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✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Morning light broke through the window, bands of gold hitting Ermes in the eyes. He didn't care to open them, simply shifting his arm down from where it rested on his forehead now to over his eyes. A small sigh escaped him as he lay there motionless for a moment, taking the time to wake up before finally sitting up atop the bed. Shifting himself until he no longer felt the warmth of the sun in his face. His eyes opened to see that his roommate was still sound asleep, much like how he'd found him the night before when he entered the room.

Ermes quickly gathered his belongings, checking to make sure none of his items were disturbed or stolen. He didn't have much, but nothing was seemingly missing to his surprise as he placed the last of his items back into his bag before quietly heading out. He quickly scanned the morning atmosphere of the Treant, noticing a lack of food out for grabs, no doubt due to their clientele. He only had four copper to his name now, and he wasn't about to waste it on something he might be able to get for free. He spied the scent of freshly baked bread coming from a near-by shop, deciding to employ an old tactic in a new city.

Once that was all well and settled he'd begun to make his way out of town, towards the Bounty House where they were to meet their client and go off on this trial. The morning weather was beautiful in its own right, making the walk there more pleasant than he'd expected. He could see four vague shapes off into the distance, coming clearer into vision as he noticed it was Cerric, Kyreth, Ceolfric, and who he could only assume was the escort mentioned. He found it odd that Eila hadn't shown up yet, having pegged her as an early riser as well as one to meet anywhere earlier than previously discussed. Unless she was the learned type that constantly arrived late, waving their titles as excuses for having poor manners.

In any case, Ermes pulled up right beside Kyreth, not looking towards the man but in the same direction he was facing. "Where's your friend? I thought you two were a package deal." He spoke in between bites of a large baguette. The bread was still warm to the touch, and extremely pillow-y inside. He took every bite with care, knowing full well the next ten days wouldn't have anything near as good as this. Another bite. Then he looked up towards Kyreth, locking into his eyes before tilting the bread towards him as if to offer a piece.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie tried not to correct Tink when she had called the place creepy. To some extent she certainly wasn't wrong, but if you pushed past some of those elements the place was actually really cool. The idea of an entire city or even section of a city being swept away by the sands as well as the sands of time and hidden remotely beneath the current one, accessed only by the overthrown princess…well, it was like something out of a fairy tale. He sort of chuckled to himself at the analogy, given that all of this was out of a fairy tale.

At the mention of artifacts and magic items, Maddie's hand instinctively made its way towards the lamp. He didn't rub it, though the temptation was there. Not to summon a genie or get granted any wishes, but simply just to feel the texture and metalworking done on it. When they arrived at the end, he watched as a few of them rummaged beneath floorboards and hidden compartments, gather supplies for something. "Speaking of magic items. Where's the carpet? Off with Aladdin or…somewhere in here?"

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Cassian couldn't help but notice the growing animosity coming from Nancy. Any time he'd attempted to speak to her or engage her in any way she brushed him off or ignored him. The way her eyes wouldn't meet his, reminded him of the kids back home. He wanted to address it, to try and resolve whatever wrong he had done to her, but before he could even voice his thoughts she had gotten up and marched a ways off. She clearly was rattled by something, whatever her weakness was. She needed space for now, and Cassian needed to respect that. He took a deep breath in, letting out a short sigh of disappointment to himself.

As soon as Zeke had taken a seat Demetri jumped down from his shoulders and into his lap. Stretching his body, elongated to its full extent as his paws spread wide and claws came out before curling back in. Zeke's comment struck him rather harshly, replying back with a rather sharp meow before curling up on his legs and resting his head down. He watched and listened to everyone talking about strengths and weaknesses, though Nancy seemed to dump hers onto Zeke but having seen how she reacted earlier and once again now, it was clear this was all a touchy subject for a touchy mission. Once Kristin finished up, Demi perked his head up. Opening one eye after another as his ears twitched lazily.

Cassian bit his lower lip, examining everything that was laid out before him. Nancy had entrusted Zeke with spilling her big secret weakness, which meant whatever secret she was hiding couldn't have been easy to say. "Zeke, before you tell us, I suppose I should throw in two things that I would like never to leave this train car. The first is my weakness, I don't do well in fires. Especially ones within a forest. I don't know what it is but…" Cass cleared his throat. "The second is an extension of my strength. I said I have my parents powers, I mean that to say in plurality. I'm a legacy of Discord and Chaos. As such…I'm used to people giving me wide berths. After all, who wants to be close to a child of Chaos and Madness? So I try to keep that half of me secret. I'd appreciate it if you could all do the same. Now, that leaves…Demetri. Who is currently a cat. Anyone have any idea on what his strengths and weaknesses are?" Cassian asked, opening the floor to everyone.

