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Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demetri looked up from his drink as Cassian questioned how important the group viewed this quest. He got it, it was the kids first quest, hell it was Demi’s first quest too, but unlike Cassian he was never raring to go off on daring adventures. He did, however, figure that this meant a lot to him. He was probably just overthinking it all and just needed to let the quest…well quest. Zeke’s nudge brought his attention back towards his boyfriend, causing Demi to giggle before nudging him back. ”Don’t mention it, jerk. It’s the least I can do.” He snagged a grape from Alexios conjured vine and took a bite of it. They were incredible, and Demi’s immediate first thought was to snag another and quickly plop it into Zeke’s mouth. ”You have got to try these. They’re amazing! Definitely need some for the next picnic” The good mood didn’t last long though. Cassian had clearly struck a chord with Nancy. As she stood up and spilled her drink, Demi instinctively slid back into his chair further, spreading his legs so that if any of the shake had spilled off the edge it would miss his clothes and land on the floor. Normally he’d have rushed off to gather napkins and clean the mess at the point of spill but he thought it unwise given how Nancy was currently acting. The more she spoke the more Demi couldn’t look at her, finding a spot in the corner of their little section of Burger King to focus on. It felt as if he was reading her diary, like he was listening in to private thoughts he was never meant to hear. Before he knew it she’d thrown a shake on Cassian and left. Demi hadn’t done anything, but then why did this all feel like it was his fault?

In almost no time at all Kristin had gone off after Nancy, followed by Zeke. Demi’s hand went up slowly to feel his cheek where the warmth of Zeke’s kiss was still present. He lingered there for a moment before standing up and gathering some napkins from the drink station off to the side. He came back with a solemn look on his face as he began to wipe down the table. ”I’ve got this mess, why don't you go clean up in the bathroom Cass, maybe change into a spare bit of clothes if you have it.” He waited till it was just the pair of them (and Janelle) before he spoke again while wiping the table. ”You know…that’s actually how Zeke and I met. The petty fights, small insults, constantly trying to get a rise out of one another…” It felt wrong to speak about this in front of Janelle, but there was no real other time where she wouldn’t be around so he continued. ”You think it’s all some petty drama or grudge when suddenly you realize you're not just trying to get a rise, but that it's a way to get their attention. A way for them to notice you. So…yeah. I see the way you’re treating him, how you clearly want to get a reaction out of him…but that’s our love language. It’s how we can be ourselves around each other. He means a lot to me Alexios, and I get that we are betrothed, but maybe actually give him a chance and you’ll see just what it was that I fell in lo-...you’ll see why it is that I like him so much and why he means so much to me.” Demi stood there, soppy napkins in his hands as he stared blankly at the table. ”Chances the God of Parties has the ability to clean up a party foul?’

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

Janelle had a point. How much could they trust that Alexios’ ride would get them to where they needed to be without any further detours? It was after all a Party Bus and what’s more party than snagging up a few more spots along the way? If anything, Cassian figured the general mood of the current group and how they got along would kill any vibes inside of that bus real quick. None of them seemed to be party people. Cassian couldn’t help but roll his eyes as he heard Nancy’s initial sarcasm coming towards him. It’s like it was all she knew, sarcasm and vitriol. If she had a nice bone in her body, he figured it’s be the tip of her pink toe but it was bruised and pained from stubbing her toe on a coffee table one too many times. She brought up the Hotel once more, they still had no idea why she hated it so much, but what's more, Cassian had no idea what it had to do with the bus itself or what was going on. As Nancy raged on, the pieces started to click into place. She wasn’t just trapped in the hotel, she had hardly endured there. His stomach twisted in knots as she went on about what it was that happened, any words he may have had shut down and turned to bile in his throat. Then cold. Shiver’s shot down his back as he felt the cold treat slip down his shirt and trail its way down his spine. The sticky cold feeling snapping him out of anything he was feeling from Nancy’s tantrum.

