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Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorians attention flipped faster than the pages of a Captain Underpants book. Head swiveling as Andy mentioned laying Leah out with just one kick. That was badass. Anyone who could knock someone out with a single kick was destined to be some super cool hero. Hopefully she was going to get placed into his team, if not…she'd be a threat during the Contest of Champions. He'd have to remember that. He listened as she mentioned her mom potentially summoning some snacks for Mai, and it gave him a great idea with loads of questions.

"Back up a min chère, did you say your mot'er can summon delicious snacks? T'ats so cool! My dad uses Magic too, or one of t'em does at least. You are soooo invited to movie night if you want to come! But uh…if your mom 'as any more tasty snacks I wouldn't mind them finding t'ere way t'ere too." Dorian asked with the best set of puppy dog eyes money could buy. It seemed a few of the people here already knew Zarina and Andy, Mads fought with them, April knew her from a postcard or something, and clearly they knew each other. So if that many people already ok'd them then surely they must've been kinda cool right? It felt as if he'd already put his proverbial foot in his mouth as Zari seemingly snapped towards Danni and him. That was a major party foul and he wasn't about to have it, but Danni could also handle his own fights if he even registered that Zari spoke to him at all.

"Shouldn't 'appen again chère. I simply didn't know your name and figured t'at was better t'an robot eye baby like April over 'ere." he chuckled as he continued to inspect the eyeball, temptation driving him to want to poke it in the Iris. When Zari mentioned he was basically her best friend he thought that was extremely sad. How lonely must a kid be to build their own best friend? It wouldn't do, they'd have to save these poor souls from fashion and friendship! Like She-Ra! Dorian could practically see the flags of friendship waving behind him as he stood in a majestic pose within his mind, helping out these two transfer students. He would've commented on her powerset, or even April's connection between the robotic eye and Owl House, hell even Mai made an appearance once more and he'd desperately cared to see what her reading was, but all of that was thrown right out the window as he heard a familiar voice.

Dorian didn't dare to turn around, afraid of who he might see. But he already knew that voice too well with how often they'd run into each other that day. When he turned around he saw the agitated face of his future cosmic love, Percy Novikova (don't worry guys he'll get it right at some point). He watched as Zari pelted him with a hug, wondering how she didn't burst into flames given his demeanor. All he could offer him was an apologetic look as he mouthed I'm sorry towards him before giving him a crooked smile. He felt bad for having possessed him, worse that Danny had ruined his jacket. HIS JACKET. Ooooh my god Danni was still using it as an egg incubator, this was bad, it'd look bad, and Dorian was freaking out. His face instantly flushed pink with embarrassment as he tried to find a way to salvage this situation, trying to distract from another patented Danni-ism.

Dorian made his way over towards Percy's side, away from Danni so that if he engaged in conversation out of social etiquette then he wouldn't see him. His demeanor had clearly changed from before, where as he was cool and confident while talking to the newbies, now he was a bit more introverted and unsure. He was walking on eggshells around this freshman and he hated how it felt. "Sooooo Zari you know t'is guy? I've known 'is sister but it's today's t'e first time I've actually gotten to meet 'im." This seemed stupid and like a bad move, but he was already in too deep.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Megan's dry tone didn't go over Maddies head. He doubted it was simply her personality, or perhaps it was and she was always a snide bitch. Either way he'd decided he didn't care for her, or most of the others for that matter. He watched as she placed her hand on the hilt of her sword, wondering if she thought that meant something. So she had Excalibur? Big whoop, he was certain the Vorpal blade was much cooler. Besides, handing out magical swords from a Lady in Lake seemed like a bad way to distribute magic items. The other guy that was there seemed to ignore Colbys question, talking to Sierra before meandering off into the tower with everyone else including miss doom and gloom. Maddie watched as they all walked by, the scent of ozone gathering around him as a faint sound of crackling could be heard coming from his hands.

Once they'd all gone inside, he released the blast of lightning, arcing it towards some targets as they shattered and left behind nothing but soot and smoke. "Ugh! What is her problem?! What's any of their problems!? They think they can just stroll on through here with a magic portal and just…ugh!" Maddie sighed as he slumped down onto the ground, looking towards the remains of what he'd just shot. "If I'm going inside it's so we can have a nice shower, not to be stuck in a room with them. Though they'd probably ruin the shower too!" He sat for a moment in silence before standing back up and wiping the dirt off his pants. "Sorry…I just…I really can't stand people like that…seeing them all…it just reminded me of how it all started and who we've yet to see back. I know it sounds bad but I really don't want to see her again, what if she tries to pick a fight with you again? What if I snap when she does and I accidentally fry her? I think i just need some more time out here…if thats ok with you?"

