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Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian could tell it was working. It helped that he had some practice with this sort of thing. After all being a prankster was hard work if you were constantly caught, so it was best to try and reshape the reality of the situations to help weasel his way out of them and avoid punishment. He was about to suggest that if Firestar had it handled they could head back towards class if that was what Zelda wanted, but just as his lips parted to speak, he was blasted by a wave of energy that overwhelmed him emotionally. He looked towards Zelda, empathy rolling off him in waves as he was able to experience just how much she was going through at this moment. A part of him wondered if she could feel others emotions too, and maybe she’d felt just how strongly Danni and him had wanted to have April alongside them all along. He looked back towards Firestar watching as a single tear rolled down her cheek. They clearly got the coolest Dorm Mom out of all of them, but he was glad that Zelda’s emotional wave was able to help sell the story he’d given her before. It seemed that Firestar would be willing to take Zelda with her, though Dorian now wanted to join in on the ice-cream fun, but he understood if it was just the pair of them. It’s fine, He, Danni, and April could go for ice-cream later in the day since they all missed a morning coffee date already.

It all felt nicely wrapped up, like nothing else could possibly happen at this moment. But that wasn’t the case. That was never the case when Danni was around. He must’ve forgotten the ropes again, because he threw himself towards Zelda for a hug with so much force that it dragged Dorian alongside him to her. There was a loud yelp as his body got dragged around once more, flailing him towards the crying mutant on the ground as he instinctively wrapped his arms around her as well, like a skater grabbing a pole for stability when stopping. ”Really Zelds, you did such a good job back t’ere you don't even know t’e half of it.” Dorian added with a tight squeeze before offering her some circular back rubs. His attention diverted as he needed to find a way to casually unbind himself from Danni so that he wouldn't get flung around anymore. Dorian quickly shifted his body into the Astral Realm, letting the ropes fall down slack as he moved just an inch towards the right before shifting back into place and continuing to console Zelda.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: Agility, Endurance

Demi turned his attention towards Alexios as he asked his question. ”Never been on a train before mate? Or is the party bus the only way you get around?” He asked with a bit of a chuckle. The laughter felt distant, like he’d wanted to joke around but the worry of where his boyfriend was still clung to every word he said. His eye’s never left the doorway however, even while he spoke to the god he kept his gaze fixated on that spot, watching as the passersby’s made their way across the platform going off towards their own little destinations. Their steps didn’t make waves, not in the world full of Demi-gods. They were trickles, leading lives of bliss while a car full of teenagers worried if their next breath would be their last as they sped their way towards a trap in an attempt to save the world while the rest of the humans simply sat at home or their job fully unaware of the circumstances surrounding their fate. Demi wondered for a moment if there was any equivalent that was happening in the real world. If their own choices were reflected across the mist to give off early signs so that the humans could venture off away from the danger. Either way Alexios and these thoughts were a welcome distraction as worry seeped its way inside his bones.

Cassian followed behind Alexios as he navigated his way through the train car. ”It’s one type of train, yeah. There’s other kinds and even nicer ones for passengers too. I’ve always wanted to ride one of those, they serve food inside the dining cars, have great viewing windows to watch the scenery pass by, and some even still do murder mysteries inside of them. There’s not much partying on those, but they're still fun I hear.” He heard the doors close behind them as they made their way through the car. Figured it was best not to let a god simply wander around all by himself, that and he didn’t exactly want to find company with the others right now. Janelle still seemed heated over what had happened, Demi was too busy being a worry wart, and Kris was with Janelle. The whole while he moved across he didn't see Zeke or Nancy once. He began to wonder what the chances were that they would go on a different car, after all they should be able to travel freely between the cars so they could always check later.

The doors shut, and suddenly the train felt so enclosed. Demi’s chest tightened, he hadn’t seen Zeke get on the train. He quickly got up and began to move through the car, wedging his way past anyone who would get in his way as he attempted to find the pair of missing demi-gods. Each step grew more and more frantic as he came closer to the realization that they were leaving without him and Nancy. Emotions tore him apart until nausea hit hard making him want to vomit. Yet he could hear Kristins voice loud and clear. He shot her a glare, almost as if she was taunting him, like she was glad those two were missing. ”No! Zeke and Nancy aren’t here” Demi spat the words like venom at her before hearing Cassian’s voice in the background talking about gods knew what. His eyes narrowed at his target, the one who’d lied to him and told him that they’d be fine. That they’d be here. ”You! You did this.” It didn’t matter that Zeke and Nancy had missed the train on their own accord. Demi didn’t know, and right now he needed someone to project his feelings of hurt on and Cassian happened to be the most likely target for assuring him earlier they’d be on board.

