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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Demetri glared at Cassian as he made his remark. Unsure of who's side the child of Dionysus was on at this point. He rolled his eyes, trying hard to think of how he could possibly explain any of this to Zeke. If not explain, maybe at the very least avoid the confrontation that would inevitably ensue by shifting into increasingly more adorable animals till Zeke was bound to cave in. As he turned to face the subway tracks he noticed someone in the corner of his eye. The same woman who had cursed him earlier was now back again and rounding the corner.

"How long till the metro arrives?"

"About thirty minutes. Why?" Cassian replied warily. He looked between Demetri and the empty subway tracks, a sense of worry coming over him as if they may be about to lose their train. Either that or Demi was clearly anxious to leave the station all together and get on with the quest, after all Demi-gods sticking around in one place for too long could easily attract more monsters towards that location. "If you're hungry I've got so-"

"Fine thanks. I've got a feeling someone wants to talk to me. Be back in twenty." With that Demi broke into a sprint, trying to shift into a cat once more as he felt his powers fighting him until they finally gave in. His form fell down to a small jet-black cat, zooming at high speeds and weaving between people as he kept his eyes on where he'd seen the woman. When he skirted around the corner, claws digging into cement and making a horrible scratching sound, he saw her sitting there, lounging as if she was waiting for him. Again his powers fought against him before yielding and allowing him to transform into his own self. "Alright lady what gives? Who are you and why are you messing with my powers?"

Cassian's mouth was agape as he watched the child of Zeus run off into the crowd before vanishing in his cat form. He wasn't sure if he was reckless because he was a kid of the Big Three or if he was simply just stupid for one. He pinched the bridge of his nose as he let out a calming breath. "A movie night would be a lot of fun actually. Could get the camp together, an old school projector and play it against a cabin or something. As for working together…at this point I'm starting to wonder if it's even possible to do so. Everyone feels so separated from one another…"
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit



Max could hardly enjoy the moment he was having with Ben. Selene's speech sent a cold shiver down his spine as every hair on his neck stood up at once. He turned to Ben, time seemingly stretching on for eternity, as he realized he was around two of the Quiet Council members. [Color=Ben! Wha-"[/color] His words cut short as Veil suffocated Max, compressing his head in an attempt to kill him.ax grabbed at the invisible barrier in a panic before it quickly disappeared thanks to Ben's aid. He took a sharp breath in, trying to regain what he'd lost but there was no end to their barrage.

A sharp tingle ran through the entirety of Max's body. His joints ringing from the strange pain as a sense of numbness began to flood his systems. Spots danced around his vision as all the sounds began to muffle into the background. The humming of the field surrounding them, distorting the sky and downwards, Selene's cackle, screaming, running, and then suddenly in his spotty vision he saw James approaching. For the briefest of moments there was a smile on Max's lips. Thinking that healing and succor was on his way, until he remembered James too was on the council. "no" he whispered to himself.

Max tried to subtly cast a spell, his magic flowing around the three in an attempt to pull them all together, encircled by a chain. Unfortunately for him, Callie's little shock earlier coupled by Veil's sudden mood for decapitation had left him a bit woozy. The spell misfired and only gave each a cozy winter sweater each with a hand knitted letter right in the center of it, marking them with a V, J, and C. He silently cursed to himself as he grabbed a hold of Ben's wrist. "We have to go." Darkness enveloped them, an orb engulfing the pair as a ring dissipated it like a collapsing star. Only the chill remained behind that was left with each of his teleports.

Immediately they reappeared in front of Magneto. Max's heart skipped a beat. Not yet he thought to himself. Polaris would need to be knocked down first, in order to distort the field. But Max couldn't knock down either of the two in his current state. He needed allies. Once again he left with Ben in hand, leaving only the cold air to stay in his place. Ben appeared to his right, off to the side of the table as Max came in crashing down atop it all. "Fuuuuuck." he groaned as he rolled onto his side before sitting up. The team was there, armed with spikes and their own powers. It seemed James left them alone.

"Veil, Callie, and James-"

"We know. We heard the announcement from here." There was a grim expression on Harry's face. He'd truly hoped that Caspers kiss was enough to knock some sense into James. But it appeared the old witch's Magic was a little past that point. David had been consumed by another persona, one by the name of Jack Wayne. He didn't mind all those that lived within David's mind. He loved him fully for all he was and had. But right now, at this moment, he really wished David was here.