For a moment his eyes shone a mix of purple and gold before fading back fast. She wasn’t in her right mind, he needed to remember that. As Demetri had motioned for him to go clean up, Cassian got up to do so. ”Yeah, sounds like a plan” His voice was sharp and cold. He made his way towards the mens restroom, noting the lack of paper towels in there and groaning in exasperation. His hands gripped the sides of the porcelain sink tightly, his knuckles turning white as he stared down at the silver ring around the drain. ”Maybe if you actually spoke to people they’d actually KNOW what your damned boundaries are. Oh I hate the lotus hotel woe is me. Lets just fully leave out that your boundaries extend past the fucking building itself. How the hell else was i supposed to know the alternate form of travel would cross some boundary you never fucking listed. Stupid Roman bitch. All she’s doing is holding us back in this quest, it's like she wants to see the Greeks’ fail.’ Cassian took a sharp breath in, holding it, before letting it loose slowly. ”That’s not fair Cass and you know it. Let's just…get cleaned up. Surely the women's restroom should have something to clean up with.”

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Thank Alice the guards had agreed for them to go. It would've been a real pain if they had to sneak around trying to tail them in the event they still wanted to go. Maddie was fairly certain he'd seen an invisibility spell in there somewhere before and he'd have loved to test it out if it came to it. While he doubted the two of them had the power to disguise an entire army, he was certain they could at least cloak themselves with their mystical aptitude.

He hadn't expected Rapunzel to show up, nor for her to add some extra items on…whatever it was they just agreed to do. Luckily it was a fairly easy task, all they had to do was just locate some flowers with medicinal properties and hope they didn't accidentally confuse them for their potential poisonous counterparts. Maddie froze for a moment before Colbys quick questioning allowed him to relax. "Yeah…I'm not exactly a botanist myself. So the book would be appreciated. Especially if these plants have any doppelgangers to look out for. I know enough about foraging to know you need to be extra careful with what you grab."

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff, Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max shot a glance out of the corner of his eye towards Lance as he began to backpedal with the newcomer and child. A long day was an understatement. It was barely the afternoon and already Max had to have an incredibly difficult conversation with his boyfriend, said goodbye to his child, and got attacked by a notorious villain of the X-men before having several bones broken and left to recover and heal on his own for hours on end while he was panicking and being torn inside from losing Ed once more. But even despite all that, he still found time to bite his tongue and give the others the benefit of the doubt. This felt like it should be some sort of wake up call, like the universe was trying to show him just how different the X-men were from the Mutant Underground. Even so, Max had to try. Even if it was just to get Ed back to safety once more before parting ways, or perhaps this whole episode would allow the others to see just how selfish they’ve been in their endeavors and can finally understand why it was Genosha was made, and why it was the X-men were so hated upon the island.

Max rolled his eyes at Pietro’s whole conversation. Who cared why they took Bonnie’s husband, what mattered was that he was abducted. Besides, most of those in this room shouldn’t have been surprised by this news. Flynn was a prince back in WandaWorld, meaning he either married in or he was the son of Magneto. It made sense, all of it did now more so than back then. In her need to have her family back, Wanda inadvertently brought all of the children of the Mutant Master of Magnetism together under one roof. ”Honestly at this point I don't know who has more children, Erik or Charles.” Jaclyns peering eyes didn’t escape his notice though. It was hard not to notice when someone was staring at you even if you had your back turned towards them. He let the prickly sensation flow off of him, deciding that was a conversation for another time. For now she seemed to be one of the more level headed people on this team, given Carolina just invited a mother onboard to a dangerous space mission where her husband awaited in space, leaving a child potentially orphaned if the mission went awry. It appeared that they were on their way off at least. Bonnie having agreed to stay behind with the child after adding the correction that she was in fact a Doctor. In what? Max had no idea. He never cared for the title seeing as she could have a doctorate in literature and still be called Dr. All it told him was she had the money or resources to allow her to get the title.

”Sorry Dr. Chase won't happen again. Here’s hoping Flynn doesn't recognize me, I don't need anymore embarrassing exploits to happen this day.” Max commented as he began to walk away, his magic swirling around him before the pink specs that peppered his cosmic dust overtook the spell and halted it mid creation. He stopped in his tracks, a soft sigh of exhaustion coming out before he snapped his fingers and his magic corrected itself back to what it should rightfully have been in the first place. Replacing the unfinished bright brink scraps of fabric that barely decorated his body with the now all black attire that clung a little closer to him than his early outfit from the day. He didn’t need his loose fabrics potentially getting in the way in space, but he also had no idea what kind of atmosphere Magneto had managed to create on the asteroid's surface. As Max continued to walk once more he held up one finger but asking something that felt a bi t too obvious. ”Do we have space suits to…you know…survive space?”
Dorian Gray

