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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demi smiled at his boyfriend before taking back his jacket, slinging it on himself. He pressed another kiss onto his cheek before poking his nose with his pointer finger. "Since you apparently became a nightlight. Did you know you glow when you sleep Z?" Demetri hadn't noticed it the night before when Zeke had snuck into Zeus' cabin and spent the night, mostly because they'd had actual covers and pillows to help block the dim glow. That amongst other reasons. "It's cute though, if not a bit difficult to sleep with. Anyways, foods on the table what're we feeling? Personally I could go for a little Cheeky Nandos but I'll settle for a Whopper. Z?" he asked all smiles, dimples in full view.

The smile quickly faded as he spotted Aphrodite again, rounding another corner before disappearing once more. Demi bit his lower lip pensively as he debated on what to do next. "Rain check actually. Just saw an old friend who's asking me to follow her again. May as well see what she wants first before I go eat. Wait for me Z?" Demi said, annoyance coursing through his voice. Perhaps he'd passed her little test, maybe she was here to lift whatever curse she'd placed on him. Either way he made off towards her direction hoping to see her again and figure exactly what was going on.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

It appeared that no one had any input on a faster mode of transportation. It wasn't that Cassian wasn't grateful for the tickets that Janelle had purchased them, on the contrary it was a leisure few could experience as Demi-Gods even if they were just recently attacked, but the fact of the matter was that they were killing time. They'd moved one state over in a manner of hours, had a four hour layover to wait out and then had who knew how many more states to cross. Back home he'd only ever ridden one train, a bullet train meant for expediency. He'd hoped the one they were boarding cross country was one of the same, but if it was it didn't seem like it. But maybe that was just the nerves talking.

As Kristin listed off the different locations nearby, Cassian could feel his stomach rumble. The irritating gurgle distracted him from what it was he was trying to think of. A name just at the tip of his tongue, but each time he came close to sounding it out his stomach pestered again. He groaned in annoyance before lifting his head back wondering how safe they would be on a plane. "Damn, TacoBell really sounds good right now." he paused. "Damn? Damn, damn, damn, damnation! We could try and bribe the Chariot of Damnation! Normally they only operate in New York but if we have enough drachmas we can certainly attempt it. We're only one state out so far, so if ever we wanted to try them now's the time. Even if we can't make it all the way we have the train tickets so we can catch the train the rest of the way."
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Current Outfit

Max mouthed the name OfAll silently to himself as she explained her powers before turning around to fetch him something. A smile tugging at the corner of his lips as she produced a bottle of sparkling water. He couldn't help but chuckle at himself as he uncapped the drink halfway, letting the carbonation seep out slowly before fully opening the bottle to take a sip. "Oh so you saw that. Not my best display at my powers but…pretty on par when you consider what it is I'm trying to do." He laughed again before taking another swig, listening to Bethany's burning question. He was about to reply to her when Neil had brought up his uncle. Suddenly Max didn't feel so thirsty.

He set the bottle down onto the counter, looking towards Neil with sympathy. "I'm sorry to hear that Spellman, I didn't mean to bring up any bad memories." Ed seemed to be quiet during all of this. Max couldn't tell if it was a good thing or a bad thing. There was the chance that Ed had already pieced it together, and that was one conversation Max wasn't ready to have. He went to grab his drink once more when the mansion suddenly began to shake. Max slid off the countertop trying to remember if New York got Earthquakes. "Sorry Bethany, gonna have to take a rain check on that question." He said with a flat smile before following Mary out of the mansion.

What he saw shocked him. The garden was set ablaze, Pyro was standing there quoting 'I Love Lucy' loosely, and Sabertooth was just around the- wait Sabertooth was what? Max felt the wind knocked out of him as the hulking beast ran into him, tackling him to the ground while clawing at his shoulder. He turned his head to the side as the heat of Sabertooths breath grazed his skin. "Awe come on! Pyro, it's barely been a year! You'd think you would've taken a vacation or something!" Max yelled, past his assailant in an annoyed tone before looking back towards him. "Sorry buddy, I'm taken and you're not my type." He said as his body suddenly disappeared from view, leaving only a black swirling void surrounded by a golden ring for a brief moment before it collapsed in on itself. The area around would feel cold, all heat sapped from it as the same dark sphere reappeared where Max teleported. Only…inches away from Sabertooth and buried shoulder deep into the ground.

