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Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower < On Patrol

Maddie watched from afar as Colby gathered the flowers. Glancing every once in a while towards the far distance to make sure nothing came back to bother them. Nothing seemed to come, and once Colby finished up, Maddie was able to relax, his shoulders slumping slightly as he let out a small breath. He closed the gap between them as he looked over his shoulder once more as if trying to recall something about the bear. "Hey
so I had a bit of a bad thought. Not sure if it means anything or if I'm just being paranoid but

He kept some distance between himself and the guards, following closely behind Colby as they made their way towards the tower once more. He didn't care much for the welcome wagon that seemed to be rolling in. He hoped Rosalia would be too preoccupied to start another fight with them. In any case, Maddie pulled Colby aside after he'd given them the flowers. "Do you think all the tales are true? If Merida is real
then what if that bear is Mor'du? What if he was scouting ahead to find us or this location? But then again
what if it's just a bear? I don't want to raise alarm for nothing."
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian couldn't believe what he was hearing. He thought that Percy was supposed to be her friend, yet here he was telling her to just give up on a judges team and go to another one that was content with losing. His jaw tightened, the muscles flexing in the back as he bit his tongue on the subject. Maybe that was something that Zelda would want, but they were both freshmen here, neither of them truly knew how lucky they were to have made it onto the Judges team in their first year at AA. The last team to do that well
they were now the youngest superhero team allowed to assist on missions and rescues while still attending the school. The tension in his jaw lessened as Nemo called out Zelda to stay after class. Something Dorian had wanted to do to speak more with the old man before heading off into his next course. He’d have to try again after school, after all now he knew where his office was. For now he’d have to be content with how things were working out. That is, until Nemo spoke again. His words had such a dark undertone it made Dorian wonder if Nemo already knew about what it was that he wanted to speak to him about. As if he knew why it was that everyone else had perished, and now he wondered if he was the cause of it. Did Dorian make one mistake that he couldn’t undo? Did that domino into an apocalypse that wiped out all of his friends? Maybe that’s why he’d made it onto this team, so that Nemo could keep an eye on him and ensure he doesn’t do it again.

His chest felt tight as Nemo handed them the ropes to bind them. Dorian nodded towards him, taking them as he knelt down to begin tying Danni and Zelda together by the legs. He took this time to try and hammer out any plan or idea that they could get for the first course. ”Percy’s a teleporter, t’ough not exactly an accurate one. Chances are ‘e’s gonna try to cheese t’is course. We need to work toget’er if we’re gonna beat t’em. Zelds, is t’ere a way you could shield you and me? Danni can use his flames like rockets and fly us down towards t’e boat nice and quick and hopefully it’ll get us a leg up on the competition.” He wanted to add that he understood that she didn’t care about winning or losing, but her teammates did. This wasn’t their first year, and they wanted to make a big splash before they left good old AA. He continued tying them all together until they were ready. Danni was in the center with Zelda and Dorian to either side of him to help balance out the flight. He was used to going off this way, but he was sure Zelda hadn’t had a flaming flight before and worried how’d she react.
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian looked up from his coffee, looking at Zelda with confusion clearly plastered across his face. His head tilted slightly to one side like a puppy trying to figure out what someone was saying to them. ”When did we ever say we ‘ated you? I mean yeah who wouldn’t want to be with t’eir best friend t’at t’ey can’t see over summer? But t’at doesn’t mean t’at we ‘ate you. We all just ‘ad t’is dream t’at we’d be on a judges team toget’er and well
we finally made it to one and we’re missing one t’ird of our trio. She’s the Jose Carioca to our Donald and Panchito. So yeah, it sucks and we don’t even know what team she got in or if it was even a judges team
and if it's not she might be upset t’at we made it and she didn’t.” Dorian took a sip of his drink in an attempt to cut himself short as he had begun to ramble. He looked back up towards Zelda, patented puppy dog eyes looking just over his cup. ”Don’t sweat t’e powers t’ough. You shoulda seen Danni and April t’eir freshman year.” He said with a slight giggle as he thought about just how much damage April had done to the school's plumbing so quickly.