Demi-cat rolled his eyes before finally speaking up. "Fiiiiiine. I'll pitch in as well. I'm fairly decent at impersonation, both voice and appearances. As you can see I can mix and match as well. I'm handy with my dagger, not too shabby with a sword, but I feel most natural swapping around different animalistic styles. I hate heights unless I'm the one personally flying, and well…I don't think there's much else to me is there? Oh wait there's also this weird shadow stuff that happens sometimes around me." Demetri didn't want to bring up his two biggest fears, he doubted they'd come up within this quest, and it was more of a private conversation Yo be had with Zeke.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit


Skills: Pitch Perfect, Laser Light Show

Max froze as Selene turned her gaze upon him. While Andy and her grew and shrank with every soul, he remained the same. Her stature towering over him as her voice boomed across the field. He could feel it resonating within his chest as she chastised him for taking from her. "Well they don't belong to you either!" He was barely able to get the words out before the hulking woman knelt down and flicked him across the field towards where Veil and Magento were. There was a loud crack as Max felt something sharp press against his side, the pieces of the Acheron pouring out of his coat pocket. His eyes shook, practically vibrating as he attempted to make sense of what he just witnessed. A lump formed in his throat, his heart pounding against his ribs, as his vision began to glaze over.

Harry looked over his shoulder, watching as Max slowly moved from laying on his back now down to his knees. The witchy boy was clearly distressed by something, but Harry didn't know what. He tapped Dazzler on her arm and nodded towards his twin sister. She didn't have to follow him, but he wasn't about to die in battle without standing side by side with his twin. He rushed over to Veil, standing to her left as he concentrated on the vibrations all around them. "Mutant magic? Isn't all magic mutant? What the fuck is that supposed tk mean? Max? Max?" He looked towards him once more, seeing how he'd barely moved. "Fuck. Ok Sunshines right, we stand and fight together until Max snaps out of it and figures out the plan. As for Casper, damn it, where is he?"

Max's hands trembled as he rapidly grasped at the individual glowing stones. Pulling them all closer into a pile towards him as he muttered to himself. "No no no no no. This can't be, this can't be it. Please." His tears streamed down his cheeks as they landed onto the ruined bits of the Acheron. Everyone was turning to him for answers and he didn't have any. He tried to think about what Veil had told him, what Magneto was saying, everything. But he felt lost in a fog. Small and helpless. But that wasn't going to help them. He faced Cripta and defeated him, he helped stop Wandaworld, and was chosen as a student by the Sorcerer Supreme. He could stop a cocky over inflated ego of a witch. His eyes darted from person to person, Zari, Andy, Veil and Harry, Sunshine, Dazzler, hell even Magneto all working together against a common enemy.

They were shielding him from harm, giving him the time he needed to figure this out. But he needed to work fast. He slowly stood up, the pieces of Acheron cradled in his arm as his free hand wiped away the tears. "Caspers dead. But if Jack isn't lying, which I hope to the gods he isn't, he should come back to life soon. Mutant Magic…give me a moment." He whispered the last sentence to himself, regaining his voice as he asked for time.

Harry nodded towards Max. If it was time he needed then it was time he'll get. He didn't dare close his eyes, the fight was too chaotic for that. But he tried to clear his mind and focus on all the sounds around him. He pulled on the distant screams of the mutants he wished to save. Turning their voices into weapons against their attacker. A dazzling display of lights showers Selene in the most unflattering way. Underlightings hitting with harsh colors and contrast threatening to give her a double chin or baggy eyes if they hit the right way. He continued his assault by both Sunshine and Max's orders. Distracting the immortal witch for as long as he could.

James and Ben joined in on the fight, arriving at the scene one by one. Max watched as everyone worked together, Magento and Veils powers working as one to protect him, Sunshine and Marrow combining their strengths to fight, each and every one seemingly teaming up with one another to create something more. It was then that Pixie's words clicked. Mutant Magic. He realized Selene had unwittingly given him the answer to how to defeat her, now he just needed to figure out exactly how to pull it off.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Max scooped up the Acheron, tucking it inside his coat pocket as he tried to roll away from Selene's massive foot that threatened to squash him. Luckily that hit never came as Zari preoccupied Selene with a pair of daggers, followed by Magneto displaying his feats of magnetism. He turned to his left as Sunshine and Marrow made their way onto the scene, a smile on his face as a new yet familiar feeling came about him. He'd learned to fight by Sunshines side after all this time, it only seemed right to be by it once again as their mutant paradise was threatened. Max glanced over towards the massive dragon that was careening down before looking over at Sunshine again. "Whatever gave you that impression?"