For a moment Max had thought he'd somehow shrunk himself, everyone else was towering above him until he realized he couldn't move his arms or legs. Great. His second mutation wasn't the most trusty of things, using it only in situations he found difficult to weave his magic, and unfortunately for him being buried underground was one of them. He gave a silent curse towards himself, hoping the others hadn't seen what had happened before finally disappearing and reappearing several feet away from Sabertooth. Looking around and trying to find the best approach to dealing with these two.
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian opened the flaps to Agatha's tent, leaving the occult enclosed space to once again join in the rest of the Carnival activities. His face dropped slightly as he noticed Mary Sue wasn't there. Looking back over his shoulder he thought to himself Surely I wasn't in there for that long…right? He didn't know what he'd expected, maybe a new friend? Or perhaps at least an acquaintance. He let out a small sigh, as he stood there alone. Danni was always better at making friends than he was, hell Dorian was fairly certain most of his friends were ones Danni had brought along that ended up liking him as well. He pulled his phone out, seeing that both messages had been read by April and Danni and yet…

Dorian tried not to dwell on it. After all he just had a totally crash tarot reading that told him he had a love life to look forward to. Not only that but a cosmically important one at that! He was definitely feeling the aster right about now and no amount of Mary Sue's or other freshies would get him down. Besides maybe she had to use the restroom? He didn't exactly want to move away from his spot, he'd already told all of his friends to meet him here, but he also didn't want to look like the sad guy that's all alone at a Carnival. So instead he opted for the 'shy nerdy guy that's all alone' approach. Setting himself down on the same bench he'd spoken to the ginger freshman at before, straddling the seat as he reached into his bag and pulled out his steam deck.

He was about to power it on to load up his last save file when he noticed a familiar figure off in the distance. One Percy Novikova, grade A asshole and apparent childhood sweetheart as told by the cards. Dorian had read many enemies to lovers tropes, but he didn't think that was something that actually happened. Still.
He felt a sort of unease, a mixture of annoyance, sadness, and a strange fluttering inside his stomach. Oh gods was the Carnival food fighting against him? One hand fell towards his stomach instinctively, feeling to see if there was anything wrong. When he didn't feel anything he simply opted to ignore it and go back to his game, the black screen revealing to himself a slight smile on his face.

Dorian rolled his eyes at the image. Clearly gaming wasn't what he needed at the moment. He stuffed the device back into his bag, frustrated as he wondered why he felt the need to go up to Percy and attempt to talk to him. But he knew now wasn't the time, what's more he seemed to have a small entourage now. If Dorian was going to approach the subject it would be more private. Instinctively he reached his hand down the collar of his shirt, pulling out the new token given to him by Agatha. Fiddling with it in his hands until a stray beam of light reflected off the surface and into his eye. "Fuck." Dorian grunted as he dropped the pendant as he looked away and saw that his friends were at the wrong tent. "Well shit Aggie, t'at pendant has more use t'an I t'ought." he chuckled to himself as he stood up.

Dorian began to wave at his friends as he called out to them, something he was certain no one could ignore. While normally soft spoken to a degree, when it came to screaming matches he was top of the line. His parents used to joke they thought his real mutant ability was the power of his voice. " 'ey! Who let Danni be in charge of findin' me? We all know 'e 'as no sense of direction." he teased as he broke into a light jog towards the groups. He noticed April and Sabine holding hands, and simply smiled while choosing not to say anything about it. "Crisis averted! Good ol Aggie put some gris gris on the stalker and now t'ey won't be botherin me anymore!"

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Grand Central Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri was glad to have the first watch over with. Sure he got to spend time with his boyfriend, but they still had to be somewhat responsible. When the time came for their portion to end, Demi had untangled himself from Zeke and gone over to Cassian to let him know his shift was up. Once that was settled he'd gone back towards the wonderful son of Apollo and tugged on his shirt collar to let him know they were moving into a hopefully more…private corner of the car. Away from everyone's immediate view. He'd tried to get some sleep, enjoying a bit of pillow talk with Zeke in between long yawns that kept threatening slumber but always just a bit away. A few times he was woken up by Zeke, he didn't know if all of Apollo's children did this, but there was a slight glow about him when he slept. Like a blanket of light. It'd be cute if it wasn't keeping him awake.