Cassian heard the growl of Demetris voice coming from behind him, all he could do was turn and look before suddenly his world view had changed. He didn’t know what had gotten into Demetri, but whatever it was wasn’t good. Just as Cass turned to look towards the demigods way, he was met with a rapid strike to his jaw and an immediate sting of pain. He fell down towards the ground, one hand firmly grasping the spot that was just hit before failing to block another blow. Demetri punched him square in the face, causing his head to knock back and hit against the train floor. ”what the hell is your problem man? What did I do?” ”You lied to me. You said he’d be alright, that he’d be here, that he was close by. He’s not here!” Demi’s words were full of anger and pain, tears welling up and dripping down his cheeks and onto Cassian’s face as he reared back another punch. Cassian flinched, unable to use his powers to help the situation for himself. As Demi saw him flinch, he felt guilt wring his heart. He felt like one of the many bullies he’d had to deal with in his own life. The punch stopped, as Demi stood up and made his way to a seat and began to cry.

Matthew Madigan

Location: Rapunzel's Tower

Everything was so hectic back at the tower. It almost made Maddie miss the forest they were just in. Colby rushed off and helped with the flowers, grabbing the alcohol, and giving it to them before he left the tower again. It was no wonder he hadn’t answered his question, there were easily more pressing matters to attend to than his own worries about what had happened back in the forest. He understood Cassi was injured, but too many chefs could spoil the pot. He had no real medical know how anyways so being around there he’d just be dead weight. So Maddie waited outside, watching as Layla and Jack exchanged a laptop between them. He didn’t think that this world had that kind of technology, but the idea of Maleficent having to recall her windows password for the third time this week did give him a funny visual.

When he saw that Colby had made his way back out of the tower he gave him a bit of a smirk as he looked past him into the tower. ” What's the matter? Don't tell me you’re squeamish” Maddie teased as the poked Colbys side slightly to tickle him. ”You can handle skeletons, guards, and giant bears but not a bit of blood?” A grin spread across his face before nodding towards Jack and Layla. ”So, what do you think is on that laptop? Any chance Maleficent put all her plans on a floppy disk that we can easily trash to foil her plot?”
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: Basic Spellcraft
Current Outfit: Header Image

Guin fully snapped. Max blinked as he watched basically everything she’d seemed to be holding in since this whole ordeal started finally coming out and directed at him. That’s fine, he was used to it. Sunshine used him as a punching bag plenty of times, but if that’s what it took to finally light a fire under her ass and act like the leader everyone seemed to think she was then so be it. At first he was worried that anything that came out would simply be useless or redundant. After all, knowing what the inside team was doing wasn’t a plan, it was knowledge to be used to help formulate a plan. One that, if Guin noticed or not, had finally been made. There was a small smirk tugging the corner of his lips as she went on. ”Good. So we’re friendly and only attack if provoked. Don't go guns blazing and send up a flare once grouped up so that the other team can leave post haste. Improvise as needed and press forward without any secondary objectives. Now that's a plan.” Max was genuinely pleased to see her taking her role more seriously. Sure they functioned differently back at the MU, but one thing was the same, a divided leader meant a divided team and that was how you lost people.

”Soooo do I blink now or later? Joking, but to be clear, I don’t hate any of you. Hell I barely know most of you and even then it was from a life that never was with a past that didn’t exist so I knew even less then. I’m hoping we can just stroll in and help those taken, but I’m not naive and I know Magneto will do what he feels is right to defend his ideals. Either way I'm not
nevermind” Max wanted to say he wouldn’t fail Ed again, but as far as they knew he hadn’t yet. He only saw the future. He stayed relatively quiet after that, lost in thought as he watched Lance and Jaclyn try to calm the tension down that was created by him and Guin. The ramp finally lowered down and Pietro took no time in zipping out of there. If he knew any better he’d say that he was claustrophobic, then again it was like a pet in a small cage, he had nowhere to run on a ship. He began to make his way towards the ramp, catching a glimpse of Jaclyn’s nod towards him after she told the others to stay safe. It was comforting to see someone who seemed to be caring amongst this group of mutants. ”You too. Maybe after all this we can have proper introductions.”

