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Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff, Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Guins offer seemed more placed in the future than anything else. She wasn’t wrong in knowing that having state of the art anything meant jack when the person they were going to face off with was the Master of Magnetism. It did make him begin to wonder whether or not he should try to make some state of the art polymers for her to use. If money was the issue he had no problem trying to bypass that with his magic. After all, money was worthless in Genosha, and it had made everything much simpler for them in the long run. To say his attention was split at the moment however was an understatement. Lance’s words didn’t offer much encouragement, especially given that r regardless of how many times they’d stated it, it didn’t really feel as though they had any real direction at all. They were essentially in a vast field with a weak antenna looking for the slightest blip of a signal to chase after until it eventually would become strong enough to follow. Hopefully the Blackbird was topped off on fuel from their last foray into space or they may be left out floating on nothing but well wishes. Pietro wished to discuss a game plan mostly out of the time they had before anything real might happen, and Max didn’t fully disagree.

But first he wanted to finish his conversation with Jaclyn, he didn’t want to be rude after all. ”It’s really no problem. Though another time sounds about right for Mutant Circuits. Who knows though, maybe before long you’ll get to see it in action for us to escape the Asteroid or something” he joked, hoping fully they wouldn’t need something like that just to make a clean getaway. The Jet jolted up and Max shot a glance towards the cockpit. Was there really no way to have a smoother ascent? At any route, he needed to focus back on the task at hand, which was figuring out something to do once they landed
if they landed. ”Great so he has more followers, what else is new? Honestly I don't care for fighting our kind, but if I see Sabertooth again
it’s on sight. After all, leaving him around to chase us about wouldn’t really do us much good. So Pietro got any ideas on a plan?” Max asked as he sat back in his chair looking at him pointedly since he was the one to bring up the subject first. No one else had offered anything and Max was still cooking up some ideas of his own. He’d worked with a few of the people here before, and was looking to find a way to best put their powers and skills to use in a new unknown environment. But if what was said earlier was true and Magneto didn’t want Pietro there then chances were he already knew he’d try to come up and take his friends back which meant the location could be a speedster trap.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Maddie quirked an eyebrow at Colby as he mentioned he wouldn't mess with their hunting. A part of him wondered if that wasn't the whole reason why they were there in the first place, and then he realized neither he nor Colby had ever hunted before. Sure they'd watched their cats hunt their vicious prey of red dots and reflective lights as the sun went down back home, but neither of them had actually needed to track and capture an animal before. Maddie had seen plenty of movies where one wrong step would alert the animal and ruin the hunt for everyone, and now he was hoping that wouldn't be him.

They continued forward, walking past a patch of wild flowers, all huddled together like something out of a fairy tale. While Colby studied the flowers, comparing back and forth from the book to the real thing, Maddie crouched off to the side of him, pulling out an old moleskin journal he had full of sketches he'd done back in the real world. He hadn't had a chance to snag any of Agrabah, but things were calmer here. So he began to sketch out the flowers, drawing illustrations of them and their parts as he studied them between glances from his sketchbook. "You said you had to pack up quickly last night. What happened?" He asked the guards as his attention remained transfixed upon his book.

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

Janelle lashed out towards him, unsurprisingly. Demetri had honestly hoped that she would simply remain as a wallflower during this conversation. She had remained silent up until now, hardly giving any words edgewise as the others talked things out, so why was she suddenly so vocal? Or was it simply just because she was alone with him and Alexios so no one (including Zeke) would see the nastier side to her that Demetri was beginning to notice. Sure she was Irish (or Scottish Demi really didn’t know) but green was not a good color on her and she needed to get over her jealousy long enough for this quest to be over. What happened at camp he didn’t care, but out here with their lives in danger? With Zeke’s life in danger? She needed to overy up. Once she left their vicinity, Demi exhaled a sigh of exhaustion as he rolled his eyes towards Alexios. ”I'd say she has to be blind to notice that I did wait until I was as far from everyone else as I could but
well she is.” He gave the party god a bit of a shrug as he continued to clean up the spill, waiting to see what his reaction was to what he’d just told him.