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

He watched as his boyfriend scrubbed his face with his free hand, emotions clearly eating him up from inside as they were him. His expression quickly going from concerned, to sad, surprised, and then back round to concern as Zeke pulled him into a tight hug. Demetri could feel the soft golden hair rustling against his neck as his boyfriend buried his face into his neck before settling in. He held Zeke there for a moment before slowly moving his hand up and down his back to try and give him some solace. "You're not wrong." he paused, feeling his voice vibrating in his chest against Zeke's. "The gods do see fit to want to control us, and they always will. However" Demi pulled back a bit, looking into Zeke's eyes as he tilted his chin up with a free hand.

"Just because they can try to control me, doesn't mean that I'm not fully yours. Yes, I'm now unfortunately betrothed, but that doesn't change us or who we are, what we are. The gods can't say shit about it either. Alexios is born of Aphrodite and Ares even though she's wed to Hephaestus, I'm a child of Zeus regardless of the fact that he's married to Hera the Goddess of Marriage. So they can say all they want about this betrothal but they can't really force me to be loyal. I'm yours fully and utterly yours." Demi went in part way for a kiss, stopping just before Zeke's lips before pulling back. He didn't want to force one on him, he didn't know if Zeke even wanted to get one right now. So instead he was content just giving him a dopey dimpled smile while taking in the face of his boyfriend.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station.

There was a brief moment, where Alexios eyed the pair as Cassian stood there with his hand extended and waiting. Normally he'd have pulled it away already, deciding the other clearly didn't wish to reciprocate the action. But it was clear to him as he watched Alexios, that there was something else going on. It was subtle, as it usually tended to be, but those few moments of quiet allowed for Cassian to study. Sure the expression of annoyance was plain to see, written across the gods face as if he wanted the world to know, but it was the little details that stuck out to him. The way his jaw was clenched, the small arch across the brow, his posture, and most importantly his eyes. This went beyond annoyance, this look was one he'd seen before, hatred. All of that directed right at Zeke, and behind them was a softness. One only seen when his eyes wavered towards Demetri.

If he was anyone else but a god, he'd say he was jealous of the pair. Not because they were together, but because he wasn't with the one he'd wished. It was as if Alexios' two sides were active at the same time, war and love both fighting to show themselves. In a way he reminded him of Janelles, though in regards to Demetri instead of Zeke. Cassian's thoughts were interrupted once Alexios responded to him, shaking his hand before continuing forward once more. He followed by his side in lockstep, as he continued his conversation. "God of Parties huh? Should my dad be worried you're coming for his title?" he joked clearly. "Son of Dionysus, a god often mistaken, or enraptured, with parties. Though it's sure one hell of a way to explain ritual madness but it is what it is." Cassian shrugged. A part of him wanted to apologize again for Zeke's behavior, he wanted to mend that bridge quickly before it affected the quest, but he worried Alexios would see it as meddling and turn his ire on him instead.

Dorian was just about ready to set out and phase into the ship so that he could begin repairs when he caught attention of something massive hurtling towards them on their port side. Based on the ship's readouts he'd been inspecting, if that massive chunk asteroid collided with the ship they'd be stranded in the dead waters of space. Another pile of rubble for this belt to claim and call her own like the dozens of frozen bodies that were littered all around them. He couldn't say for certain if Danni had seen the warning signs, even less so if April had caught the debris depending on which direction she was currently facing, so (not wanting to find out and test his luck) he decided to take the danger into his own hands.

Dorian threw his hand out towards the massive asteroid, feeling his powers grip at the large rock, slowing it down ever so slowly, but it still came. It felt as if the force pushing back would make his feet slide back within the confines of this cockpit. No, they couldn't go out like this. They were The Triumvirate dammit! Hunters of the ship Excelsior and survivors of the extinction of mutantkind. He threw his other hand out towards the hunk of rock, he never understood how, but it always felt as if he could push out more power when he used both hands instead of one, and more power was exactly what he had. The asteroid froze in its tracks, halting mere paces off the port of the ship, casting a shadow into April's gunnery room.

