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Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Carolina was the first to speak up, though Max wasnā€™t quite sure how he felt about either of her plans. One was to just gather more intel while aboard the Asteroid, a fine idea except they were the byproduct of the losing matches and were more than certainly not to be welcomed in with open arms when they landed. He doubted their colleagues would want to dally any longer on the base than was absolutely necessary for them just to escape. Every second spent there looking for future attacks was just a second given to the other side to capture them or take them down. No, that couldnā€™t be an option. Her second comment caught him a bit off guard. It wasnā€™t that he didnā€™t like working as a team; hell one of his powers relied on it. It was more of the fact that it was needing to be offered. He recalled his time back in WandaWorld, how broken and disjointed all their efforts were in restoring back the world to its rightful place. Constant infighting and bias got in between each and every one of them, and Max had hoped it wouldnā€™t carry into this fight. He fought back the urge to let out a depressive sigh, turning his attention instead towards Guin as she mentioned she got a lock back on their favorite cosmic chicken.

Pietro offered absolutely nothing to the idea of plans, it figured. The man asking for one didnā€™t even know where to begin himself. ā€Right, so hereā€™s a plan then, since weā€™ve been dancing around it ever since Pietro brought it up. We can have him race about the compound, searching for both those we are here to rescue as well as potentially a main control room that may have the plans we are looking for. Once there he can either try and infiltrate it himself to grab the data as he is literally faster than we all are both at reading and typing, or he can take Carolina or Guin with him after finding it so that either of them can hack into it and take what data we need before we leave. Personally Iā€™d prefer to keep Guin with the extraction team. Carolina seems to be knowledgeable on tech so she could do the roll well while Guin helps us find the group using her link to Mary. If we can get in sight of the Space station then I can either attempt to portal us in orā€¦teleport us in. I won't lie I havenā€™t teleported a group this big in a while, it also tends to leave people a bit fatigued the longer the distance I go. Needless to say, I'd rather open a portal from here to there.ā€

Max paused for a moment, thinking. Theyā€™d mentioned the suits they had would work just enough not to let them die, but they needed more than a life preserver of a suit. He sat there for a moment, quiet as he tried to concentrate on what he was doing. Speckled flecks of magic swirling around his hands before it all fizzled out into nothing. He groaned in annoyance as now wasnā€™t the time for a spell failure. So he tried again, focusing harder as he grabbed onto the spell energy and began to weave it until it swirled around each and every one of those in attendance on the blackbird, their helmets now set beside them where they sat. Everyone was sporting similar space suits to what Earthā€™s Astronauts wore, save for Lance whoā€™s neck connector Max had mystically reinforced to help prevent any unsavory decapitations that awaited in his future. ā€These suits should help us to survive the climate of space, in the event of a hull breach or misadventure. Thereā€™s a comm system built into each one inside the helmet so we can keep in touch while we explore or if we get separated. Jaclyn, would you be able to manifest some sort of shielding? Iā€™m not sure if anyone on the current team has it covered, but a way to keep the others at bay while we make our escape could prove useful in the long run. Aside from thatā€¦I canā€™t exactly think of anything else that would be needed, but then again it's my first time in space soā€¦don't really know what we need.ā€

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

"I mean from the sounds of it, you did steal her man. So I can see why she'd be angry at you." Cassian didn't mean to sound so blunt, but between Janelle and Demiā€™s bellyaching he figured someone had to say something. He closed the door when he saw that Kristin was about to make her way over towards the restrooms, knowing Demi had just mentioned he wasn't ready to go back out yet. "Look, you don't have to like each other, but I'd rather not live the rest of my teenage days stuck in a Burger King restroom if it's all the same to you." He gave Demi a pointed look, feeling the vibrations on the door as Kristin knocked against it before speaking.

There was a long pause of silence, neither one of them responding back towards her as they heard her footsteps receding down the hall away from them. Demetri let go of a breath he'd been holding since he saw Cass close the door. Rolling his eyes at the child of Dionysus as he crossed his arms. "I didn't steal anybody. Zeke made his choice. Besides, I'm the one who spent all summer with him. Held his hand, took him on mini sort of dates, or as much as you could get away with while sneakin about a camp. What'd she do? Pine? Wait? That's not my fault. Hell to be honestā€¦sigh to be honest I didn't even think he was interested at first. Felt like we'd just be good mates, frenemies ya know? So when he'd asked Iā€¦it doesn't matter."

Demi was done having to have this conversation. They'd just gotten together the morning of the quest and already everything seemed to be going south. He was certain the whole Alexios factor didn't help any either, honestly he was surprised it wasn't enough to scare him off already. Though he figured Zeke might have some strong words for him on the next night watch they took, assuming Alexios didn't butt in. "I'm just glad that I have him in my life you know? I just want to be happy and in turn make him happy as well. He stuck by me this far and now that we're together I feel like we can take on anything."

"That's not fair, Demetri. You don't know what Janelle was doing or planning. You should try and see things from her point of view. Then again she should see them from yours too. But how do you think it makes her feel that suddenly you not only get to have the guy she'd wanted, but also a god to boot? It's enough to drive anyone crazy. Thoughā€¦we should probably head back to the station with Alexios. We don't want to miss our train." Cassian moved back from the door, opening it as he stood in the door frame waiting for Demetri to move.

Location: D&D Dorm Night of the Carnival
Skills: N/A

It had been over half an hour since April had left to go and see her sister. Danni and Dorian knew better than to try and intervene, but even they didnā€™t think it would take this long. Worry had begun to well up inside them wondering where their princess had gone. So the pair did the only logical thing they could think ofā€¦scour the grounds until they found a hint of their best friend somewhere. It didnā€™t take long until they saw the familiar scene of water rushing out of the girls restroom that had now begun to flood the hallway. When the pair called out to her and heard no response, they both decided to rush in and see for themselves what was going on. What they found was their best friend face down in a pool of toilet water that reflected back the fluorescent lights from the ceiling. Above her was a patch of chipped paint with a spattering of dust swirling around April and leading towards the drain in the center of the restroom. The story was clear, AAā€™s plumbing system was once again thoroughly fucked. They picked up April, and after a trip to the nurses office, Danni and Dorian had managed to take her back towards their dorm to keep an eye on her.

The dorm room was split in half, Danniā€™s section towards the left side while Dorian's was off to the right. The porcelain shards of Nemoā€™s cup still gathered in a pile behind the door right next to the door stop. In between the twoā€™s sections sat almost all their appliances. The vintage blue mini fridge sat dead center, a chrome display suspended above it with a wide array of coffee and espresso beans in sealed wooden containers to help keep the freshness of every bean. To the right sat half of their coffee preparation methods, the left holding the other half, each side hosting a hot plate the pair had managed to sneak in to ensure they could make their own meals when they wanted to inside their dorms. LED lights ran across the right half of the room leading towards Dorian's gaming desk that was angled against the corner of the wall, two large white speakers hanging off the wall with a hidden receiver tucked behind a poster that cut the corner. His VR equipment was displayed on a stand in between his PC and bed for easy access regardless of where he wanted to game.

Dorian had grabbed one of his plushies off his bed as he sat on the floor, criss cross, staring at the unconscious body of April. His green eyes lay unblinking as he stared at her now neon colored face, making sure she was still breathing while simultaneously waiting for any sign that she might just wake up soon. His arms gripped the plush figure tightly as his knees bounced up and down in anxious anticipation. The only distraction being the scent of food wafting through the air as Danni cooked over on his side of the room. It was a comforting smell, one that helped to calm Dorian down a bit in these trying times, but he couldnā€™t help but feel as if he was holding his breath. He didnā€™t turn to look at Danni, keeping his gaze affixed to April while he spoke. ā€Shouldnā€™t she ā€˜ave woken up by now? Your cooking smells so good it could wake tā€™e dead! Appa said soā€¦so why ā€˜asnā€™t she gotten up yet?ā€ he whined with his lower lip pouted out.