Unfortunately it was almost as if everything was in one ear and then out the other. All Alexios did in return was flirt more with Demetri now that they were truly alone. Demi narrowed his eyes at the god, annoyance clearly running through him as he contemplated on what to do or say next. He stood up from where he sat, the chair making a loud scraping noise as it slid back from his sudden movement. ”I was trying to have a heart to heart with you Alexios, but if you cant even handle that?” Demi tossed the pile of napkins towards Alexios on the table, plopping the wet one he was using to clean down onto the table with a soft splat. ”Then maybe you can at least handle doing this. Clean up the mess, I'm going to go and check on Cass to see if he’s ok or needs help. Maybe some time alone will give you the chance to think about how to listen to your betrothed better.” Normally Demi would’ve been smitten over a guy like Alexios. He was classically handsome in a smarmy kind of way, and his jerkish attitude reminded him a bit of Zeke, but right now he wasn’t having it. Zeke was in pain along with his sister and Cass was alone and a mess, and here Alexios was trying to just make a pass at him.

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

Cassian opened up the bathroom door only to see that Demetri was standing on the other side, hand extended out as if he was about to do the same. Demi gave him a weak and awkward smile as he waved towards him. ”Can I help you?” he said with a tinge of embarrassment lacing his words. He didn’t like being seen in this light and he wasn’t sure if Demi was here to aid or simply laugh at him on Nancy and Zeke’s behalf. He’d felt like a life size punching bag towards the two twins of Apollo this entire trip. ”Funny, here I thought I was coming here to help you. Come on move over, you missed
several spots. All of it really” Demi pushed his way past Cassian, making sure to avoid touching him so that he didn't have any shake spilled onto himself. Cassian rolled his eyes and followed suit behind him. ”There’s no paper towels in here, or anything really. I was about to check the lady's room to see if there was anything there. Either that or Zeke took the last of what was left in here when he cleaned up.”

Demetri gave him a once over as he looked around the restroom for any signs of something to clean Cassian with. Clearly there was nothing there. He let out a sigh as he looked towards the son of Dionysus. ”Can’t exactly have you barging into the girls room like that. You might scare someone if there’s someone in there. I’ll go, I can blend in better. ” Cassian didn’t exactly argue, though he did open his mouth in an attempt to do so before realizing he had nothing to say in retort to it all. He simply just waved Demi off to go gather the supplies unnoticed while he waited alone in the bathroom. Demi nodded, attempting to shift into a more feminine version of himself (like he’d been stuck in for the greater part of the morning) and yet it seemed as though his powers didnt wish to budge. He frowned just before turning back around towards Cassian. ”On second thought I've got a ton of spare clothes. Just use one of these shirts to clean up and toss it in the trash when you’re done. Don’t need spoiled milk following us from here to LA” Demi handed Cassian an old faded female shirt, the words backstreet boys barely able to be made out. Cassian took the shirt, eyeing Demi before opening the tap and getting a portion of the shirt wet. He made his way into a stall, taking off his current shirt and cleaning off the milkshake from his face and body before donning on some new clothes.
Dorian Gray

Location: Kree Ship
Skills: Possession CombatFirst Day Fit

Dorian took a deep breath, waiting outside the doors of the gymnasium for his turn to hit the stage. One by one he peered inside through the doors watching as his colleagues and friends all did outstanding displays of power and finesse. It made his heart pound against their cage within his chest. He ensured to give April tons of encouraging hand gestures throughout her performance, whether or not she saw any of them he didn’t know. But what mattered was that he was there for his friend, especially after such a trying day yesterday. His sheets still smelled like toilet water, taking their rightful place inside his laundry basket to be part of today's issues he needed to address. As Andy’s performance was coming to an end, Dorian slid the door closed once more, pacing back and forth as he nervously twiddled his thumbs wondering if his performance would be good enough. What even was good enough? Once she walked out and passed him, Dorian took a hard swallow before taking a deep breath and walking in. ”Ok Dorian, you got this. You can do this” He said, whispering to himself a little pep talk as he made his way up towards the stage.