Lance’s complaint about a headache hadn't gone unnoticed though. Max felt a bit bad that he’d helped to exacerbate the issue. He’d hardly healed people, and the need only really arrised when M-pox had broken out and Jame’s was being stretched thin as the only healing mutant alongside Sapphires medical know how. He made his way towards the Hulks kid, extending a hand out as a small portion of his magic swirled around Lance’s head before it vanished. Being a mutant sorcerer, Max could tell when his spells landed or fiddled away. This was neither, it worked but not enough to relieve him of his symptoms only make them more tolerable. Max wrung the hem of his shirt as he looked towards Lance before glancing towards the station. ”Sorry, my healing isn't as good as Ed’s. I'm still new at that part of my magic, wish i could help more than that for your headache.”

Maxamillian Gray

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A
Spells: Crimson Bands of Cyttorak, Flames of Faltine, Tnus itcaf assim, Basic Spellcraft

Wind rushed past his face as Max held on for dear life. His teeth were grit as he held on silently, full glad he had goggles and a mouth guard on. He didn't want to know what kind of insects flew about in Limbo. The only sound he could hear was the flap of his cloak within the wind, watching as Klara
did something with the horses. Honestly it was difficult to tell with everything that was going on, after all what did a magical Asgardian child do when faced with this dilemma? As he glided on through, Carolina’s words rang throughout his head. Then you joined the X-Men. He hadn’t told anyone about that thought yet, hell he’d hardly had a chance to think on it in the last month. But it seemed that this version of Carolina existed further into his future. Interesting. Clearly this meant that Ben would be more receptive to the idea of him joining and having Dorian school there in his formative years until they could find out if he did or didn’t have the X-gene. Max had always been worried that Ben would object to it. After all no one in the household had any love for the X-men, nor did they have any for Charles himself. They saw how he treated his own son, yet Max knew this would be the best place to give his kid exposure to mutants while also getting top grade schooling. And if and when he presented with the gene then it’d be in a safe environment free from flatscans that could overreact.

There was a brief ease inside of Max, knowing that things would play out smoothly in the end. Until then gravity was to take effect. The ground quickly closed its distance towards Max as he face planted for the second time today inside of Limbo. The dry red dirt scraped against the metallic spikes of his mask as dust kicked up and coated the lens of his goggles and hair. He laid there for a moment, tired of all of this already before finally deciding to get up and dust himself off while he looked at Klara and the two horses before him. Max hadn’t noticed the trail vanishing around him, nor had he realized how in trouble Carolina was, all he knew was that for now Klara was safe. Or at least as safe as a child could be inside of Limbo. ”Oh you know, just checking the gravity is all. Yup still works.” he said with a bit of a chuckle towards Klara before letting out a small amount of magic to help heal some of the scratches he’d gotten from the fall. ”We should really try and find Carolina now though
I don't like the idea of any of us getting separated inside of this place.” Max placed his hands on his hips, taking a look around the maze they were in as an odd feeling began to sink into him. Even here he felt so

He looked behind himself, towards the direction that he had just come from to see if he could spy Carolina in the distance. Maybe she was a slow runner? After all, he knew she held no real magic, or at the very least none that she displayed while over in Wanda’s reality. That was when he had noticed the changes in scenery. The horse's tracks had vanished, same with the chariot's wheel marks and even the small dig he’d made when he landed. All gone and reset anew. How was she supposed to find them now? Panic welled up inside him for a moment, though he didn’t show it. After all, the parenting book he’d read said that kids will mimic the parents' emotional state and while he wasn’t Klara’s father, he didn’t want for her to begin to panic only because he was. Before he could say anything, both because he wasn’t sure how to phrase it while also stalling for time, Max noticed a figure above head. It was Carolina, and he’d let out a small sigh of relief as he watched her descend towards them. Sure she seemed mad and was giving Max a look that said she would feed him to the hedges herself if he left her again, but he was glad all the same to see she had managed it out. ”Wouldn’t recommend it, no. Separating in Limbo is like asking to have a bad time. It’s why it was important I caught up with Klara. Swords however
” Max snapped his fingers and cosmic energy swirled in the palms of all three of them, shaping into a dark double edged sword with a gothic handguard. It looked like something out of a Sailor Moon episode that the villains of the week might use, and honestly? He wasn’t mad about it.

