks up. About a world that listens to music, but doesn't make it. Nobody listened. Some of them laughed, a few of them looked pretty uncomfortable- but none of them listened. She knows she looked like a madwoman.

And she knows there are supposed to be other people, out there in the ruins, who might have stopped to hear her. The Mixstists. They don't have Holograph Suites. The only music they listen to is the music they make. And they have God. (Whatever that is.) There's not a day that passes without Martina Ward thinking about running off to find them. She's never quite built up the courage.

Tonight, she will be arrested for anti-Earth activities again. The Protectors, the strong and benevolent guardians of culture, will give her a plain choice: "You can keep your head down, Ms. Ward," they'll say, "keep your mouth shut, and enjoy the show," and here one of them will smile that dazzling New Hollywood smile, "or, you know, we can make you."



He's sitting in a plain gray office chair, 21st century American, wearing a charcoal gray greatcoat, 19th century British, scanning over a steel-gray infopad- his own design. There is not a spot of real color in the room, except for the one that's essentially mandated: an intricate golden globe, carved in the figure of Old Earth, rumored to have been owned by first Savant Zhang himself.

Everything else? Gray.

"Um... Savant Heralds?"

"Oh," the man in the chair looks up, and a broad smile spreads everywhere except his eyes, "Oligarch Tanaka, my youthful friend. I was so engrossed in my studies," the usual Noocratic talk, but maybe true in this case, "that I had not heard you enter! I suppose you must have good reason to disturb?"

Usually, a statement like this is the opening volley in ten minutes of polite apologies, mutual praises, and a subtle competition to out-intellect eachother. But by now, it has become known among the supporters of James Heralds that their Savant does not tolerate the usual Oligarchic games. So Tanaka cuts to the chase: "The Gateway has reopened."

Savant Heralds stares at him for a moment, his smile faded, no expression at all. Is this a joke? At last: "Oh, child... you must have gotten a little too drunk in a Culture party? I'm afraid that Old Ireland will do that to y-"

"No," Tanaka dares to interrupts him, which immediately convinces Heralds he's certain. "I mean that the Gateway. Has. Reopened." His voice wavers between glee and panic.

"Old Earth?" Heralds asks.

"We can get there."

"And... the other colonies?" He doesn't know whether to hope or fear the answer. Tanaka only nods.

The Savant, usually as unshakable as old concrete and twice as stubborn, suddenly can't stay sitting. He's up off the chair, and he's pacing around the desk. "This..." his mouth works in silence for a moment, "this is a significant development." Anyone would have to agree.

Optimistic Tanaka smiles, and his smile does reach the eyes. The young Oligarch had been waiting for this chance to impress Heralds. "I've been listening to reports from the Gateway Listening Post for two hours," he confirms. And it had been his idea to establish it! "We don't know if the others have survived yet, sir. But they may have!"

Possibilities are running through Heralds mind faster than light on steroids. What could be waiting on the other side of those gates? Potential enemies? More problems to contain? ...Space vampires?

He dismisses that last idea.

"Oligarch Tanaka," he says slowly, and with more respect in his voice than he ever has before, "Get me the Listening Post on call." Tanaka beams joy.


In less than three hours, the arrangements have been made.

A shuttle will be sent into the Gateway. Lightly manned, lightly armed. And Oligarch Tanaka, the man responsible for the creation of the Listening Post that observed the Gateway's reopening, has been selected to lead the mission. (This, of course, is so that Heralds is able to take credit for the discovery in Tanaka's absence, but the youth does not realize this.)

Since they have no way of knowing the situation or nature of any other colonies, Tanaka has been given full discretion to select a destination at will. As the little ship approaches, the Gateway links up automatically to their comm system. (Even after three hundred years, Tanaka thinks, it still recognizes us.) A list of options appears on their visual feed, automatically, presented in little bullet-points of Old Earth English. Planet and system names are listed. No description is given- only the name. So that's how Tanaka picks.

"Oria," he says slowly, like the word is magic to him, "uh, here we come."

With it's destination selected, the lone shuttle sails into the Gateway.

