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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

It didn't escape Demi’s attention that as soon as they'd walked in, suddenly Janelle had to leave the room. He'd heard that people who grew up with siblings could determine who was coming by just by the sounds of their footsteps, he figured it must be doubly so for Janelle given she relied so much on sound. But he didn't let it bother him, if she wanted to keep up this wall that was on her. He'd done nothing wrong and refused to play the villain here. He was pulled away from his thoughts as Zeke asked him to order a side of large fries for him. A part of him worried that this might be the last good meal they could get on this journey and that Zeke would blow it on just fries. But before he could even argue Zeke was already off towards the bathroom.

He wanted to introduce everyone to Alexios, after all they did just walk in with a complete stranger. However the cashier had other ideas as he called them over already to order. "Alexios you want anything? Or…well actually can you have anything mortal? Or is it all done via offerings like back at camp?" Demetri asked as he made his way towards the register to order. "May I get a Texas Double Whopper please. Large, with a side of Buffalo sauce. Oh and can I do a Chocolate Hershey pie as well?" he offered the cashier a smile as he finished placing his order before heading over towards the table the girls were at. He hadn't sat down yet, looking over his shoulder as Cassian continued to order some food. Alexios. This is Nancy, daughter of Apollo but like the Roman one. That's Kristin, daughter of Athena and the girl who just got up and went to the restroom was Janelle, daughter of Hypnos. Ladies, this is Alexios God of Parties and also my betrothed. Long story."

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

Cassian watched as Zeke and Janelle made their way towards the same location. For a moment he thought there might be a confrontation, or perhaps they'd finally talk out their problems. But it seemed Janelle wasn't even aware of Zeke's presence or at the very least was ignoring him entirely as she went into the ladies room. Well, when you gotta go you gotta go. He stood behind Demetri, waiting for the child of Zeus to finish his order before going up himself. "Can I just get a large fry and strawberry shake please?" He'd no idea to Zeke’s aversion to strawberries, nor would he have known if this scent would do the same as the real deal. He just really liked berries and berry flavored things.

Once that was all done he'd gone over towards the table where Demi seemed to be getting introductions underway. Cassian wasn't so sure how bright it was to both be saying all this information out loud, while also being unsure that he should even mention they were betrothed. Janelle was already in a sour mood because of those two, no need to add that Demi somehow managed to pile on a third. "Soooo how was girl time? Hopefully not as eventful as ours was." he joked as he slid into the booth and waited for his food, debating on stealing a bit of Kristin's as he waited.
February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

Any hopes of Quinn stealing the prisoners to safety went out the window the second the Inquisitor became aware of them. He watched as the lightning came alive, dancing around the room with a low hum now surrounding them. One of the prisoners was freed, the other was supposedly brain dead, and the last was already killed. Caspian couldn't help but think of every moment they'd wasted up until now, the arguing and bickering could've saved at least one more life. No. He couldn't think in would haves, what's happened happened and he needed to focus on the here and now. Beyond the hum there came a quick crackling sound as the Inquisitor made a rapid movement with his wrist, sending out bolts of lightning towards each of them.

He didn't have time to avoid the blast and take the prisoner with him. He needed to find a way to redirect the lightning from where he stood. He swiped his sword in a downwards motion, a stream of water condensing before him in a downwards arc that connected to the stone floor to his right. As the bolt crashed into the new watery circuit, it flowed down and away from Caspian as he let out a sigh of relief. It was a close shave and they needed to find a way out and fast. Transmuting a tunnel would take too long and leave him open, but taking down the Inquisitor would likely leave them with three dead prisoners and one less mage. Astorio seemed to have the same idea that Caspian had, though it appeared that even though they came from the same place he still had no grasp on how a mage's power worked.