”Well if making our way through quickly is the goal, then I might be able to help. I haven’t tried this spell on a demonic man eating plants before but
here’s hoping.” Max typically used his own conjured flames when in battle, having not had the teachings of Strange under his belt until now. He’d heard of a spell with more powerful flames, mystic ones conjured from a dimension of fire that were said to burn hotter to the point of being capable of breaking enchantments or even ridding others of illness or poisons. Max had never used the spell for those purposes, but it always helped to read the erratas and see the full capabilities of anything you learned, especially when the warnings came after the spellwork. He held his hand out, scorching flames flowing out of his palm and towards the nearest hedge, holding it there for a moment as he hoped to burn straight towards the center of the maze. But after about a minute of flames, when he’d finally let go of the spell nothing had happened. The hedges showed no sign the fire had ever even been present. ”By the Flames of the Faltine! These hedges won't even burn! Suppose we need to take the chariot then and just hack anything that tries to get us on the way.”
Dorian Gray

Location: Training Room B
Skills: First Day Fit

Dorian’s beaming smile faltered for a moment as Zelda offered a different course of action. Not because he disliked her or the plan she offered, no, it was because the gears in his head grinded off to a halt as he began to take in the new information he was given by her as he attempted to think about what she’d just said. She was right, his plan was more complicated than hers, but he was purposely trying to keep her part in it as simple as possible given how little faith she had in her powers. But
a bridge to just
walk down there? It could work, easily, what’s more was that it required little to no effort on her part as long as she didn't try to get fancy with it. Hell she could even make a slide to help expedite the process. But before he could offer that counter idea, she’d already begun to make use of her powers and he audibly gasped in amazement as she did. Sure it didn’t stretch the whole length down but
hey she could make more as they went on right? He was about to place a foot on it when cracks began to appear, small hairline fractures spider webbing across the construct before the entire thing just shattered like glass. His foot went back a step, turning his head to look past Danni so that he could tell Zelda it was ok and that they could just try again. But it was too late. Zelda had somehow managed to get free from the bindings and was off with a start.

Danni began to fiddle with the rope himself, trying to break himself apart from Dorian but failing to do so. Dorian rolled his eyes, wondering if Danni had forgotten that he could just phase out of them if needed. Unfortunately for him however, Danni’s quick temper and short processing time meant that they were already off and racing after Zelda while still bound to each other like a three legged race. All he could do was shout and protest for a few seconds before finally giving in and following along with Danni’s plan. With any luck Percy’s powers would malfunction and they'd still have some time to go back and finish the race. He was about to phase out of the ropes himself, opting to quickly do the course in ghost mode while Danni sorted Zelda out, but as soon as they crossed the threshold of the door, it was as if Dorian had forgotten why they had left in the first place. His mind was muddled, he looked down at the bindings on him and Danni and saw Zelda’s were undone as she stood a bit away with clear worry in her eyes. Firestar was with them and threatening Disciplinary action when Dorian just stood there blinking slightly trying to grab anything to tell him what the hell happened.

It was too late, the memory was gone and he had little to nothing to work with. Lucky for him however, Firestar had asked for a note and as fate would have it, Dorian carried one such thing of beauty with him whenever he left his dorm for class. Couldn’t be caught roaming the halls without a plan C after all. ”Oh uh, ‘old on
” He managed to mutter out as he began to pat himself down searching for the damned thing. Finally he found it tucked inside his short shorts back pocket as he pulled it out and handed it over to Firestar for inspection. ”Zelds ‘ere is a freshman on our team. She’s ‘aving a bit of a ‘ard time wit’ it and when she left class in a panic we got permission to go ahead and chase after ‘er. We wanted to make sure t’at she was ok, t’at she feels welcome ‘ere at good ol AA, and t’at she understands t’at no matter what t’ere will always be people in her corner rooting for ‘er and ‘elping ‘er accomplish ‘er dreams. After all t’at’s why we’re all ‘ere isn't it? To reach our dreams?” Dorain hadn’t the foggiest idea why the hell they were in that hallway and why Zelda seemed so freaked out, but he knew that most teachers loved comradery and the idea of reaching out to the freshman in need so Dorian played into that.

Dorian nudged April as they sat down into the car, giving her a nod as if to ask them what's up? He figured now wasn’t the place to talk openly, their driver seemed like the chatty type who’d be willing to sing for a few credits. But it was clear something had grabbed their attention if even for a moment. Then again, it could just be time playing tricks on them again. He didn’t have long to focus on these thoughts as the driver made his way like a taxi out of hell. Zipping this way and that in between spaces so tight he figured the man might actually be a geometry major with how narrow those calculations were. As soon as they broke through the tunnel, Dorian tapped the side of his earpiece, having half his helmet come out as a sort of respirator. Covering his nose and mouth to filter out the horrid stench that clung to the air of this planet.

