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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri rolled his eyes once Aphrodite disappeared, waiting a two count before finally speaking to Alexios. "In my experience it doesn't really matter what you do or what they want. They'll meddle in regardless and make your life a living hell. Before this quest I'd never even so much as spoken to your mother, let alone done anything to make her mad at me." He shrugged, looking back over his shoulder at where he'd come from and wondering how Zeke would take this all. It'd barely been a day and already they were facing so much hardship in their relationship. What if Zeke started having second thoughts? Not only about Demi but about his whole identity and perspective? Deciding if this is how Aphrodite treated queen relationships that perhaps maybe it wasn't worth the effort.

Demi sighed, giving Alexios a leveled and apologetic look. Clearly the god didn't plan for any of this either, and it was harsh to take out his frustrations on him, but he also couldn't exactly do it to Aphrodite. "Look, I know you didn't mean for this to happen, but I do have a boyfriend and it's kind of new so…please try and get along while we sort this all out. He just found out he likes guys, I don't really need to throw in having multiple partners at the same time. We're gonna go grab a bite to eat and discuss what we're doing from there. So…come on." Demi grabbed Alexios' hand, purposely not intertwining his fingers and holding it more as a way to guide him like a friend than an actual loving way.

Luckily the walk back was short meaning he had little time to think of more ways for Zeke to hate him, unfortunately it also meant the walk was short so now he'd have to face his boyfriend sooner. As they rounded the corner he could see his boyfriend right where he'd left him, breaking into a light jog as he dragged Alexios along with him and stopping just a few feet away from Zeke. "So…uh…there's no easy way to say this Z but…apparently dad and Aphrodite made some sort of a deal and now im…betrothed. Ta-da here's Alexios god of…something, Son of Aphrodite and Ares." Demi let go of Alexios hand, using both of his to gesture towards him as he introduced Alexios.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station.

Cassian couldn't agree with Ezekiel more. Nancy seriously needed a new catchphrase, mostly because if he had to hear her say it one more time he may actually oblige her and make her choke on a spoon. Though he quickly dismissed those thoughts and thought better of it. His mother always said 'The first thoughts you think are what society has raised you to think, the second is the kind of person you are' He certainly didn't want to be the kind of monster that Nancy seemed to think he was. Cass was quickly pulled out of his own head as Zeke suggested hotdog buns at Burger King. Was this another IHOB situation? Did Burger King once attempt to make and sell hotdogs at their stores? The idea alone was repulsive, but he didn't say anything on it.

Thankfully Kristin and Zeke had both agreed to his plan. It was never good to split a party, but he figured in this situation it should be fine. Besides, three's were their lucky numbers after all. With those two in agreeance, it was a majority vote and Cassian had already waved goodbye to Kristin as she began to make her way out. "Zeke, level with me, any idea on why Aphrodite has taken an interest in you two? Did either of you do something to piss her off on a quest or at camp?" He'd of hoped it was a boon, but given Demetri’s inability to use his powers up until now, it was clearly a detriment. Not long had passed until Demetri finally came back, bringing another man in tow. But to hear who he was…it left Cassian speechless as his gaze affixed on Zeke to see how he'd respond.
February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

Caspian was more than willing to answer Quinns question, however the sound of the elevator suddenly coming on stopped him from doing so. If anyone was on it he didn't need them to hear him talking and give away any element of surprise they may have had on their would-be attackers. Lyra seemed to have the same idea as she then opted for hand signals before moving herself in front of the elevators and creating a small flame. An interesting tactic to say the least, a point blank shot of intense heat could potentially kill them off in one go but…it would take at least two go's. Fortunately for them it wasn't needed, the elevator making its way past them all as it headed further down.

Donovan's question was unsettling as it sat inside of Caspians mind. Clearly he'd heard something he couldn't. That gave them another edge in this fight. With any luck these two were referring to another fire mage. Not the best news for Lyra but amazing news for Caspian. With luck he could keep the inquisition occupied while some of the others freed the prisoners. He didn't like that others were joining in on the fight, it meant potentially prolonging their stay here, but as Chad had said, if they were quick they may not need to worry about it. Caspian quickly followed behind Chad, moving passed the Astorio as he quickly slipped down the steps and rounded the corner until he was faced with the two large iron doors.