Dorian waited patiently for Nemo to announce the winners of the competition. Scrunching his nose at Percy as he threw a small tantrum when his attempts to complete Poisson-pas test weren’t given praise. He was Diana’s younger brother, and boy did he act like it. Clearly his parents were the doting type, the kind who most likely gave him everything he’d ever wanted and when he didn’t get his way he’d just throw a tantrum until he did. Not like Danni and Dorian, they’d never do that. The conversation finally seemed to get back on track as Nemo was ready to state the winners. Dorian nodded along when he called out Sabines name, and he’d expected more too. But he just kept going on with the instructions for how she would pick the teams and to be tied together for the next leg of the practice. ”Wait wait wait. Only one winner Poisson-pas? I t’ought we were gonna ‘ave two winners and we’d pick off teammates like in dodgeball.” He squirmed a bit in the place where he sat, the heat of his tervis reminding him not to move too much unless he wanted to spill fresh hot coffee on his lap or hands.

Sabine had declared the partnerships and he was surprised to hear she didn’t pair herself with Danni. Was it because he was here? Did she really not want to work with him? Fine. At least he got to get paired with Danni, although the addition of Zelda was a bit awkward after what had just happened. Dorian began to stand up to make his way towards his team when Danni suddenly hooked his arm into his and made their way over towards Zelda. ”D did you t’ink i was beatin up Poisson for fun?” He asked, chuckling the entire time at Danni’s antics. The pair of them could switch up moods and scenes so fast it gave most others whiplash. Danni had seemingly already pushed past the previous debacle with Zelda, and the competition helped to push all of that aside for Dorian. He wanted not only to beat Sabine for thinking she could win with the underdog team, but also to beat Percy and wipe the smug look on his face as if he thought he’d already won the next race. ”Alright Zelds! We got t’is! Don’t need to use our powers if you don't feel comfortable, t’ough maybe
if you wanted we could find a way to utilize them to beat t’ese two into t’e ground.” Dorian said with a grin on his face before sticking his tongue out towards the other team in a playful manner.

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Crimson Bands of Cyttorak

Had Max encountered this version of Klara earlier in his years, chances were he’d be aggravated beyond all belief at the hyper active attitude the child held. But now, at this moment, all he could do was see his son before him, grown up to the age of speech and mobility rushing around the house they had back in New Orleans. Now that he had a child of his own, it was more endearing, seeing what lay ahead for him as the years passed by. His thoughts got the better of him though, as he was too slow to caution Klara against startling the horses or touching any animal without first knowing how they’d react. He’d wanted to hear from both parties before stepping foot on the chariot, but now it was bounding off away from him and Carolina as Klara hung on for dear life. They were headed deeper into the hedge maze, and if they turned too many corners they may just vanish from any sort of view. Max gave Carolina an apologetic look, before running off after the runaway chariot. ”Hold on Klara! I’m coming”

They were still in sight, about to round a corner, as Max’s hands began to glow a crimson red color. It was magic unlike what he was used to using, but it was magic all the same. He spent much of his free time reading tome after tome inside of Kamar-Taj and the Sanctum Sanctorum. Sometimes even attempting to sneak past and read books that Strange and Wong had considered
too advanced. It was there he’d found a spell he’d seen Strange use several times before, reading the description to find that they imposed the indomitable will of someone known as Cyttorak. Max hadn’t read more into the creature, but the spell itself seemed handy enough. With an outstretched hand, crimson bands began to emerge from the palm of his hand, wrapping around the horses necks like reigns, as he thought to pull them to a halt. Once he felt the spell take hold, Max gripped his hand closed around the Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and pulled only to find that the horses had the better of him.

