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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Just as Demetri thought Nancy was coming around to liking him, she immediately disproved that thought. If her refusal to take anything as a reward for her part in this wasn't enough, he next words were. She placed a vice grip around his heart, the beating feeling strained and forced as he stood there trying not to tear up in frustration. It wasn't his fault he couldn't control his powers. Hell it wasn't even the camp's fault for lack of training. It was all Aphrodite's fault. For a Goddess of Love she seemed to have a lot of malice and hatred inside of her. He stood there silently for a moment, words caught in his throat as he tried to think of how to reply. Nancy showed him exactly what it was he feared, people only liked him when he was useful. It was his powers they cared for, not him. If he couldn't control his powers…why would they even want him?

The Son of Apollos' chuckle caught Cassiam off-guard. He hadn't ever cared to see this side of him, though on quests like this it was a welcome change in comparison to some others attitudes. His nose wrinkled at the thought of Zeke using an old pair of socks as a mouth guard. Even washed, Cassian wouldn't dare bite down on it. He'd sooner bite his tongue and have Zeke work double healing it. As Zeke stood up so did he, following behind him to rejoin the others in the back car. Moving past the two love birds so that he could hear what it was Nancy had to say.

Demetri's head hung low, watching as he saw Zeke blush and then look away. At the very least Aphrodite was proving her point. Zeke proffered these prettier girls than he did him. Another tight grip inside his chest, that is until Zeke spoke while passing him by. A low whisper for only him to hear. But he sounded…upset, disappointed. Not at the form he'd unwillingly taken, but more so that it wasn't him. Zeke's words worked to combat Nancy's. Whereas she only seemed to care about his use, Zeke cared to be around the real him. He followed into the train car behind the rest, looking towards Nancy. "My track record was almost spotless actually until Aphrodite decided to meddle in with my powers. If you have a gripe to pick, look towards her, not me." He snipped back. Annoyed at her and the fact that she always seemed to have an answer for everything.

Cassian raised an eyebrow at Nancy's suggestion. Having one of their members suddenly attempt to manipulate the Mist was a Hail Mary and a half. Even with her reasoning for it. But her concern for the Zeus kids ability to maintain his draconic shape was also valid. He was about to offer up a solution, similar to what Nancy was asking for but in a different light. It wouldn't require The Mist, but he didn't like to use it against those who weren't deserving of it. "Between you, me, and Nancy I'm sure we could make some musical calming. Help distract them while Janelle figures it out." he replied to Zeke before noticing how the passengers' attitudes had begun to change.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion
Skills: Current Outfit

Nervousness ran through him as he stood inside the comfort of his house. The chill April air was blowing through a nearby window that was open. Max gripped the dark wood windowsill, taking one last look at the Louisiana view he'd learned to call home. The sounds of New Orleans filtered in from afar as people went about their day. He closed his eyes and took them in, holding them for the days he felt homesick back at the mansion. When he finally opened them again, there was a long sigh. Wood creaked behind him as Ben made his way up the stairs, standing just beyond the door frame of their bedroom. Max didn't look back just yet, not wanting to say goodbye. He knew he would have to one day, but this felt too soon.

"Just taking in one last view before I go. I know I'll be back, and I'll try and visit as often as possible, but…" Max's voice trailed off, knowing full well how Ben felt about all of this. He and Casper, and Max figured James as well, despised the X-men. Quite frankly Max couldn't blame them. They seemed to fight for humans more than they did mutant rights. Xaviers poster children of the world and yet where were they when the X-cutioner hit? Where did they stand when Genosha, a mutant island, was being destroyed by the Children of the Vault or Selene's hunger for power? But Max believed he could change them. Fix it from the inside out. Mutants standing for mutants. Not this charade Xavier put on.

“You don’t have to do this to make a difference,” Ben said quietly. He didn’t turn around to look at Max. “You make a difference here with… with Dorian. And with me. Is Xavier’s dream really worth it?” Silence clung to the air for a moment as Max's shoulders slumped. He turned around, making his way toward Ben before taking him in his hands. "This isn't about Xavier's dream. It's about making a brighter future for mutants. For Dorian. The X-Men, whether we like it or not, are the face of mutant kind. If I can change it so that they actually fight for mutants...Dorian could have a brighter future. Brighter than we were given the chance to have." Max looked at his boyfriend with pleading eyes. He needed to do this.

