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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

No one seemed to offer any real help or explanation as to why it was that this was happening. Cassian suggested whomever was responsible had left some sort of trace he could detect with his powers. But that didn't really open up any new information save for the fact that at least someone appeared to believe him. As Nancy offered to cut his hair in what was most likely a more violent way than Mulan, Demetri took a step back, his hands in the air as a sign of surrender. All throughout the group continued to move towards Grand Central Station. Demi's hair continued to grow as certain aspects of himself began to change along with it.

Once the curly locks hit a desired length, they began to soften and the golden blonde began to stain black as his powers continued against his will. Out of every outcome that could've happened from a power being out of control, Demetri supposed this wasn't the worst that could happen. That is until he passed a placard with a reflective surface showing him exactly who he'd turned into. He heard as Zeke called his name, confused, and all Demetri could do was let out a small "eep" as he instinctively shifted. His body rapidly shrunk down to a pitch black cat, looking like he was about to run in a panic.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

With everything that was going on, it was difficult to pay attention to all the goings on of the party. Cassian hardly clocked what was going on between Janelle and Zeke, though he did catch Nancy's offer to help the child of Zeus. He doubted it would do anything aside from force Demetri to grow even more hair out. Though as he walked he kept his eye out, scanning the people around them to see if anyone matching Demetris description showed up again. As he expected, no one did. They came and did as they wanted to, sewing a seed of chaos with no doubt to hinder their progress to the doors of death.

Cass tried to think of who it could be. Wondering if any of his grandmother's children were on the opposing side. Or was there another celestial being that had a similar taste for this sort of thing running around. But all he had were questions and no answers, having not seen the culprit or their methods he had no real leads. Everything changed once they reached Grand Central Station however. As Nancy offered some words to Mercury, Zeke and Demi seemed to be having a thing until suddenly Demetri became a cat. "Oh great, now he's a cat." Cassian picked him up and carried him, giving Demetri a stern look. "Don't you dare turn into a rhino or anything while I'm holding you."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Marksmanship, Sleight of Hand, Puzzle Solving

Maddie could feel the tension building up around them as Rumple had made his arrival. Guards were beginning to shuffle in, others still by the gates checking those that entered. Colby's wit immediately found him, using the entrapments of a social setting and party to force Rumple into a conversation. The distraction was simple enough, but something that allowed the others to be able to act and find a way out. Willow didn't seem to know what to do, her grip on his boyfriend's arm wrinkling the silk fabric of Colbys attire. Maddie had decided to try and use the layered fabrics and immense amount of flow to hide his hand movements.

He allowed for his sleeves to droop down a bit past his hands, hiding them as he watched around his periphery for an open flame. Luckily for him there was quite a few lighting up the room. He attempted to do the subtle hand gestures to emblazon the fire so as to catch something else on fire. His first two tries hadn't made the land, making Maddie second guess his original plan. He racked his brain, thinking of the best solution as to what else he could do to escape. He still had his smoke screen spell, but Rumple also had magic of his own as well as Jafar perhaps. But public image was hopefully more important to the pair than they were.

Maddie attempted one last time to stealthily cast his spell. The flames from the lamps burst upwards as they caught the nearby fabrics on fire. Hopefully this would cause the other patrons to panic and afford them all a swift escape as they evacuated the room.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

It was a damned good thing that he and a few others decided to join Callie on the drink run. There were about as many drinks as there were hands now, and Max surely was going to grab himself two drinks so that he didn't have to get back up again later. He caught the hues of pink forming on Ben's cheeks, trying not to smile as he thought he looked particularly adorable at this moment. Once Ben had stood up, Max used his free hand to gently take his hat off by the top and plop it down onto Ben's head. "Blush looks good on you." he said, barely making eye contact from above the brim of the hat. It never came natural to him, flirting, usually ended in a disastrous mess.

