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✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

As they walked along for the first day of their journey, Ermes kept his eyes peeled. Behind his half opened sleepy facade, were watchful eyes that took in as much of their surroundings as they possibly could. A loud sound came rustling from the bushes around them causing Ermes's hand to move towards his blade, a swift but subtle motion that came with years of practice in the streets of Wilree, as a boar came barreling out from one end and vanished into some underbrush on another. He let out a silent annoyed sigh that's sounded almost like steam hissing. To say that Ceolfrics little message but him on edge would be an understatement. Whenever there was nothing of note around, Ermes found his eyes drifting upwards, staring at the clouds as if he was waiting for some sign that it might rain. But not a single drop fell all day.

When they'd finally pulled off for the night, he shuffled quietly towards the designated area. Leaving his waterskin behind on the back of the cart as instructed without so much as saying a word. Lilan and Ceolfric had decided to go off and "scout". Anytime beforehand that two members of a party had said they'd do so usually meant they were either doing adult activities or simply leaving to talk about him. Kyreth had gone off to talk to Cerric about Irigan knows what, and Esvelee wasn't exactly the sort of company you speak to while you work. He walked around the area, looking for tinder and and small branches to start a fire, noticing Eila was doing the same. So Ermes decided to change tasks, holding his index finger out and circular motion with is while softly speaking. "Wrap." A small length of rope coiled around the bundle he'd gathered as he slung it over his shoulder tying the other end so that it simply hung like a holster.

His hand then dropped to his side, holding an invisible axe, before one manifested in it. Ermes took a few swings, chopping off some thicker branches from trees and cutting them into manageable pieces before the axe finally dissipated. Letting out a tired sigh, he picked up his supply of wood before heading over towards where Eila was, making a small pile nearby for them to use later on in the night. He hadn't expected for her to approach him, and when she did he felt an odd tightness in his chest. He mentally scolded himself before listening to what she had to say. Arching an eyebrow, he picked up a nearby stick and poked at the fire, watching as embers floated up. Once again Ceolfrics voice hung in the behind him. Like an irritating fly buzzing just out of view.

He rolled his eyes at the comment. Ofcourse the tainted storyteller has seen the beast. It only made sense it had hide like armor. He was certain it also stood two stories tall and could vanish like the wind. After this mornings ordeal he was more certain that Ceolfric was just trying to scare them away from the coin, and naturally the split tongued woman would join him. So, he ignored whay was said and focused on the question before him."I don't suppose you brought a pot to make the stew?" His voice carrying a slight irritation, though not towards her. Eila remained silent at his question. "Yeah. I didn't think so." Ermes let out a soft sigh as he closed his eyes and tried to concentrate. "Itadakimasu." a simple iron hook emerged off the side of the fire, a cast iron pot hanging from it, beginning to warm. He looked at Eila, giving her a sleepy smile before he prodded the fire once more. "But to answer your question…I'd love to help you cook."
Dorian Gray

Skills: First Day Fit

Everything was going perfectly. What more could anyone ask for on their first day back? Friends? Check. Free Food? Check. Amazingly fun time at a Carnival? Check check check! Hell he even got the chance to have a decent meetcute with a cute boy! Dorian was living his K-drama dreams, he could practically see the candle light dinners…wait no that was actual fire. Panic set in as his pupils shrunk down so much he may as well have an ocean for eyes. His hand went straight to his bag, rummaging to feel the can of EZ Spray he carried in case of a Dan-saster. Luckily Danni got to his first before any physical damage was done. Unluckily he also got it into the cute boy's mouth. Great. As if to make matters worse, Leah and Dianna showed up and poured gasoline onto an already panicking Danni. The feelings seemed to catch, a spark igniting in April as well as the more she began to speak the more panicked she seemed.