Danni, meanwhile, had pulled out his pots, pans, and the electric stove he smuggled in under the teacher's noses. Don't get him wrong, the school food wasn't atrocious but Danni liked cooking and like hell he was letting his best friend have generic slop on his birthday. However, he'd learned from his first two years - Danni grabbed a Tupperware container, some double-sided tape, and, stretching out on his tiptoes, used his bed as a ladder to reach the smoke detector and fit the Tupperware firmly around it. Princess had enough water related issues today - now there was no chance more could happen!

Hopefully, he didn't actually catch anything on fire or they'd be fucked!

He popped down off the bed and soon had sausage browning and the pot heating. It wasn't perfect; he was forced to prep everything before hand and put them in little containers but it was better than frozen shit he would have had to buy same day. He perked up as Dee addressed him, looking down at April, and put his spatula down to come over and poke at Princess' cheek. "I dunno. T'ey said she just needed t'e rest, right? Idk what 'appened but she musta been pretty upset. Maybe she's depresso nappin'. You 'ad a breakdown, I 'ad a breakdown, guess it was Princess's turn." Danni shrugged. It had been a rough day all around. If anyone deserved the sleep, it was Princess. He wrinkled his nose however at the undercurrent of public bathroom. "T'ough, maybe t'e toilet water smell ain't 'elpin'? Wanna take 'er key and grab some clean clothes for 'er while I make dinner?"

Aprilā€™s eyes began to flutter ever so slightly, before she lurched forward and started to cough. Her throat felt gross, but she had no idea why. There was something wet and damp clinging to her, and her head was pounding. Her eyes fluttered open again, her contacts doing their jobs as things slowly slid into focus. It might have been a new year, but April recognized the set-up - she was in Danni and Doriā€™s room.

ā€Uhā€¦ Did you two kidnap me? Why am I wet? And why does my throat taste so so so bad? Like it feels like I swallowed armpit juiceā€¦ā€ April asked. Her sense of smell then hit her all of the sudden. ā€Oh that smells so goodā€¦ Oh shit, I didnā€™t miss it, did I? Itā€™s still your birthday, right? Oh my gods, if I missed your birthday, I am so so so so sorry. I wasā€¦. I was going after Zelda! And thenā€¦ Wait, my phone! Whereā€™s my phone?ā€ Aprilā€™s eyes were wide. Things were a little foggy - she had no idea really what had happened - but she hadnā€™t seen her phone. And as a teenager, the phone was basically a symbolization of her life force.

Dorian hadn't turned to look at Danni as he spoke, though he began to fidget where he sat, scooting slightly closer. He wanted to rest his head on the mattress but thought better of it as his sheets slowly soaked with toilet water from April's wet clothing. He frowned, both at the smell and the suggestion that he should leave April alone to gather clothes when she needed them most. "I can't just leave 'erā€¦ t'en againā€¦a change if clo'hes would be nice for 'er." He began to scoot backwards, about to sit up when he noticed April's eyes fluttering.

"Awe 'er eyes are flutterin' you t'ink she's dreamin' about chasin' girls?" Dorian joked just before April had woken up. Her voice cut through the sounds of sizzling andouille sausage over the hot plate, bringing a smile towards his face. Dorians arms went wide as he was about to hug her, stopping just briefly as he got closer and the wall of bathroom stench hit him once more before he backed a bit away. "On second t'ought maybe you should change and shower before any 'ugs. We found you laying in toilet waterā€¦girls bat'rooms out of comish for a moment while t'ey fix it all up." Dorian offered as he answered a bulk of her questions. The latter two being left on the wayside for a moment as he let some silence cling in the air.

"Birt'days still well on its way no worries bout t'at chĆØre. As for your phoneā€¦wellā€¦" He pointed towards a ziplock bag that sat at the foot of the bed. There was no phone in sight, only white rice filling the bag to the brim. "Don't t'ink it's gonna make it but we tried!" He said offering her up his patented don't worry smile.

"Aye! The Princess awakens!" Danni cheered loudly. "We did, in fact try, and t'at means we're t'e best! But t'at means you're gunna 'afta spill t'e beans, babes. Beanie noticed somet'in' was up earlier and t'en we found ya like t'at, face down in a sewer slick. Why don't ya get changed real quick and we can chit-chat 'fore dinner. Can't be comfy in t'ose clot'es but," Danni brandished his spatula at her pointedly. "Ya try to disappear on us and we're gunna 'afta 'unt you down, ya hear?"

Her heart sank to her stomach, seeing the sad remnants of her poor phone. Simultaneously though, her cheeks burned with embarrassment at the idea that she had been found IN THE TOILETS! Gods, if anyone but Danni or Dori had found herā€¦ That wouldā€™ve been it. She wouldā€™ve written notes to her loved ones and died. There would have been no chance for social recovery from that. Her life wouldā€™ve been over had that happened - no shot at a girlfriend or prom or student council president or Contest of Champions or any of it.

ā€No one else saw me down there, right? Right? You both pinky swear?ā€ April asked, her eyes wide and intense. Luckily for her at the moment, her brain was focusing on NOT spilling the beans. Those memories, as much as they were trying to surface, April was doing her best to shove down. Her gut told her they were nothing good. ā€Iā€™ll be - Iā€™ll be right back, just going to change real real quick, and if anyone asks the bathroom was NOT me!ā€ She knew theyā€™d keep her secret, but she had to stress it just to be sure.

April hesitated, before darting out of the room. Dorian and Danni would be able to hear the jingling of her keys as she unlocked her own nearby dorm room, followed by the quick slam of the door.

Dorian laughed, brushing off any threat that anyone else may have seen April in the bathroom with a literal potty mouth. Truth was they only found her after the incident and even more so half an hour after she'd left. He didn't know how long she'd been there or how long she'd been out, so anyone could've waltzed in and seen her and just promptly left. Then again, chances were that everyone was out in the Carnival, so there were less eyes to have seen here in that state. "No one saw you but Danni and yours truly. So your secrets safe wit' me" He wanted to add some form of toilette related nickname like Potty Mouth, Sewer Queen, or Porcelain Princess, but he didn't want to upset her more.

As soon as April left, Dorian deflated, looking worriedly towards Danni. "She's fine right? She'd tell us if she wasn'tā€¦right?"

Danni gave Dee a pointed look, looked through the wall in the general direction of the Toilet Armageddon, and then back at Dee. "Dee, really? People t'at are fine don't do t'at. Beanie pegged somet'in' about 'er earlier today, was all askin' about 'ow she was and shit, and Beanie is a bona-fide empath ya know? Like, not t'e mind fuckery part, t'e whole readin' people part like a non-mind reader does. So yeah, somet'in's wrong but we're gunna be a safe, 'appy spot for 'er to vent so we can remind 'er 'ow much we love 'er and care for 'er and fuck everyone outside t'e group at t'e end of t'e day!" Danni explained as he flipped the sausages. He turned around, hands on his hip, and brandished his spatula at Dee.

"And you are goin' to stop bein' t'e worriest of warts. Relax birt'day boy. It's your birt'day!" Danni tossed confetti he had in his pocket at Dee. "Be 'appy! Turn dem frowns upside downs!"

To her credit, April returned relatively quickly. She had changed into a pair of flip flops, blue denim shorts, and a heather grey S.H.I.E.L.D. tank top. It wasnā€™t a glamorous look, but it was comfortable. Her hair was tucked up and underneath a baseball cap for the moment, as she didnā€™t want to waste more of Dorianā€™s birthdayā€¦ and she wasnā€™t sure if the showers would even be working right now after what she had done to the plumbing.