Location: Kree Ship
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian watched as a new person joined them into the fray of battle. It was the blonde haired ghost lover from earlier within the ship. He didn’t really know what powers she had, but now was the best time to show them off! Her fellow classmates were in trouble and she could get a warm up before the Contest of Champions auditions later today. His tarpy self watched as she…sat…on…the ground…wHaT?! She was just going to watch this all happen? What did he expect from someone who purposely stood in cold spots and randomly shoved their arms places most likely hoping for an interaction. Why didn’t she just go see the haunted tree if she was so curious? The wrinkles on the tarp shifted slightly as it made an upset face with a mixture of creases and shadows. At least Diana was still here. Sure she was mostly an archer, but maybe she had a bug catching arrow or something. He watched as she teleported away and…never came back. April’s sister (Link i think?) finally got control of her powers as the bees seemingly phased out of existence. If it was that easy why didn’t she just do that from the start?! Before Dorian could even question her, she went running off saying how sorry she was and how she didnt want to ruin anything else. A shot of irritation ran through the ghostly sheet as he thought to himself too late.

His irritation melted away as he saw April's concern for her sister come in. Dorain sloughed off of Teddy like a morning blanket when getting out of bed, pooling around his feet before he finally stood up and brought the two top corners together in his best 👉👈fashion. He looked towards Danni then back towards April and waved at her goodbye as she ran after her sister. He quickly flew up , dropping the tarp down on Danni as he hopped out of the large sheet before phasing back into the material world behind the blonde voyeur. ”So do you just not ‘ave powers or do you enjoy watching people scream and struggle against a tiny flaming foe?” He asked as he peered over her shoulder to try and see what it was that she was looking at exactly. After a few seconds he’d decided it was uncomfortable trying to peer over while standing up, so he stretched up straight looking towards Danni as he called him over towards him. ”’ey Danni get over ‘ere. Since April’s left after Sheik maybe we can still try for ‘ook a Duck, or could just call it a day so you can start making food for later. I still ‘ave to pick out who all is coming and going and finalize a list for my exclusive viewing party soooo tons of t’ings to look forward to.”

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

Demi spared a half glance upwards from his food as Nancy uttered a singular word. No. It was firm, strong, as Demetri could easily imagine her standing on a hill facing off an entire battalion and that single word being her weapon and shield. He recalled his mother telling him something before when he was younger. No was a full sentence. She didn’t need to explain herself further nor state her case for the train. She’d said all she needed to with a singular word so rooted in a clear cause that Demetri wasn’t even about to ask any further questions on it. It seemed that Zeke was of the same mind as him, though that didn’t exactly surprise the son of Zeus. While he may not see eye to eye with Nancy, the two siblings seemed to be thick as thieves. He gave Cassian a mock apologetic look before shooting him a slight grin as he chewed on his burger, swallowing the bite before giving him a light punch on the shoulder. ”Sorry there mate, even if everyone had agreed to the bus I’d still stick to the tracks. Nance said no and we don't split the party. Maybe next time. Besides, I feel like I'd get tinnitus from being on a loud party bus from here to Los Angeles.” He took another bite of his burger before he decided to shift his attention back towards his boyfriend, rolling his eyes at him as he recalled his slight protest earlier before all the talk of the bus.

”Fries are hardly a meal Z. Besides, we're gonna need all of us fed and in top shape if we plan to get attacked repeatedly from here to timbuktu. That and…well who turns down pie?” He remarked before placing his burger down and wiping his hands onto the napkins he’d gotten. Demi wrapped his arms around both Zeke’s and Alexios shoulders, flashing them each a smile as he pulled them in with a tight squeeze before letting them go once more to enjoy his food. ”So glad to see you two getting along. Even sharing the fries I’d gotten you each. Warms my heart really, makes me feel like nothing can take me down.” His tone was cheery and upbeat, but really he just wanted to guilt trip Alexios enough to make sure he didn’t do anything retaliatory towards Zeke for stealing his fry. He doubted the god was that petty, but he didn’t want to write it all off just yet.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