Max watched as Andy tried to match her mother, but something didn't seem right. Even though she was growing, glowing, and by all accounts combating her, he couldn't shake the feeling that she wasn't doing well. He rushed in close to Selene, holding his soul staff in one hand as he swung it towards her. He let the shaft slide down his hand until the top of the staff hit Selene and he held onto the back half with both hands. He focused on what he wanted to do, focused on his staff, and reached down and felt the souls writhing inside of her. If Cripta could do it, and Selene could, why shouldn't he be able to?

There was a brilliant glow emanating from his staff as he began to siphon the souls out of Selene and into his weapon. The energy resonated within him, his body felt as if it was vibrating at a different frequency, and it just felt rightI. He could feel everything. As if all his life he'd lived in a muted world and suddenly he was thrown into high definition. The world was now so vibrant and alive it was intoxicating. He was resolved to use this new found feeling to aid him in his castings. One hand breaking free from the staff as he tried to conjure up Selene's black whip in order to dampen her mystic powers. Not even a single spark of black energy cracked between his fingers.

His hand flew back towards the staff, holding onto it as he tried to siphon more souls out of her. He needed more. How else was he expected to stop her? He didn't feel another rush, Selene was clearly resistant to the idea. The pounding headache threatened to counteract the pure ecstasy he was feeling, battling it out to see which would triumph. Grass began to die at his feet and he couldn't tell if he was leeching its life or Selene. A part of him wondered where he ended and Andy began, each pulling at Selene's soul source from different angles as they tried to drain her dry. They needed Casper, he had the power to deal with souls, but he was…


Skills: Pitch Perfect, Laser Light Show

Harry didn't have long to celebrate their little victory. Already more chaos broke loose as Selene continued her attack on them. A portal opened nearby, something flying through it before Max came following after. Whatever it was he had tried pissed of the giant woman and insulted her all the same. Regrettably however, it didn't appear to work. "Can't say I've ever had the pleasure of fighting one no." He launched a dazzling array of lasers and lights towards Selene with a snap of his fingers. The bright flashes highlighting the color leaving the land around him as they fought. "That can't be good."

Harry heard a familiar voice as he turned to see Marrow and Sunshine on the scene. They both looked the worse for wear, and it just made him wish that James was here for them. They needed his healing, but he had no idea where he was at now that he'd disenchanted them all. Maybe he'd join them soon? "Max had a plan, but I don't think it went through. All it did was tick her off more. I don't know what an acheron is but she clearly has an over inflated ego." he added as he sent another barrage of lights towards her with the final word being the catalyst for his powers. He looked towards the group, confusing riddling his face as he sent out his final blast towards her. "Who the fuck is Jacques?"

The people of Soft Haven bustled around their crumbling hopes and dreams, dutifully ignoring the state of affairs and determined that it would somehow all get better. Few and far between were spared the troubles of a crumbling economy, only held afloat by harvest season, that did not pay enough to maintain their glory days. But some knew how to find opportunity in these darkening days, tapping into a market dark and dreadful.

The Treant never saw better days, always a slipshod affair with spaces in the walls and bent and broken nails barely holding the place together. Inside wasn't any better, a poorly laid chimney providing some warmth in the winter months to a tavern that always seemed on its last legs. It's tables and chairs had been broken and patched over and over until everything had more scratches and dents than wood and all boasted a strange sideways slant if you sat down too hard.

It's employees were much the same, a grizzled old gnome polishing tarnished flagons and a human barmaid who didn't have enough food on the regular but clearly snuck a few drinks behind the bar. Some vagabonds rolled dice in the corner and one woman already half asleep with the bottle still tightly clutched in her hand, only the occasional hiccup or snore breaking her reprieve.

Ermes studied each individual carefully in passing. Each and every one of them could've been the one he was looking for, but in the end he'd settled for trying his hand at the gnomish figure polishing flagons behind the counter. He sat down on a stool in front of him, tapping his finger against the counter a few times before finally speaking. "Too many fishermen over in Wilree. Most all you could get was Sea Bream. I was hoping to get some bigger fish here in Soft Haven. Know a good spot?"