So many things were happening all at once, besides the fire, panicking best friends, and Spray covered cutie, there was the fact that the new guy was Dianna's brother and Dorians former crush seemed to be within eye view. The world felt as though it was swirling around him, but before he fully gave in to his feelings he knew his friends needed him more. Whenever these sorts of things happened there always needed to be at least one of them that kept their panic inwards, and it appeared that today was Dorian's turn. He could kill two birds with one stone but first, he needed some sweets. Without saying a word he quickly vanished from everyone's view, entering into his Astral Self. His plan was to bypass the line and gather some sweets, however plans rarely ever pan out.

Percy was snapping at just about everyone, which to an extent was well deserved. He was clearly having a rough day, and Dorain wanted to try and calm him down and comfort him, but as he went ghost his powers went sideways pulling him into Percy. It took Dorian a brief second, his eyes blinking slowly as he tried to gather what had happened. He patted himself before looking down and seeing a familiar shirt [i]BUT ON HIM?![/b] Holy Shit he possessed the new guy! No no no no! Panic fully set in and with a small screaming yelp he (and Percy) time-jumped. They were only gone for a moment, appearing right back into place before another yelp came out. Dorian hastened himself out of Percy's body, shooting up above his head before flying off over the crowd.

"T'is iz not 'ow you make first impressions. 'ow did today go down hill so quickly? Maybe we should'a started wit Agatha, I'm sure she would've warned us about all t'is mess. What do I even get?" Dorian spoke to himself as no one else was able to hear him within the Astral Plane, not without crossing over back to their realm. Luckily he could still affect things here. He hovered inside the stall, eyeing the selection before settling on a few items. A couple of sugared pecans in a cone, a cup of caramel popcorn, and a few candy bars to tie it off. It was all free so…technically it wasn't stealing? To any onlookers it would simply appear that the treats were floating away, but in reality Dorian was bringing them back in an attempt to calm them all down. Unfortunately when he arrived back, he couldn't shift back into his normal self. "What kind of gris-gris did I incur? Merd! Putain! Seins!" he cursed as he shoved a cup of caramel popcorn into Dannis hands.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.
Skills: Madness

In all the emotional commotion, Casian had seemingly forgotten about Janelles blindness. How could he be so careless? He was about to describe what he had seen to her, including what was now right before them when Kristin had decided to take the lead. He wanted to warn Janelle against the Minotaur's charge, when suddenly the massive bull of a man came barreling towards them. All he could manage to get out was "Dodge right!" before all the was knocked out of him. It happened so fast he'd hardly noticed anything at first, the large gasp of air exiting his lungs as his back collided with the car's ceiling. He'd hardly had the chance to get any air back in before he came crashing into the aisle floor then back up and down until a loud crack could be heard coming from him. Pain instantly shot down his arm as the bone snapped, no sound escaping his mouth as he silently screamed from the pain with no air in his lungs to match.

Demi nodded in agreement with Nancy. "Sounds to me like either way we need some bait. He needs a reason to go barreling off this train." He wasn't going to say it out loud or Zeke might stop him, but that was him. He stood the best chance of being bait, and if by chance the Minotaur took him out with him he'd have the best chance to catch up with the train again. "Option two it is then." He went charging towards where the two cars met, pulling out a red shirt as he ran. He stopped at the edge, away from the other group, seeing Cassian laying on the floor. "Hey! Look at this tasty bait! Andale or some shit dumbass!" He waved the red shirt, taunting the large beast.

Before Demetri knew it the monster was upon him. Damn he was fast. He hardly had any time to react as the Minotaur's meaty hands gripped his neck and lifted him up into the air. Ideas spedrun through his mind until he landed on the best one. He quickly shifted into a large Anaconda. Another creature of pure muscle to combat this monster's strength. He wrapped himself along the Minotaur's thick arms, constricting it to cut off blood flow and help to weaken its grip on him. It felt like instinct to him, as if he was simply gathering his prey for a snack. Once he'd felt safely entangled, Demi unhinged his jaw and sunk his fangs deep into the Minotaur's hand. That quickly got the bull to let go of him and Demi used it as the perfect time to drop down and slither away under a train car near the end by the car's exit door. Hissing at him angrily.