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

The urge to smack his face in disbelief was fought back as Ceolfric killed any chance at a surprise and coordinated attack. Calling out with his boisterous mouth to the others rather than using discretion. What's more the idiot thought he could simply barter with their would be assailant for free passage. If they had planned on leaving empty handed they wouldn't have bothered to even lay a trap. Ermes couldn't even get a word in edgewise before Kyreth opened up his mouth to warn them of…something. Even he didn't know what it was that he was saying. Great I'm surrounded by idiots he thought as an arrow was loosed and shot into the dying wolf.

Everything fell silent, Ermes hoped that that was the end of it. But he knew better. They were surrounded, undead wolves coming from either side, one emerging right from where he'd caught the presence. Damn that idiot. He was talking to an undead wolf He cursed to himself, swiftly sliding out from under the horse as Ceolfric dealt with both the horse and beast at the same time. Ermes wasn't much of a shield fighter, but watching the mercenary do his work was actually impressive. Again the merc snapped his fingers, and suddenly the horse calmed down. Interesting skill to say the least, he'd no idea the bandit was capable of animal handling.

"That all depends on what these things are. For now, I have a temporary solution." Ermes called out, his voice showing the smallest hint of annoyance and enjoyment as he spoke. He held his right hand palm up with his fingers clawed as he jutted it upwards before closing it into a fist. "Restrain" His Aether pooled up beneath the wolf before him, the dirt beneath it began to get disturbed a large aged skeletal hand clawed its way from underground and wrapped itself around the wolf gripping its entire body. "I can hold it off for a bit, keep it from moving." Hopefully Kyreth could use his weird and extremely vague sense to find whoever was responsible for this. If they were constructs it'd be easy, if they were reanimated…he didn't want to think about it.

15 million credits was enough to change someone's life. To change their lives. While Danni went off about purchasing housing and blowing it on drinks, and April spoke of fine clothing and business investments, Dorian simply stared at the middle space with a quiet smile. With his portion he could finally afford a Droid to help him out, what's more…he could get his hands on some of the latest tech. The newer units had enough power to allow him to do something he's been trying to achieve for years. Tracking down temporal anomalies on Terra and other reaches of space as they passed them. His hand made its way towards his chest, feeling a necklace that was beneath his shirt, a trinket looped along the chain, a keepsake from Percy before the jump.

Dorian looked up, seeing all of the trinkets that littered the ship, all of his were mostly crystalline, plant, and soil samples, unique to each planet that they'd visited. Some even contained bits of gas from the atmosphere. It started off as a way to show Percy his Odyssey across space. But eventually that hope slowly faded as time went by, yet Dorian couldn't help but continue to collect his samples. "Who cares who posted it. Anyone tries to skimp out on payment is gonna have to deal wit' us t'ree. 'ave t'ose bank accounts emptied before t'ey can even say mercy. Fuck t'at doctor, 'e made us lose out on a damn bounty. Owes us is what 'e does." He'd already began mapping the trajectory on the star map, it was a large arched path from where they were to Titan. But as usual April wanted to gun it, and he was certain that Danni would echo the sentiment. He stared at the map projected off the holotable for a moment before closing his eyes and sighing.

"Mon ami, I already know what you're about to suggest and it's reckless and idiotic…but we don't 'ave much of a choice. We need to get t'ere as fast as possible so 'ere's t'e plan. Danni we need to leave 'yperspace and pull a u-turn. Sooner we get t'at done t'e closer we will be from launch. I'll divert all non essential power towards t'e shields, April you'll be down in the turret room. Make sure to pelt any asteroids we may miss. Danni we need a partial link up, you'll be motoring most of your body as you pilot t'e ship while I'm inside you givin' you pointers on where to go. Excelsior, we're 'yperspacin' t'rough t'e asteroid field straight to Titan. Fastest route t'ere is." Dorian made his way behind Danni, heading to the cockpit as he began working out rerouting the power towards their shields.

