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"I don't 'ate you I just-" The comm stayed open as Dorian hadn't had a chance to close it as he was being forcefully ejected from the body he was occupying. A confused and apprenhensive sounding voice ran through the communications line "How the fuck?" Just before a short scream and the sound of Dorian's lightsaber igniting came through. There was silence, only the dull hum of his blade could be heard before the familiar noise of it being sheathed. A loud thud and the sound of squeaking leather before Dorian's voice finally came through. "Sorry about t'at. Our little Ravager friend didn't seem to like my free ride, oh well."

April's impressive display of artillery was enough to shake his concentration for a bit. Having blasted the shop from so many paces while simultaneously clearing a path from him to them. He couldn't help but whistle in appreciation of the site. "Mag-grip initializin'." he called out as he began to flip some switches. Instantly he could feel the pull towards Excelsior, a soft clang as the two paired before Dorian finally shut off their new ship. "Switchin' comms to 'elmet. Stand by." He tapped the side of his helmet as he patched the call over before pulling out a small rectangular device from his pouch. He grabbed it from both sides, opening it as he pulled the two sides apart to see the holo display. The engines power was undamaged, with their shields having taken a bulk of the beating for them. The life support was manageable for now.

"Landed and stabilized. Given a second to assess all the damage and see where I need to hit first. Danni go ahead get us to Titan. April great job on clearing the way. I'll get quick repairs down onto the gunner-glass as soon as I can. It won't be a perfect fix, but it'll get us a few more hits before we need to worry. And…sorry about all this guys, got a little greedy there and thought I could get us a second score while we were at it." Dorian grabbed the newly acquired pouch and holopad, placing it into his own as he strapped the electrostaff onto his back before continuing his examination of the ship.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Unarmed Combat, Soul Staff Current Outfit

Sabertooths temporary displacement had awarded Max with time to take in the fights. Able to see how badly they were all doing in this random pit fight against people he's never even met, some of whom he's never even heard of. It made Pyro's presence there all the more pleasant. Sure they'd always been on opposing teams when a fight broke out, but didn't seem to harbor any of the darkness most of them did. If anything he was a misguided mutant looking for a place to belong, and Max could sympathize with that sentiment. Magento wasn't all bad just as Charles wasn't all good, Casper and Ben had seen to showing Max that.

"I'll have to get myself a copy when we're done here. Maybe you can sign it for me?" Max replied as he continued to scan his surroundings. He watched as Mary flicked Pyro clear across the ashen garden, slamming into a tree. He didn't deserve that, he just wanted the paradise that was robbed of him thanks to Selene and the X-cutioner. He balled his hand into a tight fist, his knuckles white before watching as the strange mutant began choking out Sabrina's hot brother. He was a necromancer, he needed bodies. Max went to summon some, slamming his staff into the ground just as aarge blur sideswiped him with a fist. The world turned upside down as wind rushed past him and he inevitably hit the ground with a loud SNAP.

Pain seared through Max's entire body, pulsing in waves of heat from his arm down. He needed James, he missed his crew, and hot tears streamed down his cheeks as he forced himself up, using his soul staff as support. He clung to the shaft, grip tight as he poured his magic through it and into the ground. Cosmic colors rippled through the grass towards Neil as they stopped just short of him. "Spellman! Here's some ammo" Energy burst forth from the ground as three corpses erupted from below, displaced from where they once rested as Max brought them to Neil. He needed to find a way to get healed and fast, but it appeared Ed was being removed further and further away from the ground. A great strategy if it wasn't being used against them.

Max needed to find a way to keep Sabertooth at bay. He didn't want to distance himself, clearly it allowed for him to gain momentum for even larger bursts of power. What's worse, his opponent wasn't one to talk, making it harder for him to find an angle on the guy. He needed time to think, heal, and regroup. Hopefully this would be enough. Max's eyes went pitch black before spots of color began to dance inside them. Mini galaxies spiraling within. The same inky cold darkness bled into the surrounding area around Sabertooths body, thick tendrils spidering across the grass until they joined together and a sphere of pure darkness erupted within its area. Whispers could be heard coming from within, soft and maddening words barely intelligible. Unfortunately for Max he'd missed his target by a smidgen, put perhaps it was enough to obfuscate himself on the other side.