His heels dug into the ground as earth moved around his shoes leaving a deep imprint of where he’d been before finally he was pulled forward. Max was now holding on with a white knuckled grip, flying in the air as the skeletal horses took him and Klara for a ride. He’d hoped the bands were powerful enough to have simply halted their course, but it appeared his spellwork needed some more practice to perfect it. After all, if Strange could use it to stop the likes of larger brutes then Max should be capable of wrangling a few horses with it. His hair whipped in the winds, glitter and red dust leaving a trail as he flew. He tried to think of how to salvage this, and for a moment debated on summoning another bout of bands to have an anchor point behind him. Then he realized very quickly he wasn’t Captain America, and that a move like that would likely wishbone him more than anything. His free hand swept up as a large spike rose from the ground. Max quickly plummeted towards it, wrapping his arms and legs around the massive structure and for a moment he thought he had it. He was about to wrap the spell around the spike, then a loud crack sounded.

The conjured spire had snapped in two, the skeletal horses somehow having the might of The Juggernaut in Max’s eyes. His body was still snaked around the structure, flying in the air still as the horses continued on their demonic march of madness. His hand still gripped with all the might of a father trying to save his son, around the spell that held the horses to him. ”Why did I use the Crimson Bands? Clearly I should’ve used the Ruby Rings to bind them. Damn it Max.”

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A

Demetri wanted to argue back, to tell Cassian that he wasn’t being fair. A part of him knew that he was right, and all the fight inside of him died out almost immediately, burying itself deep down inside of Demi until it could resurface again at a later time. He couldn’t wait to be back on the train, to have another night shift with Zeke and just be near his boyfriend as he helped to melt his problems away throughout the night. How he’d manage to do that without Alexios intervening was beyond him, but he figured he’d find a way. Demi choked down anything he might have spat back at Cassian and simply let out a scoff instead. ”Yeah
maybe you’re right. But I didn’t ask for any of this, and I sure as hell didn’t ask for the gods eyes to be fixated on my relationship. Come on, we need to get going to the station before the train leaves us behind.” Pain laced his words as he tried to push past it all. He didn’t need to be any more of a burden than he already was to his team.

Cassian simply watched in disbelief as Demi simply took what he said and agreed with him. He hadn’t expected that, but then again he hadn’t expected half of what was going on in this quest so far. He moved off away from the door, hand placed on the handle for a split moment before letting it go. He didn’t know if he should open the door or let Demi do it, but he decided to take the lead on this one. Taking in a deep breath before making his way back out towards the god of parties that awaited them back at the table. But when Cassian opened the door, the god was waiting right there for them, staring at the space where the door used to be. He wondered how much of that he had heard, but then decided it wasn't his place to care. ”Come on, let's get going already.”

Demetri had followed behind Cassian, seeing the god standing there staring. He rubbed his arm absentmindedly as he looked towards the tiled floor of the bathroom. ”How much of that did you hear?” There was a short pause before he spoke up again, cutting off anything Alexios may have been ready to say. ”Nevermind, it doesn't matter. We’re heading off, got to catch the train again before it leaves and we’ve already lingered for too long. Monsters could be circling this place any moment now.” He pushed past Alexios, following behind Cassian as they left the establishment, in tow of Janelle and Kristin, hoping to meet up with a hopefully cool-headed Nancy and Zeke once they all met up once again.

Cassian stayed quiet on the walk back. He didn’t pay attention towards those around him, keeping only a spare eye out for anything out of the ordinary to ensure that there wasn’t a monster about to attack them. So far the coast seemed clear, unlike the heads of most of his teammates. But that was neither here nor there as they all made their way back at their own pace. He figured a quest this large was bound to have some heads clashing, but he didn’t expect it to be all of them clashing against one another. It made hope for success seem slim. Cassian tried to hold on to hope however, after all they'd found a key component to quest early on, the god Alexios. As they roamed the streets however, Demi looked about hoping to catch a glimpse of Zeke before the train. He wanted to hold his hand now more than ever, but while every blonde set of hair caught his attention as a glimmer of hope, he quickly saw that his boyfriend was nowhere to be found on the walk back so far.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: Basic Spellcraft, Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max raised an eyebrow towards Guin’s comments on his suits. His mouth opened, closed, then opened again as he attempted to figure out how best to approach this. ”These are astronaut grade space suits, from my understanding the ones mentioned before were emergency suits to help survive space momentarily so I assumed
well honestly I wasn’t sure what to assume. I’m not exactly a space kid, so I don't really know what a better suit would look like than our own regulated government suits.” He elected to ignore the comment about Lance’s suit. Getting his neck snapped would be the least of his issues if he couldn’t keep his head on his shoulders. He was surprised to hear that Carolina had no real tech no how. He’d assumed she might have given her commentary and advice on stealth and the ship as they approached Magneto’s grasp. He supposed that was more learned behavior to combat him than it was her technical intelligence. A part of him wanted to suggest uploading the mental schematics of how to achieve this into Pietro’s brain, after all if the worst outcome was a scrambled brain then he wouldn’t be any worse off then where he was now.