Oh sure I'll just disrupt the current. No problem Caspian thought to himself as he glanced around the room. There wasn't a single piece of this massive circuit that wasn't already pumped with electricity. If he was to transmute any of it he'd end up frying himself in the process. There had to be a way for this all to work out. He doubted Lyra superheating the metal would do them any good, and both the vamps were keeping the fucker busy for now. He looked towards Quinn to see if the electric field had dropped yet when suddenly it clicked. He'd never had a Quinn before, but it opened up new avenues he'd never even considered before. "Quinn. I need a small lift! Just enough to make me float, can you handle that?"
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's > Kree Ship
Skills: First Day Fit

Leah had slunk away from his hug. Something that didn't go unnoticed by Dorian. She was always so hard to get to know, hardly giving him the time of day most of the time. If he had to guess she probably wasn't much of a hugger anyways. He tried to ignore Mads for right now. He didn't need to fight Percy Novikova. He shouldn't have even done as much as he did. Part of him wondered what his parents would think about how he acted just now as he mentally kicked himself for his foolish behavior. His first year here they were almost constantly here, getting called for the numerous pranks he pulled to try and get some attention. He didn't care if it was good or bad so long as it was fun. But now he had friends, or well he had some close friends and then all those people Danni knew. His mental chastisement got interrupted as Mai confessed to burping inside of Agatha's tent.

Once the absolute shock and horror of potentially offending one of the strongest witches of this generation came to pass, Dorian couldn't help but chuckle at Mais antics. "I can't believe you burped in Aggies tent. You're wild for t'at" He didn't bother looking back, but he could overhear as Zari did her best to distract Percy. Threats aside, she seemed alright in his book. She could've let Percy lock on and focus on Dorian, but that small act of kindness didn't go unnoticed. Neither did Percy's gaze. He didn't need to look, he could feel the eyes staring at his back. Chills ran down his spine everytime Percy turned to look. He could already feel himself wanting to double back on everything he'd just said and did and apologize once more to Percy. However Sabine had just complimented his performance and Dorian couldn't even think of the last time she'd ever said something like that towards him.

He wouldn't say she was mean per se, but he could tell when the conversations were fake between them. Just social niceties to keep the piece anytime Danni got distracted and they were left to awkwardly fill the air between them. This wasn't that. He glanced towards the tent where Andy had gone, then back towards his group of friends that was once again beginning to decrease. "Non, no mind wipes necessary I t'ink. I'll make a list by t'e end of today and we can just send out e-vites. As for dinner, I'll 'ave to pick out deux amis to 'elp us enjoy the meal t'en." He gave Danni a cheesy grin. As the began to make their way towards the Kree ship, Dorian glanced down apprehensively towards the ground. "Can we just not mention Percy today? I kinda want to get 'im out of my mind if t'ats ok?" Everyone was acting like Dorian had just done something amazing, but then why did he feel so shitty about it?

He tried to push the thoughts away for now, thinking about what was to come instead of what's already happened. Though small flashes of Percy's stupid face kept appearing in his mind, the way he looked when they first bumped into each other. He rolled his eyes at himself, looking ahead towards where the ship should be off in the distance. "What kinda tech you t'ink t'ese Kree 'ave? I wonder if t'ey 'ave some sort of advanced parts t'at would be compatible wit' my set up at t'e dorm. Turn my super computer into a super SUPER computer! Best processor and graphic kree tech can buy ya know?" Hopefully all the tech and new experiences would be enough to replace the ones in his mind right now. Technology made him do that sometimes, forget the world around him as he focused solely on the task at hand. He wasn't anywhere near Zaris level, he didn't think he could build a floating eyeball but…he wasn't half bad if he thought so himself.

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Everything faded. The wolf, Ceolfric, Eila, and the Tainted Twins, all gone as he began to hack and slice away at the mangled corpse before him. All he could see was the Sahagin threat that killed his family, endangered his people, and the reason why he'd fled. Hot tears streamed down his cheeks with every swing until finally Lilans cry out about the master snapped him back and the wolf was just that, a dead wolf. He wiped the tears off his face as he reached for a cloth that was hidden on an inside pocket of his jacket, pulling it out to wipe the black ichor from his blade before sheathing it.