As soon as Danni's voice cut through the comms, Dorian's face dropped. He rarely ever saw him mad, and even less so to the point of using Dorian's full government name. He pressed the button to send out his last communication on this ship. "Easy big boy, I'm heading out now. There's a secondary ship inside this one, undamaged and small enough to help me navigate this field. I'll reach out to you once I'm airborne. Over and out." He tried to keep his message and tone light, hoping to ease Danni a bit from all of his concerns. As he made his way towards the back of the ship, he spotted a few potential hot ticket items, snagging an electrostaff, a boundeather pouch hopefully full of credits, and a holopad. Never hurts to have more. Dorian tucked the staff under his arm, clipping the pouch to his side as he slid the pad into a pouch.

The ship wasn't anything too impressive, but it'd do well enough to get him back towards the Excelsior and crew, and as a bonus this class of ship came with magnetic traction to help anchor onto other spacecrafts, handy for Ravagers to board others ships, and even handier for him to steal theirs. He sat down into the ship, strapping on and placing all the items into the nearby seat. Dorian took in a breath before letting out his telekinetic powers. Hoping to use them to keep the asteroids at bay as he attempted this suicide run. He watched as a few of the rocks drifted aimlessly away as he began to flip the switches to get out of the loading bay. He patted his side as he went to reach for his music player, realizing he wasn't in his own body at the moment. "Merde. Well let's see what kind of tunes these guys listen to." He turned on the radio, hearing a horrid sound they called music pumping out before shutting it back off.

"Here goes something." He dropped out from under the M-class, his small craft coming to life as he punched the controls. Instantly he shot downwards, his powers keeping the blasted asteroids away as he halted. "The fuck?" He tried once more, suddenly flipping upside down as he attempted to move himself back up and forward before opening up his comms to Excelsior. "These asshats have the system settings inverted! How am I supposed to pilot this thing? sigh I'm off the ship, headed your way, I can mag-grip to you once I'm close enough and then I'll get started on the life support. I think I snagged some credits too, but won't know till later."
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian watched as his best friend began to calm himself down with his embrace, eyeing the folds of fabric as he waited for a response on what was hidden beneath. As usual he had to weed through as much unnecessary information as possible, Danni had many talents, but telling a story straight wasn't one of them and neither was it Dorians if he was honest. It's how he was capable of keeping up with all of it. A few things went through his mind as Danni continued to speak, holding all his questions as he tallied them with his fingers until his bestie was done talking. All thoughts thrown to the wayside as Danni revealed the actual egg. A real life dragon egg. Or was it a dragon cat egg? Did Ebony fuck a dragon as a panther or as a dragon? Could Ebony become a dragon? Could this dragon become a panther? Or did Danni just have a winged panther like the one from that old anime Cardcaptors?

"Se détendre Danni, tout ira bien oui? So let's try and get everyt'in' in order. You are goin' to do somet'in' to get grounded, after t'at you're gonna become a badass knight and all you need to keep yourself from killin' everyone is already here and surroundin' you. So…très bien non? Chances are you get grounded for havin' a dragon and then do some dope ass shit to become all knight like before you prove t'at you can totally raise it and become a dragon rider!" Dorian was totally on board with being a dragons uncle. But Danni was right, how did someone raise a dragon? They'd need a lot of sheep or something and would they need gold? Dorian began to think, but decided that the most pressing matter was taking care of the egg. He unwrapped himself from D as he sturck his palm with his fist as an idea hit him.