The stage was dressed up as he’d instructed. Curtains partially drawn, instruments were laid about in certain spaces, and now all that was missing was him. Dorian was wearing a billowy white shirt and black pants similar to the outfit that the human Casper wore in the old film adaptation. He clicked play on a remote he had hidden in his pocket, knowing that the music had just enough of a pause to help him get into his astral form and begin. He closed his eyes and vanished from sight. As the lilting melody of Casper's lullaby began to play over the speakers, Dorian flew up into the air above where he stood and began to waltz like he’d practiced with his fathers. Every other rotation he’d phase in and out, a ghostly waltz that slowly moved itself downwards from where he started in time with the music. He wasn’t an expert at mixing tracks by any means, but he’d tried for this one. Blending together a trio of songs from across several decades to help encapsulate what it was he wanted to do. The spotlight was on him, directly atop illuminating his presence like the feel good ending of a film. Once he’d reached the stage once more, the soothing vocals turned into a ghastly cacophony.

Dorian vanished from the stage once more quickly, throwing off his clothes for a quick outfit change he’d left lying here in the astral realm. He was now wearing an all black gothic outfit with Lydia deetz’ iconic red spider web poncho. He was trying to time his possessions with the song but the jitters from earlier were getting the best of him. He took a deep breath, trying to get himself back on track and push past the show nerves. He was a streamer damn it so he could do this! With every note on the keyboard played, he began to possess a different light. Making them flicker and flash in time to the music's beat. He needed to make sure he kept track of where he was at all times. Noticing the ghostly whoosh was about to happen, Dorian booked it towards the judges table, timing his sounds with the quick possession as the temperature around the judges would drop dramatically and their notes would go flying up as a gust of wind blew past them. He quickly circled back towards the stage picking up a trumpet he’d had set down there beforehand, and playing it as he possessed the instrument, making sure to phase back into view everytime a ghostly sound would appear on the track.

This kept up for several more seconds that felt more like hours to him. Nerves fighting him tooth and nail as the flew around the area possessing various instruments that were being played in the soundtrack as he showed his adept skill at being able to quickly enter and exit things (as well as the astral realm) while keeping concentrated on the sounds of a song. He was on the flutes now, flying back and forth between each instrument, barely letting them fall before possessing them again. This song was almost over and he still had so much more to go. Finally the portion came where Lydia began to call out Beetlejuice’s name. The instruments and area became more frantic as the poltergeist began to come full form. Lights all flashed and the area’s temperature dropped lower and lower until the final call of his name. Once the whoosh came in everything fell silent. The lights all turned off and there was no motion up on stage anymore. This lasted for a long two seconds as Dorian caught what breath he could before Beetlejuice himself announced the ramp up. Suddenly the lights began to flicker and glow greens, reds, and yellows. Spotlights flashing here and there as they followed Dorian in and out of the astral realm. All until the song came to a cacophonous end.

There was once again darkness and silence across the gym, yet no sign yet of Dorian Gray. Only the slight sound of the curtains he’d had partially covering the stage moving out of place. A soft thudding sound could be heard overhead and all around. The known marching sounds of a T-Rex from Jurassic park as the opening title played overtop of it. A soft blue light washing over a verdant set that spread across the stage. The song switched to the End Credits From Jurassic Park, as Dorian possessed the large (actual) fossil of a T-Rex that his father was able to get for him just for this audition. He peaked a large skeletal head around a tall tree that had previously hidden the massive fossil from sight. Walking out and taking the stage once more as he showed off how aptly he was capable of maneuvering even the largest of creatures with his powers. Swinging his massive tail, clawing at trees, and chomping at the air as roars played throughout the speakers to his rehearsed mouthings. Once it was all over, Dorian-Rex placed one large foot atop a large boulder, giving off one final roar as the Rex would in the movie before attempting to hop out of the monstrosity. It didn’t stick, or rather it stuck too well. This was fine, the judges didn’t need to know he was having issues. He went for it once more, finding that he couldn’t leave his fossilized body. He’d never stayed in the Astral Realm for too long, there were warnings against it but now he was stuck.