The gnome peered at the boy sitting at his bar, staring intently at the mop of shadows Ermes considered hair before snorting at him. "And I'm the God's damned Duke, I am." The gnome retorted, putting down his cup and rag, skepticism in his stare. "Fish 'round these parts'll eat you 'fore they eat yer bait, boy. You wanna try your hand, we gots a rod out back in the second barrel. Leeches are our choice of bait round here."

It appeared his senses hadn't dulled with his time away from Wilree. He gave the gnome a pleasant smile as he sat up a bit more straight. "I appreciate the warning. But I think I can handle it." There was only one piece Ermes hadn't understood. Perhaps it was some form of Soft Haven slang he didn't know. But he was sure he'd find out soon enough once he followed the man's directions. Ermes turned around in his stool, slipping off the seat before making his way out the front doors again.

Ermes turned the corner, making his way towards the back of the establishment. The whole time keeping tabs at his periphery making sure no one was following him or capable of seeing him as he made his way over. Once he rounded the corner again he saw the barrels the gnome had mentioned. Looking over them for a bit before heading towards the second one, searching for something to help him move forward.

Behind the Treant, several large and damaged kegs were stacked haphazardly out back. Each one still had their taps in various conditions, tarnished and broken and bent, with a single exception: the second barrel to the left had a nearly pristine tap. Pulling on it causes the face of the keg to swing up and reveal a set of stairs leading beneath the tavern, ending in a heavy door with a metal slider set at eye level. There was no handle for someone to open it from the outside.

There was a satisfied smile sitting on Ermes's lips as he squatted down and found the pristine tap was a handle leading down. He lifted it up, peering down the dark corridor before heading in and slowly making his way down the stairs. All that remained was a heavy door, the slider sitting above his head. He huffed in annoyance before using his magic to conjure up a small wooden step stool. Taking the first two steps in order to get eye level with the peephole as he knocked on the door, waiting for a response.

After a few moments, the tunnel was plunged into darkness until the slider slid left with a brief screech. A single, large brown eye could be seen beyond and a deep grunt of displeasure at the interruption. "What'd ya want?" The person beyond spoke, the voice deep and low.

Ermes stared right back at the singular brown eye. He'd thought back to what the gnome had told him before speaking. "Leeches." It was a strange password, but it fit the bill and worked well into the conversation he'd had earlier. Hopefully he'd gotten it all right up until now and wasn't walking into some form of trap or haze.

The large eye stared. And stared. And stared. Until the slider closed and a number of locks were undone. It seemed to go on for much longer than necessary, the sound of clicking and fiddling and muttered curses until finally a sharp snap had the door opening. A towering half orc, hunched in a short room, scowled at…

He blinked and looked around before looking down. Ermes' construct had vanished in the time the bouncer had been fiddling with the locks and he now stood at his normal height. The bouncer gave Ermes a look of disbelief but otherwise stepped aside.

Smaller than the tavern above them, the room boasted a few tables built into alcoves along the wall and curtains that could be drawn for privacy. More were haphazardly scattered through the space and a smaller bar with various libations sat on the left side. The room was smokey, the few torches around the room spitting smoke and shadows in equal measure, though there were few to care about the conditions.

In one corner, a sallow skinned man with yellowed, gapping teeth and strangle bulging eyes sipped at a bottle and muttered crazed to himself. He looked like he hadn't bathed in weeks, his clothes disheveled and torn, and tipped precariously towards the floor as he rocked back and forth. An elven woman sat at the bar, black hair tied in a tight bun and her white dress embroidered with fall leaves spiraling from shoulder to toe, where she sat pouring over a heavy book.. A human pair, a male and a woman who were splitting images of each other, picked from a simple meal of fruits, cheese, and bread and sat in weary silence.

Ermes stood there, waiting for the large brute behind the door to finish unlocking it. He stepped down from his construct before it dissipated, knowing full well he didn't put much Aether into it to keep it stable for long, deciding that inspecting his nails was far more entertaining than waiting for the other man to finish what he was doing. He tried not to smile as the half-orc looked around him with disbelief before stepping aside for him to come in.

He wrinkled his nose in disgust as he saw the homeless looking man. Even in their line of work he had to have been making enough to bathe and eat. He quickly averted his gaze and noticed the elven woman, clearly someone who took on higher work given how well put together she was, then there were the human twins. Ermes made his way over to the bar, making sure to inspect the room as he did. Searching for any job boards that may be posted around, or at the very least a barkeep to help him navigate this new town's ways.