"Alright then. Jack Wayne, skillset? Is there any chance you're a master telepath like Davie is? If not, is there any chance he may return back into the fight soon?" Harry asked as he made his way over and helped Max off of the table and back onto his legs. "My thoughts are this, Veil is a danger unto her own. We don't need anyone dying tonight either friend or foe. But Selene's grip on them is too strong. If we could get a skilled and powerful telepath into their minds then perhaps-"

"They could use their powers to counteract the enchantment by forcing out their real psyche to the forefront. That could work. I mean it's magic sure, but it's afflicting the mind." Max leaned against the table, tired from the small jumps and assault as he grabbed a drink that hadn't spilled and took a sip.

"Once we've freed them we need to find a way to drop this bubble and fight Selene. The less casualties the better. Im…I'm sorry Andy."

"I may have a way but first we gotta get to that stage of the fight. Let's focus on the now."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

The news that magic could be tracked by a few of the guards hit Maddie like a wall. He only had a few throwing knives that he'd stolen from one of the sisters and he wasn't exactly trying to kill anyone here. But without magic he felt as though he couldn't do anything to help. As he got lost in his head his father managed to knock more items down to slow the guards before swiftly pulling them inside a crowded store. He could feel his father's grip on his wrist as he dragged him through a crowded market and found a dark corner to hide in for a while.

For a moment he'd thought he was about to be chastised for using magic. For attempting to do something so foolish that could jeopardize the mission. But all his father could do was ask him if he was alright. Tears welled up in the corner of his eyes that he'd quickly wiped away with the back of his hands. "I'm fine. I just wish I could be of more help. I just…" He wanted to make his father proud, but he didn't know how. But as he thought back towards everything he had to wonder, was a Hatters true Trait their cunning? His father so far hadn't displayed any form of magic or tricks yet he always seemed to be several steps ahead of the others.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Feline Demi turned his head in confusion as he watched Janelle walk up to the counter and pay for everyone's tickets. A part of him wondered if she had the money for it the whole time why wait till everyone was already struggling to pitch in? There was a curious mrow added with his head gesture as he then looked back towards Zeke and meowed at him before beginning to make a figure eight as he weaved between Zeke's legs. Once Janelle had made her way back towards them all with the tickets, Demetri began to make his way over towards the platform, past the turnstile so that he'd needn't use a ticket.

No sooner did Cassian play out a few notes than Janelle had single handedly thwarted his plans. Clearly no one was particularly fond of his idea, but he didn't see anyone else coming up with better ones. He played a few more notes before picking up his hat and placing it back onto his head. "I heard that Kel. I don't mind a little friendly competition but I don't exactly see an instrument on you so would you be singing?" he retorted with a bit of a competitive smirk. His attention moved over towards Kristen, his smirk turning into a warm smile with rosy cheeks befitting a wine god's child. "Thanks, we may not seem like much now…but I've a feeling this fellowship may yet band together soon enough."

Demetri looked about from his small stature, looking to see if that woman he'd seen earlier was still there. There was an irritated purr in his chest as he tried to shift back. Concentrating on the form he'd donned so many times before. But as he shifted he only became that girl again. The irritated purr turned into a low growl within his throat as he silently cursed to himself. When he found out who'd messed with his powers he'd have several choice words for them. He leaned against a wall, arms crossed as he awaited the others.

Cass placed his pan flute back onto his side as they began to move forward. "Thanks Janelle. Real life saver there." He spotted Demi's cat form puttering off towards the trains and his smile quickly faded. "Stupid cats going to get himself killed. Better go after him so no one tries to claim him as a free pet." Cassian broke into a light jog, catching up to the cat just as he transformed back to FemDem. "I don't think you've gained control back. Sorry Sorry i just don't see how this could possibly feed into our enemies plans." He said through stifled laughter.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Silence had fallen between the pair, allowing for Dazzler's music to fill the space. Max had no idea what was going on through Ben's mind, but clearly he was lost in some form of thought. He'd gone to turn to grab the drinks when they were ready, but as he began to do so he felt a hand placed on the nape of his neck. His head spun towards his assailant, wondering who dared try him at this moment when he was quickly pulled into a kiss with Ben. Max instinctively closed his eyes, allowing for the moment to happen, unsure of what to do with his hands or where to put them. But as Ben began to pull back Max fully panicked and without meaning to he BAMF'd leaving nothing but a cold air where he stood as he was engulfed by a void of black orb.