Yowza, that's a tough cookie. It's approved, with some fear of the chaos that military could release on the Galaxy

Feel like the ECU would love these guys, tho.
✓ Pure humans
✓ Dominates aliens
✓ Military gov't basically functions as an oligarchy

But then, just to crush all the nice synergy I had started to imagine:
Art is not forbidden, but it is considered to be entertainment for the losers and unworthy - anyone who wants to climb through the ranks cannot be seen watching a theatrical play or painting a picture.

Guess they wouldn't like Holographic Suite entertainment, huh?


Oh, very well done.

Honestly, "Good luck getting an Oligarch to 1v1 a Vampire or Enhanced" could probably just be straight copy-pasted into my NS and it wouldn't be wrong.
These are amazing
I'm not sure if you missed it, but a couple of posts up, I set new pop rules and announced the coming open Gatewayz
Active Colonies:

Those who play today.

The Enlightened Symposium (created by @Irredeemable)

The Grand Republic of Matuvista (created by @Irredeemable)

White Flower Democracy (created by @Tortoise)

The Undefeated (created by @Raylah)

United Republic of Columbia (created by @Sigma)

The Xandalian Republic (created by @Crusader Lord)

The One (created by @Timemaster)

New Haven Directorate (created by @Liotrent)

Khanate of the Apes (created by @SgtEasy)

The Mahre Collective (created by @Jangel13)

The Federal Union of Uston (created by @Dog)

The Commonality of New Isthar (created by @Lady Lascivious)

Kingdom of Kudrion (created by @jorvhik)

The Kamenyan Defense Directorate (created by @Eldritch Puppy)

Former Colonies:

Gone for now, but they made a difference while they were here.

The Chosen (created by Timemaster)

Ospa Alliance (created GreyGoblin)

Augustillia (created by MetalWeight)

The Midnight Technocracy (created by ClocktowerEchos)

Moons of Salome (created by Ekreture)

Zelrio Corporation (created by datadogie)

The Federated People's Republic of Aurgia (created by Taeryn)

The Dead Drift (created by Kale19)

The Free Systems of Theta-Leonis (created by Sophrus)

NPC Colonies:

The roleplayer has left, but the colony remains. Background characters.

Lorne Administration (created by Sep)
Expect the update to come alongside the big tech overhaul I'm doing now that I realise other people have made better computers than the guys that are supposed to be good at computers.

>waits for update
>immediately improves my tech to be just slightly better
Probably a good idea. I was kind of hoping to be able to avoid dictating population levels, but the debate seems like it's starting to disrupt things, so:

500 Million: Small
1 Billion: Average
2 Billion: Large
3 Bil+:Massive

I'll accept smaller in cases where there is a limiting factor to population growth (like Datadogie's society living on space stations), or in cases where there is a good reason to let it be higher. But in general, I'm now going to ask that everyone center their populations around 500 million to 3 billion.

In lighter news: we seem to have a good crowd here now, so I will be launching the RP officially in between 24-48 hours. Anyone who has not completed their CS does not need to be worried; if you're late posting, we'll only say your Gateway opened a little bit later.

Tagging everyone so we're all on the same page:
@Raylah@Aleranicus@an abomunist
Yeah, you can make a Discord server.

Honestly, the population discussion is unnecessary. Population growth is hard to figure- I really only included that field for the sake of realism, and so that we could see which nations are bigger/smaller than others.

But like, from 1700 to 2000, the U.S. went from about 250k to 250 million people. That's three centuries, just like our colonies, and they didn't get anywhere near the billions.

Plus, for most of that time America was a prosperous place with a ton of immigration; we're completely isolated and on hostile worlds. I'm not even sure most of our populations are physically possible without women giving birth to litters instead of children. 300 years is still only a handful of generations. I'm just trying to roll with so as not to put anyone out.
I feel like this RP needs a "Warning: Pops May Vary" disclaimer

Don't stress it too much, @rezay. 1 Billion seems to be about our average. One guy has 6 billion (with his people being genetically modified) and datadogie is our smallest at 250 mil. I'll accept pretty much any amount that seems to work for your empire.
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