His head was pounding, and it felt as if a nosebleed may come on soon, but they were safe for now. "T'anos's taint t'at gave me such a fuckin' 'eadache. Let's get t'e 'ell out of 'ere D, I don't know if I can't stop anymore Asteroids t'at come barreling towards us." He held his head, though with the helmet on it didn't do much good. Dorian tried to phase out, but a thrum pounded through his head, causing him to lean against the glass of their new ship. He took in a few deep breaths, trying to combat the pain he now had from his little endeavor. It slowed down to a low pressure before he attempted it again. This time managing to enter the Astral Realm. Dorian phased through the ship's floor and then Excelsiors ceiling until he was within the ship itself. "I'm goin' to need a drink after all t'is"

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Irrigans femur what the fuck was that? A burst of flames emerged out of Ermes's periphery. Where once laid one of the tainted entangled with a wolf, now was a ball of flames and the scent of burnt decaying flesh that began to permeate the air. He froze as images of his past flashed behind his eyes. The scent of burning flesh reminded him of the raids he'd encountered when he was younger. Scenes of oil lanterns being spilt over as it enclosed families within their house flames, parents braving the fires to rush their children's out to safety only for the parents to be struck down by the Sahagin menace, leaving nothing but an immolated corpse behind. This temporary lapse made him slow, unresponsive as the wolf had already chosen its new target. Whereas before he was prepared to strike, now he just stood there in the same pose, seemingly not there.

Esvelees shout was enough to snap him back, shaking off the memories he'd tried to bury with the dead. Ceolfric seemed to have made it towards them, the fire had been handled, and for the most part the tainted twins were fine. Eila on the other-
Dear gods. He nodded towards Ceolfrics request, but it'd be a waste of Aether to consistently conjure up solutions for their own shortcomings. He had a limit, one his perception made him gravely aware of. So Ermes beckoned his creation over, the large skeletal hand using its fingers to drag itself and crawl like a nightmarish creature towards them. Once it'd reached the wolf it came down, piercing its sides as it lay on the ground knocked over by Ceolfrics advances. The fingers went through and into the ground, pinning in place with the pinky through middle fingers while the thumb and forefinger pinned either side of the head to keep it straight and from moving.

"You have your restraint, now finish the damned thing." Ermes replied, a slight edge to his usually melancholic voice. He went over towards Eila, his pointer finger out as he spun it in a circular motion, moving it backwards to create a spiral of Aether around Eilas calf before solidifying it into a bandage. "Enwrap. There, that should help with the bleeding, though you may want to readjust the pressure. I'm not exactly skilled at bandaging others yet." Ermes got up from his kneeled position making his way towards the wolf and Ceolfric, the head would fall faster if they alternated chops. So he pulled his sword up, aligning it with the extended neck and began to help hack away.
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian shrugged as Danni asked if those names were of some form of video games. It wasn't any he'd heard of nor was it on any of his streaming buddies Playlist so he'd never heard of whatever Mads was talking about. But if he had to guess it was some sort of dragon related monster raising game, and as most people knew the monster tamer genre was dominated by Pokémon leaving little room for others to grow to its gargantuan stature. It reminded him of an antique game his father bought him on one of their trips to Japan. They'd manage to find a store with tons of vintage games, one of which was a small square device that could clip onto a belt or phone or well…anything really. Dad called it a digi-vice and depending how you cared for the monster in it changed how it grew. It was a ton of fun and he loved bringing it to Xaviers to help distract him at times.

A part of him wondered how his little monster was doing, in his rush for the first day of school he'd forgotten it back home. Hopefully his Appa could help take care of it while he was off, like a replacement Dee while he was away at school. He was knocked out of his thoughts when D mentioned Ser Poisson Pas and how well he'd be able to help. But before he could even answer, Danni had already bounced over four new subjects and then pranced his way towards Sabine. He simply rolled his eyes and laughed at his best friend's antics beside scrunching his nose towards Mads. "Readin'? No t'anks I do t'at enough already 'ere at t'e good Ole AA" It was a front though of course, he secretly loved to read, but hated to admit it. It was easier to be pretty and dumb than to be a smart know it all after all. Save for today, no one really looked to him for answers and maybe that was ok.