One moment he was outside with an amazing man from beyond the grave, another he was alone in the stillness of his room. His eyes were wide with panic, as he caught his breath and began to figure out what had just happened. Did…did Ben just kiss him? Did Max just have his first kiss? A series of questions ran through his mind as he realized he'd just abandoned his new date right after a kiss. There was a lurch in his stomach and a skip in his heart as he softly whispered a very tiny "no". As if on command his powers kicked in again and the next heartbeat was stood back in front of Ben.

Max looked at him awkwardly, shyness quickly creeping up over the somewhat confident demeanor he'd pretended to have earlier. He placed his hand over one of Ben's. "Sorry. First kiss jitters, I guess it made my mutation kick in…" He cleared his throat as he looked towards Veil and Callie with disbelief in his eyes. Like did this just happen? He grabbed some of the drinks they'd been waiting on in an attempt to occupy his hands as he suddenly became very aware of their existence and couldn't quite figure out what to do with them. When the announcement rang over Max nearly dropped the drinks in his hands. He hoped the song choice was just more camp and not a purposefully chosen song to weave a spell into as the Sanderson Sisters had done.



Harry giggled as David nipped at his earlobe. Turning to face his boyfriend before giving him a soft peck on the lips in response. His smile turned askew as the rest answered Selene's question. "Well now you're all just making me look selfish and bad." he said through small chuckles. "Here I was expecting the end of the world to be something like global warming or an unsolvable end." Jack's answer took him by surprise however. The only three that had known about Jack's little secret were off getting drinks at the moment, a real shame.

Selene somewhat overshadowed it however with her answer. Claiming she was immortal and couldn't die. Harry would've found it laughable had her sigh not sounded like a longing for something she could never have. Either she was an incredible actress or she truly was immortal. He didn't know how to feel about that prospect. Watching everyone you know and love die around you as you stay the same year after year. If the world were to end what would she do? Wander the remains by herself for eternity? He looked towards Jack, wondering how many others she'd revived. If she could do him, why not the others that fell with the bomb, or the massacres? Why Jack? Before he could inquire further she made another dramatic gesture and vanished in thin air. "So are you immortal now Jack?"

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 20 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes quirked up an eyebrow in a slight shock and disbelief as Aleka called him paranoid. He'd no idea where the half eleven man had gotten that idea, nor was he particularly fond of the accusation. But he figured if he wanted to stay here and earn a living he shouldn't start off by immediately contradicting the very man assigned to mark his name amongst their ranks. As the secretary began to explain the expectations and operations of the Bounty House, Ermes saw fit to move his way over towards one of the sofas, opting to sit atop the arm of the couch as he listened in to what they had to say.

When Cerric interrupted Aleka's long and rather dull speech, Ermes tried his best not to roll his eyes. Sure he had a point in that the droning voice of the man almost made Ermes's eyes close, but Cerrics quick dismissal for contracted work was a bit astonishing. He claimed one couldn't expand their aetheric finesse sitting in front of a forge, and while that may be true for someone like Ermes, perhaps someone with an affinity to fire could use it as a way to naturally and safely build up how much they can use their magic. That and having real world skills like how to forge, maintain, and sharpen a blade could come in very handy down the road on a long and arduous journey.

Once the floor opened up to questions, Ei wasted no time in raising her hand and speaking up in turn. Ermes turned to watch her as she asked something that made a knot form in the pit of his stomach. He'd never fully considered his previous (or current) employment to be particularly "less-than- ideal with a veil of virtuism" but others like her might. What's more he wondered on who's morality did the idea fall to? What her high society mind may seem as ill-gotten could easily be the norm around that town in which the Bounty was formed.

Ceolfric quipped up rather quickly, pulling Ermes's attention even further away from the Bounty employees as he swiveled on the armrest of the sofa so that his body now faced him. It seemed at least someone within this group was willing to look past the shadows and embrace them. Perhaps he wouldn't have to play it as clean, though Ceolfric did raise the good point on if the House would even honor such a contract. Cerric of course was quick to answer them both, reminding Ermes that there were laws to abide by within these lands and that doing so could affect their pay in the end. That made the decision all the more easier.

