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✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

The trek had once again been uneventful. Hell's even the night watch before hadn't come up with anything. He kept pace alongside the caravan, keeping his eyes peeled (figuratively speaking as he still looked half asleep) for any signs of trouble up ahead. He'd no longer cared for the threats of rain or misty beasts that the others had spoken of the day before. It was clear now they were doing nothing more than attempting to scare him off, as if he was some child that could be gotten rid of so easily. Tch. Annoyance ran through Ermes as he kicked a small pebble a few feet ahead of him, listening to it tumble across the packed dirt road before them before falling silent in the grass. There wasn't much to do, and he sure as hell didn't feel like striking up a conversation right now, not like they'd be able to hold one without yelling as Lilan played her music.

It was when the horse began to act strangely that Ermes immediately went on guard. He didn't show it, still looking as disheveled and exhausted as always, but he slowly made his way towards the front of the caravan to see what was going on. Perhaps it was something that was on the other side where he couldn't see, but only a few steps further would reveal the limping wolf that collapsed just before them. Almost imperceptible, there was a secondary movement coming from the nearby underbrush. It was only for a split second, but the movement was large just before going entirely still. "Hey buddy it's alright. Just a wolf down on his luck, no need to get spooked." he said talking to the horse in a flat manner as he positioned himself with his back towards the underbrush while facing Ceolfric.

Had Ermes been alone he would've already acted, but now there were too many people, too many variables, and a very concerning set of eyes that may disapprove of such soloist behavior. So he opted for teamwork, whispering to Ceolfric so that only he could hear him. "Tell the others, there's someone or something else here, behind me in the underbrush. I saw it moving. While you're at it, try and find it's mind if you think you can do it without being noticed." Ermes gesticulated towards the wolf, throwing random shrugs and other such notions into his body language and make him seem clueless to mask that he was passing the message along to Ceolfric.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Demetri could feel Zeke's eyes boring holes into him. A few times he almost caved and looked up at him, his head shifting up slightly before inevitably looking back down. How could he look at his boyfriend right now? With everything that was happening with him. Kristin suggested splitting into teams for night watches, it made sense and allowed for everyone to get some good rest. She volunteered herself to go first as she attempted to find someone to watch with her when Zeke abruptly gripped Demi's wrist and volunteered them both. That was enough to catch Demi's attention and force him to look up. He was actually looking forward to getting some rest, at least in sleep he couldn't be a hindrance. He knew he couldn't back down from this now though, it would look bad and so he simply decided to go along with it. "Yeah easy peasy. We got first watch, you should all get some rest while we can." he said with a cheeky grin.

Nancy didn't seem too pleased with the idea of staying on the train. After all she was the one to suggest that they head off the tracks and find a new way to the city. But the majority ruled here, whether that was the right call or not was yet to be seen. So Cassian listened along as the task of taking shifts was being delved out. As much as he would love to take one with Nancy and figure out where all the animosity was coming from, he doubted she would ever actually allow for such a thing to happen. That left Kristin or Janelle as his potential watch partners since apparently Zeke and Demi were taking first watch. Something told him Janelle and Nancy might be a bad mix, so perhaps it was best if…"I'll take watch with Janelle when the time comes. So Nancy and Kristin that leaves you two together."

Demi followed Zeke towards the back of the train car, noting that Zeke had pointed out a window seat for him. Why did this feel like the watch was an excuse to have a talk? A part of him wished it was Zeke's way of stealing a sliver of time for themselves, but deep down Demi knew there had to be more to it. He didn't fight it, following along as he took the window seat in the car and looked up at Zeke with a large smile. "Don't gotta tell me twice, I'm sure we'll be walking a leg of this journey at some point so I'll take the sitting while I can." he replied in a playful manner, clearly trying to avoid whatever it was Zeke was up to. Demi tapped the seat next to him. "You going to join? Or are you standing the whole way?" he said before he turned to look out the window and watch the scenery go by.