There was a nice kind of silence emanating throughout the ship. April was sleeping up in her quarters while Danni watched the main console for their trip through Hyperspace. Sometimes it felt like it was the only time that Dorian really had to think to himself. A dim yellow light hung just above his head, grease spots splattered across his face in little droplets as he hovered underneath their speeder. Out of the three of them, he always was better with machines than they were. He held a wrench in one hand, pressing it against an open edge as he gently used it to push himself further down the speeder, dragging the light along with him as he did. He opened up another panel, pressing on it so it popped open before sliding it back and away to reveal the exposed tubing. "Ah. T'ere you are."

Above him laid an unattached cufflink, the rubber hose hanging low as it now dragged along the metal chassis. Dorian rolled his eyes with a playful smile as he could only imagine how one of the two likely hit something hard enough to loosen the damned thing. It would've functioned fine enough for a while, but (as they had experienced) after some mileage it would sputter out the machine to a halt. Its male end was bent out of alignment, and Dorian slowly applied pressure to it until it finally fit back into place. He make quick work of the rest, re-attching the cufflink, tightening anything else that may have shaken loose, and then finally closing the panel once more as a dim blue glow came from a workbench off to his left. Dorian was about to slip out to look at it when Danni's scream pierced the silence throughout the entire ship.

He quickly sat up, hitting his head on the underside of their speeder before falling back down onto his hover-creeper. "Merde!" Kicking the floor with his heel, there was a soft warbling sound as he shot out from under the speeder. Dorian untied the bandana he'd wrapped around his arm, using it to wipe his face clear of grease, a few smudges left behind. Wind rushed past him as he made his way past the workbench, grabbing his saber before going towards the main hold. The lights were all flickering alive, one by one as he made it through the corridors, finally reaching his destination as he realized only April and Danni stood in the room.

Dorian scanned the room, looking around for the potential threat as he wondered if some scumbag alien had decided to stow away from their last planetary visit. No vents seemed disturbed, and nothing was truly out of place. There was a long sigh as he went to pinch the bridge of his nose. "What t'e 'ell guys? I was working on the damn speeder, t'e…" His eyes finally landed on the chit projecting off of the table. He read it several time over in silence until he finally tan towards April and Danni, pulling them both into an intense group hug. "Fifteen Million Credits! I don't know who t'e 'ell t'is man is or who 'e pissed off but if we can get to 'im first!" Dorian didn't even wait, accepting the chit as he saved the Bounty into their ships drive before opening up the starchart on the holotable. "Let's see now… 'ow far are we from t'at gods forsaken planet?"
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian hadn't noticed as Sabine disappeared and reappeared into view. Save for the small chat of fashion advice he hardly spoke to her or even paid her much mind when they typically were in the same room together. He was Danni's best friend, and she was Danni's friend, but the similarities seemed to end there. If ever they occupied the same space together he usually tried to be as cordial as possible, but it always seemed to feel (at least to him that is) that one of them was the odd man out. Either he stood awkwardly to the side as she seemingly hogged all the attention, or he took the reins and felt her judgemental cold stare just outside his periphery. His focus had solely been on Mai and April, hoping Sabine would either tune him out or simply choose not to tell Danni what he was about to say.

Of course he hadn't thought about Mai and April's reactions, as each of them bombarded him with questions about the reading just before Mads came out of the woodwork and scared them all half to death, shortly after he finished his little tale of his adventures with Agatha. He liked the little witch, but he'd need a mystical promise from her with a binding oath before he revealed things like that. Saved by the spell He thought as She immediately took away Mai and April's attention just before Danni could once more. Dorian whipped around to see what Danni needed, both glad and heartbroken that his conversation with Sabine was cut short before he could even respond.

"Oh come on D, she's not t'at scary." He said just before he noticed how strangely he was holding Percy's jacket. "Why are you holdin' t'at jacket like it's a fragile baby?" Regardless of how long they've known each other, and how often they could essentially read each other's thoughts, even Dorian didn't know what it was that Danni would ask Agatha. He wasn't interested in relationships, and most every question they had they'd already asked back in New Orleans throughout the years. A tinge of anxiety shot through him as he wondered if he'd asked about the school year and maybe he'd gotten a rotten reading, but surely Aggie could fix it right?