“When I look at you now… I see myself… Before I died,” Ben whispered. “Just promise me… promise me you’ll come back. Promise me you won’t die a martyr. We’ve had enough funerals.” Max pulled Ben in for a hug, holding him there for a moment before pulling back and giving him a kiss. "I promise. I won't die a martyr, I've got a family that I love, and take care of to come back to." He gave his boyfriend a soft smile, pulling his hands away slowly and making a circular motion behind him. A swirl of cosmic energy, black with hints of pinks, blues, and purples, freckled with white, opened up and surrounded a portal behind him now. Xavier's mansion could be seen through it behind him, while those within Xavier's walls would see the inside of Max and Ben's bedroom.

"I love you."

"I love you too, idiot"

Max stepped in backwards through the portal, closing it as soon as he was on the other side. Alright Gray, pull yourself together he mentally chastised himself before adjusting his grey wool coat. He chuckled silently to himself, rolling his eyes at his boyfriend's charming way of showing affection. The cold was even more prominent here in New York. Luckily he'd planned for this, wearing more than enough layers for the day. Still, he pulled his coat a bit closer together as he waited for the mansion to help warm him up. He inspected the grounds, trying to catch his bearing as to where in the mansions he'd managed to go, while also looking out for any hints at what Dorian's future might be like here.

Growing up Max had always admired the X-men. Regardless of what his family thought, he had seen them as a symbol of good, a way towards peace that he believed was an option between mutants and humans. He wanted nothing more than to be a superhero, a child growing up within the walls of Xavier’s Mansion while gaining some outworldly powers and helping become that bridge that mankind needed. But his time in the Underground showed him the cracks within this foundation. They needed repair, a new set of eyes to see the problem and help fix it. Max wanted his son to have the opportunities he never had. If his son was a mutant, he didn't need him having to live in a world where people hated him simply because of genetics.

He could see a ghostly silhouette of what he imagined his son would look like running through these halls when he was all grown. Max wanted to give him a better life than his parents gave him. To be raised surrounded by love and not hate. His eyes trailed over until he saw the back of another person nearby. Moving a step closer before calling out to them. "Oh, uh, excuse me. I just got here and I'm a bit lost. Would you happen to know where in the mansion I currently am?"
Dorian Gray

Location: Nemos Office
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian buried his head further into his arms as he lay across Sir Nemo's desk. Listening to the old man as he muttered away trying to piece together his earlier comment. As if to accentuate the end of Nemo's sentence, a Kettle began to whistle, causing his head to look up. When did 'e put t'e Kettle on? His gaze focused on the steam rising out of the spout, lost in thought until the sound of clinking glass, or perhaps porcelain, filled the room. Right. 'e'd mentioned tea… Though Dorian struggled to recall the events, his mind quickly began filling in the blanks. Nemo must have set the kettle to boil as he was rubbing his eyes free of tears, he'd only now noticed it because it began to whistle. That's all.

At the very least that's what Dorian wanted to believe. A new scent hit the air as its aroma wafted and filled the space before him. Sure the tea being pulled out was loose leaf, no real indication of type or flavor, but Dorian instantly knew. He'd often times compared the scent to that of Fruit Loops, lavender mixed in with black tea. It was - Sir Neml interrupted his thoughts as he finished Dorian's mental sentence. Earl Grey, precisely that. He stared at the cup of tea for a moment before stammering out his appreciation. "Th-thank you." He was at a loss for words as he went through the motions of adding the vanilla before tossing in a dash of cream.

A part of him wondered if Sir Nemo knew, or perhaps this was just a favorite of the old gay man. A thought that made Dorian internally cringe as he felt the years pack on with that mental statement. As the liquid within the cup began to change hues from a dingy brown, to an amber, and finally a deep red, all tinted opaque by the added cream, he noticed a dish on the desk he hadn't seen before. It was full of strange…candies? Pastries? Some odd sort of sweet he hadn't seen. He didn't bother asking, reaching over and taking one before plopping it into his mouth and carefully chewing the delicious treat as he listened to Sir Nemo's tale. He'd wanted to interrupt a dozen times, asking about his powers, how they went nutso, as well as how he met his love and where he was now.