Once all of that was settled, Cassian moved over to a far off seat. It wasn't so much that he was avoiding the others, however he felt as though the two lovebirds were trying to steal some alone time together. It was admirable he supposed, trying to get as much affection as you could before facing certain doom or dying. History was plagued by stories of lovers who died together in an embrace or some tragic way that connected them, so why couldn't those two? He quickly went through his inventory of things, making sure nothing was out of place before curling up on the seat. If anything was to happen, Zeke and Demi should be able to wake him before it was too late. His bag was ties to his arm, hugging it so that others couldn't steal from it.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie was a bit surprised by Willow's touch. He hadn't expected it, though it wasn't exactly unwelcome either. It was nice, reassuring even, a way to ground him and remind him that this was all real and that he wouldn't just be waking up back at his apartment or worse, the orphanage. He let out a relaxed sigh at the brief interaction before Willow had begun to speak again. Hurry up and wait if that wasn't an understatement. He wasn't sure how well a passive wish would work for them, binding Maleficent and her goons was all well and good but chances were if they were capable of doing what they've done so far, then they might be capable of breaking that wish. As much as he hated to admit it, a more permanent solution might be the best idea.

Maddie felt as Colby's leg pressed against his. Butterflies swarming inside of him once more. This still felt like a dream. His boyfriend, Colby, right here with him. Never in a million years did Maddie think he'd actually be dating him, his best friend and crush. "Not sure putting them all in one place is a good idea. Too many brains helping each other figure a way out. Especially with that Rumple. All he does is find ways to weasel words into his favor." Maddie could feel Colbys angstyness. He understood, he had it too. Too many things were going well and now there was downtime, that usually meant catastrophe was around the corner. Mads placed his hand on Colbys thigh, giving it a gentle squeeze before rubbing it up and down. "Hey, why don't we go get some food. Doubt we'll get another chance in the moments to come."
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Of Course the redhead was waiting for Agatha as well. It was as if the world was out to get him today. He'd decided, seventeen was now officially his unlucky number, a cursed number, that was the only explanation for the horrid day he had been having so far. Dorian knew that Captain Nemo the not fish was trying to make it better, and he did, but only for that moment of time that he was within his office. A part of Dorian wondered if maybe he shouldn't have left just yet. After all, had he stayed even a few minutes later, he never would've run into Teddy, and he wouldn't have seen that disgusted look on Diana's brother's face, and perhaps then this redhead wouldn't be in line and would have already finished with her reading. The monotonous tone of the little redhead added to it all. What was with the freshman this year? Was he this bad when he first entered?

All his thoughts were mentally swept under the rug as the tent flaps opened once more. Dorian tried to take a peek inside, seeing only a concerning look upon Agatha's face before the flaps closed behind the gingered student. The student who left however, had a remarkably cute compact within her hands. Perhaps he could try and make some light out of this situation and find someone to talk to to ease his mind while he waited. "I like your compact!" he blurted out without thought. Dorian groaned to himself, pinching the bridge of his nose (a bad habit of both his fathers) before sitting on the bench the previous student had been eating at. There was a long sigh as he looked down at the ground. "Sorry. I've had a very bad day today, so my mind's not all there right now. But that is a cute compact, reminds me of Sailor Moon almost. Very magical girl kawaii." Dorian punctuated the end with a sideways peace sign next to his eye. Although his heart wasn't fully in it.

Dorian's phone buzzed to a soft jingle before he fished it out of his pocket by the charm. He flipped it open, seeing the text message from April. Even before reading the message, just seeing her name on his screen gave him reason to crack a smile.
Attached to the text was the image of the note that Dorian had taken earlier so that the pair of them could see. He flipped his phone closed again before putting it back into his pocket. "Sorry about that. Friends are trying to find me. I kinda…ran off on them."
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Current Outfit

Whoever the girl was towards the end of the hall, had disappeared into another room. Max figured he'd get to meet the rest in time, though he wouldn't have minded if she had decided to join them in on the conversation. There was a mental shrug within his mind as he moved his attention back towards those at hand. It didn't take a telepath to see that Max had already made Neil some form of nervous, as the guy politely declined his offer to investigate his magical curse further. Max took a step back, a tinge of pink barely hitting his cheeks as embarrassment washed over him. His interest in magic had caused him to forget this man was a complete stranger to him. "Right. Sorry…" he replied sheepishly towards Neil.

Bethany was kind enough to interject into the conversation, both answering his question about what this man's name was, as well as offering to take them towards the Kitchen for the first leg of their tour. He gave her a polite smile as he nodded in agreeance before Neil added towards his name. "Spellman, Spellman? Spellman!" Max said with a snap of his fingers as the name finally clicked into place. "That's soooo cool! Oh, that kinda changes things huh? Are there Halliwells? Cromwells? Sandersons? Or…it could just be a common family last name where you're from too I guess." the end coming off with a chuckle as his nerves hit again. The Mutant name hit home as well, it marked an important time for witches and magical practitioners, but Max didn't want to dig his hole too deep so he kept quiet on that front. Full glad when Mary decided to take point on finally getting this tour moving along.