Cassian deflated slightly when he’d heard the bus ran at normal mortal speeds and didn’t cut time like the pegasi chariots did. The brightside was it was spacious inside and didn’t require any fuel which meant stops were to be few and far between only need for food assuming the bus itself might have a restroom on board. Nancy was, however, the first to rain on his parade. Shooting down his idea without so much as a second thought. If he didn’t know any better, Cassian would think she was doing this just to spite him. And she very well may still be. It seemed as though any idea he brought up the young Roman shut down. Hardly ever giving reasoning before shutting him out completely. It felt very targeted, but he tried not to dwell on it for too long. From what Zeke had mentioned, their end location was Nancy’s greatest fear. It only made sense that she wouldn’t mind their trip taking a little bit longer. Any air left in his sails was quickly knocked out as one by one every person had suggested staying within the train. It was unanimous it seemed, and Cassian had no real reason to refute it.

As he sat there watching the whipped cream on his shake sink with every sip, he allowed a singular nasty thought to enter his mind. One born of Chaos. What if Nancy was purposely sabotaging this quest? Whether she’d meant to or not, what if her constant fear and refusal to return to the Lotus Hotel and Casino was what called forth the gods attention? Spurring Aphrodite to meddle into Demi’s affairs and powers to slow down the pace they moved along in and when that didn’t pan out as well as needed she changed tactics by introducing a new element that would sow seeds of discourse. How else did one get the one god with a way to go cross country in a form that Nancy would immediately reject? There was a sudden slurping noise as he hit the end of his shake, not realizing it till after the fact as he’d thought of this new theory before pushing it out. ”Hey! I mean if everyone says no then it's a no clearly. Also I'm not impatient, I just think this quest is a little more important than any of us are really giving it credit for.”

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

While an afternoon stroll with Robin’s men wasn’t exactly what Maddie had in mind, the opportunity did present itself. He’d be lying if he said it wasn't enticing. A perfect excuse to leave the tower behind and all those who were quickly joining it. He didn’t know what they were doing, but in the end it didn’t really matter much. Mads paused for a moment, deliberating on how best to ask Colby if he would mind changing directions, when to his surprise (although he really shouldn't be) Colby turned to ask him the same thing. Another reason why they were just perfect for each other, they’d already began to operate in a similar wavelength. More than he could say for the rest of the cast of would-be heroes lining the inside of the tower at the moment. Words escaped him for a moment, simply nodding back excitedly t onwards his boyfriend as he was asked the question. Colby already began to make his way towards the merry men, with Mads rolling his eyes with a bit of a chuckle as he quickly ran over towards the stump that held the spellbook their fathers had left for them to practice with. Much like Merlin’s tome, he was certain this one would contain a host of useful spells that they could use. So far they had flames, lightning, teleportation,a familiar, and a mystical mist to help cover their tracks. If they kept this up they’d be Arch Mages in no time at all, with Merlins blessing of course.

Mads finally caught up with Colby and the guards, lightly slapping his arm with the back cover of the spellbook to get his attention. ”Don’t forget this, silly. I have my own I got from Merlin so it's only right that you should keep this one.” He said with a wide grin before turning to face the guards. ”We’d love to help! And we know some magic too so it's not like we’ll be dead weight at all. Right Colby?” Maddie flashed a smile towards Colby as he asked him, it's not like the guards could really stop them from following them into the forest. Clearly they were asking for assistance inside, unless they really just wanted to alert everyone that they were about to embark on a patrol in which case…couldn’t they have just told them to deliver the news? They were already outside and clearly not up to too much when the men walked past them.

Originally when their little space adventures had started, seeing a Kree would’ve reminded him of times long gone. His last year (by force) at AA and the first day spent there fighting off flaming bees and naked space rats by a Kree Warship. But now seeing the Kree on his datapad just seemed like another Friday night. It was an odd thought, Dorian never would’ve believed that the charm of space and its many alien races would wear off on him. But with so many years spent out here and away from what used to be home, it all just became commonplace to him. He tried his best not to offend the driver however, holding back a look of disgust as he watched the old man chew on his sap that reminded him of Terran chewing tobacco. It was gross then and its still gross now. He shot a glare towards Danni as he was quick to tell those present that they had just cut through the belt to get here. Luckily those around either didn’t care or didn’t believe them, and that was fine by Dorain. If they didn’t think them to be space adrenaline junkies then they may actually piece together that they were in a hurry to arrive here and that would make getting this bounty that much more difficult.