"Oh! I met t'is totally chill teacher. T'e new guy Mr. Poisson Pas. 'e 'ad loads of stuff in 'is office! I'm sure 'e knows about dragons and raising t'em. Doubt 'e'd tell on us. Mais, let's wait for April to come back in case Aggie 'as somet'in' for us." Dorian paused, debating on if he should even comment on the Sinister clone revelation, deciding that was dorm room talk for later. He'd almost forgotten that others were even there, pink coloring his cheeks as he realised he had been spoken to and hadn't even bothered to respond because of his concern for Danni. His rubbed the nape of his neck as he let out a little laugh. "Oh merci beaucoup Mads. But be careful what you offer, because I am always down for a 'orror movie screenin'." Already the wheels began to turn as he thought up which movie they should watch tonight, after he dealt with Percy of course.

Her suggestion for a heated container wasn't bad either, but he doubted the egg needed to be set on fire. Sounded like a good way to end up with a sunny side dragon if anything. "Oh like t'ose Pokémon Egg containers? Do t'ey actually make t'ose? It'd be so cool to see t'e whole process!" Thoughts immediately cut short as Mads revealed her gift from everyone's favorite witch. He grew up surrounded by decks, his own father having gotten a mystical one he'd used on many occasions. When Maddy revealed it his smile faltered for a moment. He expected immense power or something to radiate off of it but…it was just like his dad's.

"So cool! You try any fortunes yet since you got it? Oooo ooo or maybe a guidance card? Or a single card pull for the day? Or perha- Merde! I'd forgotten all about t'e talent show! I'm so nervous what if I tank? Or what if I get put on a lame team with lame people? It'd make the contest such a draaaaag." Dorian tried to tell himself he'd do fine and how all three of them would end up on the same team, a dream team with some extras to help. "uh…maybe once we're all done 'ere we can check out t'e clubs. I 'eard t'is year we 'ave a space engineering club and I'd love to see t'at tech! Or maybe we could see t'e knights. T'ey always seem a bit like fun."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie blushed terribly as Colby told him not to apologize for the kiss. Opting to grab a few more bits of food to stuff his mouth with so that he didn't say something stupid. Watching as his boyfriend shook out a bit more sand in agreeance before closing the gap once more to get some more food. At this rate they may actually not leave anything behind for Willow to have. They really needed to slow down on the snacking. He chewed his food slowly, almost choking on it as Colby suggested that they shower together. His face turned vibrant red around his cheeks and nose as he tried to compose himself, shifting his weight on the counter. The wink sent him over. "T-t-together? Y-yeah that sounds nice." He could hardly look at Colby as he thought about what was to come after practice.

The mood quickly shifting on one end as Colby laced his fingers into his and told him he was ready to head outside. "Tease" Maddy muttered as they made their way out and greeted their parents. "I think Colbys got the whole fire thing down given how hot he is, so I'll try using…" His fingers trailed down the page of the spellbook, seeing the lightning spell and the following steps to cast it. Keeping his stance wide to support himself incase the spell had a kickback, he started with closed fists, only his pointer and middle finger extended outward on both hands as his right stopped in an upward Arc, the left following suit in opposition in a yin yang technique until the both met in the center, connecting his fingers until he extended his right hand forward in a thrusting motion. Nothing happened.

"Just practicing. Lightning can be real dangerous…" He took a deep breath, finding his center like Uncle Iroh had taught him, and then tried again. This time sparks began to fly as he initiated the spell, following the motions carefully until the final release as a bright blast of Lightning crackled out from his fingers and arced over towards fourteen of the targets. "Did you see that?! I did it!!!" Maddy yelled jumping up and down, his hair sticking up a bit from the static. He ran over towards Colby and gave him a huge hug before going back to try again knocking out a few more targets. "Hehe try and beat that."

Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck Fuck This was bad. The amount of indicators lighting up on the Ravagers screen made it look like perimeter fireworks at Magic Kingdom. These two idiots were hardly Ravagers, if anything they may have just jacked an old ship and given themselves the damned title. Dorian jumped into action, possessing the pilot on this god-forsaken ship. Reaching towards his side with speeds that would make even April proud of him, Dorian pulled out the blaster and held it point blank at the second crew mate's face. The only indication that his plan had worked was the familiar pitch of the laser firing as red light illuminated the side of his new face alongside the many flashing lights.