Demi did the only thing he knew to do, he quietly slipped off of Zeke from their little cuddle spot in the chairs, and took off his jacket, throwing it over his boyfriend before going back to cuddling him. The next few hours were quiet and pleasant. He'd hardly noticed all the stops they'd made until the major one in which Kristin got everyone up for. Demi stood up, leaving his jacket abandoned on Zeke as he mirrored Kristin's sentiment and stretched with a big yawn, shifting back towards his normal self as he did so. "A bit of walking around might do some good actually. If I stay in here I'm likely to sleep all the way down to Los Angeles." He gently nudged Zeke at his shoulder, lifting the jacket slightly before pressing a kiss to his lips and dropping it back down. "Z, rise and shine. Gonna go stretch our legs a bit."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Grand Central Station.

Once Demetri had woken him up, Cassian rubbed at his eyes wishing he had just an ounce more time to sleep. He got up from his seat, making his way towards Janelle and sitting by her letting her know it was their turn to watch. Part of him wished to speak to her, to talk throughout to the watch and see how it is that she's doing. It had to be difficult, being surrounded by the man she liked and the one he left her for, all while thrust into a quest that seemed almost hopeless. If the destination wasn't enough, nor the monsters littering the way, it was the meddling gods and titan that awaited them. Cassian hoped that whatever it was Aphrodite was putting Demetri through, that he could figure it out so they could gain favor with a god to defeat the titan.

Fortunately for them, the watch went uneventful. Cassian kept to himself, trying to minimize the amount of noise he made so that Janelle could focus on what she needed for their watch. He hadn't fully considered the notion of putting a blind person to do a watch, but he also didn't want to discredit her potential abilities simply because of how she was born. He looked out the window, watching as the final rays of light began to hit the ground and colored the sky red. They'd made their first major stop, and it felt as if almost no progress was made. "All this and we've made it only one state over…we've got so many more to go. There has to be a faster way. How else do our kind travel such long distances in such a short time?"

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie gladly took Colbys hand, a goofy smile plastered across his face as he put his hand into Colbys and stood up. "Well aren't you a regular Prince Charming." he quipped just before giving Colbys hand a gentle kiss. "Night Willow. Get some rest for all of us ok? We'll try and have a small feast ready for you when you wake up." Mads followed his boyfriend upstairs towards the food, checking to see what all was around for them to eat. He didn't know what he'd expected, Hazelnut soup? Or perhaps pies or sweets or something princessy, but what he found was an assortment of meats, cheeses, fruits, and other things of that manner. He placed his free hand on his hip, looking towards Colby before back at the assortment of food.

"Charcuterie board it is." Maddie declared before grabbing the nearest knife and slivering off pieces of roasted meats, slicing thick rounds of sausages, and delicate wedges of cheese. This was an ordinary snack for him back home in his apartment, something Colby had probably seen Maddie make a dozen times before when they'd hung out. For a moment, that's what it felt like, as if he was home with Colby, no threats to the world to be seen; only a future for the two of them. As he continued to gather ingredients with dried fruits, jams, and drizzles of honey to compliment the cheese, he almost became lost in it before the opening door and voice of his father called him back. There was excitement in his voice, but also a tinge of sadness. "Be right there! Just fixing something up, Agrabah heat didn't exactly help in the hunger department." Maddie grabbed a few of the items, rolling it in a long slice of meat creating 'the perfect bite' before holding it up to Colby. "Try"
February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

It appeared that the Astorio wasn't going to cooperate in Quinns idea. Caspian wasn't about to argue with the vampire about the absolute necessity for stealth in missions such as this, but he hoped that a bulk of the Astorio's decision were based mostly on the actual limitations of his abilities and not solely because he didn't wish to. Granted he'd made some fine points, it was best to keep their attention on their surroundings in place of a new vantage point. Caspian huffed, blowing a tuft of hair out of his face before he finally stood up, looking towards Quinn with a smile. "This? It's nothing really. Any water mage in my family can do it." He wanted to add more, but at the risk of sounding like a hypocrite he chose to bite his tongue until later. It appeared the others were finally willing to press onwards.