"Yeah. Fun." He hated it, but Cerric was right. They weren't hired to off some wannabe necromancer, they were hired to protect the farm girl and its goods, both of which seemed to be getting away at the moment. Ermes pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed as he continued to make his way towards the cart. He spotted Eila breaking into a light jog, catching up to them as he tried to lock step with her. "You sure you should be running like this? Didn't your leg just get gashed?" His eyes fell towards her previously injured leg before recalling that she'd mentioned her Aether was used to heal. Weird. He was quiet for a moment, thinking, wondering how exactly her type could be used. Was it purely restorative? Or could she use it in a fight if needed?

"So what exactly does yours allow you to do? I'm not schooled in any of this so aside from healing that's kinda all I know. That and that you said you were a physical something or other." As he looked towards his side to talk to Eila, his eyes kept shifting back, watching as the pair of Tainted grabbed their items back at the end of the fray. Something about one of them seemed off, and he didn't like the feeling. What's more he seemed to have lost his only method of disguise. Ermes could care either way, but he doubted the places they were going would be as kind. They didn't have to work with him. If you could consider anything that just happened working. Ceolfric seemed to do all the work, Ermes was just supporting him.

Every bit of turbulence felt within the ship made Dorian's heart stop. He knew it was safer for them all if he'd gone back with Danni and helped to navigate the belt, the complete difference between now and how they started showing it. It didn't help that Dorian's little excursion, coupled with The Ravagers ambush, were pushing Dannis' comfort levels and causing him to drive a bit more recklessly. But anytime that Dorian even thought of placing one step into the cockpit, another problem would arise. Hoses detaching, shield powers fluctuating, thrusters coming undone, it was an absolute mess and he was the only one who paid attention back on the Kree ship in school. He was always interested in computers, hacking, and general know-how (especially of spacecrafts). Now years later it was finally paying off for them.

He tried to ignore the screaming from both Danni and April, focusing more than he'd even had on keeping the ship afloat as each of them did their best for any outside deterrents. When they finally got the all clear, Dorian melted down into the floor as a puddle of exhaustion. A trail of sweat glistening off his forehead as his hands and shirt were now stained with various degrees of grease and liquids let off from some of the repairs. He laid there for a second, taking it all in, as a small laugh creeped up into him that eventually crescendoed into a holler. "We made it! T'e Triumvirate! Conquerors of t'e Asteroid Belt!" Dorian raised a fist in celebration as he lay flat on the floor, before his arm came crashing back down to his side with a clatter. He closed his eyes, and another damn alarm came on.

Jumping to his feet, he checked the display pad to see what the new alert was for and saw the proximity sensors had picked something up. Dorian bolted towards the cockpit to get a better view when he saw the Purrgils listing across space. "T'ey're kinda cute. In an Eldritch 'orror kind of way." When one nosed the side of the ship, Dorian stiffened. "Aye! T'is t'ings in bad enough shape it don't need your 'elp big guy! Scram." He collapsed inside the nearest seat, allowing his body to slide until his ass was halfway off the chair. "I need some food D. Real food. I want a burger, some fries, a shake, a large coke in a glass bottle, a tower of onion rings, fried pickles, and a chocolate cake." With a heavy sigh, he spotted the leather pouch he'd liberated from the Ravagers. Picking it up with his shoe as he lifted his foot lazily and kicked it like a Hackey Sack and caught it in his hand, opening it up to inspect what's inside.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff Current Outfit

An hour had passed since Max blacked out in the gardens. An hour that Ed had to vanish into thin air along with the large orb like structure that seemed to capture him and Neil. He had a fitful sleep, memories plaguing his mind as nightmares of those he'd lost all leading up to Ed. The others, for the most part, he'd been able to correct. To bring back to this world of the living and give them a second chance like Pyro had. But Ed…he couldn't bring him back. It wasn't allowed, not anymore. That circuit was broken, and it left Max wondering once again why the X-men couldn't get away with it but not them? It didn't seem fair.

