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✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes listened intently as Eila began to explain what and how her powers worked. He was glad to see his line of questioning didn’t annoy or irritate her, it instead seemed to pull her out of the fog she seemed to be in after the attack. Putting her back into a more excitable state like how he’d first met her. He wished he could write all of this down, but not only was he incapable of writing or reading, he couldn’t very well do it while they were walking and trying to catch up to their runaway client. So he did his best to commit everything to memory, which was luckily something he was fairly good at. At the mention of Azaiza’s blessing, all Ermes could think about was how his felt more like a curse. His whole life he’d been treated differently because of how his powers were presented. The only real blessing was that he could one day become strong enough to wield this curse to take back what was stolen from him. His mouth felt dry as he then realized he’d been tensing his jaw, taking in a long breath and playing it off as a sigh of exhaustion from the earlier bout as he used this to relax his muscles. He watched as the color in Eila’s eyes danced, changing to vibrant hues of green as she explained herself to him. It was a simple enough explanation, though he still didn’t fully grasp what it was that she could or couldn’t do. From the sounds of it though, she could control other people's bodies so long as they still held aether in them. That would explain her inability to help in the fight, no aether meant nothing to grasp onto and that meant she needed to switch tactics faster than she was prepared to do. He bit back the thought of commenting on how he liked the way her eyes changed when she seemed excited about a subject.

Ermes was glad to have her company for the walk, mostly because it made it easier to drown out Cerric’s inane rambling as he did his best to pester the poor farmgirl for the remainder of the trip. If the undead wolves or Kyreth’s bursts of flames didn’t kill her, he was sure Cerric’s ramblings would. What he’d hoped would be a relaxing evening to once again gather his aether for the next leg of the journey, instead turned into a life lesson by Cerric. His attention was fully on the strange half-elf, though he didn’t let it seem like it, staring towards the man but right through him as if he’d much rather be doing anything else than to hear him speak. The more that Cerric spoke though, the more Ermes began to sit up in his seat, something akin to a kid hearing a campfire ghost tale. He’d never heard of how The Rot came to be, nor the actual workings of the strange disease, but it appeared it was the antithesis to them all. Whereas they had an abundance of aether and were capable of manipulating this living energy, it appeared that the rot robbed a creature of theirs until there was nothing left than a shambling undead husk. Ermes had noted the black ichor that sprung from the wolves mouths, but as Cerric continued to speak, he hadn’t considered or even known that The Rot could come as an invisible disease. He’d assumed there would always be some sort of presence to alert them of the danger, but now it seemed that anything could be carrying that danger. What’s more Cerric was suggesting not only that Eila could be infected, but that they should put her down in the event that she was without even knowing if it was true or not.

His shoulders tensed as his eyes darted from Cerric to Ceolfric to Eila. Ermes doubted the tainted twins would be willing to just kill Eila so easily, Ceolfric seemed like the type to rid himself of any potential dead weight, and Cerric was the one suggesting it. When Eila finally spoke up his shoulders relaxed back into a slump. She wasn’t infected, that meant no one had a reason to try a midnight assassination on her. Good. His head snapped towards Ceolfric as he began to speak, worried he might object to Eila’s potentially biased opinion of herself. Fortunately he pressed past that and wanted mainly to talk strategy, though his words left much to be desired. There was a pang of shame in Ermes as Ceolfric mentioned how they’d all fucked up in some way or another, but he quickly countered it by telling them the only way to learn is to be in these embarrassing displays of power. By now everyone seemed to be joining in on the conversation, with Kyreth up as the first person to dissect. According to him he didn’t even know he was an Aetherborn. Really? That lanky ass fucker set a damn wolf ablaze in a panic and he wanted them to believe he hadn’t done something similar beforehand? Suddenly Ermes found himself wishing for the rain to come. Sooner fight the Rancor than wake up to a blazing forest because Kyreth had a bad dream. Something the tainted said caught his attention though, causing him to quirk an eyebrow as he stared at him blankly for a moment. ”Studying the aether? What do you mean by that? Actually…come to think of it, you mentioned sensing something just before the wolf attack earlier. I didn’t sense anything, I was just able to pick up the sounds and movements of the ones hiding away…” Could tainted feel the aether around them? Or did it have to do with what Eila just called him, Primordial. Maybe his aether was more attuned with that of the worlds. Ermes could only ever feel his own.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri didn’t catch Nancy’s look of pity towards him. Even if he had he more than likely wouldn’t have recognized it as such. He beamed with delight as he heard Zeke’s voice coming from behind him, ignoring both Cassian and Nancy’s comments about moving the quest along as another pang of jealousy hit for a brief moment as he noticed that both he and Janelle had come back at almost similar times. Had they been talking it out? It didn’t appear like they had, or if they did it clearly didn't go too well if they still weren’t talking to each other. He noted that Zeke was wearing a different shirt. Sure the last one got dirty but couldn’t he just have rinsed it out with some water and then dabbed at it with a paper towel? Demi tried not to think too much of it. It was made easier as he felt a brush against his skin and saw Alexios wiping some milkshake off of his face. He looked between him and Zeke, hoping this wouldn’t spark another fight between them, they’d just started to get along together. ”Thanks mate, but I was saving that for Zeke. Only fair after I snagged a bit of his ice cream earlier right?” He replied as he let all of that interaction slip off him like water off a duck's back. It didn’t seem that Alexios was going to back off from this bit though, clearly looking to press his boyfriends buttons. It was hard to have to be the one who had to keep their cool and consistently make jokes to help keep the flames down, but it was something Demi was used to. All he did was run away from his problems anyways, so how was this any different?