"So do you drink? Maybe we can have matching blue and purple tongues like Veil here." Max joked, trying to fill the silence while also offhandedly letting Veil know of the drinks…after effects. As they walked off, Max tried to keep his hands to his side near his pant pockets, though every once in a while he'd have to move to avoid colliding into another party guest. His hand barely brushed up against Ben's as he did so before pulling back into the place the sat originally in his pocket. He



A part of Harry wondered about James' powers. Did his Omega level healing factor allow him to get intoxicated? Could he even feel hungover later? Where did one line end and another begin for the limitations of his powers? He wondered if James had ever even tested it out, or if he was always so conscious about his drinks as to stay hydrated between them to avoid it even having the chance of happening. His attention snapped back towards Zari as she began to answer his question. He wasn't quite sure how to explain it any further than he already did. There was no real why to the matter. And the more anyone lived the more they realised that somethings in life just didn't have reasoning behind it.

Jack was all work and no play which made him a dull boy. Though Harry figured that's where the saying came from. Though Selene's arrival seemed to bring about a new Era of interest. All eyes pointed towards her, as both her outfit and attitude seemed to command attention. Every ounce of her oozed confidence but even more so it radiated a power that was so suffocating it almost felt numb. He'd seen her defend this island and what she would do, and it still unnerved him. "Leman? Though I'm curious to your answer Selene. If you had to pick, which would you eliminate permanently? Pancakes, Waffles, or French Toast?"
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max almost spat out his mead. Choking it back and swallowing before eyeing Casper up and down. "You don't look it." (Or act it for that matter). He tried to hide his smile behind the rim of his stein as Casper rolled on having a one way conversation with himself about what his answers would be had he been presented with the choice. That was when he spotted Selene coming towards their table. He didn't doubt that her help was immeasurable during the attack on the island, and he loved that she gave those with magic a space for themselves. But he still didn't trust her or her motives. Maybe it was the way she dressed, the memories that had swirled in him when their consciousness had fused, or the fact that she devoured souls. Something just didn't sit right.

Now Max hadn't had a date for the evening. Love never really did seem to find its way towards him, and those he crushed on tended to look the other way. So when Veil had told him of where she'd gotten her drink, and Callie asked if anyone would care to tag along, Max quietly stood at the invitation wanting an excuse to distance himself for a moment. "Ben wanna join? It'll be better than McDonalds." he joked, hoping the tease wouldn't go too far. "Veil want another while we're out?" He held his hand out slightly towards Ben, offering it to help him out of his chair if he chose to come along.



Harry chuckled at Zari and her mechanical friend as they argued. He still didn't quite understand any of that, but he realized quickly there was very little he did understand. Trying to focus now on what he knew, that he was with the ones he loved and wanted to make every moment count like it was his last. Because it very well might be someday. "Play nice you two. It's never a bad idea to ask questions you want answers to. Even Davie - I mean David, here had asked about the little game. To be completely honest there's no point to it. It's just a way to pass time and have fun while poking fun at each other's choices or joining them in comradery. It's a lot like asking…what would you get rid of if you had to choose, Pancakes, Waffles, or French Toast?"

Harry wasn't about to ask a child to fuck,marry, or kill anyone. But a simple question about which breakfast food is inferior to the other two is a close enough question that was more age appropriate than what Sunshine had originally had in mind. Hearing Casper through the question back at Jack seemed a little odd. Maybe it was just Harry's gay brain going off but he'd always imagined Magneto and Charles to be like fueding exs, so it was like asking your brother if he'd fuck your father's ex bf. Either way he was interested to hear the answer.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: NYC

Demi couldn't believe what he was hearing from Zeke. And that meant a lot given that he believed two pantheons of gods existed and bore children throughout the world and ages that sparked political climates one could only dream of. Nancy's tone wasn't any better. Was anyone going to back him up on this? Surely Kristin would want to see some historical sites at least. Right? Demetri hadn't heard any of the conversation that transpired between Janelle and Zeke. More focused on the assault upon his line of questioning.

The final straw was when Kristin had joined in. Telling him he apparently could've gone whenever he'd wished to go sightseeing. Had he known that he'd of tried to plan a date for he and Zeke a while back. "Well sorry that wasn't exactly in the camp brochure now was it? But thanks for telling me I can leave whenever I'd like, hadn't known that tidbit of information till now." So far the quest wasn't going as he'd thought, but he silently followed behind as Kristin led the way.