Lance and Piet began to bicker back and forth as Max quickly ignored anything they were saying, instead focusing on Miranda and what it was she had to say. While the idea of her helping to hack was a novel one, he needed her powers on the rescue front. Her illusions could save lives if they were caught. He tried to wait until everyone had said their piece before finally speaking up again. ”I need you on rescue Miranda. Your illusory powers could help divert the attention of any attackers, especially in split hallways. Misdirection is an amazing asset to have.” He was about to mention something about how well it served those like Loki and the Goddess of Lies, but his eyes caught Lance’s and his speech halted in his throat. He didn’t know where he stood with Runa at the moment, but she wasn’t here and he hadn’t answered any of Max’s calls. So Max didn’t need to bring up someone who could have easily just abandoned Lance recently. ”I haven’t transmuted something larger than a person before, typically just focus on clothing really but that's neither here nor there. Though i’ve created large structures before
I'd sooner attempt to replicate the blackbird with a new material from Guins suggestions of what would work than actually try and change the one ship we have to leave..you know in case it doesn't go as planned. Speaking of, Carolina could you possess the heavy hitters like Saber and Exodus?And Jaclyn
I’d hate to say it but I actually think you have no powers right now is the best outcome. You’re our wild card and capable of shifting the tide without them even knowing it, save your powers for when you see a weakness in our defense or offense. Till then
are you any good with any weapons?”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A

Max’s attention snapped towards the sound of a young child. His eyes stayed fixated on the person before him, worried now more than ever that this was a trap. Between the women who’s eyes bled and the now sound of a child, it was like a scene straight out of a horror film. It was only when the child said their name that Max had decided to spare her a glance. She had some similarities to someone he’d met once before, though much much younger than the angsty Asgardian he had met back in another reality. He didn’t know what to think, what to believe, and yet
the bloodied woman seemed to know his name. Max looked at her, paying more attention now through the orange tinted goggles he currently wore as he began to piece things together in his mind. He knew her, and she him, but he couldn’t quite tell why. Finally he recalled her name, with a snap of his finger he looked at her as if coming out of a mental fog. ”Carolina
right? We met back in Wanda’s reality.” His eyes danced back towards Klara. She was much less hostile than the last time he’d met her, and yet if both of them were here once again
did Wanda relapse? Was this now what she believed to be the just world?

It appeared neither of his unlikely companions knew where they were, which left only Max to try and figure it out. There was a young Klara, Carolina, and desolate landscape filled with pain and suffering, and a terrain that seemed to shift with no real means. As if on cue, the glitter bomb went off above Max’s head like a lightbulb coating his hair in pink glitter that intermingled with the stains of red that still lingered from the previous storm. ”I think I can answer the where. We’re in a demon’s dimension called Limbo. I actually know the ruler of this land, her name is Magik, used to be on a team together until
until she was called back.” This place had a similar scent to what had popped up just before Magik had vanished. The issue was that time and space didn’t work in a straight line, especially not in Limbo. So he didn’t know if this Magik knew him, or perhaps she had once upon a time and has since forgotten all about him centuries later. He decided to keep that information all to himself however. ”It seems my mentor has gone missing. In doing so he sent out his cape and eye to those he deemed worthy and capable of helping place things back in order. His magic brought us here Klara, as to what we should do
’ The landscape began to shift and move all around them. As Max turned to look right, hedges rose to the left, and when he looked left the same was true of the right, until the trio was surrounded by a decaying maze, the mountains replaced by this new landscape and a chariot with a pair of skeletal horses.