Demetri wrapped his left arm around Zeke’s waist, pulling him in closer as he used his right hand to wrap around Alexios’ neck like you would a friend. ”I wouldn’t call me demonstrating you Earth’s lovely customs of dipping fries into shakes sharing, more so a food tax for having done so. Think of it as…my offering for being so…well awesome!” He planted a kiss on Zeke’s cheek before pulling away from both of them and sliding each of them their own respective foods to eat, placing the pie he ordered in between Zeke and himself. ”I’m stealing a bite of that pie I got you Z. After all, ‘One must always share pie.’ “ He said as if a line spoken from another time between them. ”Now if you’ll excuse me, I would like to finish my burger. You guys can decide which way we go. Party Bus, Train, each is a metal death trap full of monsters that sound equally exhausting. So I'm fine with either way of travel. Unless any of you have some sway with Hecate and can have her just open a portal from here to there, I don't see a point in even discussing it. If the gods want us to succeed we will, if they don’t then we won't. Simple as that.” Demi r emarked before taking a large bite out of his burger the had dipped in buffalo sauce.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

Finally someone with some semblance of common sense. Nancy was also willing to see if there were other modes of transportation other than the train they were previously on. She even went as far to ask their new ally if he had any godly way to help them get across the states faster than mortal means. He hadn’t expected Alexios to offer a literal party bus, but it made sense given his divinity. Cassian wondered if the bus had any magical properties to make it move faster than mortal means, or at the very least make it so that they didn’t have to fight monsters every step of the journey, making them slow down even more. He wasn’t aware of Nancy’s fears, as far as he was concerned her greatest weakness was the Lotus Hotel itself. He didn’t think much beyond that, so to him the idea of this bus seemed like…well a godsend. ”Alright then, Party Bus sounds like it could be promising. Does it have any defenses against monsters? Does it move faster than a mortal car? Oh and pleaaaase tell me it doesn’t require gas. I don’t think we’d be able to cover the cost of that alone going from here to the other side of the states.” Cassian rolled his eyes at Demetri as he finally spoke up. It was disgusting how the three of them acted. If he could he would carry a squirt bottle just to spray the pair every time they moved off track from the topics at hand.

At the very least Demi had provided some form of answer. Even if it was non-committal bullshit. Did no one care about how much time they had to do this? Surely they didn’t expect this quest to drag on for months or more did they? Or was this just how big prophecies were? After all Odysseus’s journey was much longer than anything they’d ever do. So maybe this was how it was meant to be? Their own odyssey to test their limits and develop their own story of heroism and strife. His tone changed slightly as he thought about it, taking a sip of his drink before continuing. ”If the bus doesn’t offer any more aid than the train then I'm on board with sticking to the train. It's small and hard to fight in, but the bus will be as well so we may as well stick to what we’ve already paid for if it makes no difference in the end.”

Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff Current Outfit

Max sat back, hit with a bit of shock as Guin stated that he and Pyro had, or were, friends with benefits. Sure the pyromaniac mutant was attractive, but he was happily taken by his ghostly counterpart and father of his child, Ben. He wasn’t, however, going to correct her on that. If it meant getting a chance to gather more intel without the constant run around then he would do it. That is until she then accused him of sleeping with Magneto. Really? If Max had any kind of pull his first relationship, and kiss, more than likely wouldn’t have happened with a guy who was dead for over a decade and was recently brought back through magic and mutant powers working side by side. Every attempt to court literally any guy had always ended in a cataclysmic failure, or a great show of embarrassment. Ben was the only one who actually was able to see him for who he was, perhaps that was because he was always on the outside looking in, or maybe it was the mcdonalds date and seance that helped sway him. Either way, he was the only guy Max had ever managed to get to even look his way. ”Weak telepathic guide aside, we need more than one way to track them in the event that fails. Otherwise we’re dead in the water in the void of space. Also no, I wasn’t fucking Magneto. Long story short I was attempting to save one of my friends and my second mutation kicked in, taking us a bit off shore from that island where we had to take residence for a while until I could get us back home.” Max wasn't so sure how he felt about the notion that Magneto would just happily hand over mutants who he wished to help create a new mutant nation with. Even in Genosha things never seemed to be that simple with those who had darker pasts.

From the sounds of it, everyone had decided that the Asteroid was more than likely going to be heavily guarded. It was always safer to assume that than to go in thinking it would be a cake walk, after all nothing in Max’s life ever was. What bothered him though was how Miranda spoke about the defenses in relation to Genosha. All of the issue’s Max had seen were internal, either time-traveling children from the vault that viewed themselves as the more superior mutant race, or Selene herself, the immortal witch who attempted to reap the souls of powerful mutants in order to ascend to full godhood. In both instances the island won out, but it wasn’t without casualties. Max was certain they’d win again, but he couldn't help but wonder at what cost? He chewed on that thought for a moment before Carolina spoke up and agreed that using multiple methods of location was for the best. Each one involved Mary to some degree, and if all that failed Max could always try and use magic to locate Ed or Neil once they got closer. Jaclyn made the very point that Max had been thinking about earlier. Any attempt to enter the island could be viewed as retaliation from them. The last thing he wanted was a civil war between mutants. He sat back in his chair once more, crossing his ankle over his knee as he tried to hold back his chuckle towards Guin’s statement. Surely the X-men had dealt with the Brotherhood before, but the current group withstanding just got the floor wiped by the ones they were seeking to go up against. So to say it so matter of factly seemed almost comical.

Any bits of laughter he had had instantly vanished as he heard a knock at the door. Falling deathly silent as he worried it was another intruder or another round of fights. What he hadn’t expected was a soccer mom in a Harvard sweater waltzing in with a child asking about her husband. Guin was quick to show her annoyance as the stranger interrupted their meeting, and the baby didn’t seem to appreciate it. Max had had Dorian for a short while now, and as soon as he heard the child cry, he swept up off his seat, hand rotating so his palm was now upwards as his magic swirled and created a small plush doll of an owl. Kids liked animals, right? He hadn’t exactly been concentrating on a specific one, just letting his magic flow as the toy appeared in his hand. ”Here, maybe this can help. Always seems to do the trick with my little Dorain.” He handed the plush to Bonnie and gave her a warm smile before locking eyes with her. ”Is your husband by any chance an X-men or ex X-man? Also does he have a name?” Max wanted to see if the attacks were targeted to known associates of the Xmen or if perhaps it was just targeting mutants in general. If that was the case, they had a much larger rescue mission to worry about now as Magneto would be potentially kidnapping hundreds of mutants across the globe.
Dorian Gray

Location: Kree Ship
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian couldn’t tell exactly what was going on on the other side of where they stood, but even from here he could see the awkward tension bubbling to the surface as each of the students interacted with one another. He began to give each of them their own dialogue, piecing together the scene before him as best he could as his little group stood out in the outskirts. “I can’t believe you’d call me discount emo barbie” Zelda said to Diana as Teddy quickly would attempt to diffuse the situation in the clumsiest way possible. Dorian’s internal voice for him sounded much like Sven’s did from frozen. “I don’t know why you're so mad? She’s only saying the truth, I mean I said it earlier when I first saw you so really she’s just repeating what I'd said so maybe…don't fight?” It was clear the big bear was quickly losing his nerve in this fight though, moving back to his docile self before diverting his attention to the red headed freshmen. Dorian didn’t remember her being so meek, but maybe that's just how people seemed standing next to the statue of a man? Oh! Diana was talking now, but it seemed more noncommittal than anything, maybe a more laid back doubling down before she changed topics to speak to Vision. Dorian was about to write the next line in the script when Danni’s voice cut through his mental play and pulled back to the present.