ā€Aww, did I miss the confetti?ā€ April asked, pouting slightly as she saw some of the confetti on the ground around Dorian. She was doing her best to try to re-focus her attention on the moment. To that end, she hadnā€™t come back empty handed. She had a bag in her hand, with tissue paper sticking out of it. It was a cute pastel purple, and April had a huge smile on her face as she held the bag out to Dorian. ā€Open it open it open it!! Or itā€™ll explode. I mean it wonā€™t explode. But maybe it will. You never know.ā€

Dorian didn't want to face the facts, but Danni was right. If there's one thing French people did well it was judge others and Sabine read April like a book. He tried his best to stop worrying about it all, about to force a smile when suddenly he was pelted by confetti. Unable to help but laugh, he brushed a bit off his nose as he gathered a handful in each hand and tossed some towards Danni. "Fine fine. C'est bien."

April came back with greater speed than he'd thought possible for a girl who just downed a gallon of toilette water. But she seemed just as cheery as ever, holding a bag and new outfit fit for a sleep over. "Pour moi? You shouldn't 'ave!" He took the package, about to peek in before he began to pretend as if it was shaking on its own accord. "Uh Aprilā€¦I t'ink it's gonna-" Dorian tossed the other handful of confetti towards April, making sure to get as much of it on her as he could while laughing. "Guess it was about to explode." He said before sticking his tongue out at her as he began to open the present.

Danni cackled as Dee covered April in confetti. ā€œDa birtā€™day boy needed some more color in his outfit. Couldnā€™t resist!ā€ Danni laughed, and then pouted. ā€œYouā€™re givinā€™ presents already? I tā€™ought we were doinā€™ it after food ā€˜cause I canā€™t give ā€˜im mine while I got stuff on tā€™e stove! Iā€™ll get distracted!ā€ Danni whined half heartedly, transferring ingredients into the pot, along with the roux, and started stirring. ā€œGimme tā€™e play-by play. I gotta skim and stir or I might as well set tā€™e whole tā€™inā€™ on fire.ā€FF]

April giggled, picking bits of confetti off of her. ā€Well I had to give it now or it would explode!ā€ April insisted. She hid the slight bit of guilt that had washed over her. She had completely forgotten they were going to wait until after the food. Hopefully Danni wasnā€™t too pissed at her. Inside the bag, Dorian would find two tickets to his favorite K-Pop groupā€™s concert in LA that spring - as well as a crocheted little purple ghost. ā€Do you like it?ā€ April asked hopefully.

Dorian grinned from ear to ear as he saw what was inside. "Like it? I love it!" He dive bombed April with a big hug, tackling them both to the ground as he squeezed her. He let go and immediately placed the tickets on his desk where they couldn't be harmed before snagging the crocheted ghost and running towards Danni with it as if it was a flying airplane. "Lookit t'is cute little guy!!!"

Danni looked over his shoulder as the pair tumbled to the ground, smiling at the sight of his two best friends in the whole wide world tumbling over each other like puppies, even if he did have a twinge of jealousy that they were doing it without him. He gets it - a birthday is an exciting thing but like, it could be even more exciting with more Danni but he supposed he deserved it after setting someone on fire. It was fine, everything was fine, they weren't leaving him out, he was just cooking. He couldn't be involved 'cause it wasn't safe. Yeah, that makes senseā€¦

Still, he turned and cooed at Dee's present. "Aw, it's so cute! A little hauntling for our little hauntling!" He teased, making grabby hands at it. "Did ya make it, Princess?"

April had screamed as Dorian tackled her down to the ground. Her skin smarted slightly from the sunburn Danni gave her earlier that day, but she didnā€™t mind it. She was just so happy to see her friends happy. And honestly, she was feeling loads better than she had when she first woke up. Her mood could be like that sometimes - horrified, moody, and depressed at one moment, and then bursting with positive energy at the next. She never thought too hard about it - she just sort of assumed that everyoneā€™s feelings worked that way.

ā€Yeah! My momā€™s been showing me how to crochet - I started learning this summer when we went up to visit my grandparents some,ā€ April explained. She hadnā€™t gotten good enough to make gifts until after Danniā€™s birthday in July, but she was already thinking on what she could make for his birthday next year. Her current idea was to try and crochet the fire emoji - but she wasnā€™t very good at figuring out how to make a pattern. Her mom actually had been the one to outline the pattern for her of Danniā€™s little ghost. ā€And donā€™t worry, Iā€™m already thinking on one to make for you for next summer - either coming in a package in the mail or if my dad finaaaaally realizes that youā€™re all gay and Iā€™m a lesbian, I can come visit in person? Maaybe?ā€ April said, crossing her fingers. ā€Do you need any help with the cooking, by the way?ā€

Dorian narrowed his eyes at Danni as he uttered that cursed name again. Sticking his tongue out at him before pulling the plushy back and holding it close. " 'is names Inky. Not Little 'auntling." Dorian protested as he named the crocheted ghost after his favorite Pac-Man ghost. He took a peek inside the pot that Danni was cooking in, taking in a deep smell as he melted at the scent. "Anytime I ever tried to 'elp 'im 'e just smacked my 'and with a wooden spoon! Oh and if your fat'er says no we can just kidnap you. Doubt 'e can make it to Europe within t'e same day like we can."

"No, Princess. My food is an art- oye!" Danni protested as Dee stuck his face over the pot. To make his point, Danni bapped his cheek with the closest utensil at hand. "And I'll do it again! As I was sayin', my cookin' is an art and t'ere is a met'od so while I adore you more t'an my entire closet wort' of clot'es, no one can touch t'is until it's ready. But we need to start t'inking of ways to make it clear we love each ot'er but we don't wanna roll in t'e 'ay and all t'at." Danni wrinkled his nose at the thought. Why would anyone want to roll in hay? It always sounded so messy.

"And impromptu trip would be 'ella fun but look, I'm not 'avin' a repeat of a few summers ago. You remember, Maxie took us on a trip to t'e 'imalayas to go glamping because let's be real, none of us are interested in bugs, and we didn't 'ave cell reception and Maxie forgot to tell anyone?" Danni shivered at the memory. He loved his Pops and he was pretty easy to get upsetti, but there came a point where it was just, cold fury and that's when you knew you fucked up. It was all fine after - turned into a few more days of vacation and fun (even if Maxie and Papa cheated at games), but it made Danni very nervous not to leave a note for parents. "Maybe we can vibe wit' your dad, play some games, do a photo shoot, a mani-pedi maybe? We'll be all good after that!" Speaking of whichā€¦ Danni messed with his table, cleaned a few things up, and snapped a few pictures before posting it to his socials.

Aprilā€™s eyes sparkled at the idea of going camping with Danni and Dori. Sure, she wasnā€™t a glamper - she loved being outside, bugs and all. Sheā€™d been going camping most summers with her family since she could remember. And that was amazing. But the idea of going camping with her two favorite people on the planet? That would be incredible. She could even get used to the idea of glamping. Maybe when they were of legal age, they could do a spa inspired glamping trip, and sip cocktails while in fluffy white robes.

ā€Okay, we def have to go camping, all three of us. I think my dad would be into playing games, maaaaybe not the photo shoot, and I donā€™t think anything besides a bar of Dove Soap has touched his feet in his lifeā€¦ so I doubt heā€™d do a pedi. But maybe a mani? Maybe after we get a few beers in himā€¦ Oh, if you let him grill for you, thatā€™d also work. Heā€™s so stupid obsessed with this grill my mom got him for his birthday a few years back, itā€™s adorable.ā€

Dorian flinched as his cheek was met with a cooking utensil. Rubbing the spot where it touched him as he slowly backed away from the pot, recalling the time that Danni was talking about. It was one of the few times they had actually thought a Daddy's Home incident had occurred until they realized just what had happened. "Yeahā€¦maybe kidnappin' t'e child of a former S.H.I.E.L.D agent isn't t'e best idea." he said, talking more so the the crocheted ghost than the pair before him. He thought for a moment before a light bulb clicked inside his mind.