"Imgriad, what have I told you about letting children in here." The woman didn't glance up from her work as Ermes approached but her voice carried across the room nonetheless. The twins glanced up in curiosity but shrugged at the scene and continued to eat quietly. The woman continued to scan the pages in front of her.

"Is there something you need, boy?" She demanded.

Ermes's head lazily turned to meet the woman who was speaking. Given the attention she'd garnered in such a short amount of time, coupled with how no one spoke back to her, he decided she may have been the Shadow. He pulled up the chair one space away from her, scooting himself onto the stool as his legs dangled above the ground, swinging ever so slightly. "Work. Recent developments have brought me over towards this town and away from Wilree. I was hoping to get some assignments while I'm here."

There was a short pause as he glanced behind the counter then back towards the woman. "Also…a drink would be nice. I've had a long night and morning and could use something to drink."

She spared him a flat look at his choice of seating and then rolled her eyes as he offered more than just a single worded response. "Maybe had you had the decency to introduce yourself before asking for handouts, I'd oblige but you'll have to earn the drink now." She replied, sounding bored. "And your prior experience? Anything beyond urchin?"

A look of shock shot across his face before it quickly settled back down to an unamused look. He hadn't expected a handout for the beverage, fully intending to have paid for it. But if he could work for a free drink, he wouldn't mind. "Ermes De Luca. Unfortunately I haven't gotten much past urchin, I was hoping that I could push past that here. Prove my worth."

She frowned at him as she considered his response. "Well, I suppose there is something I've been curious about. Rumor has it that every new moon, a strange phantom slips out the southern gate and onto the woods but never returns. It's been happening for 14 years so we've had plenty of eye witnesses but anytime someone tries to follow them, the guards suddenly appear just after the figure passes the southern gate. Figure out who it is and what they’re doing and I'll consider you for jobs. Fail and I'll run you out of town." She offered.

In all honesty the proposal sounded like a wild goose chase. As if she was more content with running him out than actually giving him a chance. A fourteen year old rumor barred by the town's guards If anything it sounded more like a folk tale or urban legend. Ermes hopped off his seat, stuffing his hands back into his pockets. "That won't happen for another two weeks then. Does it happen for more than one night? Or is it simply on the first day's cycle of that moon?"

"It sounds like you have two weeks to discover that for yourself. Ask around, put your ear to the ground, and whatever other tricks you think you may have up those filthy sleeves of yours." She scrunched her nose in distaste. "I don't want to see you here again until you have an answer for me." The swallow skinned man let out a hysterical cackle, clearly listening to the conversation.

He hadn't bothered saying another word to her. Turning around so that his back was facing her and then rolling his eyes as he walked away. He stopped just before the large door, sizing the orc up as he waited for them to open the door once more before finally stepping through. Once it shut he'd let out a small sigh, pinching the bridge of his nose as he wondered what shithole of a town this Shadow was running.

A strange tale spinning in a gossip mill would best be milled in the largest public form of any town: the market. It was a place strangers were expected and a shrewd one could gather as many rumors as they wished without concern. Soft Haven's market was an uninspired affair, with large gaps of uneven cobblestone visible in between stalls that spoke of better times gone by. Still, it was busy and that meant people.

As Ermes rounded the corner of The Treant, leaving behind the dimly lit atmosphere and trading it out for the sunny skies of Soft Haven. He squinted his eyes at the light, placing one hand above his brow in an attempt to block it out as he began to make his way towards the front of the tavern. Leaning against the frame of the building he began to go through the motions, scanning the crowd, the buildings, thinking of where he'd need to go next.

Typically the best place to gather intel would be at the bar. But the horrible disposition that the barkeep had led him to believe that even the drunkards wouldn't wish to spill some secrets to that crotchety old bastard. His gaze finally landed across the street towards a building just a little ways down. The town's apothecary seemed as good a place as any, who better to trust with your woes than the healer themselves. Ermes propped himself off of the wall of the tavern and began making his way over, catching the glimpse of an old woman inside. Perfect, older people were always the nosiest.

The apothecary was what one would expect, warm toned wooden shelves host to a myriad of plants, bottles of dried herbs, and polyjuices and ointments. A single set of wooden stairs broke the long cabinets on the right wall, leading up to a second story hidden behind a locked door and to the right of the counter at the back, a strange platform with various ropes and sandbags suspended around it was carved into a small alcove in the wall. However, the spots of light visible from the outside were not candles or mirrors but rather crystals hovering through the store, swaying in a phantom breeze. Magical items were a rarity even with so much dedicated study on aether and its secrets; even one of these would cost a fortune, much less the ten that hovered in the shop.