He never could help but smile when one of his best friends spoke. A soft and gentle smile that he tended to hide behind very obvious eyerolls towards the antics that each of them would say. Though Danni did have a good point, if they did become space warriors the best thing would be to have such a cosmically horrible name it made those they defeated feel ashamed to even state how they were defeated. Maybe that's how you stopped villains? Not by jail time but by putting so much shame in them from a defeat that they wouldn’t dare try it again for fear they’d run into them again. A stupid grin began to form before it broke into a shocked jaw drop. Both Danni and April had left him to go off and ‘run interference’ April by doing her due diligence as an older sister to embarrass the daylights out of Zelda, and Danni by distracting all the others so that Dorian had a chance to sneak aboard the ship and take a first hand look at it. How he wished he could hug both of them, but that would defeat the whole point of what they were doing, and whatever Danni was doing had seemed to freeze up Teddy more than a carbon-freezing chamber from Star Wars. This was as good a time as any to try and sneak aboard the broken down ship before him.

Dorian stood still for a moment, making sure not to draw anymore attention to himself as he concentrated on using his powers. He didn’t need a repeat of last time. One accidental possession was enough for a single day, even more so for the first day of school. Though…if he was to have had it happen with anyone, he was glad it was with someone he was destined to have come across anyways. Maybe one day they could look back at this day and laugh about it, about how stupid both of them acted. That was the hope, the idea he had for the future. He wouldn’t let his life become some Greek Tragedy. Dorian took a quick breath, steeling himself before going ghost as his body shifted into the Astral Realm, just as he was about to, he heard Sabine’s voice once more, catching her gaze as he shifted realms. He caught a glimpse of the sword off her hip, wondering where she’d gotten it, and what's more, if she was just as big of a She-Ra fan as he and Danni were. He never really got the full story on how the pair had met, but perhaps it started over some bonding from She-Ra. That would make sense, Sabine was a total Mermista, and ofcourse Danni was Seahawk. A classic pairing really.

Mai was more than boisterous enough to shake Dorian out of his AA She-Ra casting. Focusing back to the task at hand as he thought on how Dr. Strange had mentioned how there were tons of layers to this realm, but so far Dorian could just access the one that bordered the Material Realm. A ghost of the same location, superimposed with only sparse differences here and there. He didn’t want to see the other layers, he’d seen the doors and chosen not to attempt to head through, not alone. He stood there frozen for a moment as he let the thought sink in before finally taking a step. Dorian kicked himself off the ground with a gentle push, hovering over the other students as he began to make his way above Teddy and the others, watching their faces as Danni and April caused chaos in his stead. When he’d landed down at the edge of the Kree ship, he couldn’t help but notice just how metallic everything was. Sure, it was a military ship…maybe, but it was a spacecraft. There had to be some form of comfort for long rides right? Or is this what Kree’s found comfortable? He took careful steps throughout the wreckage as he explored the insides and began to rethink how he viewed alien space tech. The footage he’d seen of the New York attack looked as if alien tech was all organic in some nature, interfusing with its pilots and hosts. This seemed nothing like that, it was cold and calculated with not a single organic piece in sight. It felt like a warship. He was about to try and phase back in to ask Vision about the Kree and the wreckage when suddenly the synthezoid vanished out of sight. Great.