He'd already grabbed several more Turkish delights subconsciously, waiting for a moment to ask all his questions. Before Dorian could ask, he was presented with a gift. The same package he'd seen the old man carrying outside was now being gifted to him. He pocketed the remaining Turkish Delights in order to free up his hands before delicately unwrapping the present. His eyes lit up, looking down at the gift, then towards Nemo, then back down at the gift. Inside lay a perfectly preserved dinosaur fossil, a front claw of the Spinosaurus. Aside from making an amazing room decoration, it was also a remarkable gift to even see given how most of these specimens fossils were lost during wars. "Por moi? T'ank you. I…t'ank you…"

Dorian was at a loss for words, which was saying a lot. In all his years he'd never heard of faculty giving students birthday presents, let alone to him. Was this Junior privilege? After years of being here did they start to give him recognition? His thoughts were cut off as he felt his phone vibrate within his pocket. He carefully placed the box on his lap before fishing out his phone and seeing Dannis' message towards the family group chat. It seemed he was already making plans to try and make amends for the jacket, they'd have to figure out where Percy was staying so they could drop it off later. Dorian sent a quick text back to Danni before he flipped his phone closed, placing it back into his pockets.

His eyes were still slightly red from the previous tears shed, but by now all of those feelings had washed away. There was a ghost of a smile on his face as he looked towards the gift once more. "Merci Sir Nemo. T'is means a lot to me, but I t'ink its time I rejoin mon amis. T'ey're probably worried about me. I'd hate to waste good tea…I'll bring it back after I drop off my gift in my room. Promise." Dorian grabbed the tea cup, placing the gift under his arm the same way that Nemo had been holding it when they ran into each other. Today was finally looking up again, a new revitalized pep in his step as he sipped at his tea while making his way up to room 602.

As he apporached his door however, he noticed a piece of paper taped to it. Dorian rolled his eyes, figuring that perhaps it was another weird note from some kid in this school. They were harmless love notes, something he and Danni could laugh about later as they guessed who could possibly be writing them. But he supposed it was par for the course when you had an online following and personality. He began to read the note, attempting to take a sip of his tea but freezing in horror instead. Without realizing it he'd let go, dropping the teacup as the sounds of shattering porcelain brought him away from the horrid words.


Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Jasmine began to answer his questions. The way she spoke, Maddie hoped she didn't take any offense to what he was asking. But in times like these they had to be sure about everything before doing something exceedingly risky. Merlin didn't shed any further light on the subject however. His answer towards Willow being vague and slightly concerning. Mads paced a small length of floor for a bit, trying to shake off his nerves as he thought about what to do next. For the first time he didn't like all this waiting around. Normally he wouldn't mind it, more time with Colby was always welcomed, but after their last moments together alone…he tried shaking the thoughts out.

"Right, so the Genie's good. That's helpful. But if he was freed before, why not free him again? Can he still grant wishes after he's been freed? I mean surely having a genie that isn't bound by the three wishes, free to use his magic to fight Maleficent would be a good thing right? Or is this one of those trade offs? He has these powers because he's confined and if we free him he's just a regular guy? Or perhaps a wizard of some kind?" Maddie rambled on before finally taking a seat next to Willow and placing his head on the table. The sensation of cold wood pressed against his chin helping to distract him from all his thoughts. "Whatever the case, we should free him once more after we've made our wishes."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Demi stayed by the exit door, coiled up around his head with his fangs bared at the beast. He continued to hiss at it until it eventually fell down with a loud thud before falling asleep. If snakes could sigh, Demetri would have. The constrictor's muscles began to loosen as his tension released. The danger was over for now, with Nancy having dealt the final blow. What he hadn't expected was her practically offering an olive branch. Handing him one half of the spoils of war and taking none for herself.