"Wait! What if we vibed wit' 'im by campin'? Your dad could brin' 'is grill and we can all camp like t'ree big 'appy families! T'at way 'e gets to know all of us while still bein' able to see you as we 'ang!"

Danni popped the lid on the pot and turned the heat down a smidge. "Okay! We let t'at vibe for a 'ot minute and it'll be ready ta eat! But t'at's such a good idea! T'en, 'e can supervise while we chill and I can work my charms, get him ta like us, and t'e rest is 'istory!" Danni slung an arm over April's shoulders. "T'o, when we're 18, your old man can't stop us from chillin' so at least worst comes ta worst, we 'ave a 'ard limit ta 'is shenanigans!" He rested his head against April's for a moment, basking in the contact after being left out of the cuddle pile.

"Now it's my turn for presents! Lemme justā€¦" Danni dug through the stuff he had yet to unpack, grumbling as he made his way through everything. Everytime he had to go through his shit, he always promised to organize better and thenā€¦ well, it was always future Danni's problem. He finally found the package and dragged it out, holding it up triumphantly. Wrapped in vibrant pinks, yellows, and oranges, he full on chucked the heavy package at Dorian. "T'ink fast!" Danni cackled as a package the size of a small briefcase went hurtling at his face.

Even though the present was being thrown at Dorian and not her, April couldnā€™t help but scream from the sudden projectile. For a split second, she was worried that maybe it was fragile. But then again, Danni would know. And April didnā€™t think that Danni would chuck a fragile statue at Dorian. ā€Ooo, you should shake it and guess whatā€™s in there!ā€ April suggested. If the present was good for throwing, then itā€™d be good for shaking as well. She had no idea what Danni had gotten Dorian - if he had told her, she had already forgotten. There was a reason she had a full size planner in her backpack - things tended to go in one ear and out the other.

Dorian yelped as he instinctively tossed Inky towards April so it would be safe from harm as the large gift came barreling towards him. He'd managed to catch it with both hands as the gift hit him square in the chest knocking some wind out of him. "'ory 'osts of 'oggoth t'is t'in weighs a ton! What's in t'is t'in?" He couldn't possibly think of what could be inside of it that weighed so much. Most tech Dori dealt with didn't even weigh this much, and yet it felt as though Danni threw a dumbbell at him. He shook the gift gently, recalling an old adage of "if it's heavy that means it's expensive" and decided he didn't want to risk breaking it in front of Danni.

He sat down on the floor, carefully unwrapping the present before him. When it was all said and done he was faced with a box, opening it to find an old reel-to-reel tube tape recorder. The thing practically screamed Cryptid and made Dorian immediately feel as if he was in some old monster movie about to record his findings of the latest sighting. He noticed there was a tape already placed inside. He quickly went to work, looping the ribbon through the slots and towards the other reel before playing with the knobs until he finally hit play.




My name is Jonathan Sims. I work for the Magnus Institute, London, an organization dedicated to academic research into the esoteric and the paranormal.

"Oh. My. Gods. What?!"

Dorian paused the tape, placing it down on the floor next to him before tackling Danni and April both, squeezing them so hard it made his arms hurt. "You two ate t'e best friends anyone could ask for!!!"

Danni braced himself for the tackle, laughing as he squeezed back. "See? We got you presents, we're makin' you food, and t'en we're all gonna be on t'e same team for t'e Contest of Champions because we're obviously t'e perfect trio!" Danni sighed happily. "T'is'll be t'e best year yet!"

Fortunately, April caught Inky before he hit the ground - she was fairly confident in her crocheting skills, but moderately worried that if Inky got tossed around too much, he might start to fall apart. She had some spare yarn in her room though for any repairs that might need to be made. And Inky didnā€™t have too many components - he was mostly a single piece, just with little arms sewed on and safety eyes placed inside.

Now April - potentially like a person with an Addams family sounding username in her mid 20ā€™s - did not catch the reference. ā€Woah, thatā€™s so cool! This place is from London? Dā€™you think they work with Captain Britain? Or butt heads with MI13? Ooo, what about S.T.R.I.KE.? Apparently Psylocke used to be a member, theyā€™re a bunch of cool swanky British spies with psychic powers! Soā€¦ Dorian, you would totally qualify! And me and Danni, we could be your epic and cool bodyguards,ā€ April babbled, only before quickly being tackled by Dorian, along with Danni.

She was pretty used to these cuddle piles, but she held Inky out of the pile with her hand, just in case he might get crushed. She squeezed back with her free arm. ā€If we donā€™t end up on the same team, then whatā€™s the point? I would NEVER compete against my besties - not to be cliche but, like, you two are the only brothers Iā€™m ever gonna have. Not even brothers-in-law. My future wife is gonna be an only child named Antoinette, and sheā€™ll be a funky geologist with a sword and magic powers.ā€

Dorian laid there thinking about what she'd said. He also missed the pop culture reference (it was over a decade old after all) and gods know Danni probably had too. As far as Dorian was concerned, these were actual archival tapes of what was more than likely a flat-scan encountering the "paranormal" back before the world was introduced to the idea of Mutants and Sorcery. Though the idea of a human intelligence agency attempting to figure out the secret world of mutants while the mutants agency attempted to cover it all up seemed both interesting and hilarious. But by the tone of the first few seconds, Dorian could tell this would be a gripping dark audio story.

" 'ow could we not end up toget'er? We're t'e perfect team! T'e Terrific Trio! T'e Titular Triumvirate! Just wait, in two days time we'll be t'e next best t'ing since t'e Young Avengers hit t'e scene."

The night was winding down, April and Danni were in a pile on the bed, sleeping as the black and white film played in the background. All in all it was a terrific birthday, one he wouldn't trade for the world. Dorian grabbed the remote and turned off the TV, looking towards the pair as he cleaned up a bit. He could hear sounds coming from Teddy's room, surprised they were still awake. A single serving of Danniā€™s famous gumbo was left, warm on the stove inside the pot. As much as Dorian would've loved to save it for tomorrow, his favorite part about New Orleans food was that it was meant to be shared.

He made a bowl, grabbed a spoon, and went out the door of his dorm as quietly as he could so as not to wake April and Danni. Making his way over towards Teddy's dorm and knocking on it, secretly hoping Percy would be alone. His knock was gentle enough not to wake anyone around or disturb the other rooms, but loud enough so that whoever was inside could hear. Dorian stood there, hands on the bowl, waiting nervously for the door to be opened.

The air briefly shimmered in front of him, before Percy Novikov appeared. He was wearing a nicely fitted set of plaid pajamas, shades of purple bleeding into shades of red. There were dark circles under his eyes, and a book in his hands - Circe by Madeleine Miller. ā€If this is about the noise, Gray, heā€™s sick - and as much as Iā€™ve contemplated smothering him with a pillow to end everyoneā€™s suffering, heā€™s not the one Iā€™m planning to murder.ā€ His eyes then darted to the food in Dorianā€™s hands. It smelled amazing. Was Dorian here toā€¦ make Percy watch him eat? Or maybe Gray was friends with Teddy - maybe this food was some sort of traditional cure for whatever disease was currently taking the bear out.