As he looked past the judges a blurry vision began to take form. He could see Nemo there in the Astral Realm, kneeling in front of what looked like a medieval Emma Frost dressed in all white with white hair to match. The Rex’s giant feet began to tap a bit as Dorian began a small nervous dance. If the fossil could groan in concern it would have. No matter how hard he tried, Dorian couldn’t seem to free himself from the Astral Realm. The vision shifted as Nemo and Discount Emma faded away and made way for what looked to be a cave. Dorian squinted to see what was inside and what he’d found was
himself. Older than he was now as a storm brewed just outside this cave. There was a knife in front of him, and Dorian impulsively took one giant Rex step back. Tree’s fell over on stage, small fronds crushed under the weight of the massive skeleton as Dorian tried to escape the scene before him. As he turns to leave it a new scene appears before him, a handful of gravemarkers handmade all lay before him two with April and Danni’s name on them and the year of 2039. Next year. The shock was enough to kick Dorian into fight or flight mode, and the idea of a T-Rex bounding around school crying wasn’t a good one. Dorian forced himself to stand his ground against the image and try to leave once more, popping out of the fossil and back into the material plane where he was once again physical. His eyes were wide, tear drops forming at the corners as he looked towards the judges and noticed Nemo’s eyes were red and misty. His chest tightened and he gave a small bow before walking off stage and then bolting once he’d made it past the judges.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff, Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max could tell that he was losing her with his talk of Dungeons and Dragons. Not everyone read the books like he had, and even less had any care to play. It appeared, however, that at least Jaclyn had understood a portion of what it was that he was saying. He wasn’t Dr. Strange, or Pixie, he didn’t have a natural inclination on how to teach these sorts of things mostly because to him a bulk of this was still new. He did everything on impulse, simply feeling his way around his powers for the most part as he stumbled through the dark. Max was grateful for the few months that Strange was able to spare for him, to help him grow as a practitioner of the Mystic Arts. A ghost of a smile crept up on his face, wondering if he would be able to replicate his lessons in a way that was meaningful to another person lost in the fog of magic. Jaclyn's gaze didn’t escape Max’s sight. He watched as she looked at him more intently while he held back a laugh that bubbled inside of his chest. Though it appeared that she had lost the laughing cold war, as a small laugh escaped her at the tail end of his explanation. ”Laugh now, but it won't be so funny when the hands of fate meddle in my magical affairs.” he said with his words coated in a light chuckle.

They began to approach the jet, the boarding ramp lowered for them all to get on. It was surreal being here right now, not only was he in Xavier’s mansion, but he was also in their hangar about to climb aboard the famous Blackbird. It was as if a small portion of the child that used to admire the heroes he saw on tv was jumping with joy and fanboying on the inside. Max wished he could get to that point again, that he could do something here to find pride in, something Dorian could be proud in. He let out a sigh as he took his seat and Jaclyn sat behind him. It wasn’t directed towards her, more so the question looming over every attempt Max had ever done. What could happen? It was practically begging for something to go wrong when the words were uttered out loud. He thought on it for a moment before flashes of the last year had run through his mind. ”Well
to be honest I’ve only done it twice. The first time was while i was trying to stop an eldritch horror that claimed to be the rightful Sorcerer Supreme. That time we had attempted to follow our coven leader's lead and funnel our magics towards her spell, though I feel she was more so siphoning than directing and I fought against the spell so not much came of it other than garbled memories. The second time
 Max remained silent for a moment before continuing forward. ”The second time was against an immortal vampire witch. I lead the charge on that circuit with fourteen other mutants. We became one, a being that existed beyond similar to eldritch ones you read about in horror stories. It was enough to rival the would-be god, but all of us had a bond that we shared and I think that helped.”