When he'd finally awoke, Max jolted upright with a large gasp of air before immediately expelling it all out as he slammed back down onto the recovery bed, screaming as the pain coursed through him and his magic pulsed out in reaction. He took several shallow breaths, trying to calm himself down before finally taking in longer and deeper breaths. He closed his eyes and all he could see was Neil's face asking him why he killed Ed. Max needed to find them. He tried to divine something, anything, on the whereabouts of his missing spellcasters, but having only one good arm and three broken limbs didn't help with the spell. It fizzled before it could even start, and so he set off to do the one thing he could do right now. Heal.

Several hours passed as Max slowly stitched himself together again with his magic. The entire time thinking about James and how easy he always made it look. But he didn't have James anymore, and he couldn't ask for his help on this one. If Ben saw how his first few hours turned out at the mansion…he couldn't. The idea of his old crew helped push him to heal, and when he finally finished up he summoned his staff to help him walk. Max felt fine for the most part now. Exhausted sure, but he didn't want to over exert his newly healed limbs. He slowly made his way towards the sitting room where everyone was discussing the events up until this moment.

"Pyro mentioned Paradise as well. He didn't wish to harm anyone, only wanted to claim his spot in whatever this new place seems to be. If anything he was extremely willing to talk to us about it before he was…well knocked out. If he's come to, he may answer some questions from me, we've got a…weird relationship." he wasn't about to tell the room he brought him back to life. Jaclyn seemed to stay quiet, not mentioning any of her side of the story as they all discussed. Max was about to ask her about it when another ghost from his past appeared. "Didn't expect to see you here. I haven't seen you since what…the fall of Genosha?"

Max made himself comfortable in an open seat before continuing forward, addressing Guin and the others. "I don't know about Exodus, but Sabertooth seemed out for blood. Even when I said I wouldn't fight he snapped three of my limbs. As for what Miranda can do…are you able to extract pasts from Toad? See what it was they were told and by who? It could be a start-" Max cut himself off, a slight edge to his voice. He needed to find those that were taken, even if it meant facing Neil again and having to have a difficult conversation with Ed. "Either way we need a lead to help find those that were taken from us. I can try Pyro while others pull on different threads, see which one gets us started and go from there."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

As Colby placed his hands on Maddie's shoulders, he began to relax a bit. His boyfriend's firm hands gently squeezed the pressure right out of him as he began to deflate. His shoulders slowly slumped as Maddie let out another sigh, this one softer than the ones before. He watched as Colbys smile reached both corners of his mouth, a genuine smile full of warmth and happiness that was a rare occasion to see. It was one of the many things that had made him so smitten for his best friend back in the real world, kansas?, the previous realm. The idea still puzzled Maddie. Like he didn't know how to refer to the place he'd grown up in anymore. It wasn't home, never felt like it. The only time he truly felt that way was when Colby would come over for visits.

He watched as the smile shifted, rolling his eyes at Colby before giggling. "Let's try to not burn down Rapunzel's tower. She may not be a Disney princess but this is still her home." Maddie stared into Colbys eyes, eventually looking past them as he got lost in thought. Could they really just defeat Maleficent and go back to Wonderland? Would it be that simple? Did Wonderland have its own share of villains save for the Red Queen? He'd realized he was quiet for too long before speaking again. "Sorry about…that Maddie said as he gestured towards the burnt debris. "Kinda lost my head there a little bit."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri smiled down at his boyfriend, his eyes full of love for the Son of Apollo. He felt as Zeke's fingers ran through his hair in the back of his head before being pulled into a passionate kiss. For a split moment he worried about his company, but almost immediately he stopped caring and leaned into the kiss more. When they'd finally pulled back he gave his boyfriend a dopey dimpled smile with his smitten eyes. "Nothings ever as easy as I say." he joked. As he watched Zeke make his way towards Alexios and Cassian. He didn't seem as angry as earlier, and hopefully that meant he wouldn't throw another punch.