Tears streamed down Cassian's cheeks as he tried to move his arm. The first sound coming from him was a deep, sharp, inhale as his lungs expanded with the air it so desperately grasped for. His breathing became erratic as he tried to sit up, seeing what it was Demetri was trying to do. Close combat didn't seem like an option, but neither was ranged, not in such close quarters. The plan seemed to lure the bull by the door that Demetri coiled by, either that or he was an idiot that jumped in with no plan and quickly ran away when things got too real. There was a dim flicker of purple flames within Cassian's eyes as he began to use his power. He wanted the beast to hear Demetri outside the car, the only tells being small disgruntled snorts coming from him to show he heard the sounds.

There was no movement however, he tried once more, this time invoking the Marathonian bull, rushing alongside the train, making all sorts of sounds to lure the beast to the trap. Again, his ears twitched towards the sound, but still no reaction. Was the Minotaur's mind more sound than he'd originally thought? No. He couldn't be. The Minotaur was a monster, their minds should be easily molded like clay. He just needed to find the right technique. If luring him out wouldn't work, then he'd need to help the others as best he could. He conjured forth the voices of King Minos to insult and degrade the Minotaur. Hoping the voices would be enough of a hindrance, but the damn thing seemed unphased.
Dorian Gray

Skills: First Day Fit

The closer they moved towards the start of the school year, the less Dorian could stand still. Countless times he was sitting on his bed, leg shaking up and down, Impatiently watching the clock display on his desk. Sometimes he'd simply lay upside down just so that he wouldn't have to move so much, but mostly he gamed aggressively in an attempt to bypass the time. The week leading up to the school year he'd already begun to pack his belongings. His first day drip was hanging in his closet undisturbed hoping it was good enough to catch a boy's attention. Seriously, seventeen years and not a single boyfriend? His parents were a cute couple and all but he hoped he didn't have to meet a departed soul in the Astral Plane just to find love.

Luckily for him and Danni, it wasn't a long trip back to Los Angeles. With his Dad being able to create portals directly to the school, all they needed to do was cross the threshold and unload. Of Course that morning was chaos of its own accord. Dorian had woken up early, the pre-school jitters hitting him hard as he went into a full gay panic second guessing his outfit while freaking out about whether the rouge-ing on his cheeks was cute or if he needed to cover it up somehow. He has no doubts that The Kingstons could hear his screaming from across the hall. By the end of it he was practically dragging his Dad and Appa out of bed telling them they needed to move faster because he just had to see April again. It's been a whole summer Ugh. Parents.

The time had finally come! They were at Avengers Academy once again for their Junior year and the Double D's were dorming together. That meant a full coffee bar with most any roast imaginable, multiple ways to brew it, and late nights of nothing but fun and excitement with the rest of the gang. Dorian breathed in the air, taking a long inhale before slowly exhaling through his mouth. "Ah AA 'ow I missed you, chère." he said as he wiped away an imaginary tear. Of Course he'd said his goodbyes, and he'd miss both his parents deeply, but he was seventeen he needed to live a little…away from them. He was certain they didn't mind as it gave them more…well them time!

Dorian's hair was nicely combed over, a bit of a departure from his sometimes lazier style. His soft curls peeked through just at the bangs where they'd curled right atop his nose. He'd decidedly wore a bright long yellow button up shirt, 100% cotton ofcourse, with a pure black V-neck undershirt which was tucked underneath a pair of dark wash jeans and a black belt with silver buckle to help the colors pop a bit more. The clothing was more saturated and bright than anything you'd find in The America's, though it helped to have connections. He had a silver ring placed on his left pinky finger and opted for a small silver hoop for the day. He knew the first day held a Carnival for the students, and sometimes that meant fighting rinks. If Dorian wanted to enter one, he didn't want to risk losing a dangley earring.