He turned his attention back towards the central console, catching a glimpse of the wires that seemed to be completely fucked. His best guess would be a rat got into the thing and began tearing it apart but…this was a spaceship, were there rats in space? Was it an alien equivalent to a rat? In any case they seemed about ready to snap and Dorian did the only thing he could think of to do. He stuck his head through the central console to take a peek within and see if he could catch sight of the trouble making space-rat or at the very least get a closer look at the inner workings of the machine.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

As Colby smiled towards him, Maddie couldn’t help but be reminded of a poem he’d read so many times. The first two stanzas sticking out within his mind as he watched his childhood crush melt his troubles away. He looked away from Colby for a moment, staring towards the middle distance as he placed one finger on lips and tapped it gently. ”The sun was shining on the sea, Shining with all his might: He did his very best to make The billows smooth and bright-And this was odd, because it was The middle of the night. The moon was shining sulkily, Because he thought the sun Had got no business to be there After the day was done- ‘Its very rude of him’ he said ‘To come and spoil the fun’ ” Maddie recited as if reading it to a class before breaking out into a giggle before bumping his boyfriend gently with his shoulder. ”I’ve said it before and I’ll say it again. You make it very difficult to be upset.” Maddie stood up from the ground brushing off some of the dirt from his pants as watched the two men from Robin Hood’s people make their way towards the tower proper. He was curious as to what was happening, was it news of the other party? Or perhaps they saw something on patrol that they needed to report back?

Maddie wasn’t sure either way, but he had decided he didn’t currently care either. If it was pressing news he was certain the guards would’ve called them over as they made their way. So his attention was once again fully and utterly on his boyfriend. After all this was the longest time they’ve been allowed alone without some sort of interruption or epic event coming in the way. ”Oh…I didn’t even consider where this realm was in terms of plumbing or well…any advancements really. Do you think Wonderland has it?” His eyebrows knit in concern for a moment. ”Either way, seeing Merlin about this is probably the best bet. Last thing we need is to stray too far away from this place's enchantments and stumble upon Maleficent again. Especially if we ran into her while showering. Sure we have magic but that’s embarrassing enough to kill me without her trying” he joked before extending his hand out towards Colby so they could make their way towards the grand wizard himself.

Figures, no appreciation for what he’d just done. Sure there were oooo’s and aaaawwweee’s but Dorian didn’t care about all that. Stopping that massive Asteroid had taken a lot of energy and that meant he burned a shit ton of calories he already couldn’t help expending. But he was outvoted, two to one, there would be no pitstop to enjoy a classic American meal before the big rush to capture their 15 million bounty. A part of him hoped there’d be just as many credits inside the pouch he’d gotten, but if that were the case they wouldn’t be pirating now would they? He fished each item out one by one, seeing the credits and stashing them back for later before taking out the other two items. Dorian turned the silver cylindrical sphere in his hand, noting the blue button up top of it as he wondered what that could be. If he gave it more thought he was certain he’d figure it out, but he didn’t want to at this time. Hell maybe he’d find out in some drawn out pitched combat where he’d pull this out like an ace in his sleeve and see just what it could do. The third object was just weird. A bottle with fine silver sand inside, nothing else, no labels or instructions. Was the ravager attempting to sell this off? What is for recreational purposes? Or perhaps he had just acquired it to melt it back into metal before using it on some project. ”Weird.” Dorian slid all the contents into his own pouch, moving around his personal items to accommodate the two new additions.

Once they’d reached the moon Titan, they were immediately being questioned about the new ‘cargo’ they’d just acquired. Danni wasn’t wrong, it was just spare parts for them to use on the Excelsior, but he didn’t expect the hike-up on loading prices just for carrying it. He rubbed his eyes with his forefinger and thumb before laying back into his chair. Even more credits were lost due to his impromptu decision. He really hoped that ship was worth it. To Danni’s request, he got up and made his way back towards the holotable, sliding into the seat before crossing his arms behind his head as he waited for April. ”Sandix? Well if anyones gonna have their ear to the ground it'll be him. But we cant linger there. Surely other hunters are either already on their way there or have beat us to that punch. Lets try not to let this interaction last more than one drink, enough to let us blend in but not enough to be wasting our time once we’ve gotten what we need.” Dorian didn’t suspect they’d wished to get sloshed just before going off on the biggest bounty they’d ever attempted, but he had to mention it regardless. One drink in and out. If need be they could slam it back and leave, but something about it felt different this time. A sinking worry that something was waiting for them at Kol’kill, just trying to take them out. Perhaps the Ravagers had gotten into Dorian’s head a bit.
Dorian Gray