And while Demetri had no love for Alexios (I mean he just met him how could he?) he didn't want to see this animosity drag on between Zeke and him. Demis' smile only got wider as his boyfriend extended an olive branch, offering his apology for his earlier actions while simultaneously asking to move forward on better terms. He couldn't ask for more. He couldn't tell what Alexios was thinking, would he accept? Would he punch him back? Would he simply decline it? Demi didn't know the party god at all to know how he would react to this sudden turn of events. But the next thing Demi knew, Zeke had gotten ice-cream on his face. Compelling Demi to make his way back to his boyfriend's side, chuckling a bit to himself as he ran a finger across Zeke's cheek before suggestively putting it in his mouth. "Mmm. Mint chip, great choice mate. It's actually my favorite ice-cream"

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

Cassian beamed at the idea of hearing more stories about his father. All his life he grew up hearing about how wonderful Dionysus was, his mother fully enraptured by him and what he's done. His whole reason for being at camp was basically a custody switch. He wanted to finally get the chance to meet his father, but shortly after joining camp the gods all locked themselves away. They pulled Dionysus out of Camp and left it to Chiron to run. It's not that he didn't like the old centaur, but he wanted to finally see his dad, meet him, and get to know the man his mother had all those years ago. So if Alexios had even more tales to tell, Cassian was all ears. "I'd love to hear some stories whenever you can."

Their little moment was interrupted by camp asshole Ezekiel Kel. Cass didn't know what more he was wanting to do, but whatever it was it couldn't be good. Much to his surprise though, it was. Had Cassian been a betting man, he'd have lost right then and there on whether Zeke would ever actually verbalize an apology to Alexios over the hit. If anything it'd be something like "Sorry you have such a punchable face." Cass rolled his eyes at both their displays, it was very 'boys will be boys' but he supposed that beyond all the demi-god shit they were just boys. "I prefer Pistachio" he chimed in after Demi's comment. When they finally arrived at the Burger King, Cassian walked past the trio and made his way inside, standing away from the counter as he looked for something he wanted.
Dorian Gray

Location: Agatha's
Skills: First Day Fit

There was a slight smile on Dorian's face as he overheard Danni protesting his idea for a spooky library session in the middle of the night. He could sense the chills and goosebumps already forming on his best friend. As much as he loved Danni, he wasn't exempt from Dorian's love of pranks. His smile wavered momentarily as he overheard the discussions between Danni, Sabine, Andy, and Zari. They didn't know Danni yet, they didn't know he wasn't trying to insult her, merely trying to offer some advice in a field Danni knew a lot about. After all, his uncle (Dorian's father) was a model in an alternate reality and that alone came with a plethora of perks when it came to clothing and fashion advice. A large part of him hoped that the new girl could see it that way, de-escalate the situation with her attack dog and call everything down, after all he had his own hands full with Percy right now.

When Andy finally spoke, Dorian's heart broke a little. She seemed willing and wanting to join in on his birthday shenanigans, but irritation clearly littered her voice as she spoke and stated that she wouldn't be changing out of her clothes for them. It wasn't a big deal. None of this should've been a big deal. Yet everything seemed to be going out of proportion and suddenly she was gone. If he was being honest, he knew the group was getting too large. There were too many people and personalities clashing and he'd just wished he could stay with his core friends until the time came for the movie. But clearly that wasn't possible when everyone was at the same Carnival.

Nervousness bubbled up inside of him, listening to how easily Percy and Zari seemed to talk to one another, though his short tone was still very present when speaking to Mads. He didn't catch the last name, focusing too hard on not fucking up until he'd heard him mention another universe. He decided it was probably some inside joke or something. After all, with how today was going, AA may as well have been a different universe from the lively streets of New Orleans. At this very moment, he missed it. Everyone there was like family, you knew every person on your block and when you wanted to cook it could really become a family affair. What he'd kill to just be sitting in Cafe du Monde enjoying a nice beignets and hot chocolate, free from all this drama.