Dorian chuckled at April's long list of suggestions and questions. Clearly she was just as excited to see them as they were her. "Fortune Tellen iz a must. Especially since it's Agatha's last year so we won't see 'er around much. I wouldn't mind asken when I'm gonna finally goin' to get a boyfriend either. I can feel it April, dis year we find someone! Besides it'z not az if a boys just goin' to fall out of the sky and into my lap." As if right on cue, Dorian felt a hard thud against him before another sound followed, like someone hitting the ground. He looked down and before him was a student he hadn't seen before, he had the most beautiful hair that just made him want to run his hands through it, followed by an amazing set of lips.

He realized he was hovering over the poor things as he scrambled himself back to his feet before Dorian could offer a hand. He reached forth, helping to pat some of the dirt off his velvet jacket as he offered him a dimpled smile. "It'z all fine. No need to apologize. Velvet outside iz a bold choice non? But it looks nice. Here I'll buy you somet'in from de cart. You new 'ere?" Dorian tried to be friendly to any of the new students. He knew what it was like not to fit in, and how much a friendly face could help out in a new place. After all that's how he and Diana had met. So perhaps he could be that person for this clearly nervous stranger.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddies shoulders slumped a little in disappointment as he got her response. No glowing hair, which also meant no dark glowing powers either. Whether or not that was a relief, he wasn't fully sure yet. Aside from the few tales Disney had told, he wasn't exactly sure of the other versions that existed. Of Course there was the original, but his memory of that tale was hazy at best, having only read it sparingly twice beforehand. "Oh. That's cool though." he tried not to sound disappointed at the news. He felt awkward now, just standing about as they waited for the others. He wasn't the best at meeting new people, and this situation didn't help.

Maddie tugged at the cuffs of his sleeves, wrinkling the fabric slightly as he tried to think of what to do or say next. He spied Merlin placing the lamp down. It seemed like a dangerous thing to do, sure they all wished to fight against Maleficent, but the temptation of wishes could catch anyone around. "So what's the plan? I don't really need all the details just…an idea really. Why the lamp? What more do we need? And-" He cut himself off, realizing he was just going to ramble on with question after question and not allow Merlin the chance to speak. He stood there, his eyes fixated somewhere between Merlin and the Lamp. Thinking.

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes tried not to roll his eyes. It would only make sense that such a simple person would be taken back by his appearance. The question now was if she landed amongst the ones who loathed him, or the ones who could look past it and work alongside him. He noticed her gaze turning towards another, seeing as Eila finally began to arrive, coming in with apologies already bubbling out like a waterfall. He couldn't tell if it was good manners, or practiced words she'd had to say back home. When Cerric brought up that her failure was everyone else's, Ermes couldn't help but suddenly find the dirt road very interesting. Damn it. It was decided, he'd have to start keeping tabs on the others' whereabouts should they team up again. Next time they'll get a rude awakening before being late.

Esvelee's call broke him out of his thoughts, watching her as she stood right next to him and wondering if Eila would dare delay the mission any further by wanting to place her stuff within the cart. He watched with bated breath, when Kyreth called out to Eila, sending a tinge of jealousy through Ermes again. Why was he even here? Wasn't he supposed to be widdling wood or something? Ceolfric left his side and Ermes took that as a sign to get moving, giving Esvelee a short bow before making hisbway towards the left side of the covered wagon. He rounded the corner of the cart, moving out of the client's view when a familiar voice appeared right behind him. His hands swiftly went towards his sword, thumb pressed against the handguard ready to strike.