Caspian held his hand above the puddle on the floor, fingers extended downwards as he motioned his hand up like a jellyfish. The puddle flew up towards his hand, reforming itself into a watery sphere that floated inches away from his palm. He followed behind Lyra and Quinn, holding his palm up where the orb now floated above. His first few steps felt awkward, as if he was learning how to walk all over again. He paused, taking the time to work out the motions before finally continuing forward. Caspian waited for the camera to swivel away, using his newfound lightness to dash forward into the camera's blindspot, waiting beneath it until it made its rotation back. Once the camera was pointed towards the group again, and away from their destination, he dashed once more, moving further than where they'd stopped previously on the other side. That should've guaranteed that he was out of the device's view.

Caspian pressed himself against the nearest wall, holding up the watery sphere and gazing into it once more. The next two rooms secured with no sign of the hostages inside. It appeared Lyras hunch was correct, now all they needed to do was go downstairs and investigate the executioner's room before attempting the small cramped space above their heads. Caspian motioned for his drone to come back, rejoining itself with the greater sphere before he secured it all away into the waterskin he kept strapped on the small of his back. "No one's in the interrogation room that I could see. Checked every one and each came up empty."
February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

Caspian was still getting used to being a part of the 'Shadow Corps'; a nickname of sorts that he and his fellow friends had come up with back at his home base before he'd been relocated. A part of him missed the Vanguard, sure he wasn't a front line fighter, but their commander wasn't anything like the one here. Every mission seemed as dire as the one before, whether it was a supply mission, rescue ops, or simply an escort. The Shadowmancer seemed intent on drilling as much information into a short briefing as he could. Caspian, ofcourse, did his best to follow along, taking in keynotes of interest and making sure to commit the faces to memory. As much as he wanted to write it all down, he knew it would be a liability. He couldn't risk any intel getting out of their plans, hell's even the ink and paper he wrote on could be a potential giveaway.

Lyra seemed quick to dismiss the interrogation rooms, and while she wasn't wrong that the chances were slim they'd still be interrogating three months in, it didn't mean that they couldn't be hidden within those walls. At least one of the three survivors could have the mental fortitude to keep their mind and mouth shut, and they couldn't simply rule any of their options out without proof. As she continued to speak, Caspian placed three fingers down gently against the floor. As his index, middle, and thumb pressed against the cold concrete, he felt the water around them, pooling it into a small disc roughly six inches in diameter. A small droplet about an inch wide plopped upwards and floated until it hit the ceiling. If Quin was correct and the cameras looked down only, then an aerial search was their best bet.

Caspian ran the sensor along the top until it hit the space just above the door, slipping it through as he began to inspect the interrogation rooms ahead. Images of what the drop was seeing was displayed against the small pool before him. He focused on his search, one room down and empty three more to go. Suddenly his clothes felt lighter, his body shifted as if he was nothing but air. Caspian looked up towards Quinn, giving him a surprised smile before offering his hair a small tussle. "Neat trick, it works like a charm. I agree, the ceiling might be to our best advantage if we're going to avoid detection." he agreed before his attention was drawn back towards the small pool. Another room scanned and done.

"Two out of the four rooms have already been checked while we've been having this conversation. Both empty, if we're going to make our way towards the execution chamber then let's go ahead and make it. Every second spent discussing who likes who is a second lost towards their rescue." Caspians tone was calm, soft, and leveled. He'd done nothing but stealth missions, and already there seemed to be tension amongst three of their party. If they couldn't work together and keep themselves in check how were they going to expect to pull this off? "Eve, Astorio, can either of you climb walls unaided? It would help if one of you could take point to listen up front while the other covered the rear. But if you can't climb up with us…"
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Current Outfit

Max slowly pulled himself away from the now awkward hug. He was so excited to see Ed that he didn't take the time to actually look at Ed. He appeared a bit younger than he remembered and clearly either had no memory of what had transpired or he pretended not to know for the sake of the others. Max tried to think of the best way to remedy this situation, pull himself out of the awkward put that he'd created once again. "Sorry about that. My powers, well my magic, can be very unpredictable at times. Sometimes I can see things that haven't happened yet, but are so incredibly vivid it feels as if they have. So to answer you Mary, I guess we havent yet." He was lying of course. The only precognition he'd ever dealt with was the supposed prophecy that was handed down by the future in the form of Zari.