As he sat there and thought more upon how this might all work, the doors to the Bounty House creaked open as a strikingly familiar face walked in. Ermes slid down from the armrest and stood in complete shock, his jaw going slightly agape as he watched her waltz in and past him. It'd been two years since he last saw her, since last he'd even thought about what had happened. So engrossed in work and making sure he had at the bare minimum food to eat that now it all flooded back. In his eyes she walked with a beacon of light, bringing hope with every step. But just as quickly as she arrived, she was gone.

When Aleka had mentioned her mentoring him…well he felt like a kid again. He'd always admired her and how she fought. Learning from her would be an excellent bonus to the rest of all this. He noticed the glance she had given him as well as Lilann. He'd need to find time to speak to the bard, and as fate would have it her little puppy dog was called away by the Lord himself. Ermes had no idea how the tainted had managed to royally fuck up already but he also didn't make it his business to care at the moment. Once Kyreth was gone he quickly made his way over to Lilann. "Why did Lady M glance at you? Do you know her?"

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Demi didn't quite care for being manhandled by Cassian. Had it been Zeke he probably wouldn't have minded, but he'd hardly known Cassian and yet here he was picking him up like some kind of stray he found off the street. He watched as Nancy went off towards the ticketing station and came back with pricing. 316$ for all of them to board Grand Central Station. He'd wondered if that included him or not given his current state. If so perhaps he could skip out on the payment and remain a cat for the entirety of the ride to save them on some cash. That was until she'd asked everyone to fork up some money for them.

Cassian pursed his lips for a moment before finally smacking them into a soft pop. "Mom never mentioned having to pay for our own transportation. Thought camp provided that for quests. Buuuut perhaps I can try something out, to help out on our little endeavor." He pulled out his panflute and began testing out a few notes as Zeke searched for money and Kristin followed suit. They didn't really pan out well, as he struggled to find the right inspiration for something to play.

In the meanwhile Demi had since hopped out of Cassian's arms, now that he was more concerned with his panflute than he was keeping him from running astray. He watched Zeke pull out a crumpled twenty and saw as Kristin announced the 150 that she had between camp funds and her own. He was quite so concerned about her, though Demetri knew that Zeke's mother worked two jobs, and from conversations they'd had it seemed as though that twenty may have been his last. He nuzzled around Zeke's ankles before stepping a few feet away and shifting back into his old self.

Demetri pulled out his wallet and grabbed his last bit of money, a hundred dollar bill. He hadn't asked his parents for more over the break since he'd never gone questing and food was free. But now it seems he may have to ask for another allowance shortly after this. "Nance I can cover Zeke and I's ticket. Or well I suppose his and another's, as a cat won't need to have a ticket to board the train. Zeke why don't you hold onto your twenty incase we need emergency provisions later, ok?" He handed Nancy the twenty with an almost pleading look to give back Zeke's bill before shifting back into a cat.

Demi worked almost as a bit of a muse. After all, every good musician needed a muse to inspire them to do greatness. Watching everyone band together, trying to get the money for a grand adventure. It reminded him of a movie that involved another form of fellowship. And a simple tune entered his head. Cassian placed his hat onto the ground so that passers-by could offer money. He made a makeshift sign that read "Need Money for Train" and put it in the hat so the wind couldn't knock it away. Then Cassian began to play Concerning HobbitsI. A simple tune that would hopefully inspire those around them to give generously for their cause.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie noticed as his father began to lag behind. Turning to see if he was ok, only to watch as his father toppled over some carts in an attempt to slow down the guards. They were unfortunately resilient however. Choosing not to give up the chase as some crawled over the wreckage, others simply went around and plowing through as each of them made sure to keep an eye on the pair so that they didn't lose them. They needed a way to break line of sight, something to obscure them long enough to slip away. If only there was a way to get one jump ahead of those slowpokes, one skip ahead of their doom.