"Ohā€¦" was all Dorian could muster at first. He didn't know Teddy was sick, now part of him wished he'd had another bowl to offer but he wasn't sure how well gumbo and whatever Teddy had would mix. Dorian eyed the book, then the pajamas, before finally meeting Percy's gaze. "Iā€¦was actually 'ere about t'at. I mean murder. I mean-" He let out a harsh sigh as he wondered why he couldn't get his words together in front of him. "I wanted to offer t'is bowl of gumbo as an apology for earlier." he said, ramming the words together as quickly as possible so his mind didn't have a chance to fuck them up.

Percyā€™s eyes widened with surprise, before realizing he and Gray were talking about different things. Dorian didnā€™t know what his plan was for the auditions. No one knew. ā€Iā€™m not going to murder you,ā€ Percy scoffed. He shifted his weight slightly. Part of him wished he wasnā€™t in pajamas right now. He didnā€™t like having Dorianā€™s wandering eyes on him. Agathaā€™s stupid prophecy was echoing in his mind as well. He was madly in love with him? Percy could barely stand being in the same hallway as him right now, heā€¦

ā€Did you make that?ā€

"Ohā€¦no. It was part of my birt'day gift today. It's my favorite meal." Dorian watched as Percy shifted his weight, wondering now if this was all a bad idea. Was he making Percy nervous? Did he think he was going to prank him or possess him again? It was hard to say and Percy was a hard read.

ā€Oh. Well, happy birthday, then,ā€ Percy said. He didnā€™t say it with warmth or joy, the way a friend would - but there also wasnā€™t venom in his voice. He said it the way he would to a stranger, and that was probably the best Dorian Gray could expect from him right now.

Dorian cracked a half smile, just a ghostly tinge creeping at the corner of his lips. "T'anks. T'e beginning was far from 'appy. Butā€¦it got better. Anyways, if we're goin' to be neighborsā€¦I'd rat'er not be at each ot'ers t'roats ya know? Soā€¦sorry for yellin' at you earlier I was justā€¦in a bad spot." He handed the bowl towards Percy, holding the spoon in place with his thumb so it wouldn't fall in.

Percyā€™s thumb brushed Dorianā€™s, as he accepted the bowl. ā€Fine. If you possess me again, then we wonā€™t be fine,ā€ Percy promised. ā€Goodnight, Gray. Good luck tomorrow on your audition.ā€ He then turned around and unlocked his door, and went inside, closing it behind him.

ā€Yeahā€¦night Percyā€¦ā€ Dorian said silently to himself as he watched the door to Percyā€™s dorm. He gave a small sigh as he began to wonder what he was doing, before heading back into his room for the night.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > On Patrol

Maddie felt as the bears eyes locked onto the pair of them. Itā€™s cold gaze peering at the two boys as they attempted to back away slowly so as to not provoke it to run. Once it began to growl however, Maddie froze in his tracks, fear creeping into him as he began to wonder if this was how it would all end. Stabbing Maleficent, evading Jafar, all simple tasks. But a black bear? That might get them killed. It was a pathetic way to die in the grand scheme of things given what all this world had to offer in terms of it. A guard asked if the boys had anything to frighten it, and Colby offered a response. They had just been practicing their magic, and while the lightning spell was new to them, Maddie had taken to it quite naturally. He continued to back away with Colby, eyes transfixed upon the bear as he knew better than to turn his back to it. He gave his boyfriend a nod, feeling the prickling of static against the palms of his hand arcing over towards his fingers. He took in a deep breath, and as he exhaled he let out the bolt of lighting a few feet away from the bear in an attempt to scare it off.

ā€I dont think thats gonna cut it Colbsā€¦ā€ Fear colored his every word as he watched the bear in the distance. Heā€™d probably just agitated it, and if he was unluckyā€¦then it may just go barreling towards them. Maddie swept his hands in large motions in front of himself as he began to craft a new spell. The water in the air began to get thick and pool around the creature before dispersing into a massive cloud of fog that cut its line of sight from him to them. Hopefully it was enough to disorient the bear, but heā€™d need help from his boyfriend to finish pulling it off. ā€Colbsā€¦any chance you can try that teleport spell? We dont have to go far, just in a different direction than what the bear had seen us in. Throw it off the scent you know?ā€
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Sword-fighting, Perception, Peek-a-Boo, Hiding. First Day Fit

Dorian had no idea where this sudden bout of anger was coming from from Percy. He thought heā€™d smoothed things out fairly well the past two days, but it was clear that he hadnā€™t. He felt a knot in his chest, wondering if Percy was lashing out because of the kiss. Dorian hadnā€™t done anything to warrant it, nor had he brought it up since then. It wasnā€™t till heā€™d mentioned their wonderful trio that he realized it wasnā€™t fully about that incident, clearly he had some sort of connection towards Zelda like he had Zari and now he was taking it out on them because he felt his small friend group being threatened. Thankfully Danni corrected him, neither of them thought Zelda wasnā€™t worthy of being on a team with them, it was more so that April not being there killed all their dreams they had of winning the contest together. Sure they had their senior year butā€¦this was the first year they all made it on the judges team, it was special to them. Dorian was crestfallen as he heard the news that April in fact wasnā€™t chosen for their team, a cruel twist in fate just as theyā€™d finally made it to a high stakes team. He turned to say something to Danni, noticing the smoke curling off of him as he began to approach Nemo. He had no idea what he was talking about, being psychic or seeing through time, maybe Danni had done some digging beforehand that Dorian hadnā€™t, but all he knew was his friend was hurt and enraged.

If this was some Madam Razz type shit, then that meant that no matter what they did this was destined to happen. That thought tightened the knot in Dorian's chest as he slowly put down his coffee on the ground, sliding the lid closed so that itā€™d stay hot for him when he returned. ā€No one said she wasnā€™t good enough Pers, only tā€™at we tā€™ought we were meant to be winninā€™ witā€™ our friend like we always dreamed of. But if tā€™is is ā€˜ow itā€™s meant to play out we canā€™t fight fate. You know tā€™at Danniā€¦our parents ā€˜ave tried. So, letā€™s find tā€™is old mans weaknessesā€¦togetā€™er. Neva said we couldnā€™t work togetā€™er after all, aye ā€˜ot Shot?ā€ Dorian placed a hand on Danniā€™s shoulders, the steam curling around his fingers for a moment before he let go and unsheathed his sword. ā€Feel free to join in Bean, but Persā€¦you stay out of it.ā€

He swung his sword at Nemo, using his anger to fuel his swings as he attempted to land a hit. Dorian didn't exactly wish to hurt Nemo, but the best way to obtain a person's weakness is to see them in action. Everyone had tells, sides they favored, openings the leave wide without knowing, weak leg positions, any number of things to help identify how it is that they will fight and how best to take them down. He kept his eyes peeled to see any of these signs, but as his sword passed through the space he could've sworn had Nemo in it, he hit empty air. Nemo was just out of range a few feet back as Dorian blinked his eyes wondering if he'd just black out. It was as if the world had glitched. As if Dorian's ping was too high and caused a massive lag spike in reality.

Frustration boiled inside of him as he tried to figure out what had just happened. Percy mentioned Teddy had fallen ill, maybe it had caught on to him? Dorian knew Nemo could see into the Astral Plane, and his soul was too dense or mystically protected to get a full possession on him. But he had to try something. Dorian swung to Nemo's left, feigning the attack as he slipped into the Astral Realm and slid behind the glitchy old man before phasing back in and smacking him with the flat end of the sword on his back shoulder. "Can't trust t'at psychic sight all t'e time Poisson-Pas. You're too reliant on it."