Ermes looked around carefully, subtly, but no one was around him. He spied Ceolfric standing there, and then began to relax his composure and listen. "Damn it Ceolfric! Warn someone next time. I thought we were already being attacked. sigh Anyways thank you for the -" Ceolfrics third message rang in and Ermes sighed silently to himself. The man was useful, but a nuisance already and his sly look back was enough to want to kick his face in. But his information was sound, and possibly tied into whatever Cerric and the tainted twins were whispering about again. "I'll watch this side I suppose, unless Ceolfric would like another upfront to ensure the horse's don't block his view." Sure it would mean splitting up the tainted, but if Kyreth was going to take from their pot he needed to work too.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station

Demetri had plopped himself down into a kitty pancake as Nancy delivered her lines. She spoke like a practiced help desk, her words coming out as smooth as silk while sounding almost as perfect as a Roman formation. He felt that twinge of jealousy again, knowing that if this were a contest and Zeke had to choose between he and her, he'd choose Nancy over him in a heartbeat. He couldn't stew for long, as Joanie had decided it was time to get airborne, lifting him up high as Demis kitten eyes went wide in panic. He failed about, his paws going every which way until he was dropped and landed onto his feet. Immediately he backed up, curling under Zeke's arm so it couldn't happen again. He hated flying when he wasn't the one doing it.

A loud roar echoed from the next car over. It sent chills down his spine and made him subconsciously go up on his haunches. He stared down towards the door where one their section ended and the new one began, wondering what fresh hell awaited for them and the others. "I'll go check it out. Whatever it was, it didn't sound good." Demetri hopped off the seat, making his way towards the source of the roar, only to see a large Minatour standing there with a weapon drawn. Ideas poured through his mind as he debated if he should turn into the monster's mom in an attempt to subdue it. Though the idea was quickly rejected as he realized he hadn't the best frame of reference for what the creature's mother looked like. He bolted down the train car towards Zeke and Nancy, sounds of skittering following him as he used his claws to help him rush through. He quickly transformed
(unbeknownst to him as Femi) and delivered the bad news. "Minotaur, next car over, the other three are with it."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Cassian was relieved to hear that Janelle felt up to the task of joining them. As much as having some alone time was good, being able to walk around and get your mind off of things was better. It never helped to dwell on issues and let them stew. He continued down the train car with them when he'd glanced towards Kristin as she mentioned she hadn't seen anyone. His sight only left the suspect for a second but as he looked back there was no one there. Immediately he could feel his heart drop, something was about to happen and they were surrounded by mortals.

They passed through a tunnel, darkness filling the space, and Cassian's hand immediately went towards his side. It hovered above his father's gift, as if to recreate every spaghetti western ever made. Silence. Only the sound of the train's wheels rolling against the tracks could be heard as they made their way through the tunnel, it only lasted for a few seconds but it felt like eternity. When light finally broke he could see a massive Bullman, a minotaur most likely, standing before him with axe in hand. He let out a blood curdling roar, and Cassian was about to spring into action…until he noticed something very crucial. They weren't outside, any vegetation he could manipulate would likely harm the train or its tracks, and as he looked around, not a single soul had any seeded food on them.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Agrabah > Merlins > ???

He hadn't let go of Colbys hand just yet. While the magic and transport were amazing, as was the vast and varying lands that existed across the storied halls, he needed something a bit more familiar at this time. The warmth of Colbys hand was just such a thing. Maddie gave it a gentle squeeze, watching as Merlin carefully inspected the Genie's lamp that was handed over to him by Jasmine. He wondered what he was planning on doing with it, and were there other such items they needed to grab to defeat Maleficent?

He was about to ask when he noticed Willow keeping tabs on the mystery woman in the back. She was tending to some wounded soldier's (if you could call them that) as she came and went from various rooms. Maddie couldn't help but watch as her long hair flowed and then suddenly it'd clicked. "That, would be Rapunzel. Though I can't quite say which version we'll get on our hands. Maybe the singing, dancing, magic hair wielding one with a cast iron frying pan? But that would also mean the potential for a very cunning Gothel." He knew one thing though, this was certainly turning into quite the production of Into the Woods.

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