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes didn’t exactly care for the tainted pair, latching on more towards Ceolfric and Eila than the two whispering would-be demons. Yet something irked him inside when Esvelee shot a comment off about Kyreth. Sure he didn’t have much care for him, but like it or not he was a part of their team right now and that meant they needed to stand together. He wanted to snap a comment back, tell her she should be more grateful that thanks to some effort of that tainted she was still standing and without the aether consuming curse of rot as it were. However, Ceolfric, Kyreth, and Eila all seemed to move past the comment. At first he was angry, wondering how all of them could be so heartless to one of their own, when Ermes realised they weren’t, they just simply couldn’t speak out, threaten, or attack the one person they were sent here to protect. If they did then chances were they weren’t going to be getting accepted into the guild anytime soon. So Ermes chewed on his lip in silence, listening as the conversation continued without him while making sure to pay attention to Cerric’s explanation of the events that happened beforehand. It made
some sense to him, but thankfully for him Ceolfric pressed on with more questions on the matter. Kyreth’s answer didn’t help much at first, causing Ermes’s face to contort in confusion as he tried to piece together Cerric’s snake wiggles with Kyreth’s ripples.

He kept his attention on the tainted for a moment before he finally spoke up. ”So if aether is all around us
and we think of it being like that puddle but with more shape then it’d be a sphere like what Cerric had shown us. Meaning you can feel what's around you but you can’t exactly see it all
unless something large enough comes to disturb it causing ripples to form and a way to see a massive about of aether pooling into one place from where the metaphorical rock came from? So then you can only see when actual danger is coming but you can’t see smaller scaled changes?” Ermes’s thoughts went from asking Eila and Kyreth combined, to more so talking to himself instead as he went on. He wanted to ask if Kyreth could also sense his own aether, but then he felt as though he’d be giving too much away
then again they were supposed to be working together on all of this to figure out exactly how to work together for the next rot infested fight. There was a large sigh as he placed both hands on either side of him and he tilted his head back to look up at the sky. ”Ok, so Kyreth you’re our early warning system in case more rot creatures are formed nearby, or in case the Rancor itself decides to show up. What about you Lilan? You’re aetherborn too, so what can you do and if anything what do you sense?”

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

As the pair marched along behind the soldiers, Maddie simply took in the sights. Listening in as Colby introduced them to the guards, even though the guards themselves hadn’t done so. There was a nervous sort of excitement bubbling up inside of him with every step they took away from the castle. This was somehow different from Agrabah, aside from the verdant landscape and cool climate, it had a different sense of danger. While Jafar wasn’t lurking around every corner, the further they stepped away from the tower the further they were from any real safety. It was as if Maleficent’s presence was in every shadow cast by the trees, every twig snapped under foot, and every chitter he heard off into the distance.

He pressed forward, staying close to Colby as his eyes continued to look around, searching both for the herbs needed as well as for any signs of the dragoness. ”So, what exactly are we looking for out here? Well aside from the herbs Rapunzel asked us to get. Is this just a patrol? Are we gathering stock? Just
a leisurely stroll?” For a split moment Maddie had wondered if these were even actually their guards, or if they were spies sent from Maleficents Castle to lure away the children so they could take them out one by one.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Mansion Kitchen
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Soul Staff, Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Great. They essentially had life jackets but made for the vacuum of space. That wasn’t terrifying by any means necessary. Max felt safer already. As they made their way towards the hanger, Max couldn’t help but wonder how space would affect Pietro’s powers. Would the lower gravity make him even faster? Did that mean that Pietro had a chance to accidentally run himself off of the asteroid if he wasn’t careful? Or did Magneto also replicate Earth’s gravitational pull on the surface of the station to help those who would live there adjust more naturally? These and a million other questions swam inside of his mind as he roamed the halls of Xavier’s mansion. He didn’t know if Miranda was going to join them or not, and what's more he wasn’t sure if she should. It wasn’t that he didn’t like her, though he did hardly know her and while she had saved his life in one reality, she also attacked them with powers he’d never seen her use in another. So it was 50/50 on whether she would become an ally or enemy once they landed on her ex’s doorstep. But this wasn’t his group, and even still he was barely wanted by most to come so he kept his mouth shut on that front. They could all make their own opinions of Miranda if and when she joined them.