Max had two working theories as to what had happened with Ed. The first was that he was resurrected, Neil mentioned he could animate dead bodies, but if he'd unwittingly entered a circuit then perhaps he was able to bring Ed back to life. However, if the spell was botched in some way or had some form of mental barrier in order to protect the subject from recalling their own death…He thought further on this as he leaned against the counter before switching to the other possibility. Runa hadn't been as young as he recalled either, she was clearly from a distant future, and according to the black book of demons, Limbo existed outside of time meaning any one of them could've come from a separate point than his own. Either way, he couldn't let Ed know the truth.

Max tried to put a smile on as he placed his hands on the kitchen counter behind him, pushing himself up to sit atop it. He crossed his ankles and eyed the charcoal board sitting a little whiles away. He tried to move the conversation away from the previous subject, hoping to find less awkward ground. "So we have a Druid, Shadowmancer, Necromancer who uses the force, and a Cleric." He said looking towards Ed when he mentioned the last class. His gaze then shifted towards the woman he'd seen in the hallway moments ago. He waved towards her. "I saw you earlier in the hall, kinda missed introductions back there. I'm Maximillian, but I usually just go by Max, or Warlock."

Max had overheard their previous conversation on Dungeons and Dragons, but he didn't want to simply intrude on a campaign that may already have set players. So instead he opted by dropping hints that he himself likes D&D in the event they wanted an extra player. He partially hoped that it was 3.5, only because his time on the run had prevented him from being able to read and learn the newest edition. "Oh and I supposed I should answer my own question too. My powers are…well, let's say magic and teleportation, with a focus on creation. Though others have claimed I can 'bend reality which honestly is kinda just what any mutant power is really."

As Dorian entered the purple tent and its flaps closed behind him, he would find himself transported into what looked like a magical emporium. Candles, tarot cards, runes, and crystals floated idly through the air, suspended by some invisible force. Old tomes were piled up in stacks and spilling off of shelves, trunks were chained (some of them bucking, as if something ancient and dreadful inside were attempting to escape), and a small black cat stared at him with an unnerving gaze. In the middle of the tent was a small circular table, sat at which was the old crone herself, the famous witch (and sometimes babysitter), Agatha Harkness. A pair of beautiful cherry chopsticks were held by her frail old hands, as she ate what looked like some Chinese takeout.

"You will forgive me, Mr. Gray, but when you live to be my age, you will find it is harder to delay sustenance than it once was," Agatha commented. "Now, sit, and tell me what it is that Agatha Harkness can do for you, young man?"

Dorian marveled at the inside as he wandered in, every step careful and slow as he inspected the decor of Agathas tent. His mouth agape in awe at all the mystical items that surrounded him. He'd spent enough time in the Sanctum Sanctorum, but this...this was a different kind of magic all together. He managed to whisper out a single sentence before he realized he was being rude. "Woah...it's bigger on the inside." He took a seat before him, shuffling it forward so that he was closet towards the table before looking down. "You're chill Agatha. I don't mind if you eat, we all gotta do it at some point." He was delaying the inevitable, he'd come for readings, but now that it was happening suddenly he was afraid. Sometimes ignorance was bliss...but was this one of those times? Dorian pulled out the note that was on his door and placed it on the table for her to see. "I had other questions originally but...I found this a few minutes ago on my dorm room door. Someone's been leaving notes for a while now but this...it's escalating."