"No worries Mary, I'm not naturally the distrusting type. I mean some of the people I've worked alongside…well…let's just say it required a lot of trust." Max wasn't about to mention how he willingly followed Emma Frost, or paired up with Magneto, or that the entirety of WandaWorld required him to do nothing but trust, mostly because two out of three of those were about old known enemies of the X-men and he didn't need to create bad blood this early. As Mary listed the names of those who were at the mall that he might know, his smile quivered for a second at the mention of Guin and Pietro. One of them had threatened his life several times, the other…well she felt slighted back then and he'd hoped she'd have gotten over it by now. He didn't recognize Carolina's name, nor Annie's; perhaps she was one of the ones on the other two teams. But Lance had to have been the cute Australian, except what was he doing all the way out here?

Max tried to make small talk as they walked down the hall, starting with Mary before moving on towards the others. "Should be nice seeing them all again. I kept trying to do a reunion back when I was with the Underground but…well a lot happened between then and now so there was never really a good time. Though I did meet up with Novikova at one point. Big Help. Oh but enough about me, what about you guys? Mary I know a little bit about but Bethany and Neil what're your powers? If…that's ok asking that is." as they stopped by the door to the kitchen, Max began to open it when he saw the girl earlier, a child, and…Ed?! His heart beat so fast as if he was running in a nightmare, his chest felt tight, taking one step towards him slowly before - "Ed?" His voice cracked slightly as he fought back the lump in his throat. He was dead. How could he be alive if he was dead? It didn't matter. Max rushed towards his fellow purveyor of the mystic arts and gave him a tight hug. "Ed I didn't think I'd see you again. How? When?" It had been 8 months since Max last saw Ed, 8 months since his death on Max's birthday.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Nancy's initial comment caught Demetri by surprise. She doesn't have a problem with me? The words felt almost reassuring for a moment until she had continued to speak, launching another jab at his heart. How anyone could consider Aphrodite his bestie was beyond him. He clearly had no love for the Goddess at the moment. Yet before Demi could say anything Nancy had already moved her attention towards the next target of her verbal assault, Cassian. For a girl who had previously just been preaching about togetherness and comradery, she sure knew how to pick her own teammates apart. He crossed his arms, looking towards his boyfriend wondering if he would back him up in this.

Cassian took a step backwards as he was addressed by Nancy. Her stern voice was enough to make him wonder what it is that he had done to gain such ire from her. It felt more than simple Greek Roman rivalry, deeper almost. As if his existing somehow offended her very being. But he'd never met her till they'd come to camp, so how was it that in such a short time he fucked up so badly? Zeke served to ease the growing tension, adding a bit of light hearted humor into his words, though his shoulder push seemed a little to hetero for his liking. Cassian simply tried to smile back at Zeke as he tucked a hair behind his ear. "Right. Children of Apollo, should've known better than to attempt to join in." he said, trying his best at a light hearted tone, but hiding the clear bit of insult that he felt from the exclusion.

Zeke’s reassurance never came. It seemed in this matter at the very least, he had his sisters back. Demetri hadn't felt so small as he did at this moment. His crossed arms slowly lowered down until one hand gingerly held the other's wrist. What other talents did Demetri have? Aside from being a constant screw up and sandbag to the party? If he didn't have his powers…he didn't have anything. Even at this moment Zeke felt distant to him, as if he was just out of reach. His voice was low, almost a whisper, as he replied back to him. "Right." was all he could muster out. He didn't dare meet Zeke's eyes, once again finding the car's floor far more interesting.

Cassian shifted his weight to one side as he listened in to everyone's opinions. On one hand the train and its advantages. It traveled faster than any other mode they had access to right now, and as Zeke pointed out, they could attempt to manipulate the small space to their advantage again. The biggest issue was the passengers. Mortals could get finicky with all the fighting, what's more they were a potential distraction for Janelle and her hearing abilities that she needed for fighting. What was a boon to some was a bane to others. But in the end…"I'm with Artemis and Apollo over here. This trains our best bet. We should stay on it for as long as we are able and defend to the best that we can. If we reach a point where authorities may be an issue, well we ditch and run."

Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion
Skills: Current Outfit

Flashes of a life long gone ran behind Max's eyes at the mention of Mary. Images of the ginger mutant displayed in his minds eye as a shiver ran down his spine. He had hoped to avoid her for the time being. If his memory served him, she was 'the crazy one' who's very touch envenomed one of their own back in New Orleans. People were different back then, not all was as it seemed, and even the best of them had gone rogue at one point or another. Still, he wasn't quite sure about what to think of Mary at the moment. He realized he'd grown silent, tugging at the edge of his sleeve as he'd thought of how to respond to Bethany before finally rubbing the back of his neck embarrassed. A light chuckle following suit before he finally spoke. "Sorry it's a bit of a long commute from New Orleans to here, so I figured it'd be much easier to simply open a portal between places."

Max looked around the hallway, taking in the sights once more before continuing. "So this is the dorm hallway huh? Hope I didn't disturb anyone, I was jus-" Another person emerged from one of the dorm rooms. Max wondered if they were paired up or if each person got their own room. But something the man had said caught his attention, as if new people weren't interesting enough he brought up two enticing subjects. "I'm sorry a curse? Is it magical in nature? Who else has it? Think I could take a look at it? How'd it even come about? And wait…did you say Lance?" Max recalled the cute kid they'd rescued back in Australia, but quickly dismissed the thought. "Never mind the last question, I doubt its the same guy." he said as his nerves got the best of him and made him ramble.

He tried to create a glass bottle of sparkling water, something to keep his mouth occupied so that he didn't continuously ramble. There was a slight wave of his hand, the magic flowing just above the surface when a new voice cut into the conversation. Instantly the nebulous energy dispersed as Max was hit with an overwhelming presence. Something had entered into the room alongside Mary, it felt powerful and, if Max had to savor a guess based on the intensity of that power, ancient. When his eyes met hers, fire flashed across them, gone by the next moment that he'd blinked. This wasnt good. He cleared his throat, before giving her a smile and trying to play it off. "Ah yeah, Wandaworld. Not a lot of time to get to know everyone fully there, but I made some great connections I'd say. We met briefly at the…Lebeau Casino yeah? I'd shake your hand but…I distinctly recall that being a bad thing I think?" Max turned so that he was facing all three of them now.

"For those who don't know me already I'm Maximillian Gray, former member of the Mutant Underground. Sorry for the random portal I just needed a quick way to get here from New Orleans. You know how it is, trying to spend as much time as I can with the family before finally leaving for here. I guess you could say I'm the newest addition to Xavier's and…a bit thirsty. Any chance this tour will have sparkling water?" Max spied another figure down the hall, though she hadn't interacted with the group so far so he moved his attention back to those before him. "So Bethany, Mary, aaaand I don't think I caught your name?" The man was handsome, and had Max been single he would've easily attempted to slip in a flirtatious comment as well.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

It appeared the genie had some lack of control with his own powers. That is if granting wishes happened just by speaking them and not out of his intention. With that new bit of information Maddie decides it was probably best that they did keep him within the confines of the lamp. Although a part of him wondered if perhaps those negatives were merely a drawback of the lamp itself, or was it truly something to do with the genie. Maddie let out a soft groan as he turned his head on the table, looking towards Colby in the room.

Save for the few disgruntled men injured in the next rooms over, it was fairly peaceful within Rapunzel's tower. For the first time in a while it felt as though they could relax. His muscles, or what little he had of them, ached from the days running, trudging through sand, and all the adventures they'd been having. Hells even the last time they had a chance to rest it was interrupted by a murder of crows bashing into the room through a window. This. This was a nice change of pace. "May as well as for an anti-maleficent sniper and Jafar encapsulating gem." Maddie said, giggling at the idea of wishing for a grenade.

✧ Location: Soft Haven - Bounty House ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Eila was rather quiet as they worked together to prepare the meal. Save for the few instructions she had given him, he could see that she was lost within the trappings of her own mind. Ermes kept his head down then, doing as he was dutifully told and chopping some ingredients before setting them off to the side and working on others. There was apparently some order to how they were to be thrown in, he held his tongue as he wished to ask her a million questions only to pepper her with a million more afterwards. He wanted to understand why they went in like this, how she came about to know the recipe, and what it meant for her or her home. Stews were a dime a dozen, but what went in and what it's taste was always varied from place to place and hearth to hearth. There were a few moments in which he found himself opening his mouth, only for nothing to come out before quickly closing his lips again and chastising himself silently.