The store had a few customers browsing and an older man was being assisted away from the counter by his daughter. An older halfling woman sat at the counter, white hair cut short and tipped ears hinting to some elven lineage in her blood, gawfing loudly at whatever parting the old man had given her. A heavy book sat nearby, accompanied with ink and quill, and an empty tea cup was shoved into a corner. The woman squinted at Ermes' as he entered, the gentle chiming of the bell announcing his arrival, and she let out a weary sigh.

"Another damn aetherborn? I thought cursed quit in threes." She grumbled loud enough for the entire store to hear. The few customers turned to take Ermes in and each one stared openly at his hair before busying themselves again with their items.

Ermes froze for a moment as the halfling woman called him out. A string of curses running through his mind as his original plan was foiled before it had even begun. The cute kid route was out, he needed something that wouldn't aggravate or annoy her any further than his previous colleagues had already done. He put on his best apologetic and sympathetic smile as he approached her counter to talk. "I hadn't meant to add to your troubles today. I'm sorry. I only wished to ask about some ghost stories I'd heard while entering town today." He'd hoped the bait was enticing enough for her to bite and not just cast back the line before kicking him out.

"Ghost stories, huh?" Agitha leaned forward, brow cocked and a suspicious look in her eye. She motioned for him to approach her counter."Tell me, what are the lousy blabber mouths of my town telling random kids?"

Ermes had an internal grin as Agitha responded. He moved closer to her counter, debating if he was allowed to lean on it or not before decidedly not doing so. "They say a shadowed specter lurks in the darkness of the New Moon. Seemingly vanishing without a trace. I'm actually quite fond of the paranormal and things that go bump in the night. So I was hoping to catch a glimpse of this being when the next cycle happens."

Agitha frowned as she considered the story. There was a moment’s pause then her eyes grew wide and she covered her mouth, not fast enough to hide the manic grin stretching across her face. She shook with aborted laughter but eventually it was too much, cackling wildly while slapping the counter top. I-I I can’t…” She wheezed, the tea cup rattling dangerously as she made a scene. It took her a while to calm down, dabbing her tears away and fanning the red out of her cheeks.

“Whoo, just what I needed, boy! What a hoot!” Agitha took a deep breath and fixed him with a crooked, sly grin. “Sure, I’ll tell ya all about it but whatever you find, I’m the first one who gets to know, got it?”

Ermes hadn't expected to elicit such a reaction. When the frown had started he at first thought perhaps he had said something wrong. But as her demeanor changed and she broke out into laughter, he was able to relax some, his shoulders lowering as a smile tugged at the corner of his mouth and he let out a small chuckle. "No problem at all. As soon as I know I'll come running straight here. Or at least once morning breaks I will."

"I'll hold you to that, ghost boy. But here's what I know. Sure, people talk about this thing that skulks through the streets, disappears through the south gate, guards suddenly appear behind it once it does, yadda yadda yadda. But," She gestured for Ermes to come closer. "A maid of one of the Duke's friends was feeling a little feverish and took a step outside to get some air one night and she claims, swears by Azaiza and all, that she saw the Duke himself skulking around during the new moon before he seemed to disappear into thin air."

"Of course, no one's been able to confirm this. No one wants to get close to anything moderately related to the Duke so you have all the wiggle room you want. Minus the guards of course." She smirked at him.

Ermes leaned in as she gestured for him to come closer, eyes going wide with partially feigned excitement as she began to go into the heavier details. For a brief moment his expression faltered, disappointment taking place as it sounded like it was just some Duke out for a night's stroll. But his eyes shot up once more as she finished telling him the Duke vanished into thin air. "Why's no one want to get close to the Duke? Who was the maid that saw?" His voice was hushed but full of wonder and excitement like a kid wanting to hear more of a tale.

“Why would anyone want to? The Duke believes himself King and acts like everyone below him is horse shit on his boot. Poking your nose in something may be the Duke’s business is a shit decision.” Agitha shook her head, a disbelieving look leveled his way. “And I’m not in the business of givin’ away people to newcomers. Why should I tell you names? You could be one of the Duke’s little ploys again.”

Ermes wrinkled his nose at both the accusation and her description of the Duke. "Doesn't exactly sound like a nice guy if you ask me. I'm not in the business of licking boots, especially to people like that." he gave Agitha a shrug before continuing. "As to why you should tell me, I just wanted to hear it from the horse's mouth if I could. Much easier than having to figure out which maid it is by myself, especially if poking my nose in his business could be a bad thing." He let out a small sigh and a disheartened look.