Cassian sat on the floor, watching as the rest unfolded before him. Bitterness and disappointment kept him company as he realized just how useless he was. Dionysus was probably somewhere up on Olympus rethinking his choice in son for having gone to this quest. No. He pushed those thoughts aside almost immediately as he looked down at his broken arm. He wasn't useless, if anything he was the most valuable member amongst them, thats why the Minotaur targeted him first. That's why he was taken out of the battle, because he was too useful. Kristin had called for Zeke's aid, handing him a flask of nectar. Cassian placed it to his side for after the healing from the son of Apollo.

Demi moved from where he hid, slithering up slowly as he began to shift back. He figured his powers still weren't working, so he opted for any male figure he could manage but the Goddess of Love had other plans it would seem. As he changed back he took on another feminine form, thankfully it wasn't the one Zeke had met before. He took the horn from Nancy's hand, stunned as he looked at it and her. "Th-thanks. But, you deserve something too…" He had an idea of what to give her, but it was something that would take time while on the road or back at camp. "I'm not too badly hurt, I can try and give us all a lift if we need it. Figure a dragon can cover a large amount of ground…or air…"

Cass rolled his eyes at Zeke as he asked if they could leave him injured for a moment longer before asking him to bite down on his book. "I'd rather bite something else." he mumbled out before Zeke stuffed his mouth with the spine. He was about to mumble something about how the only amazing quality he had was pissing others off when suddenly he was hit with Zeke's talents. There was a sharp pain as his bone shifted and twisted within his arm. A large groan reverberating through the notebook as Cassian tried hard not to kick Zeke when his leg twitched from the pain.

He wanted nothing more than for Zeke to hurry up, the charming smile had now seemed a cruel joke as he knew what he was about to do. Before long his bone was set and Zeke began to heal him. The immediate rush of energy felt warm and inviting, allowing for Cassian to greatly relax. It felt like a warm summer's day sitting within a wheat field as the sun's rays gently caressed his face. For a moment he could tell why Demetri had fallen for him. Cassian took his hand, lifting himself up with Zeke's aid as he grabbed the flask of nectar on the way up. He handed Zeke back his notebook before taking a small sip of Nectar from the flask. Both to help with the process as well as to remove the taste of Zeke's well traveled book. The sweet taste of lavender, vanilla, and black tea washed through his mouth before vanishing. "Thanks. Though maybe we can invest in something a little less well-traveled for a mouth guard." He said chuckling.
Dorian Gray

Location: Fair > Nemos Office
Skills: First Day Fit

Tears streamed down his face as Dorian sniffled, wiping them from his eyes as he floated onwards. The brief action must've caused him not to notice the old man that was before him. A question hung in the back of his mind, wondering if he had been there a second ago, before it was instantly replaced with warning bells. He looked down at his hands, they were still spectral as was he, so how was this man capable of seeing him. Wait. How was it that he bumped off him at all? When the man finally spoke, it sent a brief chill down his spine like a child who'd been caught. But as he heard his words and tone, Dorian's shoulders relaxed as tension melted away.

He didn't know what to say, or even if he could be heard at all. What he did know was that for some reason this man's presence felt comforting. Maybe it was the fake accent, or the kind offer of tea and an ear to listen. So he simply nodded his head silently as he followed the strange man down the school corridors. Not more than a few steps in and Percy came running right past them, stumbling down to the floor and landing on his knees. Dorian wanted to extend a hand to help him, lift him up, but he was certain that he was the last person Percy wanted help from. Diana's voice called out from behind them and Dorian took that as a sign to leave towards Nemo's office. It was a short walk, only down a couple corridors as they made it towards a door that opened up to one of the strangest rooms.

Most of the furniture was dark wood, oak if he had to guess. It looked like something his father would love. Decorations littered the room with knick knacks and various chotchkies that seemed to span from the distant past to the far off future. Some of the items even seemed legit if it wasn't for the fact that time travel didn't exist. As Dorian's eyes danced around the room, across a battered old trunk, down to Nemos desk, there sat an old photograph. It was worn enough that the faces weren't visible anymore. Or so it seemed through his mist covered eyes. He flickered in and out of view for a moment before he gave one last sniffle and came back from the Astral Plane.