Location: Kree Ship
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian laced his fingers into Danni’s as he felt the familiar tug of his hand on his. The touch was enough to start getting him out of the slump he had somehow landed himself in. Swinging his hand back and forth as his steps became lighter and shifted into a light skip the more they walked. He listened intently to his best friend as he began to speak, cocking his head in confusion as he mentioned making enough for five people now. Dorian held his free hand out, counting out the people before recounting once more and trying to figure out how an extra person had just been added without his knowing. His mind briefly flashed towards a possible contender before it instantly got pushed out and moved past it faster than Tommy’s hunger, concentrating back to what Danni was saying. ”T’at’s because someone’s dad ‘as a strict ‘no boys allowed’ policy. So lame.” Dorian huffed with a bit of a giggle. April’s father was many things, but most of all he was way too overprotective of his kids. Their house was like his ultimate nightmare, all boys and not a single girl in sight. So April was never allowed to come over, even if they were just one short teleport away. There was no sense in crying about it though, at the very least they got the school years to be together and with almost no parental supervision. Really what were they thinking? It’s like they wanted all the chaos that had built up over the summer to come spilling out onto the faculty instead of in the safety of their own homes.

As the Kree ship began to come into view (or what was left of it anyways), Danni began going off about how amazing it would be to go on space adventures in the Star Wars universe. If Multi-verses existed, surely there was one in which Star Wars was an actuality rather than fiction right? Either way Danni was right, they’d be able to do anything they wanted in that world and he’d definitely want to become a jedi, but like the Aniken/ObiWan kind not a lame one. April offered a few possible team names for them as they continued their trek towards the ship, stopping short at what could’ve been the most interesting one. ”What? Star-Whores?” Dorian said through chuckled words. He began to take the ship in in earnest as he listened to April's spoon analogy. ”It’s probably because Earth Tech isn’t nearly as exciting as Space tech. We have guns, t’ey ‘ave laser’s. If anyt’ing, aside from Stark-Tech and Pym-Tech, I t’ink t’e biggest boom in technological advancement t’at we had was back when t’at ‘uge invasion ‘appened back in New York. T’e leftover Alien tech paved new ways and studies. But t’is…” Dorian looked the ship up and down once more, free hand on his chin as he stuck his tongue out trying to think. ”I t’ink its more spork t’an spoon. It looks military, so ‘ard to tell. But if you ask me, anyt’ing military is just a step above generic.” He continued thinking about April's question though, now wanting to hyperfixate on the topic and spend his night deep diving the web to get as much information as he could about the differences in tech and how comparable Earth Tech was to other forms of Tech found across the galaxy and beyond.

Everyone before him was nothing more than a simple blur that was quickly being mentally removed from Dorian’s sight as he watched the ship from afar. Taking in the build and damage it must have sustained as he began to create his own story for how the ship got here. April’s voice rang through however as she pointed out her sister within the crowd. Zelda was the first to come into focus, then Dorian began to see all the others around the area. Leah and Vicky were both there after having just left them not too long ago, as was the tower of a guy he’d bumped into earlier and the rude freshie that he’d had encountered both at the food truck line as well as Agatha’s Tent briefly. This was certainly going to be an awkward affair. To make matters worse, his old crushes ex-dad was there manning the ship it seemed. Why couldn't anything ever just go easily? ”Yeah, so is ‘alf t’e peeps t’at ditched us back at Aggie’s tent. If you want, I can go ask Vis ‘ow long t’ey plan to keep t’is wreck ‘ere and if its for a while we can ditch and go do pics and hook a duck instead.” As much as Dorian wanted to explore the wreckage, he wanted to avoid any more awkward situations even more. He’d gladly come back to it later on in the school week when he had time and he almost always had time. He was a good student, bright even, but he wasn't against the random day of Hookey now and then.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: Burger King
Skills: Shapeshifting