He watched as the curtain above moved, wondering if someone was onto them, perhaps a ravager who’d caught wind of what’d happened back on the belt. Dorian tried not to dwell on it. ”I genuinely don't see ‘ow you could miss t’is place. We can ‘ardly breat’e ‘ere, let alone stand wit’out gettin’ shoved around like Yank in Time Square.” He followed behind Danni, keeping a close eye to those who may come near them as they approached. Danni got one thing right, this methane dump was practically hell, but even Limbo sounded more pleasant than this place was. He took in the environment, finding one of the tables was acceptable enough from a defensible position in the event of a show down like what Hans had. ”Sure, just get me a drink while youre at it chere.” Dorian said as he began to make his way towards the empty table.

The scene reminded him like something out of the Fifth Element. It’d been years since he saw it, recalling when his dad had made them all see it as he claimed it was a classic. The place was nothing near as glamorous as the opera house with the Diva, but the scene still felt the same. An impossible voice sung by an alien woman in a room that would captivate the audience yet escape them all the same. He couldn’t help but wonder if the melancholy feeling of her song was because she was being held captive by whoever was upstairs being guarded. Clearly a high profile client, and one that Dorian was now itching to know.

Demetri Rowan Howell Cassian Rudenko

Location: Limbo
Skills: N/A

”Thanks, Demi helped a ton really. I was a bit lost in there since the bathroom was basically out of stock for everything.” Cassian replied back towards Alexios’s comment. He hadn’t bothered keeping and eye out for Zeke or Nancy as they approached the train. Out of the six of them, he figured those two were the least foolish enough to stay out in a pair of two while on a quest. Every demigod knew the rule of three, it was good luck, or at the very least safer for them to be in three’s. Too many demigods and monsters were drawn to you like flies to honey, too little and you were easy bait. At least that's the way he saw it. As the approached the train, he spotted Janelle and Kristin boarding the train before the announcement had gone off for their departure.

Demetri on the other hand wasn’t as cool. He kept expecting to run into Zeke or Nancy at some point during the walk back, and not once had he spotted them. When they’d finally reached the station, he halted at the threshold to enter as he looked around aimlessly for them. ”Wait, Zeke and Nancy aren’t here. We need to go look for them.” Concern littered his face as he thought of a dozen different scenarios in which the pair may have been either hurt or taken by some new monster attempting to stop them from completing the quest. He began to walk away from the train when he felt a hand against his arm, squeezing his bicep to keep him halted in place. He turned to see Cassian, a calm expr ession on his face as he looked towards him.

”They’re probably already on the train. That, or they’re still having a chat. We weren’t too far off from the tracks, I’m sure they heard the announcement and will be heading back anytime now. So let's just wait for them on the train, ok?” Cassian didn’t know if any of that was true or not. But the last thing they needed was one of the Big Three to be wandering around a train station all by themselves. He’d done it so often already that he was lucky a goddess was around to keep the monsters at bay. This time however, he didn’t think Demetri would be so lucky.

Demi blinked, his shoulders shrinking back as he looked towards the floor. ”Yeah you’re right. They’re the ones that kept warning me of the dangers of going off alone. If I did it again I'm sure I'd get an ear full. Let's just
head inside.” Demi seemed a bit defeated, worry still hanging over him as he stepped onto the train and found a seat nearby where he could watch the doors. With any luck Zeke would step through any moment now and he could run up and give him a huge hug.
Maximillian Gray

Location: Space, the final frontier
Skills: (clothing creation)
Current Outfit: Header Image

Max bit his tongue at Guin’s initial comment. The idea of billing him for anything was laughable as he neither had any money, nor was he above just conjuring some up to placate her at the moment. Her mention of Genosha however hit him hard. It wasn’t that he no longer thought of himself as a Genoshan, more so that Genosha was its people, and ideal that persisted across mutantkind that understood what it was to be a part of it. She used the word like venom, and a massive part of him wanted her to wash out her mouth as she didn’t deserve to even speak its name at the moment. He thought back to what Neckra had said to Neil, asking him where he was when Genosha fell, and Max couldn’t help but wonder once more where any of them were when mutantkind truly needed them. The question burned inside of him as the conversation continued on past the point while Lance circled around the structure and Max couldn’t help but take it all in in awe. The place was huge, and even Pietro had to admit it would take him a bit longer than originally thought to make a clean sweep of the place.