"Deep breathes. Why don't we slow down a bit and you tell us what 'appened back t'ere?" Dorian tried to be as reassuring as possible, making his way to Danni's side and wrapping his arm around his waist. He hoped that Danni hadn't tried to meddle into his love life, having seen the fortune Dorian got and now is inadvertently trying to keep it from happening. But, Danni wouldn't do that. They were best friends and surely he understood that Dorian wanted to have a relationship right?
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Unarmed Combat, Soul Staff Current Outfit

"You wrote a book? I'm so proud of you man! What's it called so I can pick up a copy?" Max replied as he attempted to dodge Sabertooths attack. He quickly ducked down, unfortunately giving him ample space to claw right at his face, leaving streaks of red dripping down. He let out a sound that was like releasing steam before grunting as he was pushed back onto the ground. "What paradise?" was all he managed to get out between pained words just before Sabertooth gripped his throat and lifted him up. He tried to kick and punch at the hand grabbing him to get him to let go but the hold was too strong. Instantly the world around him blurred as he was slammed back down, the air rushing out of his lungs as he was now surrounded by a small crater.

Max grit past the pain, placing both hands around Sabertooths arms before sweeping up with his foot as it made contact with the brute's stomach and gave Max the leverage he needed. He used Sabertooths own weight and momentum to help flip him over, throwing him onto his back far away from Max. "You're. Being. Rude." he said in between huffs before finally catching his breath. He twirled an imaginary weapon in his hand until it finally solidified. "I'm trying to have a conversation here dog breath, so why don't you just back off." He said calmly as he jabbed the bottom of his staff into the ground. Cosmic dust began to swirl around Sabertooth until a portal opened up, a secondary one opening next to Toad as an exit. He watched as the lumbering mutant fell through and landed further away, annoying as he was hoping to help knock Toad off of Ed. There was a sense of urgency in wanting to help him, knowing now wasn't his time to die.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie rolled his eyes at their father's antics before they landed on Colby who was holding back some laughter. He often wondered what went through that beautiful head of his. But watching him smile, the way it reached his eyes and made them sparkle, he couldn't help but feel lost and in love. He grabbed himself another piece, getting a bit of honey, cheese, and a small bit of bread to chew it down with. A bit of him was feeling bold, being alone like this. It was like how he felt back in the room when they shared their first kiss. "I guess it's a good thing that I have more to snack on then." Maddie closed what little space was between them as he planted a kiss onto Colby's cheek before giving him another on his lips.

His cheeks instantly went flush with color as he gave an awkward smile towards his boyfriend. "Sorry. Just, I feel like we hardly have time to be alone so now that we do…I want to make it last. I know we'll have more time once everything's done, but…I still want to cherish these moments. Just…you and me…you know?" Maddie grabbed another bite, leaning against the counter before propping himself up and sitting on it. He gazed at his boyfriend lovingly, running a hand through his hair as some bits of sand slipped out. He giggled to himself before feeling his own hair. "We might need a bit of a wash I think. All that desert and not a single shower."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

"I don't know babe, but I'm going to find out. Whatever it is, it can't be good." Demi responded before having made his way towards the Goddess. Waving his hand up in the air as he said goodbye to the group with his back turned towards them. His wave turned into a thumbs up in response to Kristin's suggestion to yell in case of a monster. "I was planning on doing that anyways." he muttered under his breath. Demetri was about to start yelling at the Goddess, asking her what the hell she wanted and why she had to keep pestering him. But before he could do any of that, she snaked an arm around his shoulders and began to lead him towards a bench. For a moment, the embarrassed looking boy caught Demi by surprise. He was exceedingly gorgeous, and it was almost as if beauty itself had been perfected. There was a split moment where he reminded him of Marco, and once Aphrodite introduced them, he knew why.