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Sanctum Sanctorum -> Limbo
Skills: N/A

It was the night of Halloween, Maxā€™s birthday. Months prior he had received a gift, an Acheron that was mystically locked behind a complex spellwork puzzle. Inside was a simple letter, an invitation to Dr. Stephen Strangeā€™s Sanctum Sanctorum for a small gathering of the magical community. Max had assumed it to be some form of party for him at best, or an introduction into the magical society that lived amongst the world at worst. The last mystic circle heā€™d join didnā€™t exactly pan out, but then again Stephen Strange was nothing like the would-be goddess Selene.

Max had brought along Ben with him, as well as their newly acquired son Dorian. It was nice to show them one of the locations heā€™d been staying at for so long, to show his family not only where he was training, but who he was training with. With the amount of times heā€™d mentioned Strange to his family, theyā€™d practically know all about him, or at the very least all the pieces Stephen was willing to share with Max. Heā€™d swore that all the drinks were enchanted so that none he touched would have an ounce of alcohol, after all it was only his twentieth birthday party, he still had another full year before he would be allowed to legally drink. As Strange excused himself stating only that he would return soon, Max took that time to check in with Ben and Dorian, to see how they were doing. His son was practically asleep in Benā€™s arms, and Ben looked just as tired. He figured theyā€™d only held up as long as they had due to the time difference between New Orleans and New York, but it was clear that it was time for them to go.

ā€Iā€™m going to go ahead and make my rounds saying goodbye to the community. That, and I should probably wait for Strange to come back before I leave. Lucky for you I can take you guys home no problem thanks to all Iā€™ve been learning here.ā€ Max had opened up a portal, a rift between his two worlds of home and study, watching as Ben stepped through into their son's room to be put to bed. He could see Ben was about to make some remark but before he could make out the words a blinding light washed over him. Max closed his eyes instinctively before a new weight was pressed against his shoulders, feeling a familiar fabric wrap around him as he felt the necklace appear around his neck. The light faded and the last thing Max saw was the look of horror on Benā€™s face across the portal as a new one opened up beneath him and Max fell. The last act he could do was close his own portal to keep his family safe from harm before he was surrounded by nothing but void.

There was nothing graceful about the way Max landed. Having fully forgotten he had a spell for just such an occasion, one heā€™d acquired after being tossed outside a buildingā€¦the irony. He felt the air escape his lungs, the only other sound was his gasp for air as he struggled to right himself just to sit down. There was still some daze from the light before, and as Maxā€™s eyes tried to adjust to his new surroundings, he felt the air in his lungs change. He didnā€™t know how, but the air had a familiar taste, one heā€™d been accompanied by for many years now. It felt almost impossible to describe, but in the world of magic anything was possible. Max sat there for a moment before finally standing up, taking it all in, and noticing he wasnā€™t on earth anymore. The skies were crimson red as winged creatures circled above him. He heard the ground crunch beneath his feet as he adjusted his weight, seeing the mountainous landscape in which he landed. His hand slowly went up towards the Eye of Agamotto, feeling the necklace heā€™d coveted for so long now. Why did Strange send it to him? Why send his cloak?

He felt a slight nudge against his leg as he noticed a note sticking out of a pocket in the inner lining of the cloak. As he began to read it, his eyes burned hot with fury and disbelief. Tears dripped down on the page as the taste of the air became his companion once more. I can fix this. They had a circuit, a way to bring back those who had fallen, and who else was more deserving than the Sorcerer Supreme that kept the cosmic scales in balance? This mustā€™ve been why he chose Max because he knew he could pull it off. But thenā€¦ā€Whyā€™d you drag me all the way out hereā€¦wherever here even is.ā€ His voice was hoarse as he continued to choke back the need to ugly cry at his master's death. It had been a lifetime ago that Strange had asked him which master he served, and now he could finally give an answer to that question. ā€Tch. Look at me, now I'm talking to myself as if Stephen was even here to answer me. Hehā€¦heā€™d give me such a stern look if he heard me call him thatā€¦ā€

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > On Patrol

Maddie frowned as he listened to what the guard was saying. Maleficent's men had attempted an ambush on not only the guards but the children of Kansas. Suddenly the outside didn't feel so safe anymore. A pit growing inside his stomach as he finished off his sketch of the flowers before him, noticing that amongst the field there were some that Rapunzel had asked for. He was about to mention something when suddenly there was the snap of a twig. Fight or flight should've kicked in, he should have done something, but instead he froze.

All he could think about was that their time was up. Her men had followed the guards here or worse there was a mole amongst them. He watched the guard in his periphery, wondering if it was him or the other, perhaps it was a trap laid out by them to capture two of the children. Maddie could feel the static begging to well up in the palm of his hands when Colby mentioned a bear. Maddie readjusted his view and saw what was approaching them wasn't one of her men but a black bear checking out its territory. "Good call babe. I think Black bears are one of the don't fuck with bears."

Demetri Rowan Howell

Location: PA Station BK
Skills: Shapeshifting

Cassian Rudenko

Location: PA Station. BK

Cassian stepped out of the stall wearing a new set of clothes. He hated the idea of just tossing his shirt into the trash with Demetriā€™s, but he figured the child of Zeus was right. The last thing they needed on a cross country road trip was to have clothing with rotting milk sitting in their bags as they made the trek. He tossed both the shirts into the trash can inside the bathroom before looking towards Demetri. "Thanksā€¦I appreciate the help."

Demi waited inside in the event Cass needed more help. Luckily for him it didn't appear he'd need to sneak into the Ladies room after all. "Much better mate. Now let's try not to get any more shakes poured on us alright? Actually, maybe just avoid Nancy all togetherā€¦no offense." he said with a bit of a shrug. Those two seemed to be like oil and water. Then again Nancy felt that way with most all the Greeks it seemed. But Demi still had hope for her yet.

Cassian opened his mouth to retort but then promptly closed it. Arguing wouldn't do them any good and clearly he'd done something to upset her. But if keeping quiet and out of her way was what was needed for the quest, perhaps that's what he should do. He made his way past Demetri, pushing the door open a crack until he saw Janelle and Kristin walk in. "Kristin and Janelle are here, but no sign of Zeke or Nancy andā€¦is Alexios cleaning?"

"Party boy couldn't keep his mouth shut so I gave him a task with alone time to figure out what he did was wrong. Thoughā€¦why isn't Zeke and Nancy back yet? And why's she here again? Janelle just stormed out before I came in. Not that I was complaining about that. Only seems to talk to me to yell at me." Demi remarked as he pressed his back against the wall. He didn't exactly want to go back out to face Alexios or Janelle.

Dorian had originally planned on going back into his Astral Self. Sitting up atop of the rafters of the gymnasium as he watched the other students do their performance and silently judged them from another plane where they couldn't hear his laughter, applause, or remarks. His audition, however, had left him wanting to spend some time away from the familiar realm. He'd been warned several times by Mr.Strange about the dangers of the Astral Realm, but until today he'd never really experienced them. He'd stuck around long enough to see Danni's audition, peeking through the doors as he had for all his other friends, but once it had ended and Dorian gave his congrats, he'd slipped away to be alone for a while.

For the most part he'd gone to his dorm room, laying on his new sheets that he'd just changed in while reading a book in an attempt to escape what he'd seen in the Astral Realm. It was quiet without Danni and April here to fill the space. He curled up in his bed, turning to his side as the thought about how he may need to get used to this silence come next year. A tear began to form in the corner of his eye until he heard a loud thud outside his dorm room door. Dorian tossed the book aside and went to go see what it was, cracking the door to peek at the source but not seeing anything at first. He waited a beat, then opened the door and went to take a step out when he tripped over the body of one Percy Novikova.

Percy Novikov was covered in layers of his own sweat, blood flowing silently from his nostrils and staining the collar of his white shirt. He was somewhat coherent, but not really. He remembered the audition. He remembered stumbling out of there, his head pounding, his body screaming and feeling ill like he never had before. But he had been too proud to ask for help. Somehow, he had managed it back to Stark Hall, just to fall short - literally - right in front of his door. Or a bit to the side of it.