As they walked, Max slipped a spellbook out from his bag, flipping through the pages until he found what he was looking for. It was a spell he'd used before, back when Wanda took over the world
when she bent reality to her whim. He hadn't tried to repeat the spell since then, but after his 20th birthday
well he began to see why he was much more powerful in Wanda's reality. At first he thought it was by design, as if subconsciously she wanted them to stop her, now he knew what his passing thoughts had known all along. It was a reflection of his true potential, the ability to bend reality. He began to mutter the spell, trying to locate Neil within the universe to send him a whispered message to ensure he was alright, despite how poorly their last encounter had gone.

Max could feel the spell beginning to fizzle midway when a new interruption approached him and the spell gave way as it vanished to cosmic dust. He snapped the book shut with one hand, not out of anger or annoyance, but from being startled. Like a kid instinctively trying to hide something he'd done when a parent walks in unannounced. He slid the book back into his bag, looking at Jaclyn once over as she began to question him about his powers. A smile crept onto him as he tried to find the best way to explain them. "My magic is all one thing. Although I do prefer to categorize my spells in ways that make sense to me, usually using Dungeons and Dragons as a good safe guide for what and how they fit. The basis is
" Max trailed off for a moment, his mind going back to Halloween before deciding it was best to keep the big picture out of it and stick to the small.

"It's boiled down to Conjuration. Creating things out of nothing, or sometimes to make it easier I make things out of something. But not in the way of Transmutation, but if I can see an image or know the makeup of the item then I can attempt to duplicate it. Beats having to think of things on the fly. Half of my clothing is designer brands I created. But that's neither here nor there. Though
if you wanted I could show you. Use something I learned recently called Mutant Magic. I was saving it for Neil and Ed but
if it helps bring them back I'll do anything
Fair warning though, my powers are practically unbridled chaos."
Dorian Gray
Danni Kingston
Victoria Van Dyne

Location: Kree Ship

A lot was going through Dorian's mind as Vicky began to speak. It started with a smile as he began to extend his hand out towards her as she introduced herself. But then, he caught the eye roll. The introduction clearly wasn't a genuine one, prompting Dorian to pull his hand back, at first slowly but then with a snap. Her tone was coated with sarcasm as she went on to degrade all of his friends and acquaintances for how they handled the situation. It was very the pot calling the kettle black. According to her the sensible option was to back away and do nothing yet she made it seem like Diana’s choice to teleport out wasn’t the same as what she had just suggested. Her speech was hypocritical and at best bitchy. The more she went on the more upset Dorian got. It was a mixture of anger and anxiety, a fine line of wanting to snap back at her and wanting to hide away. She claimed she was only human, but her previous punches in training suggested otherwise. With her strength she could’ve easily lifted a large rock and slammed it on the flaming assholes. As soon as she got up to match his gaze Dorian phased out into the Astral Realm. It gave him just a moment to think and collect himself as he could hear Teddy trying to talk to him about his birthday. Right. How could he forget? Dorian scrubbed his face with his hands in frustration before he allowed himself to be seen, still intangible in his ghostly state so that if Victoria had decided to throw fists it at least wouldn’t be capable of landing.

Dorian gently kicked off of the ground, hovering an inch above the grass before lifting his legs up and crossing them criss-cross as he floated in front of Vicky thinking of what best to say. Peeking over her shoulder he shouted back towards Teddy awkwardly. ”Uh
I’m seventeen now?” He didn’t mean to make the statement into a question but the big gallook was confusing him more than his reading earlier when he was told the short angry imp would be he destined love. Dorian’s attention went back towards Vicky as he crossed his arms and looked her up and down. ”You say you’re only ‘uman, which ok t’at's kinda weird not gonna lie. Most everyone ‘ere is some kinda non-’uman, even t’e ones t’at were ‘ave ‘ad some sort of chemical alteration to give t’em powers. But t’at’s not really ‘ere or t’ere. You’re in a super ’ero school, so act like it. You can’t sit ‘ere and t’ink you’re taking t’e moral ‘igh ground while acting like a coward t’at just doesn’t get involved in ot’ers affairs just because t’ey ’ave powers unlike you. Oh, and t’at suit? Can’t you just, I don't know, call it? If not t’at’s a pretty poor design flaw to ‘ave to go and suit up each time t’ere's trouble. Even Iron Man made portable suits and pieces for on t’e go crime when ‘e couldn’t be bot’ered to call up a full suit.” Dorian squinted as he stared at her closely before shifting his position, legs still criss-cross as he flipped himself upside and examined her. ”No, I t’ink t’ere’s somet’ing more to t’is t’an you're being unprepared for an attack.” He replied, his tone level and full of curiosity as he spoke.