Dorian tried to laugh along with Wen, his chuckle slowly fading as the man began to choke on his own…whatever he choked on. If he had to fashion a guess it was probably that foul smelling chew he was keeping in his mouth. He slid himself into the small cart motioning for the others to get in. ”’onestly we’ve been called worse and done t’ings far more stupid t’an just run t’e belt.” He chuckled out awkwardly as he tried to act casual. He didn’t know why but he felt tense all of a sudden. Like hitting this god forsaken moon made all of this bounty that much more real than it was before. One wrong move and there went the biggest prize they'd ever even had the pleasure of laying their eyes on. ”Eit’er way destination’s t’e good ol Kol’kill. Gotta get t’at whistle wet and liquid courage for our next stupid endeavour what ever t’at may be”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff Current Outfit

Max fought back sending Miranda a glare as she decided to interject on his parenting skills. Obviously he wasn’t going to snag the child from Bonnie’s arms and begin to rock her for her. He’d have gone off on an entire tangent about how stuffed animals were appropriate at any age, so much so that hospitals provided them at birth at times. How the soft plush could help offer comfort to the babe as it cried and helped to soothe it down from whatever temper it had, and in lieu of all that it at least functioned as a suction toy. Babies were notorious for suckling on vastly anything they could get their hands on. Aside from the numerous tomes that Max devoured over his short superheroing break, he also managed to consume many parenting books as his anxiety kicked into overdrive and he at one point went power crazy as he baby proofed every corner of the house. All of it to boil down and say that Max, had he cared to open that can of worms, would’ve turned to Miranda and told her that if he wanted advice from an absent mother and known abandoner of her children then he’d ask for it. His quick rise in temper was immediately extinguished as Bonnie took his small peace offering and thanked him for it before handing it to the baby.

Max made way as Carolina came in for a hug with the new stranger, clearly having known her from her siblings time in SHIELD as it was pointed out. He’d had his own encounters with their agents, wondering if any of the ones he’d met were Carolina’s sister, but now wasn’t the time to ask about the family tree. (Un)fortunately for him, Lance had decided to try and get the ball rolling again, re addressing the questions that Max had already asked, while simultaneously throwing doubt out to the fact that this may all be related. He didn’t see how this was a hard string to follow. Mutant attacks happened at two separate locations, spiriting away several of their team, now a stranger comes in saying her husband was also taken and that she needs help. It was clear to Max that Magneto was pulling out all the stops on his new Genosha, and that didn’t just end with current X-men. He hoped it wasn’t mutants in general, a new fear now springing up inside of him as he worried if his house was attacked. They had a former Xmen there as well as four mutants in total plus his son. If Magnet head did anything to harm his family. He clenched his hands into fists as mystic energy flashed between his eyes for a moment before Bonnie’s holo recording pulled him out of his dark thoughts and back to the current task.

He watched the recording, gasping slightly as he saw who Bonnie’s missing husband was. Apparently she married and had a kid with the prince Max had so unsuccessfully tried to court back in WandaWorld. The man he was fighting (aside from being creepy as fuck) rung absolutlely no bells to him. He didn’t appear to be a high profile mutant like the ones he’d heard of fighting them so far. Did Magneto throw his son a freebie so they could be together? Was Wanda going to be waiting for them up there as well? But then why leave Pietro here? Max offered Bonnie a lopsided smile as he rubbed the back of his neck trying to find the best way to phrase this. ”I mean this in the most respectful way Mrs. Chase, but maybe it's best if you stay here in the mansion or back at home if it's safe there. I don't doubt you're capable but space isn't exactly baby friendly.”
Dorian Gray
Danni Kingston

