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You will record your thoughts and opinions on other characters. There are no PC relationship requirements to begin with, however it is likely that some of your characters grew up seeing each other fairly often.

If you are playing a legacy, you are required to include a relation for their parent/relative - (i.e., if Guin Stark were in this RP, she would need to have a relation section for Tony).

You will record your thoughts and opinions on other characters. There are no PC relationship requirements to begin with, however it is likely that some of your characters grew up seeing each other fairly often.

If you are playing a legacy, you are required to include a relation for their parent/relative - (i.e., if Guin Stark were in this RP, she would need to have a relation section for Tony).

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Cassian walked alongside Kristin as they went about the train car. Stopping when they'd reached Janelle. He didn't dislike Janelle, as a matter of fact before this quest she had been an extremely nice and likable person. But at this moment, he figured she may need some time to herself to think and move through her own emotions. He gently tapped Kristin's hand before motioning his head towards Zeke and Demi. "If you'd like to stay here alone that's fine too. I'm sure Nancy wouldn't mind making sure nothing goes awry while we're gone." He tried to keep his tone as gentle as possible as he spoke.

Demetri opened up one eye as he felt the nibbling sensation. Seeing that Nancy's dragon had followed her over as she sat back down to his side. He reached out towards Joanie, batting at her with his paws. He didn't strike hard enough to hurt, keeping his claws retracted as he played with the dragon. As soon as Zeke began to absent-mindedly pet underneath his chin, he rolled onto his back exposing his belly as he continued to playfully strike at Joanie.

Cassian began to scout out the train car as he followed the child of Athena. He wasn't sure if they would truly run into any monsters while they were on this ride given how compact they were in, but it always paid to be vigilant. Most of the passengers seemed to be mortals, minding their own business as they went about their travels. But towards the other end of the train there sat someone alone with a hoodie pulled up over their head. He stopped shortly behind Kristin, gently tapping her hand once more. "Hey, suspicious guy off to the back of the car."

Demetris batting slowed down as he listened to Zeke speak. Almost ignoring the little dragon as he paid attention to his boyfriends words. He knew about his past, and assumed Nancy was given some information as well given how open he was being about it. He rolled back over, pawing at Zeke's chest in an attempt for a little kitten hug. "Kids at camp will always talk, you shouldn't listen to them and you shouldn't listen to her either. She's just taking out her emotions on you and being a jerk. I'm really glad you came to camp, and glad I followed those crazy kids on a flying chariot. Otherwise I'd of never met you." He wanted to say more, but stayed his tongue.
Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit

For a second time now, Max lay awake in the world having felt the full extent of his powers only to have them taken away again. It was a greater rush than when he'd siphoned souls from Selene,greater still than what he'd felt back in WandaWorld. Before it felt as if he'd wielded the universe, now it was as if he'd become it. Flecks of magic danced around his hands as they continued to evaporate off him like morning mist. He sat up, staring blankly at the empty space before him until somebody spoke. It took him a moment to catch up, lost in his own thoughts, but it appeared they were looking for a place to keep Selene safe. Veil offered it to Andy as if it was hers to give away, and Andy took it without question. It was his Acheron, a gift from Strange, but even still…he couldn't exactly tell Andy no.

"Take care of it ok? They're extremely rare and hard to come by, especially in the condition it's in."

Max offered her a smile before it dawned on him that they were all nude. He was nude, in front of Ben. His face flushed pink as he pulled his legs closer towards him to hide any indecency. He tried to whisk a bit of magic up in order to clothes everyone, but it failed him. Of Course it would. He let out a defeated sigh before coming to terms with it. "I have an idea for where I'm headed next. But hopefully New Orleans will have a home for me too? Or at least a place to visit from now and again. But first…" He stood up, eyeing the spot where the Acheron used to be, a fitting place for what he'd had in mind.

Max knelt down on the ground, placing a hand softly against it as his magic pulsed out of him. It shot forth towards the spot, stopping just a few feet short as it split into two and began to encircle itself. The magic flowed upwards, building upon itself until finally a large statue of Magneto was erected in its place. He didn't look vilified, or evil, nor was he imposing. He stood with grace and honor, a mutant who had lived through many hardships and still managed to stand up and rise above them. A statue to honor those that have fallen here on this day while showing the resolute stance that mutants have taken in this world. Though this was a brief taste of paradise, Max was certain they'd be able to attain it again, and he hoped Magento would be there to see it. The base of the statue held a plaque, expressing all of those sentiments for any to read should they come upon this island.



Harry laid there for a moment. Letting the events that just transpired marinate within his head for some time longer. So many things were swimming in his head, but one thing kept creeping back. He decided to push it aside for now, focusing on the group before him until he could find a way to bring it up. "So, that just happened. I'm not even sure what that was beyond 'mutant magic'" Everyone seemed fairly ready to move past what they'd just done, but it honestly felt more like a miracle than anything. That they'd actually managed to pull it off…

Harry's thoughts broke once more as he pushed his hair back with one hand. He had no issues being nude, and no shortage of self esteem to help with it. "Boston sounds fun. I hear there's a Dunkin at every corner. But before I go heading off there…I need to make sure David is alright. We got separated during the fight, I want to make sure he's safe…and I want to be with him." He stood up, dusting off his emperor's new clothes. "But I can't exactly get off this island alone, so I'm willing to take any help I can get. Of Course we'll all keep in touch."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah > Merlins > ???