His footsteps began to slow as he noticed an odd woman across the street. She'd waved at him with a smile, that felt oddly devious for a total stranger. He began to feel his grip on his power slipping, worry running rampant inside as he patted himself down quietly to try and not raise suspicion. "Um. Heh, did uh, did you guys see that chick over there?" He looked back to point to where she had been but she was gone. "Wait. No. She was there a second ago. But I think…somethings wrong with my powers." He said as he reached up and gently patted at his hair to make the itch go away.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: NYC

Cassian would be lying if he said he didn't want to have a look around the city. He was curious about the Nymphs, Satyrs, and other woodland spirits that resided within Central Park. Given the rest of the city was a concrete jungle, how did they cope? How did they feel about the situation? But everyone was right, this was a quest and they had to remove as many obstacles as they could otherwise someone would get seriously injured, or die. Besides, how was it that Janelle had put it earlier? He would rather do the sightseeing with almost any other group. A few were fine, mainly Janelle and Kristin, but the other three he didn't quite care for. Nancy seemed to have a dislike for him, Demi was too much of a child of three, and Zeke…was an ass.

When Demetri alerted them all to some woman that Cassian never even caught a glance of, he paused for a moment. He could feel something. Someone was tugging at the strings of Chaos and it somehow involved Demetri. There was a heavy sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose before he addressed everyone. "Unfortunately mini-zeus isn't lying. Or crazy for that matter. I can feel something's off. Someone's trying to throw a wrench in our plans already. Call it…a passive effect of my powers." He stared at the spot where Demi said someone had stood, but no one remained aside from the bustling civilians. "We should move. Whoever it was has already left clearly."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie followed alongside Tink as she Sheppard him towards another location. He was a little confused at first as to why she had asked him to find his mother and father, but then it quickly dawned on him that it was all a part of the guise that they were a family. The urgency in her voice suggested something had happened, but all that went out the way as he felt himself get colder. He could feel a pair of eyes looking at him, and he unfortunately turned to see Rumple smiling at them and keeping his eyes glued to their position.

He tried to act as if he hadn't noticed, giving Tinkerbell a nod before he made his way back towards the crowds of people. Maddie tried not to focus on it, to just focus on those he knew and what he needed to be doing. He found Hatter and Chesire easy enough, standing by the drink station. Maddie grabbed himself a drink as he looked towards his dad, keeping his back to Rumple while he lifted his cup up towards his lips. "Don't look now but we've been spotted. Bell says we need to leave now."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Van

Demetri gave Cassian a bit of an odd look as the cherub child mentioned how he was never taught about September 11th. "Maybe you called in sick or something? Seems odd they'd just skip over it in school." His attention quickly turned towards Kristin, as he lightly jabbed the ground with the toes of his shoe. "I get that, I'm not claustrophobic or anything but I get the same way with heights. No harm no foul, just a bit of light teasing was all." Zeke had hardly said a word edgewise, but he was seemingly sticking close to Nancy. He got it, siblings ' first trip and all that. And with Janelle here he was sure it was difficult for Zeke to be his boyfriend without drawing attention.

There was a short sigh with his mind, a mental pause to allow himself to acknowledge and move past the fact that this quest and time away with Zeke may not be exactly as how he'd imagined it. There would be no cuddling under the stars as they camped outside, or sharing snacks and favorite treats at stations they passed by. So he decided to focus on other things. "So what's freedom tower? Looks impressive, but can't say I know anything about it? Wanna give us a walking tour as we make our way over towards Grand Central Station? Oh and any chance we can hit a few stops along the way. I've never been to New York before so I have a load of things I'd love to do."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Van

Cassian looked past Demetri at the space behind him. Thinking about what he'd said. He didn't exactly want to state he was homeschooled so sick days weren't exactly a thing, but then they might view him even stranger than they already did. He got teased enough growing up because he didn't attend regular schooling. He didn't need it from his camp mates either. "Must've been sick then, or even dozed off. History wasn't exactly my strong suit." Hearing what Kristin had said though, what appeared to be several coordinated attacks against high profile locations, a part of him wondered if it was human malice or another demi-god / monster problem.