Danni blinked as his magic eight ball poofed into the Ara Ara realm or whatever it was (Dee reminded him everytime but honestly, he didn't care enough to remember). He gestured exasperatedly at the blank space Danni once occupied, but it wasn't empty long. Danni nodded along with Dee, mostly because besties and not that he was particularly engaged in the conversation but when Dee was done, Danni fixed Vicky with a look-what-you've-done look. "It's 'is birt'day and look what you've done, upsetti t'e spaghetti. First, a nasty freshie, t'en bees, and now you." Danni whined at Vicky. "I t'ought you just
 vibed, or whatever. Why we gettin' spicy? It was just a question."

Frankly, Danni didn't really know much about Vicky other than tough in a fight. He'd been happy with his friends but she'd always seemed to stay firmly on the sidelines, regardless of how large he grew that group. It was her loss really. Who wouldn't want to be his friend!

As he was talking, Victoria saw Dorian’s power’s antics and cursed in her head. Ghost! In hindsight, that should not surprise her, she had information on how his powers worked. Seeing it from up close was something else though. Also, she realized just how close she came to being revealed. If he decided to poke his head through her and saw a bunch of machinery instead of a beating heart, well
 Guy might have questions. She instinctively took half a step away from him.

As that was going on, he yelled something and someone behind her, something Vicky could not be bothered to pay attention to right now. “What do you mean, weird? There are plenty of examples even on the Avengers and elsewhere of unpowered humans having a place here. Stark, Rhodes, Burton, Pym, Williams, and that’s just from the top of my head.” she shrugged, not seeing his point.

The other point he was trying to make though, he was just plain wrong on. “And do what, get stung or set on fire with the rest of you? How will that help. Let me remind you that it’s common practice with any first responders not to go in if it is too dangerous for themselves. Firemen won’t charge into a burning building if the roof might collapse, nor would cops engage a rampaging madman in an uparmored bulldozer with just handguns.” she said, before giving him a withering look, ”And, I never claimed to have moral high ground. I just think a bunch of Supes should be able to handle themselves. I signed up to this place because I want to learn how to protect regular folks from the likes of you, not to save superpowered people from themselves. The first thing is already hard enough.” she shared, since he seemed so keen on picking her brain.

“As far as the suit goes, you say design flaw, I say security measure. How many times was something of Stark’s stolen? No such issue with my stuff. Not that it’s not a moot point, as making even the entire suit, let alone the individual pieces autonomous, would require so many resources
 If you know of a couple hundred thousand dollars just lying on the street waiting to be picked up, I’m all ears. I don’t have Stark money to throw at the problem, you know? My first suit was literally built from scrapyard finds, and arc reactors are famously difficult to find there.” she pouted, but tapped her finger on her lips in thought, “You might be onto something with some handbag utilities, though. I’ll have to think on that.”

When Danni joined up, she just shrugged him off: “Hey, your homeboy just started mouthing off at me. I literally sat here and did nothing. He’s only got himself to blame for being upset.”

Dorian felt a prickly sensation as Danni stepped in to help him out in his own way. Nothing he said was wrong by any means, but he wasn't sure how well Victoria would react to those comments. He wasn't the type of person to sit around and collect folios on people's habits, behaviors, and skillets because
really what kind of person does that? Everything was mostly based on vibes, as both he and Danni knew, and you either ran with them or went against them. Vicky, ofcourse, didn't seem too thrilled with anything that came out of his mouth, but he could see the mental gears turning as she switched from chewing them out to actually thinking about what Dorian had suggested.