His eyes widened as Mads pulled out a card, gold coins sprouting from them as they clattered to the floor helplessly before vanishing. "OK t'ats awesome! It generates game loot!!" A huge part of him now wanted to have a well timed theatrical punch as Mads pulled the cards to make it seem like he defeated an enemy and coins appeared in their place as the K.O. prize. The little magic trick was enough to distract Dorian from Dannis little antics happening over with Sabine. April came back into view and Dorian ran over towards her, a little slower than Danni had, wrapping both his arms around the pair as he rested his chin atop the space where April and Dannis shoulders met. Apparently the school had an occult section, which made sense, but it totally killed his plans to ask the cool eclectic teach about dragons. Maybe that's how he'd lost his loved one? A story he was still curious about.

Dorian thought about what he wanted to do next, it made sense to do the ship before the light faded since the photo booth provided its own light, but he still hadn't even had a chance to play hook on a duck and win a prize, though the only prize he really wanted was the hooked duck itself. He put on his best contemplative face as he thought and an array of people suddenly began to show up. Leah was first with some early 2000's cosplayer, or perhaps they were a vintage lover? Clearly they took care of their stuff though, the jacket didn't have as much color fading as most vintage leather jackets Dorian had seen before. The studs were certainly a cool aesthetic though he felt like it clashed a bit with the rest, like if she hadn't fully grown into her punk Era.

Dorian untangled himself from the trio as he snapped his fingers when he finally figured it out. She needed more Piercings. That would certainly help the look. Or at least a swath of makeup to add to the attire. Mai practically assaulted the newbie as she skid to a halt by her, mentioning some chip before moonwalking into Aggies tent. She was always something to behold, but even he could be left stunned at times from the psychic damage that girl left. His attention went back to Mads as she mentioned the library again. "Booooorin' we aren't goin to some stale air library on my birt'day. T'at can all happen after movie night. Besides, everyone knows t'e best time to study is after a scary movie in the deep dark library with no light but t'e moon t'rough t'e glass." His last sentence coming out in an eerie and unnerving tone as to try an illicit some goosebumps on Dannis arms.

More people joined and he was beginning to think this was a party. Apparently the green haired girl knew the vintage chick. Andy. He noticed the robotic eye after, slipping between his friends to get right up in its grill. "T'ats so cool! And creepy. I LOVE IT. 'Ow did you get it? What is it? Why is it?" He stopped short as he realized he hadn't answered any of her questions and only given out his own. Lucky for him best boi Danni was on the case! Even going so far as to giving him an amazing moniker. He flashed the newbies the best Rizz face he could offer, which was pretty damn amazing really. Got all the boys to love him until Danni charred them after. "So I got Andy t'anks to greenie here, Leah I know, what's your name? Oh and we aren't all in line non, most of us have already gone just deciding on where to go next as the rest shuffle in. Oh and deciding what movie to do for movie night tonight."
February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

Caspian watched as Quinn floated down gi gingerly with his powers. He'd wanted to do as much himself, but didn't wish to ask so much of Quinn. He knew it must've taken an immense amount of control just to get himself down, let alone a whole group of people safely. Caspian typically had a way to break his own gall, should he ever need to jump off a far height, but it was noisy and large and not fit for either the space they were confined to nor the mission they had at hand. A part of him felt a tinge of jealousy towards Quinn's powers. Something so subtle yet versatile. He would've answered the gravity mages question, but it appeared he'd done so himself. The muffled screams from behind the iron doors aiding to the conclusion. There was no time to delay, they needed to act fast and as one unit.

Lyra joined them, giving out as full of a plan as was possible given the circumstances. The screams from the poor victim likely hid any whispers they were currently spewing out before to help maintain their element. However, the more she spoke the more it was made clear she had no grasp of his capabilities. Tasked with doing three things at once, Caspian decided he'd need to prioritize them in his mind and work at one at a time as he made his way through whatever lay beyond the doors. For his sake, he hoped it wasn't lightning. He nodded in agreeance with her plan, hesitant at the roles he had to play, but understanding of what it was she was asking. Once the Astorio came down and claimed the role of leader, marking down when they'd all go charging in, Caspian got himself into position to move as quickly as possible.

He placed one hand on his scabbard, the only firmly on the hilt, as he adjusted his body to be low in a sprinting position. The stairwell was humid, with constant disgusting reminders of the water that plagued this location and the damage it has caused. He concentrated on that, pooling as much of it as he could towards the heels of his feet. Once Astorio bashed the door open, the pools erupted into jets, propelling Caspian into the room before clearing the rest to get towards the prisoners. One of them began to float into the air, a clear mark of Quinn as Caspiam adjusted and went for the next target. The Inquisitor was still present, and standing near his target. The water mage grit his teeth, using the moment to slide off to the side of the mage as his hands quickly followed a pattern before gripping the metallic restraints and oxidizing them to rust.