Maddie smiled back towards Colby. A soft chuckle followed close behind as he looked towards the ground. He spoke softly, almost a whisper, as he pet one of the cats before him. "That - is - my - specialty." each word spoken with a deliberate pause in between as he avoided eye contact with Colby. He knew he hadn't meant anything by it, but Colby was right, Maddie had always had a way to make situations more awkward than they needed to be. Another portal opened up, and he let out a small sigh.

It would seem they'd hardly get a break. From the sounds of it the others were hard at work as well. Scouring Maleficent's castle couldn't be easy, nor safe for that matter. He saw Colbys hand held before him, taking it as he stood up and followed behind him through the portal. His expression seemingly changing as they crossed through, attempting to put on a brave face laced with self confidence to take on whatever they had in store next head on.

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes noted Kyreths look, slinking his bread back down closer to him as he ripped off another piece and plopped it into his mouth. He'd never met anyone who didn't like fresh bread before, but when he thought about it he began to wonder if perhaps tainted had different tastes. He doubted the idea that they ate human flesh held any merit otherwise he doubted the Bounty House would allow them in, but perhaps they were strictly carnivores. Preferring to eat raw meat over other more human foods.

Kyreths nervousness seemed to kick back in as his words spilled out with no confidence to them. To Ermes's surprise, he suddenly motioned behind him, to what he could only assume was an approaching Lilan. He didn't bother turning to look, instead opting to give Kyreth a deapanned stare as he believed the tainted to be trying to pull some sort of wool over his eyes. If Kyreth wanted to step away from the conversation, then he very well could have, he didn't need to concoct a whole charade. Unfortunately a familiar voice called out from behind, making Ermes's eyes widen slightly in a startled surprise. He turned to face the masked woman, offering the best smile he could manage.

"Oh. You're masked again." His smile turned crooked in a bit of confusion before going back to its apathetic state. "Don't know how nice it'll be. They keep talking about rain, hopefully it won't muddy the roads too much to get the cart stuck. But I'm certainly ready for the trip." He noticed Cerric calling her over for something, nodding towards his direction before trying for another half smile. "Probably best you go talk to him. We can catch up after if you want, I still need to introduce myself to our client." Exhaustion lacing his voice more so than usual. Ermes made his way over towards Esvelee, noting that she and Ceolfric were currently in a conversation. "Sorry to interrupt, I don't exactly need to stow anything but I wanted to introduce myself before we get going and while we still have time to wait for the last of us to arrive. My name's Ermes."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Demetri stretched his front paws out against Zeke's lap. Claws coming into view before slowly retracting back as he yawned. "Not too long? Just since the shadow ghosts had appeared that night at camp. They don't seem to be harmful I think? Just kinda…show up." He answered, his tone nonchalant and dismissive. Demi's demeanor shifted however as Zeke began to talk once again. Telling them about Nancy's weakness and what she'd been through at their destination. His bright eyes shifted towards her down the car, narrowing slightly as he focused on her shape. He felt almost guilty having her here now.

Cass gave their new feline friend a quizzical look. He hadn't expected to hear it begin to talk, though he supposed that wasn't abnormal within the world of Demi-gods. Literal Sphinxes existed within this world, as well as Labyrinths that were living beings of their own right, why couldn't a child of Zeus cat talk? Of Course that meant that Demi had been purposefully dodging questions until this very moment. He'd decided not to remark on it, instead listening to what Zeke had to say about Nancy's weakness. He looked towards her, only glancing from the corner of his eye, as she paced down the corridors. Pity lacing his gaze before it moved over towards Zeke once more.

Demetri couldn't believe what he was hearing. The fur on his back began to stand as the purring slowly moved into a low growl. When he'd felt Zeke’s hand leave him, he instinctively moved onto his haunches, glaring daggers at Janelle. Not that she could see. He had a few choice words for Janelle, all of which would make him appear ableist even though he wasn't. Just as quickly as she'd attacked Zeke, she'd moved on and went to sit further away from them all. He began pacing side to side within Zeke's lap, looking up at him. "She doesn't even know what she's talking about. Don't listen to her. You tried to make things private and speak to her before we ever went public but sooo many things got in the way of that. If she can't get over herself and help with this mission, then she's the selfish one." What he'd really wanted to do was scratch her and tell her she's stupid and blind for not seeing that Zeke was trying to do the right thing. But he doubted Zeke would appreciate that.

Cassian leaned back in his seat, feeling just the same as Kristin was no doubtedly. "Yeah, couldn't have gone better" He tried not to lay too much sarcasm into his comment, figuring that would only set others off even more. He looked towards the couple before settling his gaze on Kristin. Getting up from his seat and straightening his shirt. "I'll go with you. The rest seem to need some time to think, and I'm not so keen on having one of us going off all by themselves. Even if it is just a train car away."