The witch peered at the note, reading it over several times as her eyes widened somewhat in shock or horror. "This is disgusting," Agatha murmured. It had to have been done by someone at the Margaret Carter Institute - no one else had access to Stark Hall, although she supposed perhaps someone might've slipped on in during move-in... "I will see if I can determine who is behind this. Whoever it is, rest assured they will face severe consequences," Agatha swore, even though she did not work at the school anymore. Perhaps she meant she would curse the person.

At first, it looked like the Eight of Cups, Reversed had been pulled - but then, like a glitch, the card hopped into the deck and was quickly replaced with the High Priestess. Agatha's eyes widened in alarm. She hadn't sensed any magic on the note, but in a read for who was responsible and the High Priestess was the card that forced itself to the front? This situation could not be taken lightly. This was not some childish prank, it was...

Agatha's mind flashed back to a day many years ago, one where she had been afflicted with psychic pain. She studied Dorian again for a moment, her eyes narrowing. "The Dark Priestess has returned, then," Agatha murmured. If she had had doubts before about leaving for Strange Academy, they were multiplied a thousand times. It had been over a decade since anyone had sensed the immortal sorceress Selene.

Dorian hoped that 'severe consequences' meant cursed, or worse expelled. He watched closely as she went to pull a card our, but before she could give the read it seemingly left them by magic and another came out. That was so cool! No wonder everyone was trying to come into Agathas tent, if she pulled tricks like this the word of mouth would spread like wildfire. Her eyes though...they made him worried. His father did Tarot, but Dorian couldn't recall what the card meant. He guessed it was bad, but what she said next just served to confuse him more. "The Dark Priestess? Who's that? Like an old student of yours or something?" He'd heard Selene called many things, but that title wasn't one of them, or at the very least not one Max was ever willing to share. What's more Dorian had yet to meet the accursed doll who so often referred to herself in that manner. He leaned forward, waiting to see if the cards would do more, another trick of magic to help illuminate this new question.

If Agatha heard his question, she pretended not to have. "The Eight of Cups, Reversed - one of those leaving you notes will make one final attempt and cease. I do not see any escalation into violence in your future," Agatha said. "As the content has been harmless until now, there is nothing that you need to worry about, Dorian. Now, what else is there you wished to ask me?" She didn't breathe another word about the Priestess.

Dorian blinked slowly, looking around the tent once more before looking back towards Agatha. Had he just imagined it all? Was the card still just the eight of cups reversed? It felt like a strange sense of deja vu, as if he'd just awoken from a nearby future back only moments into the past. Dorian took the note back and placed it in his pocket. "Well that's crash. Thanks. Erm." He looked a little embarrassed for a moment, cheeks flushing pink as she asked what other questions he had. "There's this boy, Diana Novikovas brother, we kinda gave him a rough start to the year...powers went haywire and well...he's really upset. What can I do to mend things? I'd hate for my friends brother to hate me...Dannis working on getting him back the clothes we ruined but..." Dorian leaned back in his chair before running his hand through his hair from front to back. "I'm sorry I don't even know if the cards can tell things like that."

Agatha was silent and still for a moment, as if lost deep in thought. But then, she shook herself slightly, popped another bit of takeout in her mouth, and the cards began to flow through the air. "The cards tell us what we need to know, but most importantly, they are a mirror into your soul. The cards know what you know, Dorian Gray." They flew and flew and flew before three of them stopped, a simple Past ~ Present ~ Future spread. Agatha's nerves settled somewhat, as she was back in a territory that felt safer. "The Knight of Cups - your past. I have a feeling that this card is you, Dorian. A romantic. Leading forward, hoping to find a kindred soul to share his cup with. I sense that when you first met Mr. Novikov, you were... somewhat swept away, perhaps?"

"Now for your present, you drew Temperance. I assume your father taught you the basics, Dorian? Temperance is a card of clarity and balance, as well as hope. As it is from the major arcana, it denotes a major spiritual force in your life. There is something deep between you and Mr. Novikov. The guilt and regret you feel now, your urge to make things right, to make amends... You are on the right path already."

The last card gave Agatha some hesitation. She flicked her fingers, drawing one more card to offer clarification as to its meaning. She drew the Six of Cups. She tilted her head somewhat, mulling this over. "For your future, I drew the Tower, Reversed. Another card from the major arcana, another spiritual force. I see a great change between the two of you, a cosmic destiny... For clarification, I drew the Six of Cups - a card of childhood sweethearts and joy."