With the metal weakened, Caspian took a quick slash towards the chains, cutting them off before placing himself in front of the prisoner. He wasn't planning to pick a fight with an inquisitor, but if he had to to give Quinn a chance to yank this guy to safety as well then he would. He held his sword before him, the scent of ozone giving away the Inquisitors magic. If he tried to use it against him, perhaps he could attempt to use his sword as a lighting rod to block any incoming attacks before parrying with some of his own.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff Current Outfit

The fight continued to ensue all around him. Everyone seemingly making strides in progress against their foes save for Max. Lucky for him, he was used to the chaos that fights could bring, the cacophony of screams and sounds of powers being exerted over one another, surrounding him as he watched each mutant handle their battle on their own. He needed to finish this with Sabertooth, he needed to talk to Pyro and see what it was that they planned to do here. Why they attacked, and what paradise they were thinking of. Had Magneto had a back up to Genosha? Was it only to a select few? Or was something Sinister at play here as a trap is being laid out for mutantkind? All of those thoughts had to wait, swiftly pushed out as one took root and replaced all others. As Neil turned to look at Max with yellow eyes and a dead voice asking him why he'd killed them.

At first Max was confused. He'd never killed any clowns, let alone harmed one. He didn't care for the finality of death, he didn't purposely enact it on anyone he faced, not even Selene. The only person Max had ever attempted to murder was the cthulu motherfucker from the Vault that dared lay claim to the title if Sorcerer Supreme. But one of the zombies shambles off behind the others, donning a familiar uniform. He saw Waverlys mom, gaping hole still in her as she continued to haunt him till this day. He didn't know what cruel joke the universe was playing at him, but he didn't care for it either way. The blacks of his eyes shrunk down until they were the size of a pinhole, all other sounds and people fading away as he kept hearing Neil's voice replay in his head as he transfixed onto Waverlys mom.

Max could hear Strange's voice, echoing the back of his mind, barely audible over the sound of his own heart beating in his ears. Something about maintaining control, not letting his emotions…he could feel the magic and chaos swirling inside of him, in his center as it burned to get out. He tried to hold it in and then…claws gripped at his throat, his body moved but not of it own accord before being slammed into the ground. It was like a shock to his system, everything he'd been holding in was now freed to get out. As the crater formed beneath his body, an explosion of fire wisped and erupted out from him. A radial are blasting across the garden as discolored flames of black, pinks, blues, and whites littered the space. In areas where the fire reached, tombstones began to emerge each bearing the name of someone Max had lost and felt immense guilt for. People he was too weak to save.

One by one the were created, Leighton, Waverly, Her mother, Star Eyes, one for every fallen student of Selene's coven, and finally one popped up right next to Ed bearing his name. Max's eyes were now back to full black, universes once again spinning within them. He peered into Sabertooths eyes as his staff began to eminate with power. A portal opened up between the two, a rift between spaces, as Sabertooth fell through and landed 50 feet away Max, allowing the magic mutant to slowly get himself back up from within the crater.

"Let's get one thing clear Spellman. I don't kill. There is always another way." Where as Neil's voice was strange and distant, Max's was strong and demanding in this instance. "Mutants shouldn't have to fight each other, we shouldn't kill each other, and I refuse to be a part of another person's war or agenda. So come at me if you will dog breath, but I will not lift a finger to harm you for some forsaken paradise. I've seen what those look like already and how quickly they crumble."

Before Max could respond to Pyro, a swirl of fire and plants danced and reshaped into a fiery bird, a Phoenix. Pieces clicked in place as he realized what the presence he'd felt earlier was, a cosmic force known to him not only through his mutant channels, but also because of his mystical ones. He'd seen as much about an entity known as the Phoenix Force, something that had been described as "the embodiment of the very passion of Creation—the spark that gave life to the Universe, the flame that will ultimately consume it." What it was doing with Marygold he had no idea, but the awe of it alone was enough to snap him back to his senses a bit. Even more reason to get on this team, Sorcerers should help to keep the cosmos safe from extraplanar issues that threaten the fabric of reality, or at least he'd heard Strange say as much.