The loud thud of a body hitting the floor followed before being forgotten by the mess that was left behind of this ship. He tried a quick mental sweep of his victims mind, searching for how to pilot this hunk of junk and for any possible droids to help out with repairs as he flew. He found some information, but couldn't put it to action fast enough before more debris and ice began to shift and swirl around him. Save for all the previous damage, the ship seemed to be doing fine, no new alerts, no new collisions, he could do this.

He examined the ship's H.U.D.; a wing was down, thruster out, and a damned rock just slammed him down further into the field. Dorian's body lurching forward as he clung to the controls before strapping himself into a seat and opening up comms. "Lucy, I'm 'ome. Do not attack, I repeat, Do not attack. Ravagers are downed and I'm hijackin' t'is now 'unk of junk for an extra 'aul. T'e very least scrap it for parts for t'e Excelsior. But D, A, I'm gonna need 'elp pilotin' t'is shit. It's in bad shape and if you could clear a path for me I'd greatly appreciate it."

Dorian glanced up at the warnings that blared across the ship's screen. Silently cursing to himself as he inspected the panel before him, grumbling to himself while he carefully poured over every wire, chip, and plug in for the scanners. "We 'ad some Ravager Scrappers attack our ship, April got four of t'em but two managed to sneak by and make it to our shields." He looked back up to see the warning once again, debating on how much time it would take for the damned thing to eat through the defenses before going back to work on his panel. He was about to try and rewire something when Danni suddenly jerked the ship, two energy bolts zipping past them as Dorian went flying sideways and hit the wall.

"젠장" he cursed as he made his way back and knelt down by the boards to check underneath. He felt a familiar hand rustling in his hair as he tried to work. Dorian rolled his eyes before shutting the paneling once more. "Warn a guy next time. I don't 'ave a seat belt while repairin'. 'unk'a'junk isn't broken t'e asteroid field must be messin' with our scanners." he declared as he placed his tool back into his pouch. Another indicator lighting up on the panel. Dorian got real quiet as the transmission came in, letting Danni do all the talking as usual. Hopefully these idiots didn't know who they were messing with, and that meant they had surprise on their side.

As D was busy parleying with the Space Pirates, Dorian was snagging his space suit that he'd set off into his chair just before they hit the belt. He slid into the body suit fairly easily, zipping up the back before throwing on the cloak and reattaching his pack. He pressed a button under the cloak and the suit shrunk down to fit his form before tapping his earpiece so that the helmet was activated. He gave Danni a just as the visor darkened, one that told him he'd be right back. At first nothing happened, but after another breath Dorian phased into the Astral Realm.

He flew off straight through the ship, cutting through the walls and making his way past his obstacles until he left out into the cold space. Fortunately his Astral Self didn't need atmosphere, the suit was more of a precaution in case his plan went horribly wrong. He continued his flight towards the Ravager ship behind them, entering the cockpit and drifting off to the side to avoid touching any of them until he was ready. Hopefully aside from getting them off their tail, they could score some more loot from these pirates so that they would think twice before attacking the Triumvirate again.

Dorian sat in the darkness, feeling emptiness stretch across the vast space around them as Danni slowly pulled them up towards the belt. He could feel the icy rocks just beyond his senses, and then suddenly, they were surrounding him. Clearly his pilot had decided to hit the thrusters with little to no regard as to the actual danger they were in. Dorian instantly began helping to direct, letting Danni know of any and all incoming asteroids that posed a real threat to the ship. He hardly had to worry about the smaller stuff, as April's expert marksmanship would make quick work of any strays that Danni couldn't avoid. Nothing seemed to be hitting the ship and the run was smoother than he'd anticipated so far.

He was ready to sit back in his metaphorical chair, easing into his role just before Danni alerted him about a failing space scanner. As if to pile on to his worries, Dorian began to sense six metallic orbs coming from their port side. They weren't asteroids, having launched themselves off of one. He worried as to what could possibly be out here, deciding it was better safe than sorry to alert April of the danger. Got six bogies portside! Launched straight from the damned asteroids. One by one he felt the presence drop off until there were only two left.

