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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Zeke's voice broke Demi's concentration. Tension left his shoulders immediately as his rage melted down and left behind a mess of other emotions. He whipped around and saw his boyfriends face, the tears that had threatened to burst out were now slowly streaming down his cheeks. He quickly wiped them away with the back of his sleeve, hardly noticing Cassian coming up behind them. At this moment in time it was just he and Zeke. No one else mattered around them. He took a half step forward, wanting to hug Zeke, but his annoyed tone made him take it back.

Demetri tried to take Zeke's hand before turning back around and heading towards the platform as he spoke. "I saw that woman again. Once is happenstance. Twice is intentional. So I followed her. Turns out it was Aphrodite, she decided she wants to mess with our love life for amusement. So here we are…" His voice trembled as he spoke, tears looming again as the thought of having a gods attention rattled his brain. Every word clearly choking back a tear. When he saw Kristin and the rest he forced himself to smile and wave as if nothing had happened. "Sorry! really had to take a leak, but now that I've used the loo I'm ready for a long and boring train ride " He said as he flashed a smile.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Cassian had clearly struck a nerve with Zeke. He spent most of his life studying and reading people, yet Zeke tended to wear his emotions a bit more openly in small displays. Others were a bit harder to read such as Nancy or Janelle. But he had a point, Demetri's reckless abandonment had put them all at risk. He needed to start thinking of how his actions affected the others, something he was more than certain Janelle was already aware of given what she'd thought of this group.

Before Cassian was able to reply back towards the son of Apollo, he too had gone off a bit ahead; chasing off after Demetri leaving Cassian alone. "No please go off ahead I'll be fine alone." he muttered silently to himself. "Oh no Cassian please join us, we didn't mean to run off. Tch" he continued as he sped up to keep pace with them while leaving them enough room to still be somewhat alone and private. Clearly there was something more underneath it all but Cassian didn't quite get what it was.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit


Skills: Pitch Perfect, Laser Light Show (sidenote can't believe i pulled a nat 20 for both Maz and Echo)

Max caught Pixies entrance just in time. He'd been wondering where she was and how she was fairing throughout all of this but seeing her alive and well made him almost forget about Caspers demise. He still hadn't gotten a full rundown of the abilities of soul weapons, but whatever she'd done seemed to snap Callie back. Max summoned his soul staff and Ben, Jack, and Sapphire assaulted James. Keeping him held down by tentacles and whatever it was Jack had done. "Don't kill him! He's being mind controlled, he can't help it!"

Harry had no idea that his music could break the spell. But having Polaris keeping Magneto distracted was a definite boon to their cause. The fields were down, people could now flee, and Sunshine had placed an enormous task on him. He immediately scanned the crowd searching for Dazzler and Lila who couldn't have gotten far after their performances. Dazzler was using her powers to protect the innocents with blasts of light, while Lila was using a strange gun against others. "Stay safe you two." He said towards Marrow and Sunshine as he made a break for the other singers.

Max ran up to James, using his current state to his advantage, as he tried hard not to hit his new boyfriend in the tentacles, and jabbed the bottom end of his soul staff to James' forehead. The enchantment surely enough broke, freeing him of Selene's spell. Though Caspers body was still laid there though. "If Sapphires still here then you must be around somewhere right?! So, show yourself and use your powers to manifest like you'd done with Ben. We need you man, I…I need you to come back." Tears formed in Max's eyes as he called out to the spirit of Casper, hoping for a way to bring back his friend.

Once Harry reached the pair he looked at them with a serious glance. "Music. Music breaks the spell on those possessed by Selene. We just have to outperform her and be heard. Dazzler can you help me out here to amplify our voices?" Harry tried to summon the bois but again they didn't come. He was beginning to worry something else may have happened. Though as he looked around he noticed that all the instruments were smashed so his idea to have them play for them was out the window. Harry closed his eyes as he made his voice louder than usual but still not quite at the level they needed.