If Max was a betting man, which he most certainly was, he’d wager that they needed to board the chariot and allow it to lead them through the maze. ”I think this is going to be our best bet. We should take this chariot, let it lead us through this maze and see what lays for us in the center. Maybe it’ll be answers, or perhaps more questions, or even a new landscape
either way, I need to see this through. So what do you say Klara? Carolina? Up for a little adventure in a new dimension?”

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower > On Patrol

Maddie held his breath, his hand clasped around Colby's bicep as he waited for either the Bear’s charge, or his boyfriends teleport. He could hear the growls from across the fog, each growing less and less disgruntled as the creature had finally decided to lose interest in the pair. The obscured darkened silhouette of the massive black bear began to fade away from view. Growing smaller and smaller until the cloud of white finally overtook its shape and hid it away from view. He waited one breath, two breathes, and then finally let out a long exhale as he felt his legs go weak. He looked towards the guard with a weak smile, clearly unsure if what he just did was smart or incredibly stupid. A part of him wondered if this was how Colby felt sometimes. While still holding onto his boyfriend, he let himself plop down onto the dirt ground, keeping his hand up to hold onto Colby’s. ”Thanks, I can’t believe I just got rid of a black bear
” He figured if he ever ran into one back home, well he’d either play dead or be dead.

Maddie looked ahead at the space before them, seeing the flowers Rapunzel had asked for still in sight. Luckily none of them had gotten trampled under the terrifying weight of the bear. He went to stand up to grab them when he noticed his legs were on pins and needles. The adrenaline from his previous excursion washing away and leaving him feeling a bit weaker for the wear. He gave Colby a shit eating grin as he nodded towards the plants. ”I scared the bear, you get to get the flowers. “ He declared as he stuck his tongue out towards him. He let go of his hand, smacking his butt a little in an attempt to shoo him forward.
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: Sword-fighting, Perception, Peek-a-Boo, Hiding. First Day Fit

Dorian was about to take another swing at Nemo when Zelda finally had decided to join them in the Training Room. His sword froze midswing, stopping to try and explain to Zelda why it was that he was attacking their team coach, but as his mouth opened to speak, Sabine came in at full force as she began to read Nemo for filth. Dorian’s mouth stayed open, his jaw dropping lower in equal parts horror and astonishment as she so effortlessly picked Poisson-pas apart without so much as lifting a finger. Surely he thought she’d join in with her fancy new She-Ra sword, but her words cut deeper than any blade either of them could wield. He recalled the old faded photograph of Nemo’s dearly departed love, something he’d meant to ask about later on down the road. But here she was, laying it all out for him, making Dorian that much more interested in what had happened. As she spoke, he recalled what it was that he’d seen in the Astral Realm, a field of graves but only two of them were in focus for him. His arm drooped down, sword barely inches about the floor as he was now thinking about what he had seen. He had wanted to forget, to pretend it was all a bad dream, but he knew there was a timer on their head and he wanted
no needed to speak to Nemo after this was all over.

Dorian paid no attention to Percy’s little comment, focused solely on the old man before him as questions burned inside him begging to be asked. Nemo’s words felt hollow, not that the old man wasn’t actually praising him, more so that they meant nothing in the end if his best friends were to die in a year's time. ”Yeah
I’ll keep that in mind.” he answered back as a single tear fell down mimicking Nemo’s. Dorian started to make his way back towards Danni, just in time for Percy to shimmer out of view and place a finger gun to Danni’s back. He knew he couldn’t actually harm Danni with it, yet Dorian’s hands gripped his sword tighter nonetheless. That Percy would even think that was funny was
Dorian didn’t know what it was, but it didn’t sit right with him. Sabine’s voice cut in, threatening Percy before Dorian could even utter a word. It was then that he noticed his throat felt incredibly dry. The past few days had been too much, and he had no idea how to handle all of the information that kept coming at him at lightspeed. Danni seemed to be fine, taking what Percy had done with stride, and clearly he was more than content to have Sabine in his corner, so for the moment he just felt
alone. He sheathed his sword, making his way back towards his cup of coffee, taking a sip as he sat down in a mess of emotions. ”Gotta agree wit’ D t’ere. You need more confidence in what you do or you’ll never sell it. Everyt’ing in life is a show and you need to give it your all wit’ some pizazz. Eit’er way
we did your challenge Poisson-pas, even if someone’s was a bit lame and rude
Pers. So who’s t’e team caps? And why is it me and Sabine?”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Aus Atnemitsev Ogniffe