Agitha’s eyebrows shot up. “You’re already potentially in the Duke’s business, ghost boy. The wrong guard hears you sniffing about this and…” She drew her thumb across her neck. “No more ghost boy in town. I’ve given you plenty to set up your little watch so you can trail him and fail like everyone else. Don’t go getting people in trouble by sniffin’ around people who can’t defend themselves. And if you do and I find out, well, there aren’t a lot of places you can hide from, Ermes.”

Ermes shoved his hands into his pockets as he offered the old woman a lazy and innocent smile. The shadows of his hair moving, dancing across his face and helping to accentuate the dark circles underneath his eyes. "I'm not here to cause any trouble, don't worry. If you ask me to steer clear of them and track it myself, well I'll be more than happy to do so. I've done my fair share of stakeouts, waiting for a glimpse of the paranormal, so I can do so again readily when the time is right. Although hopefully I won't fail like those before me. I'd love to have an excuse to come back and talk to you some more. After all, I promised I would, should I figure it out."

His smile faded as he cocked an eyebrow at the old woman. Warning bells ringing in the back of his mind as he debated on if he needed to place his hand on his sword. For now he kept his hands firmly within his pockets as he gave her a leveled look. "I don't recall giving you my name. Not that I'd meant to hide it, but…who are you?" His usual apathetic tone came back, now laced with a hint of concern.

“Maybe if you weren't as rude as your acquaintances earlier, I'd tell you." She smirked, sitting back and crossing her arms. "However, since you think you're some sort of investigator, you're more than welcome to figure it out. Was there anything else you needed because I might start charging."

Ermes's polite smile had come back. "I seem to find myself apologizing to you a lot today within our first encounter. I wasn't raised to be rude, and doubt my parents would appreciate knowing I had been even if unintentional. Thank you for your time." he said as he took a few steps back before turning around so that he was facing the exit. His face relaxing back down towards a neutral state as his cheeks hurt from smiling more than he was used to. He raised his left hand into the air as he waved goodbye to the old crone. "I'll see you in two weeks time, Agitha Hawthorne."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie eavesdropped on Willow's conversation with her mother. Listening to the description of her Kingdom as they skulked underneath the tunnels of Jasmines. The narrow passage opened up into a larger chamber; it was filled with sand in most places. Large dunes formed around pillars and open spaces while the rest was littered with cobwebs and scorpions. They were warned not to wander off and Maddie had no intention of doing so in the first place. He didn't mind Agrabah, a once bustling city Oasis in a land of magic and myth, but he hated all of the sand.

At first he hadn't minded it too much. But as time went on and he felt his steps in this new chamber, he immediately realized just how tiring it would be. Every step took a little more exertion, some more so than others as the levels of sand shifted throughout the chamber. "So. Smugglers tunnel. Was this before…or after Jafar's takeover? And what exactly did you smuggle through here?" He tried to keep his voice down, worried it might echo across the vast chamber. Maddie swiveled his head in every direction as they walked, taking in the ruins of a bygone Era in Agrabahs history.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Cassian's pace slowed slightly as he overheard Demi and Zeke's conversation. So the child of Apollo and Zeus were dating. Sure it was an…interesting Dynamic, especially given the shadows that had seemed to follow Demetri that night at the campfire, but if they were happy who was he to judge. He quickly quickened his pace in order to close the gap he had left for them before. Seeing as the train pulled up and the others were now waiting for them.

Demetri watched as the others got on the train, his hand brushing up against Zeke's for a brief moment before he'd pulled it back and into his pocket. "Just had a thought, now that I've at the very least identified that mysterious woman, why couldn't I just shift into a dragon and fly us all there? Surely it'd be faster." He joked, a small laugh escaping him as he shrugged and rolled his eyes as if to say 'oh well'.

Demetri looked towards Zeke and did a small hop up, shifting as he jumped and turning into a cat. He landed down onto Zeke's shoulder, wrapping himself along the nape of his neck. His fur was jet black, including his nose and inner ears. There was no color on him save for the jade green eyes. Demi-cat began to purr loudly, small meows following after a few in an attempt to tell Zeke to sit down. He'd much rather be lounging in his lap.