His vision was swimming as they focused on a pair of intense, beautiful eyes. He couldnā€™t identify who the person was, and Percy smiled groggily. ā€œŠŸŃ€ŠøŠ²ŠµŃ‚ ŠŗрŠ°ŃŠ°Š²Ń‡ŠøŠŗ,ā€ Percy mumbled, before his eyes rolled into the back of his head and he passed out - for real this time.

Dorian hadn't noticed before, but now, having fallen over him, he could see the blood that traced Percy's cheeks. A mixture of that and sweat painting his collar, some having gotten on Dorian's own clothing. As he heard him mutter something (most likely another insult) towards him, he saw the lights go out behind his eyes. Panic quickly set in as Dorian didn't want others to see him like this and think that he had caused this. He didn't know why Percy had shown up at his doorstep (especially because for a brief moment he'd forgotten they were neighbors entirely and decided it was the hands of Fate at work) but he knew he had to help.

"If I had a nickel for every passed out teen I'd had to carry this weekā€¦" Dorian muttered to himself as he (for a second time) went to help an unconscious student. He tried to think of the best way to approach this, realizing he hadn't moved from where he fell atop of Percy and scuttling off in a hurry to stand up. Dorian circled Percy as if the unconscious boy were going to attack him any moment. Did he carry him? Certainly Percy was small enough to do so. Drag him? He was sure to get an earful later if those school shoes got scratched. The easiest option was to possess his body and walk it to the nurses. But last time he entered it he'd set off his powers and that was an entirely other can of worms.

Dorian took in a deep breath before finally making a decision. He'd knelt down beside him and tried to slide his hands underneath Percy to pick him up Bridal style. Though in doing so he may have accidentally grabbed his butt before immediately correcting his aim to just below it. His other arm looped itself underneath Percy's arms, having each fall back so that if he did wake up mid transport, he only had one good arm to punch him instead of two to choke him. Once he was settled in, Dorian walked as fast as a panicked gay man could towards the nurses office for a second time this week.

Percy had no concept of time when he opened his eyes again - he was mesmerized again by those intense, keen eyes he saw staring at his with concern. They were the most amazing shade of green that he had ever seen. They made the brightest emeralds seem dull and flat by comparison. They had the mystery of the choppy waters of the sea, with the beauty of the Northern Lights. He was vaguely aware of the fact that the owner of the eyes had his arms wrapped around him, carrying him bridal style. The arms werenā€™t as muscular as Percy would have liked, but he felt strong and secure nonetheless.

ā€œŠ£ тŠµŠ±Ń сŠ°Š¼Ń‹Šµ уŠ“ŠøŠ²ŠøтŠµŠ»ŃŒŠ½Ń‹Šµ Š³Š»Š°Š·Š°,ā€ Percy mumbled. He wanted to raise a hand to rest on the cheek of his mysterious savior, but his body didnā€™t seem to be listening to him.

Percy spoke, and the words startled Dorian for a moment. His grip slipping ever so slightly as he tried to regain his composure. "Merde Merde Merde. He's broken! Percy's speaking gibberishā€¦maybe if Iā€¦" He tried readjusting the position of his right arm so that Percy's head was more elevated than the rest of his body. Maybe he was too low before and that didn't let his tongue properly form words, or maybe Percy had a concussion. "Oh pleeeease don't 'ave a concussion. You aren't allowed to sleep wit' one. Uhhh stay awake, or somet'ing."

Dorian bounded the corner, lifting up his leg and slamming it down on the handle just enough so that it'd open the door before kicking it in. "Nurse Annie! I've got anot'er one!! T'is time wit' blood!" Chances were she was bound to get busy today. After allā€¦not everyone did well on their auditions.

Maybe Percy did have a concussion. He was vaguely aware that they were in some sort of a new room - but he didnā€™t recognize it. His savior was saying something, but the words werenā€™t making sense in Percyā€™s brain. He wasnā€™t even coherent enough to realize how strange that would be, that he couldnā€™t understand what someone was saying. His savior had soft looking lips. He wondered what they would taste likeā€¦

Nurse Annie huffed. ā€œI told them to use the Framework for these things, but nooooo!ā€ she complained. ā€œGet him down over there, Iā€™ll be over in a sec,ā€ she said. She was currently attempting to reset the bone of one of Dorianā€™s classmates - a kindly runt of a Frost Giant, yet she still managed to take up about six of the beds in the infirmary by herself.

Dorian cringed at the state of the Frost Giant. He didn't care what people said, no matter how many times you see it, broken bones are absolutely disgusting to watch. It wasn't natural and always made his stomach a bit queasy. He didn't say anything back for fear of vomiting on Percy as he held him, instead electing to nod at her as he made his way towards the opposite side of the room as far from their giant friend as possible towards an empty bed. He went to set Percy down, halting just inches above the bed as he took in the sight of him. When he wasn't constantly spouting vitriol at himā€¦he was really cute.

Dorian's stare lingered for a breath too long before he shook it off hoping no one would notice his now rose tinted cheeks. If anyone asked he was just flush from the run here. He set Percy down, pulling his sleeve up and over The palm of his hand to help clean him up a bit. Wiping away some of the sweat and blood from his cheeks and forehead. "I'm not sure t'is was even an audition issueā€¦ I found 'im in t'e 'allway just in front of my dorm." worry laced his words as he kept an eye on Percy. Swapping between his face and chest to ensure he was still breathing. " No lie Annie 'e's a bit of a jerk butā€¦I 'ope 'e's okayā€¦" Without noticing it, his hand had subconsciously began to hold Percy's like one would a loved one at a hospital bed.

There was a cry of pain from the frost giant, as Annie finished her work. ā€œIā€™m sure heā€™ll be fine,ā€ Annie said, hoping to reassure Dorian. ā€œIā€™ve seen kids in worse shape than his come on through these doors.ā€ She stood up and straightened herself out, before moving on over to come attend to the pair of young boys - only to stop in her tracks suddenly.

Percy had been staring at the strangerā€™s lips all the while he had cleaned him up. Without realizing it, he had moistened his own. And then, acting under a compulsion that was somewhat foreign to him - one that, had he been in his right mind, he likely would have never done - Percy used his strength to bring his upper body up and he kissed the strangerā€™s lips. A crooked smile appeared on Percyā€™s face, satisfied with his work, before he fell back all of the sudden onto the bed again, his eyes shut.

Dorian turned his head when the nurse spoke up, only to be caught unaware by a kiss as he turned back to face Percy. A plethora of emotions ran through him as his first kiss was now solidified inside of a nurses room in school with a boy who was barely conscious. As far as they went, it wasn't bad. His lips were soft, if not a bit too moist due to the sweat and blood, and there was the unfortunate undertaste of iron now inside of Dorian's own mouth. A consequence only born from accidentally biting his lower lip after the kiss had happened. He didn't know if the taste of blood was his or Percy's, and at the moment he didn't want to know. All he knew was that he needed to catch Percy quickly as he helped him gently lay back down onto the bed.

It was only then he'd noticed the sudden quiet of Annie. He didn't want to look back, he could feel her eyes on him. What would she think? Would she report him to his dad's? To Percy's mom's? His stomach sank as he took a step back from Percy, hands still interlocked. "Is t'at a side effect of a concussion or somet'ing?"