His mother had taught him enough about how some past wars had been about fights between the gods' children. How history was shaped and molded by the children born on this earth, so was this simply another one of those moments? Cassian tried not to think about it. Part of why he revered his father so much was because of what he gave humans. Revelry, freedom, what many viewed as chaotic was liberation. He wasn't just the God of Parties, he could be an inspiration for those who wished to fight the oppressive regimes of others by releasing their inhibitions and being true to themselves. "So which way?"
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max had just gotten back towards the table with a second helping of food. He was determined to try out as much interstellar food as he possibly could. His powers allowed him to traverse earth (or midgard) as frequently as he'd cared to so other countries' food didn't quite appeal to him at the moment, but his powers currently couldn't allow him to travel beyond the stars. Something he would need to work and if he ever got time to train under Strange. His current course consisted of Asgardian dishes, boar and goat meat, with a healthy side of vegetables and máni berries to balance out all the savoriness.

Max had taken Sunshines route of just going with the Genosian flow and throwing the rules for drinking out the window. He'd brought a large stein filled with mead, wishing to get the full Asgardian experience. He'd taken the seat Ben had just emptied, giving Casper a bit of a glance as if to ask what he'd done. Max had spotted Veil's drink and eyed it before looking at his. "Awe damn. I must've missed that one, where'd you get it? Also agreed, let Ben have time to adjust, besides I'm only 19 Casper, wait how old even are you?"

His remark didn't go far as Sunshine changed topics to a game, targeting Max as the first victim. Somehow she'd arranged the perfect trifecta that would seemingly get Max in trouble. He stammered for a moment as he tried to think to himself. "Well James I can't kill Magento, he's been through too much and I think that'd actually make me a villain. But I also can't exactly turn down America's ass. So…fuck Cap, marry Magneto, and…kill Strange? No. Well. Maybe. Idk. I can't fuck or marry my mentor. Then again…if i did marry would i inherit his…nevermind. Im sticking to my answer."



Harry was sitting down next to Legion, sipping on a flute of champagne. While he wasn't as engrossed as Casper was, he still liked to show his affection in small ways. His leg crossed over David's under the table at the ankle, keeping them close without showing too much PDA. he never was one to have overly large displays in front of others unless it was for drama or show. His eyes followed the conversation between Casper and Ben as if he was watching a tennis match, following the ball. A part of him wondered if this was how it always was and now they were simply getting to hear both sides, or was Ben more irritable now that he had more senses to focus on.

It was difficult to say either way as Harry had never experienced death, the closest being when he was in the Astral realm with David some time back. He had been curious about how they'd actually managed to achieve it, but felt it too rude to ask Max, James, Casper, or even Ben about it. He'd also wondered if they should alert Ben's revival to the woman they'd seen back at his grave. His thoughts were broken when David had spoken up, Harry took a sip of his champagne again as Andy answered it to some degree. "She's right. It's not about what's plausible but more so about what they would like to happen, sometimes for better or worse." He said as he tipped his flute towards Max to show off how some choices weren't easy to make.

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 20 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes looked towards Aleka as he gestured him over. He let out a small exhale as his arms uncrossed and made their way into the pockets of his jacket. He walked over towards the half elven man until he stood before his desk. He lifted one arm to move some of the Shadowy masses out of his eyeline so that he could see him better. "Names Ermes De Luca. I'm a genesian type aetherborn that specializes in creations. I'm handy with a sword but prefer to use stealth over all else. Until now I've used my skills in work as a delivery person back in Wilree. Before that I helped with fishing back in my village." He wasn't quite sure what else to share, not wanting to give too much unnecessary information away.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Fun wasn't exactly how Maddie would describe the sensation. Though he recalled reading an article a while back about how some people with anxiety had issues differentiating between excitement and anxiety. Their brains made the signals almost identical and so while this very well could have been a fun and exhilarating experience, Maddie just felt as though it was anxiety enduring as it gripped at his heart. But he'd wasted no time, along with his family and boyfriend, slipping out of the vaulted area and moving back into the common area where refreshments and dances were.

He quickly spotted Willow as Colby approached her, then Jafar followed by Rumple, and Maddie instantly felt as if someone had shaken the sand in their timer to make it go faster. There was a new knot in his stomach as he continued to look around and found Tinkerbell. He quietly made his way over towards her, trying his best to use any people, pillars, or objects to obstruct his view from Rumple so that he wouldn't be easily spotted on his way to her. "Hey fam, having fun yet?"
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