Nancy seemed just as shocked as Demetri was when he'd heard the news. He couldnt tell if she was surprised by the sudden announcement or if her surprise was towards the fact the he was with a god. She clearly never had much of a good idea of Demi, not so much as giving him the time of day unless Zeke was around and practically made it happen. So to think that she'd find his bethrothal to a god not only shocking, but humorous, and an impossibility was likely within her reach. Once the threats started coming out however, Demetri held his hands up in surrender. "Don't look at me, I had no idea until after Alexios was told. My last meeting with Aphrodite kind of dropped the news on both of us at the same time. Like he said, Zeus and Aphrodite made some sort of pact we aren't privy to and now we're betrothed." He took a step back, hands still up for a moment before he shoved them down into his pants pockets. He'd never wilingly put Zeke through any of this torment that he was currently going through, between Janelle, his sexual awakening, and now this sudden betrothal, Demetri wouldn't wish this on anybody. He couldn't help but feel responsible for it all though. He'd read enough Greek Tragedies to know how love usually ended in them. If the gods deemed it worthy enought to meddle in (and they clearly did for them) then it was full of hurdles, tricks, and turns that would test the couples limits of their relationships. Most ended in tragedy, in one form or another, and Demetri couldnt quite tell which of the two scenarios would be worse to him; if Zeke was the one that lived and had to deal with the fall out of it all, or if he was the one to perish because of a mistake Demi made. He tried to push those thoughts away as he focused back onto the conversation just in time to hear the cashier call his order out. Saved by the King. "Thats my cue, you four get acquainted while I go get our food and order something for Alexios. K? k."

Demetri peeled away from the growingly awkward conversation and dark thoughts as he made his way towards the counter. He let out a heavy sigh with a face of dread before wiping it all clean and plastering on a smile for the Burger King employee. "Sorry mate, mind if I add another order? Friend over there decided he was actually a bit peckish. Just a small chocolate shake and small fries please?" He grabbed the tray before him, lifting it carefully to ensure that he didnt drop it as he made his way back over towards the table, sliding the tray down towards the wall end as he slid in after it, placing his bag to his immediate left to save a space for Zeke in the event that Alexios got any ideas of trying to snag that seat. He handed out the food for each of them before gingerly picking up a fry, inspecting it, and then taking a small bite before flashing Alexios a closed mouth smile. "Got your food order put in mate, shouldn't take too long as I didn't order much. Not quite sure what you like or if you care for spicy food or even greasy food, I did however get you a classic that never seems to fail." He flashed the god a cheeky smile before looking back over his shoulder. What was taking Zeke so long? Surely he'd managed to clean the icecream all off by now? Demi felt a pit inside his stomach, worried that perhaps Zeke was using this time to process it all. Looking himself in the mirror as he decided whether or not to end things with Demetri. And who could blame him? Demi certainly wouldn't. It'd hardly been a day and look at how much he'd already royally fucked up his life. Perhaps they were best left to be frenemies that hid their feelings in the halls of the infirmary lost in the pages of books during those warm summer days. He let out another, softer, sigh as the employee came back with the rest of his order and called it out. Demetri slunk himself out of his seat, grabbing the pair of items before heading back and handing them to Alexios. [color=6666FF]"Here. Chocolate Shake and fries. You take this, put it here, and then..."[color] Demi demonstrated as he dipped a fry into the shake before pulling it out and taking a bite.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: Burger King

The girls seemed to be taking the news about as well as the boys had. Which is to say with shock and awe as they tried to wrap their minds around the idea that good ol' Demetri seemed to have somehow managed to bag a god. Cassian was more than certain that this wasn't some sort of boon or favor of the gods however. If anything this was more likely to be a punishment by the god of gods and ruler of the skies. Why? Cassian didn't know. Anything could have pestered Zeus, or even Aphrodite for that matter. The more he thought on it the more it made sense. The way the goddess might be seeing it is that Demi meddled in her affairs when he won over Zeke instead of Janelle. Janelle now full of heartache could of caught the attention of the goddess while Demi caught her ire. So she meddled in with his life, making his powers go haywire for a moment which of course would catch the attention of Zeus who then demands her to stop but given she is older this little matter had to be settled in a way that they both win. Demi gets to marry a god and have one to aid them along in their quest against a titan and Aphrodite gets to cause further strife by introducing in a third party member to help meddle in the love affairs of the two young demi-gods. Its a win win. Cassian was a bit proud of his potential deduction as Demi got up and left to grab their food. Cassian turned to Nancy and Kristin as he mouthed to them Is everything ok? Before motioning with his head towards the ladies room that Janelle had gone off to. He wasn't expecting them to give a full answer, but he hoped that he could at the very least manage to get a yes or no to help him see just how long this quest is going to end up being.