Maddie wished he'd learned that teleport spell now, but wishing wasn't going to get them anywhere. He did however know how to cause a natural smokescreen. Mist would be too obvious, but perhaps a sandstorm would do just as well. He slowed his pace till his father passed him and muttered a few words as his hand slowly swept across him. Sand quickly began to kick up and fill the alleyway cutting off some sight between themselves and their pursuers. He started to quicken his step, matching pace with his father as they turned down into a new alley. "Man, they don't know when to give up. What now?"
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max paused for a moment, trying to process what it was that Ben had just said. I'd like to see your tongue. The words mulled over in his head as he tried to stifle a laugh. As rusty as Max had previously thought he was at flirting, Ben clearly had him beat. Max childishly stuck his tongue out at Ben, following with a small laugh before continuing to look ahead. "Well there you have it, you've seen my tongue." he joked. Nervousness filling up inside of him. Luckily for him, it appeared that Veil and Callie were in their own little world, only growing larger once they'd run into Moneta.

He didn't notice Callies glances backwards, too enraptured with the wound of his footsteps and the beating of his heart rapidly increasing in his ear. He'd never had a guy potentially like him back, well not unless it was met with a cruel prank at the end. Once they reached the line Max had turned to look at Ben, a dopey smile plastered on his face. "Oh hey, you've got a little something there." he said as he reached for a strand of hair and tucked it behind Ben's ear while smoothly conjuring a flower behind it. He pulled the flower into view and handed it towards Ben. "Oh hey, it matches your style. Maybe it can just be tucked behind your ear. Um if you wanted to, that is." Max cleared his throat, looking away towards the bartender as he blushed and ordered two spelljammers for Casper and James. Sure they'd asked for water but James needed to loosen up a bit and have fun.



Harry raised an eyebrow as Jack flirted (or at the very least paid a very well placed compliment) towards Selene. He'd never seen this side of Jack before, nor did he know the man to be particular…friendly. That wasn't to say he was rude by any sense of the word, it was more that Jack tended to be distant, aloof, and exceptionally secretive with his life. He was like a noir character plucked straight out of a movie and placed right before him. His thoughts were cut short as Selene began to answer his question. Ofcourse this campy vampy would find a way to turn this extremely kid friendly question into a more sexual topic. It was as if Selene couldn't live without flaunting her sex drive.

If Harry were a worse person, he'd ask David politely (and mentally) to tap into Jack's mind and see what was going on. He knew he'd already had bad run-ins with telepaths before or mutants capable of messing with his mind. Now here he was acting chummy with a Sorceress that devoured souls. Casper went on a childish tirade and Sunshine couldn't help but contain her laughter. David was adorable as usual. Harry simply smiled at him, squeezing his hand a bit in reassurance. "On alcohol? Probably a 3, but on themselves and the evening? Clear 10." he said between laughs. It was easy to get high off of the vibes, especially when you were a mutant that could literally feel them.

James had asked the million dollar question, and to a shocking surprise Jack had actually answered. No half ass response or excuse not to speak. But a full on answer. He took another sip of his champagne as he watched things unfold between the two, keeping an eye on Selene and Casper as well. It all seemed to be going well until Selene dropped a bomb of a question. Everything in Harry's mind was ringing warning bells, but he had to tell himself this was just another party type of question. He couldn't assume the worst just because it was Selene. "I'd make sure I gave David the night of his life. Anything he'd want we could do. What about you Selene?"

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah
Skills: Marksmanship, Sleight of Hand, Puzzle Solving

Maddie watched as the same look in Rosalia's eyes was mirrored within Rumples. Whether he'd always had a fear of fire or it was a new phobia that was marred by the scars on his face, he didn't know. What he did know was that they now had their best chance at escape, with Rumples tail between his legs and the guards busy, they could each leave undetected. He followed closely behind Chesire as they snaked their way between bodies and chaos, finding their way out of the Palace walls and into the nearby streets. They had stopped in an alleyway, where it was best to split up, allowing the guards to wear themselves thin if even possible given the scenario.

Aurora and Chesire ran one way, while Hatter the other. As Colby began to follow his father and Willow her mother, a knot wrenched inside of Maddies chest as he ran towards them. He grabbed Colby quickly and planted a kiss on his lips before letting go. "Take care of him for me ok? And Colby, stay out of trouble." Maddie turned around and bolted towards his father. He didn't have much, but between Colby and Maddie the magic skills could be divided. He knew it'd keep Willow and Aurora safe, and whatever the danger, Maddie would face it with his father at his side. Maybe he'd finally get to see the Hatters family tricks.
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