As much as Appa always tried to instill some sense of monetary relevance in their life, his dad would simply win over by just creating the thing they needed or wanted. Money held little value to Dorian, as it apparently had back in Genosha as well. He didn't subscribe to the idea of capitalism, but then again why would he when his father could simply make something rather than buy it? So the thought of Vicky being strapped for cash on the makings of a suit managed to click a little light bulb inside of Dori's brain. It was clear that attack Vicky was down and chill Vicky was back in action, which
thank gods because Dorian didn't know if he could handle any more drama on this day. "It's fine Danni. I t'ink she's calmed down enough to just talk." He said as he swirled around her before stopping in front of her just inches before her face. "If you need 'elp with 'andbag utilities I know my way around a few electronics. Built ma PC maself after all. T'ough I don't 'ave money jus lying around no more désolé."

Danni thought this was going to be a thing, but apparently it wasn't? This had been an emotional rollercoaster of a day and he wasn't mentally prepared for another situation today. "Oh, t'ank God. I don't t'ink I could 'ave 'andled anot'er 'situation' today." Danni sighed with relief. "It's really just been one t'ing after anot'er today, Vicky. Like, carnival's been fun but also when will it end? 'onestly, I'm surprised I'm not breakin' out."

"And just call like, a sorcerer or somet'ing for all your fancy gizmos. Just draw out want you want and t'ey can just, you know, " Danni wiggled his fingers and snapped in a pathetic attempt to copy Max, "T'ey just make it happen! T'ough, I t'ink a little pom pom would be adorable for a handbag, or maybe cluster circles chains you know? Guess it depends on t'e material, but t'ey even make little daggers you can clip onto one if you're feelin' t'e edge. What kind of 'andbags do you 'ave? Are t'ey brand name or are t'ey knock off? Not t'at knock offs are bad, but t'ey are
 you know. I can make some recommendations if you 'ave some pics of t'e collection!"

Yeah, sure, let me just call up one of my plethora of sorcerer friends and ask them for a freebie. Oh, and like I am about to take fashion advice from someone who presently looks like the demon love child of Michael Jackson and a clown- No! No. No. Bad Vicky. They’re just trying to be nice in their own way. Victoria caught herself before she said something else she would regret.

As soon as she took another step away from Dorian while grumbling something about personal space, she tried to rephrase the same without sounding like she wanted to take their happiness and grind it into powder under her heel and feast on their tears. “Well, I have to say I am short on magical friends. Not that I would want to indebt myself to them or that it would not feel bad to rely on the charity of others. Besides, I’m an engineer at heart. Coming up with the thing and building it is my idea of fun past time.” She smiled, “And for a small bit, I think I can use some of the spare parts for the armor without compromising my action readiness. We’ll see.”

She left the note of the day being awful without a note. No need to bother them with the fact that hers was just as bad. Turning to Danni, she fished her phone out of her pocket and quickly found a webstore link, showing the pictures to him. “Aren’t pom poms for like
 cheerleaders? I like to dress for business. I’ve got this thing. It’s sturdy, carries a ton of stuff and it's got a shoulder strap for longer trips. As far as daggers go
 Considering how badly I got my ass handed to me by my roommate at the sparring thing, I think I’d rather pistol-whip a bitch if it came to close range. Oh, that gives me an idea already.” she grinned.

Dorian grinned as Vicky clearly shifted tones and became friendlier, even so far as to indulge them in their helpful ideas for how she could be better prepared for next time. He gently glided backwards until he was floating by Danni's side, attempting to punch him in the arm but finding that his fist phased through Danni's bicep. "I was worried it'd be anot'er t'ing too but if I've learned anyt'ing it's t'at t'e power of friendship wins every time!" He beamed with delight, the thought of how he hadn't shown that chance to Percy ate away at the corners of his smile. "Besides you don't need to know a sorcerer immediately! We're at AA chùre, t'ere's tons of people 'ere who might 'ave magic. I know one actually, 'ere names Mads she's 
somewhere around 'ere." He was glad to see even just this conversation was sparking up ideas for her. To him, this was what AA was all about. Comradery and the pooling of minds to help young heros become great ones. Having outside perspective in one's powers or abilities could show them new ways to utilize them that the person may never have thought of.
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