Pressure pushin' down on me
Pressin' down on you, no man ask for"

He looked towards Dazzler as he sang, queueing her up for the next set of lyrics so that her and Lila could join in and sing.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

The words echoed inside of Demi's mind for a moment. The Janelle girl really does have a crush on Zekey He didn't like the idea of that. Not in the jealous sense that someone else had had eyes for Zeke. No, it made him feel gross inside. Like he was truly like his godly parent. Intervening in others' love lives and ruining them. Would Zeke have been happier with Janelle? Should he have simply kept his feelings to himself? Aphrodite said her final words before finally disappearing again, though Demi had a sinking feeling he'd see her again another day.

There was a loud call for the train's soon arrival and Demetri began to wonder just how long it had been. He quickly began to make his way towards the platform he had come from. His steps were heavy with a bit of anger towards the goddess of love, now knowing she was the one who had soured his day and first quest. Tears started to form in the corners of his eyes, hot and stinging from the rage he was feeling as he ran conversations in his mind about what he wished he could've said to her. Looking for some way out of this horrible ordeal.

Nancy had joined in on the conversation and for the most part Cassian was glad she had. It allowed him a bit of an out so that another could take the reins on it. The argument had begun to get cyclical and that was typically when Cass would just give up and move on from a point. He was surprised however to hear Zeke join in before asking him to come with him to find Demetri. "Uh. Sure yeah." There was a bit of silence as they stepped away from the others before Cassian decided to break it.

"You doing alright? You seem a little…tense? No, that's not quite right but there's something up. Or are you just worried our fine feline friend here will knock off one of his nine lives." Cassian's tone was melodic, not in an uncaring way but almost in the same fashion a mother would speak to coax the truth out of a child. He had no idea what was happening between the two of them or why Demetri kept running off. But perhaps Zeke could shed a bit of light on it.

As they made their way through the area where Demetri had been seen running, he spotted the dark haired son of Zeus marching back towards them in his male self. He tapped Zeke with the back of his hand on the shoulder and pointed towards Demetri. "Oh hey! We were just coming to look for…" Demi bolted past the pair. Hardly noticing Cassian as he made his way towards the platform. "...you…great."

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 20 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Several thoughts ran through Ermes's mind. From turning around and biting Cerrics hand, to summoning skeletal hands to remove his from his hair, to simply stabbing him in the gut. None of these however would be seen too kindly, and he was certain an act of aggression, no matter how warranted, would get him swiftly removed from the guilds halls. Ermes ducked low, pulling himself from Cerrics grasp as he backed away a few paces before giving Aleka some attention, keeping sure that his boisterous counterpart was within his periphery.

They were asked to inform the guild of what to do with their belongings if they were to die, and frankly Ermes didn't know how to answer that. Ideally he wouldn't die. Finding someway to transcend it so that he'd never have to be faced with such a choice. However, if he were to be struck down mortally, he supposed he didn't have much to his name and no one to give them to. Kyreth came down the steps, holding a tome in hand that he'd handed off towards Aleka before being swiftly snatched aside by the bard. Again they held their whispered council and it simply gave Ermes an itch to want to eavesdrop. He didn't know why but there was something about those two consistently huddling together that made him wish to know more.

Ceolfric asked for handouts and Ermes ceremoniously turned his pockets inside out and gave the man a shrug before pushing them back in. "If I had the coin for a casket of Ale I wouldn't exactly be looking for work now would I?" There was an invisible dumbass tacked on to the end there. His hands were once again placed within his pockets as he was about to leave the hall when he noticed the interaction between Eila and Kyreth. The lumbering man was an idiot, but had gotten the noble's attention. He rolled his eyes at himself before sighing and making his way to the pair, holding out his hand as he concentrated his powers and created a metal clasp for the cloak. "It won't last you long. Perhaps two turns of a glass as I didn't imbue much of my energy into it. But at least you won't be fighting the cloak while attempting to shop around for the time being." He gave Kyreth a leveled look that appeared vaguely threatening though there was no real threat behind any of his words or actions. Ermes simply just wasn't good at expressing his emotions, leading to some mixed facial expressions at times. "Seems we're all heading to town. But I've got business to attend to alone." and with that he left.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit


Skills: Pitch Perfect, Laser Light Show (sidenote can't believe i pulled a nat 20 for both Maz and Echo)

Max had no intention of playing with his food the way James was. He looked towards Casper with a sneer before clicking his tongue. "You're not worth my time. I've got my sights set on something…bigger." He felt the rushing winds of the storm that Callie had whipped up, listening to the cracking of thunder as rain peppered his face. A bolt of lightning crashed right before him as it hit James and illuminated the area they all stood in before dimming back out and arcing around James' metallic skin. The ground around Max's feet began to swirl with his magic, hues of purples, blues, and pinks, speckled with white dancing around him as his coat billowed off his body.

Harry hesitated for a moment. Watching as Zari knocked out Mystique with his and Andy's aid before they all turned their sights on Moneta. Jack Wayne seemed to believe he had her handled. A fight of the telepaths it seemed, and although it wasn't David at the moment, Harry still worried about him all the same. Reluctant to leave his side for too long during all this chaos. Ben rushed off towards Max, and Zari and Andy stayed nearby. It seemed the couples were…coupling off. "Max said we needed that shield down for his plan. I'll go help Sunshine and Marrow out, if you two wanna go help somewhere else." Harry ran off towards where Sunshine and Marrow had gone.

The magic flowed up towards Max's hands, levitating him off the ground from the sheer power before he began to make some arcane gestures. It all came naturally to him, as if someone out there was feeding him the information. A loud crack resonated across the gala, not from the lightning that lit up the sky, but from a massive portal tearing above everyone's heads. Magic emanated from Max before erupting upwards, piercing the tear that was forming and allowing for a wide split. A roar sounded off in the distance before a large looming figure zipped through and brought a rush of air as it whipped its wings into a frenzy and spewed fire down below. Max snapped out of the enchantment in a daze, the dark magic visibly leaving his body. His jaw dropped at the sight of the dragon as the last traces left him and he whispered. "What have I done?"

Harry arrived just in time to notice Polaris standing right behind Sunshine and Marrow. The fields around them were still active, but he didn't want to harm anyone. Just this once, everybody lives. His bardic nature kicked in and he'd put on a performance like no other. Pulling out all the stops as a solo artist. He wished he had the boys with him, they typically played the instruments while he took lead vocals. Harry placed himself between Polaris and the girls, using his mutation to immediately put a spotlight on himself. Waves of light pulsed behind him in a multi-colored display building up until the moment he sang. Bisexual lighting taking full display.

"What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
Never coming back down
Can't you see?
I could, but wouldn't stay
Wouldn't put it like that
What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
Never coming around
It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same
All the lights couldn't put out the dark
Running through my heart
Lights up and they know who you are
Know who you are
Do you know who you are? (Oh)
Step into the light
So bright sometimes
I'm not ever going back
Step into the light
So bright sometimes
I'm not ever going back
Step into the light
So bright sometimes
I'm not ever (Oh)
What do you mean?
I'm sorry by the way
Never going back now
It'd be so sweet if things just stayed the same
La-da-da-da-da (Oh)
La-da-da-da-da (Oh)
La-da-da-da-da (Oh)
All the lights couldn't put out the dark
Running through my heart
Lights up and they know who you are
Know who you are
Do you know who you are?

As he danced along, grabbing her attention with both his musical prowess and hypnotic lights, he could see her concentration slipping until finally the field went down. He'd hoped he could buy Max enough time to teleport out and back in with whatever it was his plan involved.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

They clung to the shadows, halting every so often as his father looked around for any signs of the guards' approach. He apparently had found none as they kept going. After a short while and a few steps down they'd reached a door. Maddie waited anxiously as his father knocked and there was no immediate response. What if the others weren't back yet? What if Jasmine was taken because of them? A myriad of thoughts ran through his mind until the door finally opened and they were quietly waved in. Jasmine's eyes could bore a hole through steel with the way she looked at the pair. But Maddie couldn't care.