But Dorian wasn't in New Orleans, he wasn't enjoying a hot fresh pastry with warm chocolate drink; he was getting stared down by what was meant to be his future love while simultaneously being cursed at in two languages. He didn't need to know Russian to understand the tone of the word. Somehow Percy made Dorian feel small, the way he spoke clearly talked down on him in a way that irked Dorian. "I was just trying to…what I'm meaning to say is…" He kept fumbling over his words, hands twisting and folding over the fabric in his hands placed by Danni. Each attempt making him more and more frustrated both with himself and the situation, until finally he snapped. "You know what? No. Fuck you Percy. I was trying to apologize for earlier and you come off with this attitude? Here take your fucking jacket back its brand new and tailor made for you asshole."

Dorian threw the jacket into Percy's face, not caring anymore if it fell down or got ruined in the process. This was all too much to handle right now and he just wanted out of this situation. He turned his back on the little Novikov, making his way past Mads and back towards his original group plus Mai. His eyes stung as they threatened to wet, he hated confrontations like this. But Dorian tried to push past it and focus on Mais issues instead of his own. "I'm sorry you got a bad read Mai…I never should've pushed you to go see her.

I shouldn't have pushed any of you to do the readings. I just thought maybe they'd be fun but apparently I'm the only one having it."
he gave the group a crooked smile before pulling them all in for a group hug.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff Current Outfit

Contest? Max thought to himself as Jaclyn called out after him. He hadn't thought about any of this as a contest, but Pyro had mentioned that he was doing this to secure a spot in Paradise. Did they need to win in order to get it? What happened to those that won but had no idea of the prize? None of it was adding up inside of his mind. Bethany seemed to ask about the bodies he brought along, though he didn't see the reason why. Neil was losing badly, he was out of his element, and apparently good ol Charles could afford to have his own son locked up inside of a Mausoleum but not have any bodies nearby for his necromancer mutants? The hypocrisy. Max was about ready to be done with all of this, wondering what would happen if he'd just teleported all but Pyro away to Magentos Island.

He was about to start his spell when Neil continued onwards, barrating him about those he'd summoned. He felt that pit inside his stomach again, the churning feeling as he heard his words reverberating inside his ears. He felt his Magix well up inside of him, flickers threatening to pulse out again, but he didn't. His time with Strange wasn't a waste. He may be one of his most unorthodox students, but he was a student nonetheless. He'd deal with Spellman later. For now…he had a whole other monster to fight. Ed. Max saw the tombstone that rose over by where Ed had once stood, and based on what Ed was asking, he knew who it belonged to. Luckily they pushed past that and straight towards his arm, but it seemed unlike James, Ed had to set the bone before continuing. He didn't realize how much he relied on James and his Omega level healing. He'd be sure to tell him next they met.

Max was going to try once more, a spell to get rid of all their attackers save for the friendly, but before a single word could leave his lips he felt his stomach crawling up his throat. The world washed by in a blur, colors fading to nothing until he was finally let go with another sickening snap before a third followed as Sabertooth stepped onto his leg. He screamed out in pain, his hand moving towards his leg, shakily as the pain overtook him. He laid his back into the dirt, eyes closed as he took in short sharp breaths, prepping for what was to come next. Max tried to prop himself up on his good elbow, using the staff to create splints and bandaging around his limbs to help set the bones. Pain kept flooding through him and he managed it alright, but only conjuring them around him not on him.

Heard back down, taking in a few more breaths before getting himself back up to a manageable position, taking the materials with him in one hand as he let go of the staff. Max reached over towards his other arm, trying his best to set it but all he managed was to cause more pain as he screamed through gritted teeth before falling back onto his back and breathing sharply to ease the pain. One, two, three, he tried once more, finally getting to do a piss poor job of it but enough to help out somewhat. A few more breaths. "Jac- I…Ed?" He saw the orb sprout arms and take him in, and then…black.
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