Cassian followed shortly behind the pair, passing by Zeke as he offered a gentle pat on his arm and gave him a smile. He was genuinely happy for the pair, but there was also a load of pity for them as he knew just how bad Aphrodite could be. Wars had been fought in the name of love, and he hoped for their sake it wouldn't come to that. Cass stood with the rest of the group, awkwardly waiting in the silence before speaking. "I suppose I can start us off. I'm good with a sword and bow, aside from that I know some first aid, including distinguishing which plants are good for what uses, I handle animals very well, and have my parents gifts. I do prefer to stay at range with a bow but I don't mind using a sword if need be."

Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

Casper didn't seem to be responding to him. For a moment, Max felt hopelessness. His best friend had just murdered his boyfriend in cold blood and become a single father. What was the point of all this fighting if he couldn't protect the ones he loved. There was an emptiness within his chest, his tears were bitter cold as they slid down his cheeks and stared at the remains of Casper. That was, until Jack spoke up. What he was saying didn't make any sense, how did Jack get James entrapped into his own head? And if he didn't do it then how would he know it had happened? Was this further collusion with Selene?

The tears began to heat up on his cheeks the more that Jack spoke. His eyes burned as the color all left them and was replaced by his own magic. Max had struggled before to keep his powers in check with his emotions, having gotten better with time, but this emotional roller-coaster was proving to be too much for him and he was beginning to slip. "Release him now Ja-" A wave of pain radiated from Max's head as his powers began to manifest. His hand quickly went towards his temples as he felt his head throbbing with pain. A small wave dissipated from him as the hues of magic left his eyes. He looked up and was once again reminded of the threat that was Selene.

"Fuck!" He didn't know what was happening, or if Jack was now assaulting his mind too, but whatever it was Selene was the root of the problem. Maybe if he removed her Jack wouldn't act out against them. Without another word Max opened a portal behind him, back stepping into his room and making his way towards his bed. He grabbed Strange's gift and made his way back through, closing the portal behind him. He'd quickly made his way towards where he'd seen Pixie last, watching as she began to chant something. He couldn't ask her again how to operate the device, but his mind was muddy with pain.

Max grit his teeth, pushing past the throbbing ache in his head as he conjured up a portal. It's opening lay only a stones throw from where Selene was, but with her massive size he hoped it would even the odds. He wound his arm back before tossing the Acheron straight through the portal and hitting Selene. For a moment she appeared to be caught, the mystic power growing faintly before she broke free from it. "Well…if this is anything like Pokémon…I guess we need to weaken her more." Max leapt through his portal and made a beeline towards where the Acheron was, ready to try and help Andy fight Selene.


Skills: Pitch Perfect, Laser Light Show (sidenote can't believe i pulled a nat 20 for both Maz and Echo)

Harry dodged Selene's advances. She may not have been actively trying to kill them, but her forty foot stature made it too easy. It was like walking down a sidewalk just after the breeding season for lizards. Narrowly hitting each and every baby as you stepped along. Though Selene seemed to have no real reservations about stomping on those below her. He'd never thought he'd share a stage with Dazzler, having felt like a very one sided competition most of his life as some compared him to her in a less than flattering way, he had to admit being this close to her as they sang in harmony, they made an amazing team.

Her powers complimented him and they made up for each other's shortcomings as Lila went off on her guitar. Where she'd found it he had no idea, but hey stranger things have happened. As the song concluded he felt a sense of relief wash over him. The spell had been broken, the easy part was dealt with. Now it was a matter of how to deal with Selene. Max had mentioned he had a plan, and he needed to act on it fast. Andy was doing all that she could to distract Selene, but for how long? "Great job. Now we have a witch to deal with."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah

Maddie was still enraptured by all the secret passages. Every new world was like a stage magician's dream. Compartments wherever you may need in order to do a quick escape from the audience. He was about to go and follow behind his father and the rest when Willow suddenly went towards him and kissed his cheek. His eyes widened and he hadn't known where it had come from, but he smiled and placed his hand on his cheek. "Awe thanks. I'm glad you're safe too." It was quite the change from having a knife held at him in the restroom.

As they began to make their way into the passage, the air began to cool down drastically until he felt a body pressed against him. He turned to see Colby was there, giving him warmth and no doubt taking some for himself as well. "No idea. I'm sure whoever Rosie's team is on is falling behind if only due to infighting. But then again… Maddie hand ran over the fabric covering the magic lamp. "...we were pretty lucky to have even run into the dupe when we did. Jafar men may know we crashed, but it'll take them some time to figure out we've stolen from them too." As they continued forward the cold air creeped in more and more, Maddie wrapped his arm around Colbys waist to keep the warmth, his other hand was tucked under the folds of his outfit. "Think there are any magical skeletons for you here?" he teased.
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