Demi came back with the food and Cass simply gave him his thanks as he took his shake and fries. He wrapped both hands around the sides of his cup, pulling it closer to himself as he took a sip from his shake and smiled. While Cassian normally preffered the sweet taste of fresh fruits or honey, there was an oddly satisfying taste to some artificial flavours, especially when it came to milk shakes. He took another sip, thinking back towards him as he recalled the days he and his mother would travel out to town and get some Steak and Shake. Now those were some rediculous flavours. His favorite being the cotton candy. He was quiet for a while, hardly noticing when Demi left the second time. Cassian rolled his eyes before taking a bite of his own fries. "Yes yes Demi got himself another beau. Can we move past this and figure out what the next step in our plan is? As lovely as this train ride has been, it seems to be moving at a slower rate than any of us would care to go. We need a faster option, something that can get us over towards the other half of the U.S. as quickly as possible. Surely there's something we could take? Some quick mythical beast to ride or something."

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie couldn't help but laugh at Colbys question about Rapunzel's Disney Princess qualifications. It took him back to a movie he'd seen recently, Ralph Breaks the Internet, in which they go over the qualifications for becoming a Princess. He didn't know this Rapunzel, but she didn't have magical hair, nor magic hands, he didn't know if animals talked to her, nor if she was poisoned, cursed, though possibly kidnapped or enslaved. The more he thought about it the more he realized it didn't really matter. They weren't going to burn down her tower regardless. "Tell me about it, this place certainly doesn't follow a strict code of where to get its source material from." he said with a chuckle.

He gave his boyfriend a kiss. Staring at him for a moment before rolling his eyes at him. "You're such a dork you know that? Make it practically impossible to be in a bad mood." Maddie said as he bumped him back. "So what do you want to do? We can't just sit out here forever, but the others aren't back yet either so…" he gave Colby a grin as if he was up to no good but didn't follow through with any sort of mention as to why.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion
Skills: Soul Staff Current Outfit

Max rolled his eyes as Lance spoke. Pretty, sure, but clearly he was nowhere near as nice as he was back in WandaWorld. He understood not trusting the new guy, sure, but he wasn't just the new guy here. Some of them knew him from another reality, where they'd seen his powers and watched as he implemented them. What's more he'd made it clear he had history with Pyro, and it wasn't all negative. So yes, he really did believe Pyro would be willing to talk to him. After all he was already defeated so his chance to paradise was lost and now his only way to potentially reach it would be to ally himself with the group and face off towards the new frontier.

As Miranda began her lengthy explanation about what she perceived the new events to be, he couldn't help but feel a pang of guilt as she so quickly lumped Max in with the rest of the X-men in the room. Sure he'd come here to join them, but the fact that they weren't exactly cared for back on Genosha is exactly why he needed to help change them from within. Everyone back there knew what the X-men stood for, and hardly ever did it feel it was mutants or mutant rights. Charles himself left his own group to die by the hands of the X-cutioner when they needed him most. His thoughts ran their course as Miranda continued to talk with Lance and Pietro. Two thoughts popping up as she mentioned this failsafe to Genosha. The first being Island M, the second…revisiting Genohsa itself.

Carolina's answer was rather simple. Grab the Blackbird, take it to space, and just search the entirety of Earth's orbit and then some. As if the vastness of space even in such a small sector wasn't an immense challenge in and of itself. Unless those scanners could cover full quadrants of the planet's surroundings then he doubted it'd be that easy. He could try a locator spell like back in Wanda's universe, but he hadn't tried to successfully replicate it since he'd left that reality. A part of Max wondered if he could track Neil or Ed's magic. Seeing if Kin could locate Kin, or at the very least feel for those forces as they searched. But most importantly he began to wonder if Island M or Genosha could hold any clues as to Magneto's new location.

Genosha at the very least wasn't an option, not to mention even if it was, having the X-men step foot on it would feel a bit like sacrilege. "Jaclyn has a point. But I feel like searching for an asteroid in space is like looking for hay in a haystack. Scanners or not. Miranda is there any chance Magneto would have had any of these plans written or stored on his private Island? Could always pay it a visit if there's a chance to find something on its exact location. Aside from that…" Max shifted uncomfortably in his seat as he rested his cheek on one hand. "I could try a locator spell. It's iffy and I haven't tried it in this reality, though having something of Ed or Neil would help me immensely I think. Magic has a way to gravitate towards one another. It's how-" he cut himself off as a stray thought ran through his mind. "Can the Blackbird track cosmic forces? Well, cosmic energy? Primordial energy?" He sat forward with each question as if this could be a key to finding their missing allies.
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