He kept his gaze locked on the stew before him. Watching as the broth bubbled and boiled, turning pieces of meat and vegetables around inside it. A few ingredients from the bottom came tumbling up to peek through before falling right back down towards the bottom. It smelled amazing, and the sounds of his stomach could be heard over the roar of the fire. Ermes placed a hand over his stomach, trying to silence it before Eila finally broke the silence. She smiled, but with this current experience he began to wonder how genuine it was. Was that tainted truly better company than he was? He smiled, back thanking her before giving the pot another stir. What she said next made his blood cold. So that's what she was thinking about this whole time.

"I only have one. I'm not quite sure what Kyreth is doing on this mission, but I don't believe he's here to pass our examination. With that…I don't think there's a need for him to stay up and take watch." He offered no solution yet as to who would watch alongside Lilan, but he had no trust for those two to be sneaking off together to do a watch alone. They conspired with whispers every chance they could, for all he knew they'd all wake next morning dead and looted while they went off to tell of some horrid beast that ravaged a group of travelers. No. Ermes wasn't about to become one of Storyborns tall tales.

Dorian Gray

Location: 6th Floor > Stark Hall > Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Panic set in as Dorian's mind scrambled for what to do next. There were at least 5 things he felt needed to be done, and each felt important enough to do first; which of course meant not a single one got done at the moment. He froze, staring at the note with the image of the shattered cup in his mind. Finally he began to react, grabbing his phone out of his pocket and taking a picture of the note posted on his door. Never knew if some fucker would try to tamper with it somehow. He snatched the note, folding it and placing it into his pocket before barreling into his own dorm room. He made a large sweeping motion with the side of one foot, gathering all the bits of porcelain into a pile to the side of the door where even Danni wouldn't be able to accidentally step on it. At a loss for words and thoughts, Dorian simply went over to his gaming desk and dropped off the package. Hands placed to either side of it as he stared blankly at the wall for a moment.





Dorian took deep slow breaths, trying hard to calm his frazzled nerves. His eyes searched wildly for an answer in the air before him. As if the textured walls of Stark Hall dorms would somehow shift and change to show him an abstract answer in the form of a rorschach test. To his dismay they did no such thing, but he caught a glimpse of something he'd taken earlier, a poster meant to drum up hype for today's Carnival. He enjoyed keepsakes like these, and he was certain the school wouldn't miss one poster. His eyes were drawn towards the bottom center of the images, in the style of old Circus Posters, there was an illustrated image of Agatha Harkness, hands spread as tarot cards arced downwards. If anyone could help him find answers, Agatha could, and today was her last day at Avengers Academy. Sir Nemo had mentioned she was here till sundown, but that felt too far off to get answers, he needed them now.

Dorian bolted out the door, slamming it behind him as he made a mad dash towards the elevator. Impatiently pressing the button repeatedly as he waited for the elevator to come back up. He thought about phasing down for a moment, but given how this morning had gone so far…it was probably best he didn't. Finally reprieve came as he heard the familiar ding as the doors opened up before him and he begged it to go down. The ride was quick, but to him it was an eternity. He'd forgotten all about texting his friends to let them know where he was heading, he had a mission and that was all that was in his mind. As soon as the elevator doors opened, Dorian ran forward, not seeing where he was going and somehow missing the hulk of a man that was before him.

There was a hard thud as Dorian ran into Teddy, then another as he fell flat on his ass. Immediately he scanned his surroundings to see what had happened, quickly noting Teddy before seeing Percy, Diana, and a girl he'd never met before. He quickly got up, rubbing his sore bum as he began to apologize profusely. "Apologies mon ami! I didn't see you there, I don't know where my 'ead is at today…" He couldn't help but see through Teddy, seeing the boy he'd accidentally possessed just mere moments ago. Oh how fate was cruel to him today. A part of him wondered if he was the one responsible for the note, but then again he was a freshman so it wouldn't have explained the ones before today.

Dorian cleared his throat, embarrassed and anxious to leave this situation. "Sorry, uh , again, I 'ave to go. Auriez-vous" he said in a hurried tone, making his way past Teddy and Diana alongside her brother. He tried not to make eye contact, keeping his gaze down, worried he'd run into another person this way. Once he was clear of those two he could look back up again. Five feet cleared, and Dorian looked up once more as he ran towards Agatha's tent, his breathing sharp and erratic until he'd finally reached his target location. There was a red-headed student waiting outside as she ate something. Dorian froze feet away, anxiously dancing in place as he cursed his luck. "Fuck. Are you waiting for Agatha too? Or just waiting for someone inside?"
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