"You're not a fish"

Those were the first words that he said to the man. He sat in an empty chair, chewing on his lower lip as he tried to think about what to say. Why did he follow him? Why didn't he just head to his dorm? Finally he let out an exasperated groan before flopping his arms and head onto Nemos desk. "Today sucks." He mumbled into the desk, cheek pressed against the cold dark wood. "It's my birthday, none of my friends even got me gifts, my best friend in the whole wide world ruins an amazing meetcute with this adorable guy, and then I get yelled because my powers go astray, and everyone's watching, and it's so much pressure to be the one who does things right, and I just wanted to have fun at the Carnival while eating food, getting readings, and meeting cute boys!" Another exasperated groan came out as he buried his head into his arms.

"I just wish I could turn back the clock…start today over."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie wasn't sure how he felt about Merlin's answer. Surely they needed a bit more magic (and luck) on their side, but to have rescued the genie only to use it for its wishes? Something about that just felt wrong. It didn't help that in every story he'd ever heard, Genies were known to twist the words of wishes and grant MonkeyPaw-like situations. So how would this be any different? An Atlantean army seemed interesting enough, but how would Mer creatures help in a battle at land? Or was there another secret to this approach that Maddie wasn't seeing? His eyebrows knitted themselves together as he tried to think, only softening in their demeanor when Willow spoke up again.

His stomach twisted in knots, his hand moving over it in an attempt to placate it. If Maddie didn't like the idea of using genie wishes before, he certainly didn't like it after Willow's question. The idea that anyone would be someone's master. No. That wasn't right, but what was the right answer? He realized his silence had carried for too long now, a small sigh escaping him. "Can we trust this genie? What if they twist our wishes? And while I don't agree with Willow's terminology, who would be the one making such wishes?" He'd had other thoughts, ideas, but he kept those to himself for now until his other questions were answered.
Dorian Gray

Skills: First Day Fit

Danni had continued to panic, his emotions getting the better of him as they escalated. Dorian could feel his heart thrashing within his chest, it felt tight and like he couldn't breathe as the chaos continued to ensue around him. His best friend and brother was now yelling at the freshie he burned which only seemed to agitate the situation more. He hated that he couldn't talk to them right now, Danni started getting tears just before he finally got his treat. But he then went to try to snag the jacket from Percy's hands and Dorian's spectral eyes went wide. How was today going so wrong? This moment felt like an eternity already.

Leah tried mending the situation with humor, which to her credit at least she tried. But now didn't seem like the moment to joke around, maybe afterwards or in a day or two sure, but at this point in time there were three ticking time bombs that were delicately set to explode and Dorian hardly was able to diffuse two of them in his current state. Hopefully Diana could - steal a candy bar? Great big help Diana. Lucky enough she understood the situation and knew they meant no harm. The tightness in Dorian's chest slowly began releasing, as he calmed down a little more. But as he was about to try and manifest himself, all hell broke loose.

Percy, started laughing. His eye twitched, his demeanor changed, and his words became like knives. If Dorian was having a bad day, Percy was having it three times worse. Between his reaction and the tone of April's voice as she tried to apologize for him while stammering over her own words, Dorian felt something snap inside. Like a cord being pulled too tight and then a deep sense of cold. His chest was icy and his breathing shallow as he watched in horror everything that played out before him. Today was the start of his first day at AA as a Junior, but today was also his seventeenth birthday…and everything just went to shit.

His powers quickly began to react to his panic. Shifting him in and out of the Astral Plane while maintaining his spectral form so that only a ghostly visage would flicker in and out of view to all those there. He was holding the treats in his hands, staring blankly at the space between Danni, April, and where Percy and stood. "This is de worst birthday of my life. 'ow could t'is 'ave gone so bad? How…I…" I never meant to…I never wanted to…" Tears began to well down his cheeks. Ghostly streaks falling and vanishing halfway through the air. There was a final whisper "I gotta go" before Dorian vanished again and most of the treats fell towards the ground.

There was a small trail of snacks, falling towards the same direction that Percy had left for. Though Dorian was headed to one of the same places he always ran to when he had troubles. His room. Normally he'd sulk under the Wych Elm, but with the Carnival happening and the new rumors running amok, Dorian didn't feel like crying in front of a new spectral friend. So the trail would lead towards his dorm, bits of sweets raining past Percy as he flew on by.
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