Nurse Annie considered this for a moment. ā€œNo, I donā€™t think thatā€™s a side-effect of a concussion. Thereā€™s a GSA club at school that could answer your questions better,ā€ Annie said. ā€œBut as far as I know, youā€™re just born that way.ā€

Dorian wanted to die of embarrassment as Nurse Annie spoke. He wasn't questioning his sexuality but he certainly was questioning what he was still doing here. Dorian tried not to meet her gaze as he waited awkwardly for Percy to feel better. He'd feel wrong just leaving him there, and he was certain Diana would kick his ass if he did. "Mutant, Gay, and Proud." he said trying to force a smile. He ran his thumb over Percy's as he leaned himself against the wall. "Any chance this is extra credit? Two students in two days. I'd say it's a record."

She rolled her eyes. ā€œThe actual record is twenty-seven in one day,ā€ she said bluntly. ā€œNow, do you know his name? I need to pull his records. It could be just over-exertion, illness, something to do with his powers, etc etc.ā€

Twenty-seven?! Dorian just about leaped out of his body when he'd heard that number. Either there was a massive attack at school or someone was a kiss ass. He tried to compose himself before answering her question, managing only to blubber like an idiot as he spoke. "P-percy Novikova. 'e's a freshman t'is year and brot'er of Diana."

ā€Novikov,ā€ Percy mumbled.

Nurse Annie didnā€™t register the conflict in the surnames. She was familiar with Diana. She had helped Diana out after a few archery injuries - and some teleporting related ones. She stepped away from the patient and went over to her computer, typing in her password and pulling up the records. The boy was a linguist and a temporal teleporter. She unfortunately wasnā€™t an expert in time-travel related injuries - sheā€™d have to get a consult from the time travel professor.

ā€œI need to ask Ser Nemo to come and take a look at him, to make sure he didnā€™t get the temporal teleportation version of the bends,ā€ Nurse Annie explained. ā€œBut my guess is that this is just over-exertion. Bed rest and fluids. Thank you for bringing your boyfriend here. Iā€™m sure heā€™ll be fine.ā€

Dorian's head snapped towards Percy as he spoke. He was clearly delusional since he was getting his own last name wrong. Either that or he didn't have the strength to finish the last syllable. "Poisson-Pas? Does he need to?" His mind raced to the broken tea cup still hidden in his room, barely registering what the nurse had said. "Best rest sounds eas- wait non! Not my boyfriend! He actually kind of 'ates my gutsā€¦" It was then he noticed they were still holding hands, or that it was even happening at all. He snatched his hand away from Percy's, letting it fall off the bedside as his arm lay limp for the moment. His free hand made its way towards the other, feeling the warmth left on his palm from holding his hand.

Nurse Annie wasnā€™t buying Dorianā€™s protests. She sighed. She had let him take his friend back earlier after bringing them here and unconscious - it helped that Danni had had some amazing puppy dog eyes. Nurse Annie didnā€™t feel great about it then. And she didnā€™t feel amazing about it now. ā€œIf he hasnā€™t recovered by tomorrow morning, then he needs to go straight to Ser Nemo,ā€ Annie compromised. ā€œI will be coming by to check on him.ā€

Dorian tried to give her his most reassuring smile. "We got April back up to a 'undred I'm sure I can do t'e same for 'im." His false bravado faltered for a moment as he realized he would now need to house Percy somewhere. Technically his dorm room was the best place but Dorian didn't exactly have a key to it, and he wasn't aware how Teddy would feel about it. He couldn't exactly keep him in his room though since Danni and Percy didn't see eye to eye. Dorian fidgeted with the bottom of his shirt before finally deciding. "I'll bring 'im back to 'is room and keep an eye on 'im. If 'e seems to get worse or if t'ere's no change by t'e morn I'll get Poisson-pas myself."

ā€ŠŠµŃ‚ рыŠ±Ń‹,ā€ Percy whispered, starting to somewhat come to.

Nurse Annie shook her head. ā€œGo, before I change my mind,ā€ she dismissed, waving him off.

Dorian beamed a massive smile towards her, his dimples in full effect. He scooped up Percy like he had before and began making his way towards the Dorms again, looking down to keep an eye on him every once in a while. If he was honest he looked like an angel as he slept in his arms, mumbling nonsense every now and then. But each time he did he couldn't help but focus on his mouth, thinking back towards the kiss and wondering if Percy would even remember it.

Once he'd made his way back he stood there at the door, staring at it when he realized he had no way in. He paused, doing a small dance in place as he knew what he had to do but didn't care to do it right now. He took a deep breath in, placing Percy on the floor before jaunting over to the Astral Realm just long enough to pass through the door and make sure Teddy wasn't inside. Dorian shifted back inside of Percy's room, unlocking it from inside as he opened the door and brought Percy into his room.

Percyā€™s side of the room was extremely organized, neat, and tidy. In some respects, it almost looked like an example room from an IKEA showfloor. On the desk stood his collection of classical literature, propped up between two bookends. Directly above the desk drawers was an assortment of items for tea and coffee - nothing incredibly expensive, but still a little bit nicer than what would typically be found in a dorm room. His blankets were folded neatly on the bed, his matching set of red silk pajamas placed on top of the pillow. Also on the bed was a well loved stuffed teddy bear with an ascot - clearly something that Percy must have had since he was a small child.

Directly in front of the window was a keyboard, with pieces of sheet music affixed to the stand. The song Percy was currently working on was by Chopin - Nocturne in E Flat Major. The rest of his possessions were out of sight, having already been sorted into their designated drawers and whatnot.

Dorian thought his side of the dorm was neat, but Percy's was on a whole other level. He felt bad putting his bloodied clothed self on such a neatly done bed, so for now he rested him on the floor, looking around as he tried to figure out what to do. After a bit of pacing, he'd finally decidedā€¦he'd need to change his clothes. Lucky for him there was a pair of pajamas sitting atop a pillow, just what the nurse ordered. As he went to fetch them he noticed they were silk, extremely smooth to the touch and Dorian couldn't help but feel a little jealous. A part of him wanted to try the shirt on, checking the size to see they wore the same one before deciding against it.

"Gray what 'ave you gotten yourself into?" He asked himself as he stood at the foot of Percyā€™s body, wondering how he was going to get him undressed and dressed. If Teddy walked in, or worse if Percy woke up, he'd just die. So he needed to be quick. Locking the dorm room before coming back and taking off Percy's shoes, then socks and pants, he wasn't about to change his drawers so that he'd have some decency left, and then removed his shirt. He quickly slipped on the silk pajamas, folding the dirty clothes and placing them off to the side on the floor before lifting Percy and putting him in his bed, tucked under the impeccably solved sheets.

Dorian lingered for a moment, rocking in place as he watched Percy lay there motionless. He took a step back, and snagged a book off his shelf. When he opened it his eyebrows knit in confusion, he didn't recognize the language immediately so it wasn't any of the few he knew, but it reminded him of the writings he'd seen back on his vacation in Greece. "Weird. Must be a collectors t'ing." he decided before putting the book back and picking up the Teddy bear. He gave it a quick squish before smiling at it and placing it in Percy's arms. "Cute. Little gremlin likes plushies too."

ā€ā€œŠŸŠ¾Š“Š°Ń€Š¾Šŗ,ā€ Percy muttered. His arms tightened around the teddy bear, as a scowl overcame his face. And then the expression vanished, as Percy fell into some sort of a deeper state of unconsciousness. There was a sound coming from down the hall though, one that sounded like a stampede was coming through - probably Teddy, the way the feet were slamming against the ground over and over again. Dorian would need to make his exit quickly if he wanted to avoid Percyā€™s roommate.

Dorian felt his time was short, he gave Percy one last look as he rolled his eyes to himself mentally telling himself to get it together. He quickly ran towards their adjoining wall, going ghost as he jumped to phase through and land on the other side where his dorm lay. He faded back in with ease as he looked back towards wall, a mixture of feelings coming over him once more.
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