Across the room, pacing in his adorable self with the cutest worried face any boy could dream of, stood Colby. Maddie rushed straight towards him and tackled him into his arms before holding onto him tightly. "I'm so glad that you're safe. I don't want to leave you again, I was so worried." He squeezed Colby tight, holding for a moment before finally letting him go. "Sorry. Um anyways, yeah we have what you asked for. Are you coming with us? What should we do with it? There wasn't much of an after to this plan." Though Maddie hoped it led to a Happily Ever After if anything.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Demi stopped in his tracks as the woman responded to him. A chill ran through his spine as she announced herself as Aphrodite, the tingling sensation doubling over when she declared an interest in his love life. Nothing good ever came from having her attention on your love life. Blush tinged his cheeks as his hands found their way towards the bottom of his shirt, wringing the fabric and wrinkling it as he thought of what to say. How to act. Before he'd thought this was your average quest monster, hellbent to ruin their day. Now he stood before a goddess, the oldest of them all.

Kristin's mention of the amphitheater and use of Hephaestus' kids brought a smile to his face, one that faded soon after. Cassian looked down at his feet as Janelle chimed into the conversation. She seemed to have a pretty pessimistic view on what he was saying. "Water and Oil don't have to mix together in order to work well with each other. Look at Ramen, it uses both to make a delicious broth and flavorful oil that complement each other in ways having only one couldn't. I'm sure Romans have to deal with something like this all the time. They work as a unit but they're composed of various types of Demi-gods. We can cover each other's weaknesses and highlight each other's strengths. Just have to…try. Ya know?"

Demetri let out a small sigh. It sounded pitiful and love struck as he kept his gaze down for a moment trying to find his voice. "Look…Zeke and I are new to all of this. It's only our first day of dating and already everything's such a mess. You're interested, fine. But could you at least allow it to play out a bit first? Let us have the talks we need to have before forcing me to do so. I just want to be able to be me for a change. It's been a while since anyone cared to see it…but he does for some reason. Even if he is a bit of an ass. So just…lay off for a bit? Please?"

As if life was trying to send Cassian a sign, no sooner did he give his best speech about working through differences than a complete stranger ruined his shirt. A man wearing Timbs, Jeans, and a jacket, tripped over seemingly nothing (probably those loosely tied shoes) and spilt his entire anchovies pizza all over Cassian's shirt. The child of Dionysus' eyes flared purple for a moment before calming back down. "Great. Just great. Just what I needed at the start of this quest." He quickly removed his shirt, swapping it out for a clean one from his bag before tossing the fishy scented one in the nearest bin. No way he was lugging around an anchovy shirt for a week or more inside his bag or on his person.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit



Max hadn't even noticed the kid until Andy had pointed them out. In all this chaos it was no surprise some families may have gotten separated. His heart went out to them, but for now they had bigger issues to deal with. The fields around them were beginning to shrink, Casper had gone off on his own, Sunshine and Marrow split to handle the Magnetic Duo, and there was a sharp and stinging pain in his leg. Zari's center got drowned out as he let out an agonizing scream when the illusory spear impaled his leg. Jack was more than helpful by removing it, allowing Max to apply pressure to the wound. Grunts of pain escaping him every now and then.

Harry hardly processed the knife in the child's hand as Ben reactively pulled Andy to safety. "Good looking out Ben." he called before fixing his gaze at Mystique. She could easily spell trouble for a whole lot of mutants on her own. Harry knew Moneta was nearby, but he couldn't afford to take his eyes off a mutant that could easily escape just by being glanced away from. No, first they'd have to deal with her then they'd deal with Miranda.

As Max pressed against the wound, he let out a wave of healing magic that began to close the wound in his leg. He looked up and saw Miranda having launched her assault on them. A freak storm began to come out as lightning cracked and crashed into the ground at random intervals. Shit was going south and fast. "You guys can handle Mystique and Miranda. I'll go chase after the man-child so he isn't alone and vulnerable." he silently cursed to himself as he took a few steps forward before stopping and turning to look back. He'd never had someone to care for when going off into a fight, well no one beyond friends.