"Goin' to 'ave to put t'at scanner on hold, let's 'ope it's just interference and not the damned Ravagers or we'll be in for a real bad time." As much as Dorian wanted to slip out and take a look at their console, he needed to focus on helping Danni within the blindspots of this ship. He sensed around, finding nothing but danger in every direction as he silently cursed to himself before slipping out of Danni and becoming material. "You're goin' to 'ave to work without me for a bit, I don't like these scanners bein' down and I don't like those damn scrappers bein' part of those pirates. So…let's see what we have 'ere." Dorian muttered to himself as he pulled out his tool from a side pouch and began to pry the display open.

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Cut off the aetheric what now? Ermes was about to yell at her to speak in plain common, but Eila quickly corrected herself and restated what she said in a way that didn't sound like an academic paper he was fully incapable of reading. He examined the wolf as it snapped at his skeletal claws, seeing how thick its neck appeared to be. His sword would certainly take several swipes to even clean half of it off, and by the black dripping ooze that dribbled out of its mouth, Ermes concluded they didn't have that much time. He watched and waited for the body and head to crumble down to dust. Certain Eila would have a very sound explanation about how the aetheric circuit broke and caused it to collapse into aetheric particles that melded back into the world or something.

Ermes watched the limp body, waiting and noticing the lack of deconstruction beyond decomposition. Fuck The large skeletal hand moved, pivoting at where the elbow would be as it wound back before tossing the body as far away as it could. The hand then scooped down, grabbing the head and repeating the motion in the opposite direction. "They're not constructs! Damned things are dripping with black ichor so watch out for its bite." He called out before him as he saw Eila holding one back with a bow. Hopefully whoever the puppet master was would give up on the discarded corpse so that they'd have less threats to deal with.

Ermes quickly made his way towards Eila. He didn't think he could manage what Ceolfric had, and he feared that a lack of expediency would get her bitten and infected with whatever disease this black shit could do. So he did the next best thing that he could do. He wrapped his aether around the beast's maw just in time for it to snap shut as his Aether solidified. A bone muzzle wrapping itself around the snout and behind its head to keep it from Biting anyone. "Hey Ceolfric, care to do the honors?"

Dorian blinked twice, slowly, as Danni suggested they manually drive through the belt. It was about the most responsible thing he'd ever heard his best friend say. There was a proud smile on Dorian's face, as he continued to get everything ready for their trip into madness. He'd figured they'd all agree, it was exactly the kind of nonsense they ended up doing on their trips anyways, any why their ship and speeder constantly needed repairs. "We really should consider getting an Astromech after this Bounty. Even if it's just a cheap R2 unit to help with repairs." The lights inside the cabins began to flick off one by one, leaving only the glow of their trinkets once more. The emergency floor lights flicked to life, offering just enough of a dim light to help guide April down towards the turret room.

Dorian took a deep breath, something he'd done a dozen times before. Whereas April took out her aggression with blaster fire, and Danni cooked meals to decompress, he opted to release it all through quiet meditation. He felt as though it got his mind in the right place, especially after his other powers began to manifest. He needed a strong mind for all his abilities and he found meditation helped with that. "Alright, ready as we'll ever be. Shields are at full, all powers being diverted, and I even moved a little extra towards the engines so you can push even harder than we usually do…safely." He stood up and made his way over towards Danni, placing one hand onto his shoulder. He had his space suit at the ready, and his helmet clip tucked behind his ear.

There was a slow inhale in, and with the exhale he vanished from view and went into Danni. Typically when he possessed someone he could see through their eyes, experience the world from their point of view, though he could never feel what they felt physically. But with partial fuses, like what he and Danni had come to do, he cut himself off from those extra senses. Becoming more of a consciousness than anything. All he saw was pitch void surrounding him, it was his own personal sensory deprivation tank and it allowed him to sense things much better than he could out there. He extended his reach outwards, and when he was ready he gave Danni the mental OK to go.
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