Location: Kree Ship
Skills: Possession Combat, Perception, Tag you’re it

As Dorian prodded around inside the center console of the ship, he felt a very odd sensation inside his chest, just above the diaphragm as a slight pressure built up. He’d no idea what he was ‘feeling’ was Vicky's hand phasing through his astral form. The odd feeling gave him a knee jerk reaction, belching extremely loudly towards the tiny little rat-worms that wiggled before him. Merde. Sorry space rats. The more he looked at them the queasier he was feeling, but it wasn’t their fault they were disgusting bundles of hairless goo. He gave them a queasy smile before pulling himself out of that situation, unsure if the parent space rats had developed a way to see into the astral realm and bite through someone's form with their extra-terrestrial teeth. A shiver ran down his spine as he let the thought sink in for a moment, before noting the irony of him getting the shivers. As Dorian finally stood up in his full form, he noticed he was occupying someone else's space, jumping back a few feet with his weightlessness as he shrieked like a girl. His hand quickly went to grip his chest as he tried to take calming breaths while he tried to focus on who was before him. Geeze lady, personal space much? Or do you just like t’e cold? Actually you know what? Don't answer t’at I really don't need to know if you’re one of t’e ones with a monster fetish.

Danni pouted, his questions (ALL OF THEM IMPORTANT) ignored entirely. Except by Princess, but Princess never ignored him and that's why he loved her. "But Beanie would be such a good Mermista! T'at whole I'm too good for friends but I love you still vibe is just so, you know? And Princess, I love you, but you just don't 'ave t'at vibe. Perfuma is def your vibe, ya know? You'll rock her cosplay!" Danni continued excitedly. He wasn't certain who he'd be yet, but he'd figure it out when inspiration came! But something else caught Danni's eye before he continued talking, going on about his different ideas for himself, and it took a moment for it to sink in.

"Bees?! Danni screeched as he realized what he was looking at wasn't a funny little daydream.

April's scream cut through any melodramatic acts that Dorian was about to take part in as he whipped his head around so fast it could’ve doubled as a scene from the 1973 cult classic The Exorcist. Any thoughts of the ship abandoned as he phased through the walls and saw the metric shit ton of flying flaming bees that now orbited around his friends. Her eyes closed tight in fear as Sabine and Leah just removed themselves from the scene. What the actual fuck? Serious demerits in the girlfriend category for Sabine. New sword? Best time to use it is to save your princess, shaking my damn head. Mist started gathering around near April, lucky for him Danni was still there. Despite what people thought, he was the best damn fire manipulator that existed. He remembered spotting some tarps off in a box in the corner, flying past them all as he made his way to Danni. If anyone would understand what was about to happen, it’d be his best friend of all time. He quickly jumped inside of Danni’s body, taking quick control before phasing out as he told him Tag, You’re It and flew straight towards the tarp box. He really hoped it was one massive tarp and not a bunch of smaller ones. As he infused himself with the material, he began to fly out of the box like a heavy pair of haunted sheets. This was a new weight he wasn’t used to moving around, typically he just possessed lockers, dolls, brooms, and other such pranking materials, but a tarp? That was a new one.

Panic welled in Danni, and fought against his fragile control over his abilities, at the sight of so many fucking bees. His first instinct was to burn the shit out of them but even as he recognized the poor decision that it was, his hand was coming up and heat pooled in his palm. He was still going to try to burn the little buggers into ash because what else could he do?!

And then a familiar floaty feeling washed over him. Dee'd taken control and Danni could just sit back and watch the…

And he's gone.

Dorian over shot his target by a mile, not literally, but enough to fuck up. In his mind it would be the perfect display of why D&D were the most dynamic duo and when coupled with April, (DAD if you will) they were unstoppable. Picture this, Dorian would wrap all the pesky firebugs with his tarp, Danni rips the fire off the flaming tarp, and then April extinguishes it. It was the perfect plan until…Dorian collided straight into the tall muscular bear of a man and entwined himself around the senior. It was like watching a bag hit the windshield of a moving car and no matter which way the wipers went, nor what the driver did, it was just there taking up space and obscuring the vision, except his whole body.

Danni had gotten the point, panic giving way to giggles as Dee threw himself around Teddy. "I know it's 'ard ta tell, but Ted's ain't a bumble bee silly!" Danni giggled, making a come hither motion at the fire with his finger. Maybe it was because he was distracted, maybe it was because flaming bees were fucking terrifying but what was supposed to be a gentle orb of fire instead bounced off his outstretched palm and wrapped itself around him like a possessed tarp.