He pressed his back against a wall, thinking, listening to Miranda as she spoke. She wasn’t wrong. Every skill needed to be at play here if they wanted to pull of a successful rescue, but the issue was he didn’t know what everyones skill was, nor did anyone seem too keen to talk about themselves. This group seemed to think plans came second and actions first, each one pushing the idea of coming up with something further and further back as if a plan would magically appear out of thin air for them as they paraded around Magneto’s newest toy. Thankfully Jaclyn gave Max something to do, having chosen a weapon he was actually very well acquainted with. It was enough to keep him from snapping all together towards Carolina and Guin both. He pushed himself off of the wall, looking towards Jaclyn as he took her height and build into question before a swirl of magic danced across the air. A long strand of mystical energy floated between the pair before Max grasped it and it fully formed into a bo staff. ”I’ve actually always favored this weapon myself. This ones made for your height, so it should feel natural to you.” He said as he offered it towards Jaclyn.

After that he was quiet for a moment. Taking in a deep breath before exhaling it out slowly. He didn't bother to look at Carolina, trying hard not to cause a fight. ”Listen. I get that a bulk of you dislike me, and the rest don't even know me, but I opened the floor for anyone to make any sort of plan and no one said much. We needed something, and Guin’s clearly busy trying to keep a strenuous connection through space towards your active leader. So someone had to make some semblance of a plan so that we aren’t just running in there with no sense of direction. If Guin has a better plan, I'd love to hear it, really. But till then
I dunno” Max had no real polite way to say shut the fuck up unless you have something constructive to say. So he ended it at that with a shrug of his shoulders. ”Either way we’re here. Follow a plan, don't follow a plan, do as you wish. I’m just here to help with the search and rescue.” He knew now wasn't Ed’s time, and Carolina had come from somewhere amongst this future, but he didn’t know exactly where. What he did know was that he wanted to ensure the safety of Neil and Ed by any means necessary.

✧ Location: Snakeburrow Woods ✧ Purse: 4 copper ✧ Interactions: ✧

Ermes sat on the ground a small distance away from where they were camping, a blue glow emanating softly about a foot away. His cheeks were wet from tears that had long passed as he spoke silently so that the others couldn’t hear him. He didn’t need anyone knowing about his nightly habits, nor did he care to open up to them about his past. These moments, the ones stolen under the moonlight and frozen in time, they were his to have and no one else’s. He’d finished drawing the image of Cerric’s squiggly mass that was meant to represent aether, looking up at the ghostly visage of his parents as he tried his best to explain to them what he had learned about himself on this short trek so far. What he’d done and accomplished since the night before, and more about those who he was traveling with as he began to piece a few more bits of knowledge together. As he spoke to them, a loud thud resonated out within the calm night air, followed by a voice he hadn’t recognized. Instantly the two ghosts vanished, the faint light they let out now snuffed as Ermes was once again cloaked in shadows. He peered over the brush that covered him, watching as his allies began to rouse one by one, the illusion of himself sleeping still placed where he had gone to rest. He watched as Ceolfric made his way to confront the voice that he’d heard earlier, Lillian at his opposite ready to strike if need be.

With as many people distracted as possible, Ermes dropped his hold on the illusion, the image simply fading away as he began to skulk throughout the woods. Each step was carefully taken, making sure to avoid any twigs or branches that might give his position away too early. He was used to this, to the stealth, the stalking, the shadows that covered him and blended perfectly with his ever moving hair. He’d snuck up on plenty of people during the day time, and tonight would be no different. It was as the voice had said, a man lay on the ground, the stench of alcohol littering the man as he walked past him. Strangely enough there didn’t appear to be a single container, flask, or otherwise where they would’ve had such drinks. Ermes knelt down next to the man Ceolfric was interrogating, opening the bag that lay on the ground and rummaging through its contents. ”All that’s in here are just traveling supplies. Nothing out of the ordinary except
how did your friend here get drunk when neither of you have a single ounce of alcohol on you?” His tone was flat and solemn as always, no real sense of alarm present in his speech as he stood up next to the man before kicking his pack away from them in the event he’d missed something crucial.
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