Maximillian Gray

Skills: Basic Spellcraft, ConjurationNew Outfit


Skills: Pitch Perfect, Laser Light Show

Everyone here needed to work in perfect unison for what Max was about to suggest next. He was still missing a crucial part of his plan, one he couldn't very well wait around for no matter how much he wanted to. Callie was right, Selene was getting away and they needed to stop her or at the very least slow her down enough to give Casper time for his miraculous resurrection that Jack was apparently expecting. He truly hoped that Jack wasn't giving him false hope in an attempt to disrupt what they were trying to do here. Max nodded towards James, thinking about Casper and his kid. He wanted to give them a future they deserved.

Harry could see why Veil had such a close relationship with Callie. She made an amazing second in command, stepping up to take the charge when Veil was at a loss for what to do. He certainly didn't know how best to keep that gargantuan woman down, but Callie seemed to find a way to do so at the drop of a hat. More and more people began to show up to the fight, as he waited for Casper to join only to hear the news of his passing. Another reason to take this with down a notch.

Zari apporached him, i quiting about the Acheron and if she could attempt to fix it. Max was about to answer when an annoyingly familiar voice piped up from behind them. "Casper!" He held a finger out towards Zari asking her for a minute as he dashed towards the newly dead man. He pulled him into a big hug, only later to realize the amount of blood that was on him. "A lots happened just follow me and I'll explain later." Max made his way back towards Zari, and looking between her and Miranda. "You two have an extremely important task. Miranda, if you could use your constructs to reinforce the Acheron and Zari I need you to use your tech powers to control it while simultaneously avoiding having it be destroyed again." Max handed her the pieces, stepping back as he spoke up a bit louder now so they could all hear him.

"We need to work together, combining our powers and allowing them to become one. Mutants have always been stronger when we stand together than when we are alone. Our bonds will help bind us together making a circuit that will empower us. To that end, Echo, Dazzler, both of you need to focus on giving this circuit its energy. Your skillsets allow you to do so with sound, so use what you have to to make this work."

Harry didn't waste any time. If it was energy they needed it was energy they were going to get. There was so many sounds to pull from, but he'd decided what better spot than as Max was giving his plan. Using the energy that he was pouring into his words, the love for his mutant brethren, and the compassion he had for all of them. It made the perfect catalyst for their mutant circuit, and a wonderful foundation for him and Dazzler to build upon.

"Andy, Casper, I need both of your help to ferry the souls out of Selene. Everytime we've taken them she's shrunk in size, let's see how small she can go to weaken her for the others. To that end, Veil, you need to make a barrier around all of us including Selene. Keep her from leaving our zone and keep the energy Echo and Dazzler create from dispersing too much." So far Max hoped that everyone was following along, and he hoped they could pull it off. But for now that was all he needed to strive on, hope.

"Ben, Magneto, and Marrow, you're all on lockdown duty. Use your powers to try and keep her down. Pin her to walls, floors, whatever you have to just keep her anchored down and remember to work together. This whole plan rides on us being able to act as one, no animosity can exist between us as we work towards a singular goal." That was addressed to everyone, but he knew how he and Ben felt about Jack at this moment, and they needed to push past that. "Sunshine, Callie, Jack, you're in charge of breaking her down. Attack her mind, body, and spirit. Slug every disease you have, assault her mind, and break down her emotions. She needs to be weakened for the final steps of the plan."

Max turned to look at James, a half smile across his face asking for forgiveness before he even stated what needed to be done. "James, you've got thr hardest part. Keep us all alive and healthy. Boost our constitution as we fight on around disease and push ourselves past our limits. You're our backbone, always have been man. But that includes keeping yourself safe and well. Now, if everyone's got the plan…" Max waved his hand as magic ripped open a portal between here and where Selene's massive steps had taken her. Allowing them to save some strength for the fight that they would've used chasing her down. "...Let's do this."

Max made his way through the portal, using its connection as a bridge between both sides. Even though technically they were a ways apart, he could extend his magic through it as if they were close by. He held his soul staff in his hands, focusing on everyone as a whole. One unit, one person. Each one's experiences now become an extension of the next. The boundaries between one person and the next, now loose and hard to define. The circuit had started, they now only needed to maintain it.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah > Merlins Tower

Maddie had never been a vengeful person. Always opting for the 'higher road' even when he was the subject of bullying. But upon hearing the news of Aladdin and Carpets passing at Jafars hands…there was a weird emptiness inside. A cross between sorrow, pity, and abhoration. He didn't want to kill Jafar, but he hoped once all of this was over that he would get the punishment he deserved. Jasmine deserved at least that. He didn't know what to say, it felt cheap to say he was sorry or even to express his condolences, but cold to stay quiet. "I'm…sorry to hear that."

Tinks voice pulled his attention, but he couldn't shake the feeling he was having. He simply nodded towards her, agreeing. Maddie made his way through the portal last, looking back through it towards Jasmine. "Thank you for your hospitality. We'll make sure to stop her soon." He then walked over towards Colby, kneeling down next to Colby and the cats and simply placing his head on Colbys shoulder. Maddie tapped his leg to call over his own cat, petting it as he thought about what'd just happened.
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