Max looked towards where he'd tossed Sabertooth, then towards Ed in the distance. He didn't know if in his current state he could manage a jump there, let alone walk. So he decided to make due with his own power, multi-colored strands stitching together wounds across his body, and helping to alleviate aches and pains he'd endured from all the beatings Sabertooth had hammered into him. Max had no idea how he'd even manage to knock out Sabertooth, and he refused to kill the mutant, but all he could do now was take a beating and heal back up in between bouts.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie hadn't noticed as Sierra and the others emerged from a portal nearby, too enraptured by his display in magic and the time he was having with his boyfriend. It wasn't until Colby acknowledged them that he had turned to see as many people he didn't recognize walked past them and towards Rapunzel's Tower. He smile faltered as a wannabe Wednesday Adam's partially threatened their lives because they weren't vigilant enough. Maddie hoped that Merlin hadn't let them go outside without there being any protection or barriers of some kind to ward off assassins. He didn't respond to any of them, or their questions. Colby and Tink had done as much already.

If he was to be honest, he was a bit annoyed. Not moments ago this was a family bonding experience and now suddenly Sierra thought she could incite others to join. To him, it wasn't her place. A part of him wanted to blast the remaining targets just so that they wouldn't have anything left to practice on, but he wasn't that kind of person. So instead Maddie focused on his boyfriend, on what he was doing, and how well he did it. He giggled a bit after he was done, holding the fabric of Colbys shirt as he kissed his cheek. "Nice try, but I think I won this round. You get to be good at cool magical cats, I get to be good at using lightning like a pro." He turned to face the rest of the people now gathered. "Well? Welcome back, from whatever it is you all have been up to. We performed a very lucrative bank heist in the most secure Vault and evaded guards with ease. So I think we can let others be on guard for a moment without having to worry about our throats."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri noticed his boyfriend's frown, hoping very hard that his explanation would be enough to alleviate him of it. Zeke's words were sharp, short, and everything anyone should expect when you introduce your significant other to the "other woman". It made him flinch involuntarily, nothing major just a small wince as if bracing himself for a hit. But the hit never came. Instead he watched as his boyfriend began to move, hoping for either a hug for him or at worst a warning to Alexios. He'd fully missed as his hands balled into fists, shock and horror stricken across his face as Zeke punched the god in his. Demi wanted to say something, but before any words could get out, Alexios shoved Zeke to the ground.

Again he wished to speak up, and again only noises barely fit to be the first sound of a word came out as he watched the scene unfold before him exasperated. Before he knew it he was being dragged away by Zeke, his hand in his as they made their way towards Burger King. Demetri couldn't help but look back towards Alexios, watching as golden ichor stained his once perfect face. He looked back at Zeke, his voice low and almost afraid. "Why did you do that?" The question felt as if it was still in his throat. Pain seared inside as he tried not to cry. "I'm not happy about this arrangement either but he has just as little say in this as we did. There was no…sigh there was no sense in hitting him."

Demetri gave Zeke's hand a small squeeze, attempting to be reassuring but his grip wasn't as strong as it usually was. He was torn between what Alexios had said and how Zeke had acted. About the power that Aphrodite could hold in starting wars and her coupled god that followed them. Everything inside him felt as if it was at war with one another and his legs began to feel heavy with every step. He wanted to look back at Alexios to see how angry he was, he wanted to look at Zeke's face to make sure he was ok. But he was afraid to do either, instead facing the floor as they continued on their way. He spoke again, his voice still low. "Are you ok? Like actually ok?..."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station.

More and more Cassian was loving his decision to stay behind. He harbored no real ill will towards Zeke or Demi, but a good show of chaos was always a bright way to spend an evening. He'd almost forgotten the question he'd posed earlier, uncaring that Zeke held no answer for him beyond guesses. The answer, it appeared, was right before them. Much like every high testoroned straight boy in a movie, Zeke lead in fist first, words later. Cassian hadn't even used his powers and chaos was already ensuing around him. A god and demi-god, betrothed and boyfriend, legality and love. If he was a gambling man he'd think his grandmother had a part in this.

He couldn't help but look around, his eyes glancing from corner to corner as he attempted to spy any possible interference from Eris. It was almost unbelievable when he'd found not a single trace of her work. No golden apples, or threads of chaos, no bits of power lingering from a well woven tapestry of spurned love. Just two teenage boys and a god stuck in the worst possible love triangle. One in which two clearly wanted to be together and the third merely existed. It took him a moment before Cassian noticed everyone had moved on, stunned by the show as he quickly walked up to catch them. "Sorry about that, I'm Cassian." he said extending his hand out towards Alexios.
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