"OH MY FUCKING GOD, WHAT T'E HELL?! MY JACKET! MY 'AIR! MY EVERYT'IN'! Danni screamed, all the good vibes dead, unlike the bees. "I'M TOO BEAUTIFUL TA BE 'ORRIBLY DISFIGURED! GET OFF, GET OFF, GET OFF! Danni patted at himself aggressively, hoping to put out the fire and a new wave of panic washing over him as it did nothing. He scrabbled at it, hoping something would happen but it. just. wouldn't. respon-

The fire curled around his fingers and elation over took fear, the flames following his fingers and he twirled with fire following like a cape. It flowed back into his hands and he beamed… until a bee flew too close to his face and he screamed, his thin control shattering and the fire exploding outwards, engulfing those near him in a blazing explosion.

If tarps could frown this one would. Dorian knew Teddy wasn't a bumbling bee, but flying this damn sheet was harder than it looked. He thought these things were supposed to be aerodynamic, if not then why did flying carpets exist? He had half a mind to reach one plasticy corner out and smack Danni, but it quickly became obvious that he had his own problems to handle. As the fire flew off the bees, onto Danni, and then ruptured into a massive explosion, Dorian’s astral self mentally curled up in the fetal position as he gripped his stomach and began to cackle wildly at the display. Sure in the end Danni got the results needed, but between April's new tan, and the wild display of fire that could have easily closed the fairgrounds for the rest of the day, Dorain was pretty content with how it had ended. Unfortunately there was still the issue of the bees.
February 2nd, 531 - 11:50 am

Caspian felt as the world's gravity began to lessen around him. The sudden feeling of weightlessness made him momentarily feel as though he was freefalling even when he hadn’t moved an inch. He choked back any food that wanted to disagree with him right now and tried to focus on the task at hand. All he needed to do was get his hand on the metal strip before him and change its properties to something less conductive. He’d already decided on which metal to shift it to, Bismuth, something that didn’t wouldn’t require a massive shift in the source material and would melt instantly when struck by electricity. There was a shit eating grin on Caspian’s face as he was about to ruin the Inquisitor's delicately designed metal cage. All of that changed as the hum of the room fell silent, coalescing into one central point before vanishing all together. Fuck. Well that just made this easier right? Now he didn’t have to worry about his heart stopping or brain frying as he touched the metal's surface, it did however, mean that Quinn’s aid was no longer needed.

Caspian was just about to land his spell when he’d realized why the room fell so silent. Quinn had been taken hostage, and the Inquisitor was asking for Lyra’s life in exchange for Quinn’s. He didn’t dare make his move, he knew he couldn’t get to him fast enough, and anything else could be seen as a threat towards the Inquisitor. He tried to think of how best to approach this when the Astorio gave the go ahead to kill Quinn. He had to be bluffing right? It was just an attempt to get the Inquisitor to pause and rethink his plan in who he should take hostage right? Caspian clenched his jaw, irritation running through him as the situation unfolded before him. Astorio wanted him to somehow save the mage. Great, which one? He assumed he meant the newly acquired prisoner, but that left Quinn dead in the water. What's more the only way out was through the Inquisitor and Quinn himself. Caspian was beginning to wish that the damned brute was more instructive with what he wanted rather than constantly tossing out vague notions of his expectations for him.

He began to study the room, searching for alternatives he could use when he felt a sudden tug within. The strange feeling of weightlessness left him as he came crashing back down towards the ground, landing ass first onto the solid floor. Caspian let out a grunt of pain followed by a groan as he began to stand up, rubbing the sore spot. Somehow in such a short amount of time they had gone from beating this Inquisitor at his own game to having two teammates willing trade lives just to stay alive. He had to believe there was some grander plan at play here, something involving Lyra coming in hot with Quinn’s ploy only to give the Inquisitor the hardest right hook he’d ever had the displeasure of feeling. If Caspian could somehow manage to make contact with Quinn he’d have been able to bolster him so that hopefully the lighting strike didn't deal as much damage. Better yet, if he could land one hit on the Inquisitor Caspian could attempt to sap him of his strength and leave him an exhausted mess. Unfortunately he was nowhere near the pair and something told him that the Astorios patience was faster than a t timer from Taboo. As Lyra began to taunt the Inquisitor, Caspian decided on how best to proceed. If all else failed and lightning began to fly, he’d have to attempt to cause an eruption of water between the two so that Quinn would go flying out of harm's way and the Inquisitor would hopefully bash his head into a nearby wall.
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