Max looked around the strange and desolate land that he was thrust into, not knowing which direction to go. He felt an emptiness inside of him, another loss he couldn’t have prevented, another person to resurrect from the grave. It was easier when they had the body, it became more complicated when Max needed to create one from scratch. Even a single hair would help him and James reconstruct the host for Strange’s soul once he reached his home back on Earth. If he reached his home. He took a few small steps, neither forward nor backwards, simply just turning slowly in a circle as he attempted to get some form of bearing while his feet shuffled on the gravelly mountain top of the reddish hellscape. His back now faced the wall as he looked out over the landscape, Strange’s note still in hand as he tried to pour through it once again. He needed to renew The Veil, but how? He had to go back to find Wong, but how? Million’s of questions and not a single answer was given to him. Just like it of Strange. As he gripped the paper tightly in his fingers, he began to feel the wind whip up a bit away. The note rustling between his hands as a small speck of red tainted the parchment it was written on. When he looked up, he saw a red haze off in the distance, sweeping closer and closer towards him like some demonic sandstorm.

Max instinctively began to cast, not knowing how his magic would react in this realm as his hands wove a spell around himself and he conjured up a new set of clothes. He made a full black ensemble for his mourning, complete with a coat and gloves, goggles to protect his eyes, and a mouthpiece to allow him to breathe in this oncoming storm. It was odd however, that although he felt his magic work effortlessly in this new space, it seemed to be warped by the nature of the new realm. Bones seemed to accent everything he’d created. A ribcage lined over his shirt as his own would do, small finger bones seemed to trace the edges of the fabric while an entire spinal column ran down the back of his coat. His belt had two arms, one on either side, coming to meet up where the buckle should be but instead it was two hands clasping one another. The mask meant to cover his mouth had the upper and lower jaw transfixed to it, and the goggles had small spikes coming out from the sides for no real rhyme or reason. Max hid the note amongst his person, not wanting it to get lost during the storm as the red dust began to kick around him, battering him and getting in his hair. He could hardly see through it all, so instead he decided to sit in place, his back against the stoney exterior as he waited for the storm to pass.

While Max waited, he tried to make sense of it all. Strange had left him no instructions, only goals. He gave him his cape and the Eye of Agamotto. Max could scarcely remember seeing Strange do some gestures before, opening the eye to reveal his mind's eye. He thought he could do the same, trying to copy the hand movements as he tried in vain to open it up to him. Nothing happened. Maybe he got the gestures wrong, maybe it didn’t work in this realm, or maybe he just wasn’t strong enough to use the relic yet. Whatever the reason, the Eye imparted no further wisdom or knowledge on how to renew the veil. So he waited, for what felt like hours in this storm, waiting for a moment to pass where it would lighten up and clear a path for him to follow. Finally, just as the dust began to thin out, Max caught a glimpse of something out of the corner of his eye, looking towards the small creature and noticed it was his three eyed cat. He thought he'd lost him when he abandoned the Hellfire Club, but here he was. Just as quickly as he'd seen the creature, it vanished before his eyes. Replacing itself with the sound of someone calling. He couldn’t make out the voice, but the silhouette
the cape flapping in the wind
it appeared to be Doctor Strange. Max jumped up to his feet, dashing straight for the figure until the red dust finally cleared and standing before him was someone else entirely. For a moment he had hope, for a moment he thought his mentor wasn’t dead. His heart tore into pieces once more as a soft sob escaped him before he composed himself. Max waved his hand as magic washed over Carolina, healing her eyes slightly, but whatever damage she had done was going to take a lot of work. ”Hey, my name’s
Warlock. Are you ok?” Max had hesitated in giving his real name, afraid this might be some form or trap. After all, there was a lot of power in someone's real name.

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