Demi's slight blush quickly faded back to pale skin when Alexios mentioned marriage, and Aphrodite echoed the sentiment. "Hold the phone! Marriage?! Betrothed?! I didn't agree to any of this! And wait did you say Ares and…but that would make him a…" The gears slowly turned in Demis mind, as he processed all of this with his jaw dropped. If anything the children of two gods made a god, and they needed one to vanquish the titan. He let out a massive sigh before pinching the bridge of his nose. "This is going to be really difficult to explain to my boyfriend. But…Alexios…is this really something you want?" He wanted to give him the choice, the option to back out. Something Demi didn't have. Hopefully he'd plan to stay on, help the quest, and slay a titan. Demi then turned to face Aphrodite. "I want no more interruptions from you. Got it?"

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station.

Most of the others seemed to be focusing on Demi’s issue rather than their own. The excitement Cassian had slowly faded away as he once again felt like he was thrown by the wayside because of the child of Zeus. Great. What's more everyone seemed to be very gung-ho about Burger King, leaving him all alone on the Taco front, and everyone knew demi-gods couldn't go off it alone. Well everyone but Demi it seemed. Nancy was the only one to even acknowledge that he'd spoken, but as usual it was more of a critique than something helpful. "What's my-?" Cassian cut himself off before he got too heated, letting out a soothing breath before he continued.

"I can explain it in full at Burger King. But…I have no idea what in the world a long bun is. So…I don't know if they even carry that for you. But the rest of the menu I'm sure is relatively unchanged." He tried to answer in as leveled tone as possible. It was borderline apathetic. "Janelle, Kristin, and Nancy you guys can go up ahead if you'd like to. I'd offer but I already know where I stand and Nancy seems raring to go, Zeke most likely wants to wait for Demi and we have to move in threes so." It was annoying and a hassle, but sadly true. The best bet for trios right now was girls with girls and boys with boys. Janelle couldn't stand Zeke and Demi, Nancy couldn't stand him, and she clearly wanted to get going so…
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian watched as Sabine walked away, passing him as he approached his friends. April's face was bright red, her speech stammered, and he couldn't help but look back over his shoulder and see Sabine as she walked away before turning back to face April. "Smooth, very smooth." he joked with a bit of a grin before almost tumbling back at Danni's' attack. He wrapped his arms around his best friend, squeezing him tight before letting go. "Aggie sure did a numba on whoeva it was. No more stalka to worry about, or at da very least no more creepy ones." He was a bit sad to see Agatha leave, between her and Nemo they had a good pair of adults who actively cared for and watched over the children. Nemo said his day would get better and sure enough it was.

Dorian couldn't help but laugh at Danni's antics. This was why people befriended him over himself. He tried peering through whatever spot he could on Danni to see April's face as he sang along to Danni's mischief. "Yeah! What's dat all about anyhow? I leave for ten minutes and suddenly you have someone to call chère? Das cold April." She protested profusely but before Dorian could ask why her face was all red then, Sabine showed up. No fun. They would definitely have this talk later. Till then, Dorian plastered a smile (not that it was hard to do given the current company) and turned to face Sabine, Danni finally untangling himself from him. "Oooo I have tons of caps back home, and a few here I'm sure. I can try and help you style it if you want, they're all the rage right now anyways." he said trying to make better friends with his friend's friend and potential future bestie girlfriend.

As soon as Danni walked away to go to Agatha's tent, Dorian gave Mai and April a huge hug. "T'anks for the birthday wishes! And I want to hear all about your crazed adventures while I was away…but what I'm about to say cannot be repeated back to Danni under any circumstances until I am ready." He looked around at the group with a serious face before finally taking a breath and speaking. "I sorta got told by the cards dat I've got a cosmically important love comin into my future very soon. Like world savin importance kind of love. Aaaaaaand I may know who it is too. Im so excited and i wanted to tell someone about it but i just know Danni would harsh it real fast." Once he'd gotten that off his chest he backed up a bit raising his eyebrows at Mai.

"Chicken. She's not even dat scary. Her tent is soooo cool with tons of things to look at and her readings are amazin! Plus I got a cool gift at the end, see?" Dorian pulled the silver cord of his necklace up so that the pendant slipped out from under his shirt before letting it fall back down beneath. "Oh I had a bit of a wait too, some girl came out with like…a magical pet, another with some seriously crash Sailor Moon merch. You've not'in' to lose and everythin to gain!"
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