"To mend things with this boy, follow your instincts. Do what you feel is right. Your heart will not fail you," Agatha concluded.

Those cards Dorian knew. But the words coming out of Agathas mouth felt so foreign. She wasn't wrong to say he was swept away at their first meeting, even if she did get his last name wrong. But Dorian just wanted to know how to make amends, and now there's a cosmic destiny as well as love and joy? He had planned on asking for a reading about if he'd get a boyfriend, but somehow the cards gave him a two for one special. He stared blankly at the cards, reaching forward and touching the six of cups gently as he whispered to himself. "Childhood sweethearts." He looked at Agatha with a big smile, blush coloring his cheeks as the previous question had already escaped his mind. He had a cosmic destiny with a cute boy! "Wasn't expecting that reading to be so Aster, heck I usually never see the tower in its Reversed form so that's a huuuge relief. Man Captain Nemo was right, there really was still time to turn this birthday around...Oh...uh, do you think he'll be upset that I broke his teacup? It was am accident i swear!"

Agatha chuckled slightly. She remembered her first love. Well, actually, she didn't - but she liked to think that she had been like this too, way back then. "Captain...? Ah, you mean Ser Nemo. I am sure he will understand. Any of my students should be able to assist you with a mending spell, if needed," Agatha added. "Now it is your birthday, so I am sure that you are very much accustomed to receiving gifts - yet I will not pretend otherwise, I have been giving trinkets to all who came to see me today, now for you..."

"Ah, I have just the thing," Agatha said, before pulling out of thin air a pendant in the shape of a star. The metal had a strange shimmer of sorts to it, and as someone who had grown up around magic, Dorian would recognize immediately it had been enchanted. "When things are dark, use this to find your way," she said, offering no further explanation, before passing the necklace over to Dorian.

Dorian marveled at the gift. Not only because it was incredibly beautiful, but also because it was quite literally plucked out of thin air. He held the necklace carefully in his hands, feeling the cool metal against his skin as he listened to what she had to say. Clearly the jewelry was enchanted, and based on Agathas description he knew exactly what it was. "So cool! Thank you Agatha!" He placed the necklace on, the silver chord shimmering in the candle light like elven mythril before he tucked it in underneath his shirt and collar. "Now I don't need a flashlight around for those dark training exercises!" Dorian began to make his way out of the tent before stopping just at the flaps "Oh and it's Novikova, though I guess it's hard to hear the a sometimes." he said before skipping out of her tent.

Agatha shook her head slightly. "Children..." she murmured, before her thoughts returned again to the card she had pulled - or rather, the cards - that had revealed that Dorian Gray had two stalkers. One a student at the Margaret Carter Institute, and the other, the one who had left this vicious, violent note today... the Dark Priestess SELENE!
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian was glad that this new girl seemed to be much friendlier than the other people he'd met so far today. He wanted to ask if the compact did something, or if maybe her powers came from advanced tech that allowed her to use that compact as a magical girl transformation that gave her 'powers' she could use. Her own Ironman suit, or Thor's hammer situation so to speak. But before he could speak she asked about why his day had been going so downhill before adding that hers hadn't exactly been going well either. "Oh…it's…kind of a long story, which is crazy to even think about given the carnivals barely just begun." He looked towards the tent, wondering what was going on inside before focusing his attention back towards Mary Sue.

"Names Dorian Gray by the way. Though I go by Ghost under MojoTV for streaming. Uh, please don't Dox me." he replied with a bit of a chuckle. "We uh…we had a freshie run into us, literally, and caused a few power flare ups. Some fire and accidental possessions later and well…let's just say it was a bad start to the school year and my birthday. Aside from that just a lot of other little things happening here and there that piled onto it all. What about you?" As Dorian asked, the tent flaps opened up and the monotonous ginger from before came out. "Oh that's my cue. Wish me luck! Oh and if you want my Filt account is GhostHost send me a message there and we can link up…or wait here and join my friends. They should be heading here soon." Dorian said to her as he began to make his way inside of the tent.
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