He'd run back towards Ben, giving him a small kiss on the lips. "You don't have to come after me if you don't want to. Go where you think you're needed, I just want to make sure Caspers safe seeing as he ran towards 3 of the council. But if something happens to me…just be safe." Max gave Ben another kiss before running back after Casper.

Harry tried to call out his clones to the fight, hoping that surrounding Mystique and bombarding her with a barrage of blows would allow for an opening to actually strike her. After all she couldn't fight everyone at once…right? But as he closed in on the fight between her and Andy, his powers failed him. He stopped cold in his tracks, re-evaluating his tactics as he tried to avoid using his other mutation. He didn't need to be burning holes into any other mutants, even if they'd recently discovered a way to resurrect mutants.

Andy had been taking a few hits, getting back up with every strike Mystique had thrown at her. But as soon as she was flipped onto her back, Harry could see the hairs standing up as an electric shock tan towards Mystique at the point of contact. Harry took the opportunity to leg sweep Mystique, knocking her down onto her back and off of Andy. "When did Ben and Max happen? And you! She's under my protection so back off you blue bitch." Harry sung an incredibly high pitch from The Phantom of the Opera, and a flash of blinding light dazzled before Mystique blinding her.

Max watched helplessly as lightning struck by the pair. He couldn't tell if it had actually hit, but he could see someone's glistening metallic skin in the distance. Casper had managed to wrangle free from the grasp and as Max got closer he realized it was James who was fighting him. Twice now they'd been pitted against each other. He quickly went to work conjuring magical chains to bind James into place. Unfortunately James' adaptation kicked in and he made easy work of his magic tearing through it like paper. Max began to step back uneasily as he for the first time, felt threatened by James.

"This is bad. Last shot." Max tried to undo the enchantment, but as his magic touched hers, it infected his own. The strands of hued magic that came from Max, colored in purples, blues, and pinks with specks of white peppered across it, was slowly inking black as it spread towards him. His eyes went pitch for a moment before he'd finally gone back to normal. His attention quickly turned to Casper with an evil grin. "No hard feelings. Selene's Godhood just means more than your lives."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie sniffled a little as his father pulled him into a hug. At first he'd winced, closing his eyes in preparation for something worse, but when he'd felt his warm embrace and nothing more he began to relax. His shoulders released the tension that had quickly built up, drooping low as he now hugged his father back. He had to remind himself he wasn't back at the orphanage sometimes. That not everyone was out to hurt him, and not every quick motion was to be met with a harsh sting. Unfortunately Maleficent and her cronies were still out to hurt him, but that was a separate problem to be had.

He listened in as his father kept a lookout. Hearing the fading footsteps of the guards as they gained distance searching for them in other places. Hopefully the trace had fallen off and they wouldn't be so easily spotted. Maddie wiped what years remained pooled in the corner of his eyes with the back of his sleeve. The coolness of the liquid reminded him of the heat that waited for them beyond the store's interior. "Right. The shadows. I can do that." he said as he followed out in his father's lead towards Jasmines location.

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 20 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes stared at Lillan, scrutinizing every bit of her as she declared for him to look at her. Sure she stood out, but was that truly enough to call the attention of her? His eyes finally fell off her as they rolled in annoyance. She continued onward answering Ceolfrics' question with an even more embellished answer. It was as if this tainted lived for the drama and attention, a far cry different from her lanky counterpart that seemed to cling to the shadows harder than Ermes did himself. Surely there were some grains of truth hidden within what she was saying, but which was fact and what was fiction was difficult to discern.

"Guess you probably don't know her. Shame. Now that's someone with stories worth telling about, no embellishments needed." He replied dryly before turning his attention back to the dynamic duo and roller-coaster of emotionless to vibrant and overdramatic. The job in question seemed simple enough. Escort mission to keep the caravan and its employees safe from wild animals or harm until they reached their destination. If anything Ermes would swear they kept this mission on retainer specifically for new hires into the guild. Hell there may not even be any danger, simply paid actors to put on a show to test their individual skills.

"Seems simple enough and straight forward. Will we still need a token of proof or is Mr. Liadons presence there enough proof of the jobs completion?"
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